Game #204: Marquee Roulette

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Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#1 Post by franktangredi » Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:38 am

Game #204: Marquee Roulette

Identify the 125 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 pairs and 20 triples according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself.

Eleven actors will be used twice and one actor will be used five times.

1. “What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.”

2. This year, she accomplished something that her father failed to do twice and her mother failed to do three times.

3. “Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?”

4. His marriage to another Hollywood star lasted until his death – on their 57th wedding anniversary – in 1990.

5. “King Kong ain't got s**t on me!”

6. Appropriately, she made her Broadway debut in a revival of A Doll’s House and also starred in an unsuccessful musical adaptation of I Remember Mama.

7. “There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty f**king good.”

8. She and Sally Field won Emmy awards for playing similar roles 32 years apart.

9. “I steal.”

10. Before achieving superstardom in the 1970s, this actor appeared in three of the best action movies of the 1960s – two war films and a western.

11. “See, this is a floor plan of the apartment. Here's my room, here's your room, here's the bathroom and here's the kitchen. Now, my alarm goes off at seven o'clock, and we both get up. At seven one, I enter the bathroom. Then you go down to get the milk, and by seven five you've started the coffee. One minute later, I leave the bathroom, and a minute after that, you enter the bathroom. And that's when I'm starting to dress. Three minutes later, I'm having my coffee, and a minute after that at seven twelve, you leave the bathroom. At seven thirteen, I put on my eggs, and I leave to finish dressing. Then you put on your shoes, and take off my eggs at seven sixteen. At seven seventeen, you start to shave. At seven eighteen, I eat my eggs, and at seven twenty-one, I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair, and at seven twenty-four, you're in the kitchen putting on your eggs. At seven twenty-five, you make your bed. Seven twenty-six, I make my bed. And then while you're eating your eggs, I take out the papers and cans. At seven twenty-nine, you're washing the dishes, and at seven thirty, we're all finished. You see?”

12. As far as I know, he is the only actor to have supported Meryl Streep, Brooke Shields, and the Beatles – though not all in the same movie.

13. “Well the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. And the baboons are going ape over this. Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all. The tick birds are pecking on the elephants. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't. The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say, cheetahs never prosper.”

14. As children in the late 1950s-early 60s, they each appeared as guests on a popular TV adventure series starring their father.

15. “I never realized till now how ugly I am, because you're so beautiful. I'm not a man! I'm not a beast! I'm about as shapeless as the man in the moon!”

16. He played the chief villain in the movie from which the above quote is taken.

17. “On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built.”

18. He completes a list that also includes Roberto Benigni, Marcello Mastroianni, and Massimo Troisi.

19. “Movies are entertaining enough for the masses but the personalities on the screen just don't impress me. I mean they don't talk, they don't act, the just make a lot of dumb show.”

20. His distinguished stage career included plays by Odets, Hellman, Pinter, Kaufman & Hart, Behrman, and – most definitively – Eugene O’Neill.

21. “How did you ever get command of a ship? I realize in wartime they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, but where did they ever scrape you up?”

22. This veteran stage and screen star was Lieutenant Columbo’s oldest adversary.

23. “Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people dance.”

24. His screen co-stars have included Laurence Olivier, Steve Martin, and the Muppets.

25. “With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.”

26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.

27. “You realize we're all going to go to college as virgins. They probably have special dorms for people like us.”

28. He and Paul Newman were the first actors to receive “staggered-but-equal” billing in a Hollywood film, with one name appearing to the right and higher than the other.

29. “Everybody does his duty at Zinderneuf, dead or alive! We'll make those Arabs think we've got a thousand men.”

30. During the 1990s, he starred in one Oscar winner for Best Picture, while his brother starred in two.

31. “A plague on you. A plague on the whole stinking lot of ya, without morals or laws. And all you whores got no laws. You got no honor. It's no wonder you all emigrated to America, because they wouldn't have you in England. You're a lot of savages, that's what you all are. A bunch of bloody savages. A plague on you. I'll be back. “

32. In different screen comedies, she posed as the wives of Jason Sudeikis and Adam Sandler.

33. “If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.”

34. He said the film he most regretted making was a reboot of an old TV show – but at least it netted him a #1 record.

35. “I wouldn't marry you if you were young, which you can't be. If you were honest which you never were and If you were about to die, tomorrow which is too much to hope for!”

