Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

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Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#1 Post by franktangredi » Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:45 am

Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

Identify the 100 movies in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 trios according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Twenty movies will be used twice, each time in a different capacity.

1. The giant chicken was a man in a chicken suit, but the bear was real; the boot was made of licorice, but the dinner rolls were real.

2. “All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I f**k like you wanna f**k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.”

3. The family in this film classic were played by a factory worker who had brought his son to audition, a journalist who had come to interview the director, and a little boy who was in the crowd watching the filming.

4. “This is twice in two days that a chick has OD'd on me!”
“Well, do you think this means that maybe ya oughta think about getting some new sh*t? Whaddya ya think?”

5. The title character was played by Keiko, and he sadly died only seventeen months after someone finally did for him what the title of the movie demanded.

6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”

7. Kathryn Grayson reported that, during the filming of this movie, her co-star kept trying to French kiss her – after eating garlic – as they sang a duet from Madame Butterfly.

8. “You see it, God, you see it. The innocent child's death and my revenge. You allowed it. I don't understand you. Yet now I beg your forgiveness. I know no other way to be reconciled with my own hands. I know no other way to live.”

9. “The sickest film of the year" according to Gene Siskel, it was – rather surprisingly – inspired by the movie in the preceding clue.

10. “I am a man who has never tied his own shoes before!”
“Wrong. You are a prince who has never tied his shoes. Believe me, I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience.”

11. A sequel to Disney’s most popular Silly Symphony, it gave the title role to the villain of the original film.

12. “I'm sick of these artificial barriers between the musical and the drama. In my mind, there is no difference between the magic rhythms of Bill Shakespeare's immortal verse and the magic rhythms of Bill Robinson's immortal feet.”

13. One reviewer called this 2016 horror-thriller "an impressive script-flip from the 1967 classic Wait Until Dark.

14. “S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!”

15. It was the first film adapted from a Hemingway novel, and its leading man also starred in the second.

16. “We can get together, once in a while, way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, but....”
“Once in a while? Every four f**kin' years?”
“If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.”

17. A materialistic young woman becomes engaged to a rich industrialist … but while stranded in a remote village, she finds true love with a rugged sailor. No it’s not a Hallmark Christmas movie, it’s this 1945 British film classic.

18. “Quiet, please, quiet! Well, sir, here we are again. We've had quite a time of it lately, but it seems that the worst of it is over. ‘Course, the fireworks all blew up, but we can't very well blame that on you”.

19. This low-budget 1986 sex comedy was the first feature film of one of the most influential directors of modern times.

20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”

21. The second film in which Christopher Lee played one of his signature roles, he claimed that the reason he didn’t have any dialogue is because he refused to speak the lines as written, but the screenwriter claimed it was because he didn’t write any dialogue for the character in the first place.

22. “Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat sh*t! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!”

23. The protagonist of this film was the real-life daughter of the writer who created roles that were played on screen by Wolverine and the Wolf Man’s dad.

24. “First was your firecracker, a harmless explosive. Then your hand grenade: you began to kill your own people, a few at a time. Then the bomb. Then a larger bomb: many people are killed at one time. Then your scientists stumbled upon the atom bomb, split the atom. Then the hydrogen bomb, where you actually explode the air itself. Now you can arrange the total destruction of the entire universe served by our sun. The only explosion left is the Solaranite.”

25. This satire – by a director who had previously helmed two hit films starring a popular musical group – featured a member of that group in his only non-singing role.

26. “The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.”
“Well, how did the poison get in the wine?”
“Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor.”

27. This was the first foreign language film to gross more than $100 million in the United States.

28. “Remember the funny movie where the dog died?”

29. The director of this 1922 film intended it to run more than six hours and be shown over two nights – which was still shorter than the original cut of his next movie.

30. “In the harshest place on Earth loves finds a way. This is the incredible true story of a family's journey to bring life into the world.”

31. Many scenes in this wartime actioner were filmed on location at Austria’s Hohenwerfen Castle.

32. “I tried the rehab thing. I tried it. But it didn't work, Didn't work. It works for some people. My ex-girlfriend is getting married. That's how it works for some people. Right? Didn't work for me. The kids keep me focused.”

33. This 1936 movie was based on a controversial hit play, but the Hays Office insisted that a major plot point of the play be changed … and that it could not even use the title of the original.

34. “How come you don't wear gloves?”
“How 'bout 'cause they're not needed? Castrate fifteen hundred head, then nick your thumb on the last.”

35. This Terrence Mallick film shared several characters with an animated Disney movie released ten years earlier.

36. “Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.”

37. This 1985 comedy shares its title with the debut single of a popular female singer, released two years earlier. (The song was released, not the singer.)

38. “I'm a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin'- tootin', shootin', parachutin' demolition double-cap crimpin' frogman.”

39. This movie about Yorkshire sheep farmers has inevitably been compared to the film in Clue #16.

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”

41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.

42. “Don't lose your head!”
“I've got my head, I've lost my leopard!”

43. This lower-than-low-budget horror movie was made on a bet … the villain was played by an actor who was on LSD for most of the shoot … most of the cast snuck out of the premiere in El Paso so nobody would know they were associated with it … and it was promptly forgotten until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gave it a new lease on life.

44. “What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.”
“Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different thangs. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are.”

45. This film was a prequel to one of David Lynch’s most popular works.

46. “You're looking so well, darling, you really are ... they've done a marvelous job. I don't know what sort of cream they've put on you down at the morgue, but I want some.”

47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.

48. “Do you have contempt for your government?”
“I'll tell you, Mr. Schultz, it's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.”

49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.

50. “Nobody's missing a porpoise. It's a dolphin that's been taken. The common harbor porpoise has an abrupt snout, pointed teeth and a triangular thoracic fin. While the bottlenose dolphin, or Tursiops truncates, has an elongated beak, round cone shaped teeth and a serrated dorsal appendage. But I'm sure you already knew that. That's what turns me on about 'cha, your attention to detail.”

51. Performers featured in this concert documentary included Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Mamas and the Papas, Jimi Hendrix, and the Who.

52. “We do not and cannot accept the principle that incompetence justifies dismissal. That is victimisation.”

53. The subject of this biopic was a supporting character in the movie in Clue #49.

54. “The next time you strike an Indian for any reason whatsoever, it is you who is going to be sent away. They are different from us, they don't understand! And besides that, it could be very dangerous for us all.”
“Do you want Billy seeing their filthy tricks?”
“It will not seem filthy to him unless we make it so. Honey, it is very natural.”
“Natural? And if one of those nasty little savages puts a hand on him?”
“Then he might enjoy it.”

55. Adding a bit of beefcake to Jules Verne, this movie got both a clean-cut American pop star and an Icelandic Olympian to strip to the waist.

56. “Push the button, Max.”

57. Reviewing this heavily fictionalized 1968 biopic about a self-confessed serial killer, Roger Ebert wrote, “This film, which was made so well, should not have been made at all.”

58. “Peace of mind! I have no peace of mind. I've had no peace of mind since we lost America. Forests, old as the world itself ... meadows ... plains. .. strange delicate flowers ... immense solitudes ... and all nature new to art ... all ours ... Mine. Gone. A paradise ... lost.”

59. Robert Altman adapted this film from a play he had previously directed on Broadway with largely the same cast.

60. “I'm ashamed of you! I am so ashamed of you!”
“Why do you always take their side? I worked hard for this motel and I am not running a charity!”
“Anil, you have become American.”
“So what? I'm living in America! You don't like it? Then go back to India!”

61. This classic caper film gave a considerable boost to the careers of two Italian leading men.

62. “For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex.”

63. The undead in this British horror film originally appeared on a double bill with the vampire in Clue #21.

64. “That's probably the prettiest speech you ever made. And in case I don't see you aga- … well, for a little while. I just want to tell you, it's been lovely, every bit of it, the whole 50 years.”

65. Felisha apparently got the message; she didn’t show up for either the sequel or this sequel to the sequel.

66. “If it were not for your job, we would not have thrown our plans out the window, rushed around at the last minute and settled on this f**king trip! We would be at home, in the middle of our hectic lives, which right now sounds like heaven to me. And in a month's time, seven months ago, we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place, and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!”

67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

68. “Screw the Oscars. Screw the Academy Awards. Screw me, Sidney. Please. Please.”

69. The feat Fred and Ginger performed in this movie would be duplicated 18 years later by Gene Kelly.

70. “The war has come down to the two of us.”

71. Three years before this movie was released, the play on which it was based revolutionized the British theater – and gave its name to a whole movement on stage and screen.

72. “Ain't you got a drink in the house?”
“Well, not before breakfast, dear. ”
“I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink. ”
“I know Tom, but I wish that.... ”
“There you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well, so that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya. ”
“Well, maybe you've found someone you like better.”

73. The real-life murder and scandal depicted in this film were a contributing factor in the Revolution of 1848.

74. “It's great to live by the spirit, to testify day by day for eternity, only what's spiritual in people's minds. But sometimes I'm fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above I'd like to feel a weight grow in me to end the infinity and to tie me to earth.”

75. Notable for its nightclub and orphanage scenes, it was first film to employ the stop-motion genius of Ray Harryhausen.

76. “We've met before, haven't we?”
“I don't think so. Where is it you think we've met? ”
“At your house. Don't you remember? ”
“No. No, I don't. ”
“In the East, the Far East, when a person is sentenced to death, they're sent to a place where they can't escape, never knowing when an executioner may step up behind them, and fire a bullet into the back of their head. ”
“What's going on? ”
“It's been a pleasure talking to you.”

77. When Peter Sellers suffered a heart attack, Billy Wilder recast his role in this movie with Ray Walston.

78. “Hey, Grandma! I brought a little bunny rabbit for you! Ta have!”

79. This 1990 British comedy marks the point where Some Like It Hot meets Sister Act.

80. “Seven simple rules of going into hiding: one, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway. Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again. Four, never give your real name. Five, if ever asked to look at yourself, don’t. Six, never do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And finally seven, never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.”

81. The real-life subject of this sports biopic called the actress who played her a ‘snot’ and stated she would much rather have had Jamie Lee Curtis in the role.

82. “You perform abortions, don't you?”
“That's not what I do, dear. That's what you call it. But they need help. Who else they got to turn to? No one. I help them out.”

83. This look at Beatlemania was the first feature film by a future Oscar-winning director.

84. “You bet that you'll be alive tomorrow at 9 o'clock and we bet that you'll be dead. Okay?”

85. An adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize-winning play, this 1948 film was set almost entirely in Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon.

86. “You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya.”

87. This film earned its leading lady her only Oscar nomination. (Apparently, she should have made more movies in which she deliberately let crippled adolescent boys drown.)

88. “A creator who hates his own creation. A hidden key: a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past. And the key of Jade will be yours at last.”

89. No Oscar winner for Best Picture was adapted from an older novel than this one.

90. “I know I gave him four threes. He had to make a switch. We can't let him get away with that.”
“What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?”

91. In this film by one of the world’s greatest directors, his favorite actor temporarily gave up sword fighting for running a shoe factory.

92. “I'm engaged.”
“Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?”
“I am!”

93. This 1934 film was a sequel to a 1928 silent classic by the same director, focusing on the same beleaguered married couple, but played by different actors.

94. “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'.”

95. In one of the most moving moments in Oscar history, the two antagonists featured in this sports film came up to the stage together when it was named Best Documentary Feature.

96. “I didn't want to be born. You didn't want me to be born. It's been a calamity on both sides.”

97. In one of the hardest scenes to watch in film history, the once-proud protagonist of this movie crows like a rooster.

98. “You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah ... a tall angry fellow with contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then: f**k off!”

99. This film – the third on this list by the same director – used actual borstal boys as extras in some scenes.

100. “Dear Lord, we've come to the end of our journey. In a little while, we will stand before you. I pray for you to be merciful. Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love, and open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.”
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#2 Post by littlebeast13 » Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:00 am

14. “S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!”


37. This 1985 comedy shares its title with the debut single of a popular female singer, released two years earlier. (The song was released, not the singer.)

Girls Just To Have Fun?

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”

Sounds like HOME ALONE

41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.

Whatever movie "When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going" was from (Danny Devito even plays some great fake sax)
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#3 Post by kroxquo » Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:30 am

Identify the 100 movies in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 trios according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Twenty movies will be used twice, each time in a different capacity.

2. “All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I f**k like you wanna f**k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.”

Fight Club?

5. The title character was played by Keiko, and he sadly died only seventeen months after someone finally did for him what the title of the movie demanded.

Free Willy

6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”

16 Candles

20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

24. “First was your firecracker, a harmless explosive. Then your hand grenade: you began to kill your own people, a few at a time. Then the bomb. Then a larger bomb: many people are killed at one time. Then your scientists stumbled upon the atom bomb, split the atom. Then the hydrogen bomb, where you actually explode the air itself. Now you can arrange the total destruction of the entire universe served by our sun. The only explosion left is the Solaranite.”

Plan 9 From Outer Space

25. This satire – by a director who had previously helmed two hit films starring a popular musical group – featured a member of that group in his only non-singing role.