36. He drove a chariot in The Ten Commandments, rode a racehorse in A Day at the Races, and fought gladiators in Spartacus – but you won’t find his name in the credits for any of them.

37. “You see, Mr. Milton, in the Army I've had to be with men when they were stripped of everything in the way of property except what they carried around with them and inside them. I saw them being tested. Now some of them stood up to it and some didn't. But you got so you could tell which ones you could count on.”

38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Emmy twice.

39. “I've had this business: ‘Anything is better than nothing.’ There are times when nothing has to be better than anything.”

40. His filmography includes roles previously played onscreen by Gérard Philipe, Arthur Kennedy, and Lon Chaney, Jr.

41. “Well … nobody’s perfect.”

42. Her onscreen husbands included Don Ameche, John Lund, John Payne, and – unfortunately for him – Cornel Wilde.

43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

44. She is the only woman to have hosted the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Primetime Emmys.

45. “There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a b**job from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by.”

46. It being the 1940s, nothing really untoward happened when he went up to one girl’s room and got another’s garter.

47. “Well now, what happened is ... ahm ... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of ... well, he went a little funny in the head. .. you know ... just a little ... funny. And, ah ... he went and did a silly thing....”

48. The reason there has never been a film version of The Catcher in the Rye is that the he refused to allow any other screen adaptations of his work after seeing the 1949 movie starring this actress.

49. “Oklahoma Kid. That's me. I'm the Oklahoma Kid. You f**kin' varmint! Dance. Dance. Yahoo, ya mother**ker!”

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.

51. “Five years ago you didn't care about telling the truth. You and all your family, you just assumed that for all my education, I was still little better than a servant, still not to be trusted. Thanks to you, they were able to close ranks and throw me to the f**king wolves!”

52. In 1960, this former Mr. Universe was ranked the #1 box office draw in 25 countries.

53. “Someone hurt my friend Lloyd, and not just on his face. He is having a hard time forgiving the person who hurt him. Do you, do you know what that means? To forgive? It's a decision we make to release a person from the feelings of anger we have at them. It's strange, but sometimes it's hardest of all to forgive someone we love.”

54. She is within two nominations of tying Peter O’Toole’s Oscar record – assuming, of course, that she doesn’t win.

55. “Well, when we're young, we look at thing very idealistically I guess. And I think Woodsworth means that ... that when we're grow-up ... then, we have to ... forget the ideals of youth ... and find strength….”

56. His first Oscar nomination and his first Oscar both came for playing men in togas.

57. “Yeah, f**k you, too. F**k me? F**k you, F**k you and this whole city and everyone in it. F**k the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. F**k the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car - get a f**king job! F**k the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores stinking up my day. Terrorists in f**king training. SLOW THE F**K DOWN! F**k the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps”.

58. During his long career, this character actor worked under the direction of Alfred Hitchcock, Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges, Howard Hawks, Sam Wood, Clarence Brown, and – in his Oscar-winning role – George Stevens.

59. “The strawberries taste like strawberries, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”

60. Though he earned a knighthood – primarily for his stage work – he never quite lived up to his early promise as “the next Olivier,” and his career came to be eclipsed by that of his third wife.

61. “I want you to remember this word, okay? It's kind of like a code word: Yahoo. Can you remember that?”

62. This French actor/writer/director was selected by Entertainment Weekly as one of the 50 Greatest Directors of All Time – even those his body of work consisted of only six feature-length comedies.

63. “Make no mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.”

64. Each of these bandleaders appeared as themselves in a variety of 1940s musicals, including one based on the film referenced in the preceding clue.

65. "Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go! Sub-question: Is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter-day sins? Is it better to burn out or fade away?”

66. In addition to her Oscars and her National Medal of the Arts, this actress was named a Dame Commander of the British Empire and a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

67. "Couldn't you like me, just me the way I am? When we first started out, it was so good; we had fun. And ... and then you started in on the clothes. Well, I'll wear the darn clothes if you want me to, if you'll just, just like me.”

68. While doing publicity photos for the Roach studios, this actor mistook a bomb for a prop, resulting in the loss of the thumb and index finger of his right hand – which did not slow down his highly athletic film career.