How I Won the War?

26. “The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.”
“Well, how did the poison get in the wine?”
“Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor.”

Arsenic and Old Lace

27. This was the first foreign language film to gross more than $100 million in the United States.

Life Is Beautiful?

31. Many scenes in this wartime actioner were filmed on location at Austria’s Hohenwerfen Castle.

Where Eagles Dare

34. “How come you don't wear gloves?”
“How 'bout 'cause they're not needed? Castrate fifteen hundred head, then nick your thumb on the last.”

The Power of the Dog

35. This Terrence Mallick film shared several characters with an animated Disney movie released ten years earlier.

The New World

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”

Home Alone

41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.

The Jewel of the Nile

43. This lower-than-low-budget horror movie was made on a bet … the villain was played by an actor who was on LSD for most of the shoot … most of the cast snuck out of the premiere in El Paso so nobody would know they were associated with it … and it was promptly forgotten until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gave it a new lease on life.

Manos The Hands of Fate?

45. This film was a prequel to one of David Lynch’s most popular works.

Fire Walk With Me

47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.


48. “Do you have contempt for your government?”
“I'll tell you, Mr. Schultz, it's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.”

Billy Bathgate?

49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.

The Aviator?

56. “Push the button, Max.”

The Great Race

57. Reviewing this heavily fictionalized 1968 biopic about a self-confessed serial killer, Roger Ebert wrote, “This film, which was made so well, should not have been made at all.”

The Boston Strangler

66. “If it were not for your job, we would not have thrown our plans out the window, rushed around at the last minute and settled on this f**king trip! We would be at home, in the middle of our hectic lives, which right now sounds like heaven to me. And in a month's time, seven months ago, we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place, and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!”

Open Water?

67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Cinderella Man

78. “Hey, Grandma! I brought a little bunny rabbit for you! Ta have!”

Little Red Riding Rabbit ( I have to admit I looked up the title, but that Red Riding Hood always cracked me up)

81. The real-life subject of this sports biopic called the actress who played her a ‘snot’ and stated she would much rather have had Jamie Lee Curtis in the role.

Heart Like a Wheel?

83. This look at Beatlemania was the first feature film by a future Oscar-winning director.

Hard Day's Night

89. No Oscar winner for Best Picture was adapted from an older novel than this one.

Tom Jones

90. “I know I gave him four threes. He had to make a switch. We can't let him get away with that.”
“What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?”

The Sting

92. “I'm engaged.”
“Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?”
“I am!”

Some Like It Hot

94. “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'.”

A Funny Thing happened On The Way To The Forum

95. In one of the most moving moments in Oscar history, the two antagonists featured in this sports film came up to the stage together when it was named Best Documentary Feature.

When We Were Kings
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#4 Post by Bob78164 » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:07 pm

I'm thinking 4 is PULP FICTION. --Bob
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#5 Post by mrkelley23 » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:26 pm

franktangredi wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:45 am
Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

Identify the 100 movies in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 trios according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Twenty movies will be used twice, each time in a different capacity.

1. The giant chicken was a man in a chicken suit, but the bear was real; the boot was made of licorice, but the dinner rolls were real.

The Gold Rush?

5. The title character was played by Keiko, and he sadly died only seventeen months after someone finally did for him what the title of the movie demanded.

Free Willy?

6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”

Sixteen Candles

11. A sequel to Disney’s most popular Silly Symphony, it gave the title role to the villain of the original film.

The Big Bad Wolf?

14. “S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!”

The Mask, I think

20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

23. The protagonist of this film was the real-life daughter of the writer who created roles that were played on screen by Wolverine and the Wolf Man’s dad.

The Story of Adele H.

25. This satire – by a director who had previously helmed two hit films starring a popular musical group – featured a member of that group in his only non-singing role.

How I Won the War

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”

Home Alone?

41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.

Jewel of the Nile

43. This lower-than-low-budget horror movie was made on a bet … the villain was played by an actor who was on LSD for most of the shoot … most of the cast snuck out of the premiere in El Paso so nobody would know they were associated with it … and it was promptly forgotten until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gave it a new lease on life.

Manos: The Hands of Fate

47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.


49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.

Is this Frances?

86. “You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya.”

Meet John Doe

99. This film – the third on this list by the same director – used actual borstal boys as extras in some scenes.

I know Borstal boys are young Irish men sent to a reform-type institution, but I don't know this film.

100. “Dear Lord, we've come to the end of our journey. In a little while, we will stand before you. I pray for you to be merciful. Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love, and open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.”

The African Queen
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#6 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:20 am


1. The giant chicken was a man in a chicken suit, but the bear was real; the boot was made of licorice, but the dinner rolls were real.


6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”


7. Kathryn Grayson reported that, during the filming of this movie, her co-star kept trying to French kiss her – after eating garlic – as they sang a duet from Madame Butterfly.


8. “You see it, God, you see it. The innocent child's death and my revenge. You allowed it. I don't understand you. Yet now I beg your forgiveness. I know no other way to be reconciled with my own hands. I know no other way to live.”


10. “I am a man who has never tied his own shoes before!”
“Wrong. You are a prince who has never tied his shoes. Believe me, I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience.”


11. A sequel to Disney’s most popular Silly Symphony, it gave the title role to the villain of the original film.

Something with The Big Bad Wolf?

12. “I'm sick of these artificial barriers between the musical and the drama. In my mind, there is no difference between the magic rhythms of Bill Shakespeare's immortal verse and the magic rhythms of Bill Robinson's immortal feet.”


15. It was the first film adapted from a Hemingway novel, and its leading man also starred in the second.

A FARWELL TO ARMS? The second would be For Whom the Bells Tolls with Gary Cooper?

17. A materialistic young woman becomes engaged to a rich industrialist … but while stranded in a remote village, she finds true love with a rugged sailor. No it’s not a Hallmark Christmas movie, it’s this 1945 British film classic.


18. “Quiet, please, quiet! Well, sir, here we are again. We've had quite a time of it lately, but it seems that the worst of it is over. ‘Course, the fireworks all blew up, but we can't very well blame that on you”.


19. This low-budget 1986 sex comedy was the first feature film of one of the most influential directors of modern times.


20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”


21. The second film in which Christopher Lee played one of his signature roles, he claimed that the reason he didn’t have any dialogue is because he refused to speak the lines as written, but the screenwriter claimed it was because he didn’t write any dialogue for the character in the first place.

Damn, Svengoolie just had this one - I can't remember which one. DRACULA?

22. “Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat sh*t! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!”


26. “The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.”
“Well, how did the poison get in the wine?”
“Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor.”


28. “Remember the funny movie where the dog died?”


29. The director of this 1922 film intended it to run more than six hours and be shown over two nights – which was still shorter than the original cut of his next movie.


30. “In the harshest place on Earth loves finds a way. This is the incredible true story of a family's journey to bring life into the world.”


33. This 1936 movie was based on a controversial hit play, but the Hays Office insisted that a major plot point of the play be changed … and that it could not even use the title of the original.


40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”


41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.


edited - I just realized Frank asked for the sequel JEWEL OF THE NILE.

42. “Don't lose your head!”
“I've got my head, I've lost my leopard!”


44. “What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.”
“Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different thangs. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are.”


47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.


48. “Do you have contempt for your government?”
“I'll tell you, Mr. Schultz, it's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.”


49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.


53. The subject of this biopic was a supporting character in the movie in Clue #49.


55. Adding a bit of beefcake to Jules Verne, this movie got both a clean-cut American pop star and an Icelandic Olympian to strip to the waist.


67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


68. “Screw the Oscars. Screw the Academy Awards. Screw me, Sidney. Please. Please.”


69. The feat Fred and Ginger performed in this movie would be duplicated 18 years later by Gene Kelly.


71. Three years before this movie was released, the play on which it was based revolutionized the British theater – and gave its name to a whole movement on stage and screen.

LOOK BACK IN ANGER? One of the Kitchen SInk/Angry Young Men movies

72. “Ain't you got a drink in the house?”
“Well, not before breakfast, dear. ”
“I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink. ”
“I know Tom, but I wish that.... ”
“There you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well, so that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya.”
“Well, maybe you've found someone you like better.”


73. The real-life murder and scandal depicted in this film were a contributing factor in the Revolution of 1848.


75. Notable for its nightclub and orphanage scenes, it was first film to employ the stop-motion genius of Ray Harryhausen.


77. When Peter Sellers suffered a heart attack, Billy Wilder recast his role in this movie with Ray Walston.


78. “Hey, Grandma! I brought a little bunny rabbit for you! Ta have!”

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD - the Warner Brothers cartoon

79. This 1990 British comedy marks the point where Some Like It Hot meets Sister Act.

Eric Idle in a nun's habit.

81. The real-life subject of this sports biopic called the actress who played her a ‘snot’ and stated she would much rather have had Jamie Lee Curtis in the role.


83. This look at Beatlemania was the first feature film by a future Oscar-winning director.


85. An adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize-winning play, this 1948 film was set almost entirely in Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon.


86. “You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya.”


87. This film earned its leading lady her only Oscar nomination. (Apparently, she should have made more movies in which she deliberately let crippled adolescent boys drown.)


92. “I'm engaged.”
“Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?”
“I am!”


93. This 1934 film was a sequel to a 1928 silent classic by the same director, focusing on the same beleaguered married couple, but played by different actors.


94. “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'.”


95. In one of the most moving moments in Oscar history, the two antagonists featured in this sports film came up to the stage together when it was named Best Documentary Feature.


96. “I didn't want to be born. You didn't want me to be born. It's been a calamity on both sides.”


97. In one of the hardest scenes to watch in film history, the once-proud protagonist of this movie crows like a rooster.


100. “Dear Lord, we've come to the end of our journey. In a little while, we will stand before you. I pray for you to be merciful. Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love, and open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.”


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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#7 Post by kroxquo » Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:46 pm


Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

Identify the 100 movies in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 trios according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Twenty movies will be used twice, each time in a different capacity.

1. The giant chicken was a man in a chicken suit, but the bear was real; the boot was made of licorice, but the dinner rolls were real.


2. “All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I f**k like you wanna f**k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.”


3. The family in this film classic were played by a factory worker who had brought his son to audition, a journalist who had come to interview the director, and a little boy who was in the crowd watching the filming.

4. “This is twice in two days that a chick has OD'd on me!”
“Well, do you think this means that maybe ya oughta think about getting some new sh*t? Whaddya ya think?”


5. The title character was played by Keiko, and he sadly died only seventeen months after someone finally did for him what the title of the movie demanded.


6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”


7. Kathryn Grayson reported that, during the filming of this movie, her co-star kept trying to French kiss her – after eating garlic – as they sang a duet from Madame Butterfly.


8. “You see it, God, you see it. The innocent child's death and my revenge. You allowed it. I don't understand you. Yet now I beg your forgiveness. I know no other way to be reconciled with my own hands. I know no other way to live.”


9. “The sickest film of the year" according to Gene Siskel, it was – rather surprisingly – inspired by the movie in the preceding clue.

10. “I am a man who has never tied his own shoes before!”
“Wrong. You are a prince who has never tied his shoes. Believe me, I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience.”


11. A sequel to Disney’s most popular Silly Symphony, it gave the title role to the villain of the original film.


12. “I'm sick of these artificial barriers between the musical and the drama. In my mind, there is no difference between the magic rhythms of Bill Shakespeare's immortal verse and the magic rhythms of Bill Robinson's immortal feet.”


13. One reviewer called this 2016 horror-thriller "an impressive script-flip from the 1967 classic Wait Until Dark.

14. “S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!”


15. It was the first film adapted from a Hemingway novel, and its leading man also starred in the second.


16. “We can get together, once in a while, way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, but....”
“Once in a while? Every four f**kin' years?”
“If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.”

17. A materialistic young woman becomes engaged to a rich industrialist … but while stranded in a remote village, she finds true love with a rugged sailor. No it’s not a Hallmark Christmas movie, it’s this 1945 British film classic.


18. “Quiet, please, quiet! Well, sir, here we are again. We've had quite a time of it lately, but it seems that the worst of it is over. ‘Course, the fireworks all blew up, but we can't very well blame that on you”.


19. This low-budget 1986 sex comedy was the first feature film of one of the most influential directors of modern times.


20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”


21. The second film in which Christopher Lee played one of his signature roles, he claimed that the reason he didn’t have any dialogue is because he refused to speak the lines as written, but the screenwriter claimed it was because he didn’t write any dialogue for the character in the first place.


22. “Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat sh*t! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!”


23. The protagonist of this film was the real-life daughter of the writer who created roles that were played on screen by Wolverine and the Wolf Man’s dad.


24. “First was your firecracker, a harmless explosive. Then your hand grenade: you began to kill your own people, a few at a time. Then the bomb. Then a larger bomb: many people are killed at one time. Then your scientists stumbled upon the atom bomb, split the atom. Then the hydrogen bomb, where you actually explode the air itself. Now you can arrange the total destruction of the entire universe served by our sun. The only explosion left is the Solaranite.”