69. “I wouldn't know him if he stood up in my soup!”

70. His filmography includes adaptations of plays by Shakespeare, Shaw, Robert E. Sherwood, and Philip Barry.

71. “The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job.”

72. During a brief sojourn in Hollywood during World War II, this quintessentially British actress appeared in adaptations of three light-hearted Broadway musicals.

73. “What the cops never figured out, and what I know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. Anybody.”

74. This star’s screen spouses have included Julianne Moore and the actor in the preceding clue.

75. “I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.”

76. Onscreen he has played both a Marvel villain and the patron saint of fathers.

77. “It's for Paris, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”

78. Her filmography includes adaptations of works by Walter Scott, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francoise Sagan, Rudyard Kipling, and one of the Bronte sisters.

79. “There are 20 million women in this island and I've got to be chained to you.”

80. He was one of the first British paratroopers to land at Normandy on D-Day – an experience he recreated in two different films about D-Day.

81. “Just take this pen, please, and write me?”

82. In a classic Studio One teleplay, he originated a role that would later be played on the big screen by Ed Begley.

83. “Shut up and deal.”

84. In a 1970 comedy, his butt appearred in the infamous “tush scene” involving an actress in one of the preceding clues.

85. “You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them! “

86. On screen, she had the unusual distinction of playing love interest to both Marlon Brando and Sabu.

87. “He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. Do you suppose it's always like that? I mean war.”

88. This actor is a licensed pilot and has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo – but it was another hobby of his that nearly killed him in 1988.

89. “I can't drive you around while you're killing folks. It ain't my job!”

90. He jumped his way to movie immortality in a 1953 MGM musical.

91. “Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.”

92. He wrote, directed, and starred in a 1981 comedy in which his wife was played by another member of the classic CBS Saturday night lineup of the mid-1970s. Got that?

93. “Then go on! Whistle it! Whistle as loud as you can!”

94. The mysterious man he played in a 1998 film was similar to – but far less sinister than – the mysterious man played by Sterling Holloway on an episode of [i/]The Twilight Zone.[/i]

95. “Oh come off it, Major! You put me right off my fresh fried lobster, do you realize that? I'm now going to go back to my bed, I'm going to put away the best part of a bottle of scotch. And under normal circumstances, you being normally what I would call a very attractive woman, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might possibly have come. But you really put me off. I mean you ... you're what we call a regular army clown.”

96. This Australian actor made his film debut in a role that, two years later, would be more memorably played by Clark Gable.

97. “Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.”

98. The shortest road from Vidal Sassoon to Rodgers & Hammerstein is through this actress.

99. “We had different needs. I needed him to treat me decently and get a job, and he needed to empty my bank account and leave. “

100. She completes a list that includes Willem Dafoe, Daniel Day Lewis, Kirk Douglas, Jose Ferrer, Ed Harris, Marcia Gay Harden, Salma Hayek, and Anthony Quinn.

101. “Oh, god ... there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold.”

102. If you change just one letter of a character played by this actor on a 2000s TV series, you get … me.

103. “He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the Ten Most Wanted list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know.”

104. Handed the wrong envelope at the 1964 Oscar ceremony, he quipped, “Wait till the NAACP hears about this!”

105. “They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!”

106. Her first marriage to an actor and war hero did not last – at least in part because, during an episode of PTSD, he held her at gunpoint.

107. “Gee, Sadie was a good skirt. I shouldn't have slipped her that ant poison. I should have just battered her in the jaw a few times.”

108. He was the first of three consecutive actors to win Oscars for directing.

109. “We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. Which story do you want us to write? Because we're writing one of them.”

110. Of the 25 individuals to achieve the Triple Crown of Acting, she and Jack Albertson were the only ones to win their Emmys for starring roles in sitcoms.

111. “I can't believe my grandmother actually felt me up.”

112. Another winner of the Triple Crown of Acting, he gave this explanation for why he would turn down a knighthood: "I became an actor to be a rogue and a vagabond and play by my own rules so I don't think it would be apt for the establishment to pull me in as one of their own, for I ain't.”

113. “I happen to know that in the future I will not have the slightest use for algebra, and I speak from experience.”