25. This satire – by a director who had previously helmed two hit films starring a popular musical group – featured a member of that group in his only non-singing role.


26. “The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.”
“Well, how did the poison get in the wine?”
“Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor.”


27. This was the first foreign language film to gross more than $100 million in the United States.


28. “Remember the funny movie where the dog died?”


29. The director of this 1922 film intended it to run more than six hours and be shown over two nights – which was still shorter than the original cut of his next movie.


30. “In the harshest place on Earth loves finds a way. This is the incredible true story of a family's journey to bring life into the world.”


31. Many scenes in this wartime actioner were filmed on location at Austria’s Hohenwerfen Castle.


32. “I tried the rehab thing. I tried it. But it didn't work, Didn't work. It works for some people. My ex-girlfriend is getting married. That's how it works for some people. Right? Didn't work for me. The kids keep me focused.”

33. This 1936 movie was based on a controversial hit play, but the Hays Office insisted that a major plot point of the play be changed … and that it could not even use the title of the original.


34. “How come you don't wear gloves?”
“How 'bout 'cause they're not needed? Castrate fifteen hundred head, then nick your thumb on the last.”


35. This Terrence Mallick film shared several characters with an animated Disney movie released ten years earlier.


36. “Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.”

37. This 1985 comedy shares its title with the debut single of a popular female singer, released two years earlier. (The song was released, not the singer.)


38. “I'm a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin'- tootin', shootin', parachutin' demolition double-cap crimpin' frogman.”

39. This movie about Yorkshire sheep farmers has inevitably been compared to the film in Clue #16.

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”


41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.


42. “Don't lose your head!”
“I've got my head, I've lost my leopard!”


43. This lower-than-low-budget horror movie was made on a bet … the villain was played by an actor who was on LSD for most of the shoot … most of the cast snuck out of the premiere in El Paso so nobody would know they were associated with it … and it was promptly forgotten until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gave it a new lease on life.


44. “What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.”
“Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different thangs. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are.”


45. This film was a prequel to one of David Lynch’s most popular works.


46. “You're looking so well, darling, you really are ... they've done a marvelous job. I don't know what sort of cream they've put on you down at the morgue, but I want some.”

47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.


48. “Do you have contempt for your government?”
“I'll tell you, Mr. Schultz, it's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.”


49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.


50. “Nobody's missing a porpoise. It's a dolphin that's been taken. The common harbor porpoise has an abrupt snout, pointed teeth and a triangular thoracic fin. While the bottlenose dolphin, or Tursiops truncates, has an elongated beak, round cone shaped teeth and a serrated dorsal appendage. But I'm sure you already knew that. That's what turns me on about 'cha, your attention to detail.”

51. Performers featured in this concert documentary included Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Mamas and the Papas, Jimi Hendrix, and the Who.

52. “We do not and cannot accept the principle that incompetence justifies dismissal. That is victimisation.”

53. The subject of this biopic was a supporting character in the movie in Clue #49.


54. “The next time you strike an Indian for any reason whatsoever, it is you who is going to be sent away. They are different from us, they don't understand! And besides that, it could be very dangerous for us all.”
“Do you want Billy seeing their filthy tricks?”
“It will not seem filthy to him unless we make it so. Honey, it is very natural.”
“Natural? And if one of those nasty little savages puts a hand on him?”
“Then he might enjoy it.”

55. Adding a bit of beefcake to Jules Verne, this movie got both a clean-cut American pop star and an Icelandic Olympian to strip to the waist.


56. “Push the button, Max.”


57. Reviewing this heavily fictionalized 1968 biopic about a self-confessed serial killer, Roger Ebert wrote, “This film, which was made so well, should not have been made at all.”


58. “Peace of mind! I have no peace of mind. I've had no peace of mind since we lost America. Forests, old as the world itself ... meadows ... plains. .. strange delicate flowers ... immense solitudes ... and all nature new to art ... all ours ... Mine. Gone. A paradise ... lost.”

59. Robert Altman adapted this film from a play he had previously directed on Broadway with largely the same cast.

60. “I'm ashamed of you! I am so ashamed of you!”
“Why do you always take their side? I worked hard for this motel and I am not running a charity!”
“Anil, you have become American.”
“So what? I'm living in America! You don't like it? Then go back to India!”

61. This classic caper film gave a considerable boost to the careers of two Italian leading men.

62. “For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex.”

63. The undead in this British horror film originally appeared on a double bill with the vampire in Clue #21.

64. “That's probably the prettiest speech you ever made. And in case I don't see you aga- … well, for a little while. I just want to tell you, it's been lovely, every bit of it, the whole 50 years.”

65. Felisha apparently got the message; she didn’t show up for either the sequel or this sequel to the sequel.

66. “If it were not for your job, we would not have thrown our plans out the window, rushed around at the last minute and settled on this f**king trip! We would be at home, in the middle of our hectic lives, which right now sounds like heaven to me. And in a month's time, seven months ago, we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place, and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!”


67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


68. “Screw the Oscars. Screw the Academy Awards. Screw me, Sidney. Please. Please.”


69. The feat Fred and Ginger performed in this movie would be duplicated 18 years later by Gene Kelly.


70. “The war has come down to the two of us.”

71. Three years before this movie was released, the play on which it was based revolutionized the British theater – and gave its name to a whole movement on stage and screen.


72. “Ain't you got a drink in the house?”
“Well, not before breakfast, dear. ”
“I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink. ”
“I know Tom, but I wish that.... ”
“There you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well, so that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya. ”
“Well, maybe you've found someone you like better.”


73. The real-life murder and scandal depicted in this film were a contributing factor in the Revolution of 1848.


74. “It's great to live by the spirit, to testify day by day for eternity, only what's spiritual in people's minds. But sometimes I'm fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above I'd like to feel a weight grow in me to end the infinity and to tie me to earth.”

75. Notable for its nightclub and orphanage scenes, it was first film to employ the stop-motion genius of Ray Harryhausen.


76. “We've met before, haven't we?”
“I don't think so. Where is it you think we've met? ”
“At your house. Don't you remember? ”
“No. No, I don't. ”
“In the East, the Far East, when a person is sentenced to death, they're sent to a place where they can't escape, never knowing when an executioner may step up behind them, and fire a bullet into the back of their head. ”
“What's going on? ”
“It's been a pleasure talking to you.”

77. When Peter Sellers suffered a heart attack, Billy Wilder recast his role in this movie with Ray Walston.


78. “Hey, Grandma! I brought a little bunny rabbit for you! Ta have!”


79. This 1990 British comedy marks the point where Some Like It Hot meets Sister Act.


80. “Seven simple rules of going into hiding: one, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway. Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again. Four, never give your real name. Five, if ever asked to look at yourself, don’t. Six, never do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And finally seven, never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.”

81. The real-life subject of this sports biopic called the actress who played her a ‘snot’ and stated she would much rather have had Jamie Lee Curtis in the role.


82. “You perform abortions, don't you?”
“That's not what I do, dear. That's what you call it. But they need help. Who else they got to turn to? No one. I help them out.”

83. This look at Beatlemania was the first feature film by a future Oscar-winning director.


84. “You bet that you'll be alive tomorrow at 9 o'clock and we bet that you'll be dead. Okay?”

85. An adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize-winning play, this 1948 film was set almost entirely in Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon.


86. “You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya.”


87. This film earned its leading lady her only Oscar nomination. (Apparently, she should have made more movies in which she deliberately let crippled adolescent boys drown.)


88. “A creator who hates his own creation. A hidden key: a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past. And the key of Jade will be yours at last.”

89. No Oscar winner for Best Picture was adapted from an older novel than this one.


90. “I know I gave him four threes. He had to make a switch. We can't let him get away with that.”
“What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?”


91. In this film by one of the world’s greatest directors, his favorite actor temporarily gave up sword fighting for running a shoe factory.

92. “I'm engaged.”
“Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?”
“I am!”


93. This 1934 film was a sequel to a 1928 silent classic by the same director, focusing on the same beleaguered married couple, but played by different actors.


94. “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'.”


95. In one of the most moving moments in Oscar history, the two antagonists featured in this sports film came up to the stage together when it was named Best Documentary Feature.


96. “I didn't want to be born. You didn't want me to be born. It's been a calamity on both sides.”


97. In one of the hardest scenes to watch in film history, the once-proud protagonist of this movie crows like a rooster.


98. “You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah ... a tall angry fellow with contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then: f**k off!”

99. This film – the third on this list by the same director – used actual borstal boys as extras in some scenes.

100. “Dear Lord, we've come to the end of our journey. In a little while, we will stand before you. I pray for you to be merciful. Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love, and open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.”

You live and learn. Or at least you live. - Douglas Adams

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#8 Post by franktangredi » Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:14 am

Two of the definite answers on this consolidation are wrong. In one case, it's the wrong end of the stick.

Of those answers with a question in mark, one is wrong and one is incomplete. All the rest are correct.

Of those answers with alternate suggestions, both include the correct answer. In one case, another answer on the list should tell you which of the suggested answers is correct.
franktangredi wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:45 am
Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

Identify the 100 movies in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 trios according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Twenty movies will be used twice, each time in a different capacity.

1. The giant chicken was a man in a chicken suit, but the bear was real; the boot was made of licorice, but the dinner rolls were real.

2. “All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I f**k like you wanna f**k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.”

3. The family in this film classic were played by a factory worker who had brought his son to audition, a journalist who had come to interview the director, and a little boy who was in the crowd watching the filming.

4. “This is twice in two days that a chick has OD'd on me!”
“Well, do you think this means that maybe ya oughta think about getting some new sh*t? Whaddya ya think?”

5. The title character was played by Keiko, and he sadly died only seventeen months after someone finally did for him what the title of the movie demanded.

6. “Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?”

7. Kathryn Grayson reported that, during the filming of this movie, her co-star kept trying to French kiss her – after eating garlic – as they sang a duet from Madame Butterfly.

8. “You see it, God, you see it. The innocent child's death and my revenge. You allowed it. I don't understand you. Yet now I beg your forgiveness. I know no other way to be reconciled with my own hands. I know no other way to live.”

9. “The sickest film of the year" according to Gene Siskel, it was – rather surprisingly – inspired by the movie in the preceding clue.

10. “I am a man who has never tied his own shoes before!”
“Wrong. You are a prince who has never tied his shoes. Believe me, I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience.”

11. A sequel to Disney’s most popular Silly Symphony, it gave the title role to the villain of the original film.

12. “I'm sick of these artificial barriers between the musical and the drama. In my mind, there is no difference between the magic rhythms of Bill Shakespeare's immortal verse and the magic rhythms of Bill Robinson's immortal feet.”

13. One reviewer called this 2016 horror-thriller "an impressive script-flip from the 1967 classic Wait Until Dark.

14. “S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!”

15. It was the first film adapted from a Hemingway novel, and its leading man also starred in the second.

16. “We can get together, once in a while, way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, but....”
“Once in a while? Every four f**kin' years?”
“If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.”

17. A materialistic young woman becomes engaged to a rich industrialist … but while stranded in a remote village, she finds true love with a rugged sailor. No it’s not a Hallmark Christmas movie, it’s this 1945 British film classic.

18. “Quiet, please, quiet! Well, sir, here we are again. We've had quite a time of it lately, but it seems that the worst of it is over. ‘Course, the fireworks all blew up, but we can't very well blame that on you”.

19. This low-budget 1986 sex comedy was the first feature film of one of the most influential directors of modern times.

20. “I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows…. Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”

21. The second film in which Christopher Lee played one of his signature roles, he claimed that the reason he didn’t have any dialogue is because he refused to speak the lines as written, but the screenwriter claimed it was because he didn’t write any dialogue for the character in the first place.

22. “Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat sh*t! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!”

23. The protagonist of this film was the real-life daughter of the writer who created roles that were played on screen by Wolverine and the Wolf Man’s dad.

24. “First was your firecracker, a harmless explosive. Then your hand grenade: you began to kill your own people, a few at a time. Then the bomb. Then a larger bomb: many people are killed at one time. Then your scientists stumbled upon the atom bomb, split the atom. Then the hydrogen bomb, where you actually explode the air itself. Now you can arrange the total destruction of the entire universe served by our sun. The only explosion left is the Solaranite.”

25. This satire – by a director who had previously helmed two hit films starring a popular musical group – featured a member of that group in his only non-singing role.

26. “The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.”
“Well, how did the poison get in the wine?”
“Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor.”

27. This was the first foreign language film to gross more than $100 million in the United States.

28. “Remember the funny movie where the dog died?”

29. The director of this 1922 film intended it to run more than six hours and be shown over two nights – which was still shorter than the original cut of his next movie.

30. “In the harshest place on Earth loves finds a way. This is the incredible true story of a family's journey to bring life into the world.”

31. Many scenes in this wartime actioner were filmed on location at Austria’s Hohenwerfen Castle.

32. “I tried the rehab thing. I tried it. But it didn't work, Didn't work. It works for some people. My ex-girlfriend is getting married. That's how it works for some people. Right? Didn't work for me. The kids keep me focused.”

33. This 1936 movie was based on a controversial hit play, but the Hays Office insisted that a major plot point of the play be changed … and that it could not even use the title of the original.

34. “How come you don't wear gloves?”
“How 'bout 'cause they're not needed? Castrate fifteen hundred head, then nick your thumb on the last.”

35. This Terrence Mallick film shared several characters with an animated Disney movie released ten years earlier.

36. “Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.”

37. This 1985 comedy shares its title with the debut single of a popular female singer, released two years earlier. (The song was released, not the singer.)

38. “I'm a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin'- tootin', shootin', parachutin' demolition double-cap crimpin' frogman.”

39. This movie about Yorkshire sheep farmers has inevitably been compared to the film in Clue #16.

40. "Did we set the timers on the lights?"
“Did you close the garage?”
“That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.”
“No, that's not it.”
“Well, what else could we be forgetting?”

41. This sequel to a 1984 adventure romance reunited the three stars of the original, who also appeared as backup singers in the music video for the hit song from the movie.

42. “Don't lose your head!”
“I've got my head, I've lost my leopard!”

43. This lower-than-low-budget horror movie was made on a bet … the villain was played by an actor who was on LSD for most of the shoot … most of the cast snuck out of the premiere in El Paso so nobody would know they were associated with it … and it was promptly forgotten until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gave it a new lease on life.

44. “What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.”
“Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different thangs. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are.”

45. This film was a prequel to one of David Lynch’s most popular works.

46. “You're looking so well, darling, you really are ... they've done a marvelous job. I don't know what sort of cream they've put on you down at the morgue, but I want some.”

47. A red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury plays a major – indeed, leading – role in this flick.

48. “Do you have contempt for your government?”
“I'll tell you, Mr. Schultz, it's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.”

49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.

50. “Nobody's missing a porpoise. It's a dolphin that's been taken. The common harbor porpoise has an abrupt snout, pointed teeth and a triangular thoracic fin. While the bottlenose dolphin, or Tursiops truncates, has an elongated beak, round cone shaped teeth and a serrated dorsal appendage. But I'm sure you already knew that. That's what turns me on about 'cha, your attention to detail.”

51. Performers featured in this concert documentary included Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Mamas and the Papas, Jimi Hendrix, and the Who.

52. “We do not and cannot accept the principle that incompetence justifies dismissal. That is victimisation.”

53. The subject of this biopic was a supporting character in the movie in Clue #49.

54. “The next time you strike an Indian for any reason whatsoever, it is you who is going to be sent away. They are different from us, they don't understand! And besides that, it could be very dangerous for us all.”
“Do you want Billy seeing their filthy tricks?”
“It will not seem filthy to him unless we make it so. Honey, it is very natural.”
“Natural? And if one of those nasty little savages puts a hand on him?”
“Then he might enjoy it.”

55. Adding a bit of beefcake to Jules Verne, this movie got both a clean-cut American pop star and an Icelandic Olympian to strip to the waist.

56. “Push the button, Max.”

57. Reviewing this heavily fictionalized 1968 biopic about a self-confessed serial killer, Roger Ebert wrote, “This film, which was made so well, should not have been made at all.”

58. “Peace of mind! I have no peace of mind. I've had no peace of mind since we lost America. Forests, old as the world itself ... meadows ... plains. .. strange delicate flowers ... immense solitudes ... and all nature new to art ... all ours ... Mine. Gone. A paradise ... lost.”

59. Robert Altman adapted this film from a play he had previously directed on Broadway with largely the same cast.

60. “I'm ashamed of you! I am so ashamed of you!”
“Why do you always take their side? I worked hard for this motel and I am not running a charity!”
“Anil, you have become American.”
“So what? I'm living in America! You don't like it? Then go back to India!”

61. This classic caper film gave a considerable boost to the careers of two Italian leading men.

62. “For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex.”

63. The undead in this British horror film originally appeared on a double bill with the vampire in Clue #21.

64. “That's probably the prettiest speech you ever made. And in case I don't see you aga- … well, for a little while. I just want to tell you, it's been lovely, every bit of it, the whole 50 years.”

65. Felisha apparently got the message; she didn’t show up for either the sequel or this sequel to the sequel.

66. “If it were not for your job, we would not have thrown our plans out the window, rushed around at the last minute and settled on this f**king trip! We would be at home, in the middle of our hectic lives, which right now sounds like heaven to me. And in a month's time, seven months ago, we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place, and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!”

67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

68. “Screw the Oscars. Screw the Academy Awards. Screw me, Sidney. Please. Please.”

69. The feat Fred and Ginger performed in this movie would be duplicated 18 years later by Gene Kelly.

70. “The war has come down to the two of us.”

71. Three years before this movie was released, the play on which it was based revolutionized the British theater – and gave its name to a whole movement on stage and screen.

72. “Ain't you got a drink in the house?”
“Well, not before breakfast, dear. ”
“I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink. ”
“I know Tom, but I wish that.... ”
“There you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well, so that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya. ”
“Well, maybe you've found someone you like better.”

73. The real-life murder and scandal depicted in this film were a contributing factor in the Revolution of 1848.

74. “It's great to live by the spirit, to testify day by day for eternity, only what's spiritual in people's minds. But sometimes I'm fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above I'd like to feel a weight grow in me to end the infinity and to tie me to earth.”

75. Notable for its nightclub and orphanage scenes, it was first film to employ the stop-motion genius of Ray Harryhausen.

76. “We've met before, haven't we?”
“I don't think so. Where is it you think we've met? ”
“At your house. Don't you remember? ”
“No. No, I don't. ”
“In the East, the Far East, when a person is sentenced to death, they're sent to a place where they can't escape, never knowing when an executioner may step up behind them, and fire a bullet into the back of their head. ”
“What's going on? ”
“It's been a pleasure talking to you.”

77. When Peter Sellers suffered a heart attack, Billy Wilder recast his role in this movie with Ray Walston.

78. “Hey, Grandma! I brought a little bunny rabbit for you! Ta have!”

79. This 1990 British comedy marks the point where Some Like It Hot meets Sister Act.

80. “Seven simple rules of going into hiding: one, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway. Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again. Four, never give your real name. Five, if ever asked to look at yourself, don’t. Six, never do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And finally seven, never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.”

81. The real-life subject of this sports biopic called the actress who played her a ‘snot’ and stated she would much rather have had Jamie Lee Curtis in the role.

82. “You perform abortions, don't you?”
“That's not what I do, dear. That's what you call it. But they need help. Who else they got to turn to? No one. I help them out.”

83. This look at Beatlemania was the first feature film by a future Oscar-winning director.

84. “You bet that you'll be alive tomorrow at 9 o'clock and we bet that you'll be dead. Okay?”

85. An adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize-winning play, this 1948 film was set almost entirely in Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon.

86. “You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya.”

87. This film earned its leading lady her only Oscar nomination. (Apparently, she should have made more movies in which she deliberately let crippled adolescent boys drown.)

88. “A creator who hates his own creation. A hidden key: a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past. And the key of Jade will be yours at last.”

89. No Oscar winner for Best Picture was adapted from an older novel than this one.

90. “I know I gave him four threes. He had to make a switch. We can't let him get away with that.”
“What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?”

91. In this film by one of the world’s greatest directors, his favorite actor temporarily gave up sword fighting for running a shoe factory.

92. “I'm engaged.”
“Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?”
“I am!”

93. This 1934 film was a sequel to a 1928 silent classic by the same director, focusing on the same beleaguered married couple, but played by different actors.

94. “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'.”

95. In one of the most moving moments in Oscar history, the two antagonists featured in this sports film came up to the stage together when it was named Best Documentary Feature.

96. “I didn't want to be born. You didn't want me to be born. It's been a calamity on both sides.”

97. In one of the hardest scenes to watch in film history, the once-proud protagonist of this movie crows like a rooster.

98. “You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah ... a tall angry fellow with contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then: f**k off!”

99. This film – the third on this list by the same director – used actual borstal boys as extras in some scenes.

100. “Dear Lord, we've come to the end of our journey. In a little while, we will stand before you. I pray for you to be merciful. Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love, and open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.”

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#9 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:41 am

Trying to pick up a day late.
kroxquo wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:46 pm
13. One reviewer called this 2016 horror-thriller "an impressive script-flip from the 1967 classic Wait Until Dark.


36. “Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.”


49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.


This would have to be Coal Miner's Daughter. Both Katharine Hepburn and Frances Farmer were dead before those films were made.

70. “The war has come down to the two of us.”

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#10 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:47 am

franktangredi wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:45 am
59. Robert Altman adapted this film from a play he had previously directed on Broadway with largely the same cast.
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#11 Post by mrkelley23 » Wed Dec 07, 2022 11:05 am

The full title of 21. is Dracula: Prince of Darkness, which means it's probably the one Frank was referring to as incomplete.
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#12 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:34 pm

silverscreenselect wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:41 am

49. The star who won an Oscar for this movie was accompanied to the ceremony by the star she portrayed in the film.


This would have to be Coal Miner's Daughter. Both Katharine Hepburn and Frances Farmer were dead before those films were made.
And that confirms this:

53. The subject of this biopic was a supporting character in the movie in Clue #49.


This is the Patsy Cline bio with Jessica Lange. Beverly D-Angelo played Patsy Cline in Coal Miner's Daughter.

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#13 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:39 pm

mrkelley23 wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 11:05 am
The full title of 21. is Dracula: Prince of Darkness, which means it's probably the one Frank was referring to as incomplete.

72. “Ain't you got a drink in the house?”
“Well, not before breakfast, dear. ”
“I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink. ”
“I know Tom, but I wish that.... ”
“There you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well, so that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya. ”
“Well, maybe you've found someone you like better.”


The full title is THE PUBLIC ENEMY.

Just in case we're looking at something like "The Public ...." in our matching.

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#14 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:54 pm

67. Four years before this biopic was released, its subject was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


I suggested The Hurricane but I am pretty sure this is CINDERELLA MAN.

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#15 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:24 pm

franktangredi wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:45 am
61. This classic caper film gave a considerable boost to the careers of two Italian leading men.


62. “For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex.”

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#16 Post by jarnon » Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:07 am

The movie titles so far include a lot of musicians' names: Madonna, Prince, Public Enemy, Rush, Orleans, America, The Band, Pink, Adele, War, Eagles, Jewel, Chicago, Journey, Boston, Kiss, Heart, Tom Jones, Sting, Bread, Queen. Could explain the title of the game. Or not.
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#17 Post by jarnon » Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:21 am

61. Big Deal on MADONNA Street + 81. Heart LIKE A Wheel + 8. The VIRGIN Spring

57. The BOSTON Strangler + 13. DON'T Breathe + 71. LOOK BACK in Anger

23. The Story of ADELE H. + 95. WHEN WE WERE Kings + 75. Mighty Joe YOUNG
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#18 Post by kroxquo » Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:28 am

Is there a CORVETTE somewhere in the unanswered ones to go with

21. Dracula PRINCE of Darkness + 78. LITTLE RED Riding Rabbit
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#19 Post by mrkelley23 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:44 am

Way to go, jarnon!

I don't have time to try to find matches now, but I'll be back later today.
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#20 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:59 am

mrkelley23 wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:44 am
Way to go, jarnon!

I don't have time to try to find matches now, but I'll be back later today.
I will be back later, too, but we've got HEART like a Wheel + THESE three + sweet DREAMS

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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#21 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:23 am

YAY!!! A movie game where I won't be completely useless!


66. OPEN + 15. ARMS = 55. JOURNEY

I see a LOT of partials.... gonna have to wait for some more answers to come in.
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#22 Post by silverscreenselect » Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:54 am

89. TOM JONES + 49. Coal Miner's DAUGHTER + 21. Dracula Prince OF DARKNESS
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#23 Post by silverscreenselect » Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:11 am

kroxquo wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:46 pm

12. “I'm sick of these artificial barriers between the musical and the drama. In my mind, there is no difference between the magic rhythms of Bill Shakespeare's immortal verse and the magic rhythms of Bill Robinson's immortal feet.”


74. “It's great to live by the spirit, to testify day by day for eternity, only what's spiritual in people's minds. But sometimes I'm fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above I'd like to feel a weight grow in me to end the infinity and to tie me to earth.”

79. This 1990 British comedy marks the point where Some Like It Hot meets Sister Act.

Once we figured out the Tangredi, I guessed what 74 had to be and cheated to confirm the quote.


74. WINGS of Desire + 12. The BAND Wagon + 79. Nuns ON THE RUN
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#24 Post by kroxquo » Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:53 am

Another Partial:

5.FREE Willy + (All Right) + 96. NOW Voyager
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Re: Game #211: Hollywood Hitlist

#25 Post by silverscreenselect » Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:26 pm

68. CALIFORNIA Suite + 37. GIRLS Just Want to Have Fun = (Beach Boys)

Now, there are a number of well-known movies that have Beach in the title, but as far as I know, there is no Beach Boys movie. So if Frank is a stickler for the entire name of the band in the title of a movie, we might have a problem here.
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