114. This actor succeeded Charlton Heston and was succeeded by Dennis Weaver.

115. “Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we? They talk about the people and the proletariat, I talk about the suckers and the mugs - it's the same thing. They have their five-year plans, so have I.”

116. In 1982, this star released what became the best-selling VHS of all time.

117. “Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”

118. He has appeared onscreen with Bugs Bunny, Pauly Shore … and Sir Ian McKellan.

119. “They've committed a murder! And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.”

120. Though they achieved film stardom at about the same time, he never appeared on screen with his first wife – perhaps remembering how she had stolen a big Broadway musical out from under him.

121. “After I killed them, I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the residue off me hands in the bathroom of a Burger King, and walked home to await instructions. Shortly thereafter the instructions came through. ‘Get the fuck out of London, youse dumb fucks.’”

122. Reportedly, D. W. Griffith did not like this actor’s habit of spontaneously scaling buildings or jumping fences and recommended that he go into Keystone comedies instead.

123. “You're going to have a big wedding whether you like it or not! And if you don't like it, you don't have to come!”

124. She reportedly turned down several offers to receive the Kennedy Center Honors because her fear of flying precluded her from attending the ceremony.

125. “I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.”

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#2 Post by littlebeast13 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:27 am

Token movie game answer time!!!!

43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#3 Post by Vandal » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:39 am

116. In 1982, this star released what became the best-selling VHS of all time.
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#4 Post by earendel » Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:18 pm

41. Joe E. Brown, "Some Like it Hot"
59. Gene Wilder, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory"
105. Matt Damon, "The Martian"
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#5 Post by Bob78164 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:22 pm

Is 1 Marlon Brando from The Godfather? --Bob
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#6 Post by ne1410s » Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:38 pm

113. Peggy Sue Got Married. Kathleen Turner
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#7 Post by kroxquo » Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:43 pm

4. His marriage to another Hollywood star lasted until his death – on their 57th wedding anniversary – in 1990.

Hume Cronyn

7. “There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty f**king good.”

Bradley Cooper

10. Before achieving superstardom in the 1970s, this actor appeared in three of the best action movies of the 1960s – two war films and a western.

Charles Bronson

14. As children in the late 1950s-early 60s, they each appeared as guests on a popular TV adventure series starring their father.

Beau & Jeff Bridges

19. “Movies are entertaining enough for the masses but the personalities on the screen just don't impress me. I mean they don't talk, they don't act, the just make a lot of dumb show.”

Debbie Reynolds

26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.

George Burns

28. He and Paul Newman were the first actors to receive “staggered-but-equal” billing in a Hollywood film, with one name appearing to the right and higher than the other.

Robert Redford?

34. He said the film he most regretted making was a reboot of an old TV show – but at least it netted him a #1 record.

Will Smith?

41. “Well … nobody’s perfect.”

Joe E. Brown

43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

Michael J. Fox

44. She is the only woman to have hosted the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Primetime Emmys.

Whoopi Goldberg?

47. “Well now, what happened is ... ahm ... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of ... well, he went a little funny in the head. .. you know ... just a little ... funny. And, ah ... he went and did a silly thing....”

Peter Sellers

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.

Ginger Rogers?

52. In 1960, this former Mr. Universe was ranked the #1 box office draw in 25 countries.

Victor Mature?

54. She is within two nominations of tying Peter O’Toole’s Oscar record – assuming, of course, that she doesn’t win.

Glenn Close?

55. “Well, when we're young, we look at thing very idealistically I guess. And I think Woodsworth means that ... that when we're grow-up ... then, we have to ... forget the ideals of youth ... and find strength….”

59. “The strawberries taste like strawberries, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”

Gene Wilder

80. He was one of the first British paratroopers to land at Normandy on D-Day – an experience he recreated in two different films about D-Day.

Sean Connery

92. He wrote, directed, and starred in a 1981 comedy in which his wife was played by another member of the classic CBS Saturday night lineup of the mid-1970s. Got that?

Harvey Korman?

97. “Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.”

Tim Blake Nelson

103. “He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the Ten Most Wanted list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know.”

It'sfrom Take the Money and Run but I can't think of her name

105. “They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!”

Matt Damon

113. “I happen to know that in the future I will not have the slightest use for algebra, and I speak from experience.”

Kathleen Turner

116. In 1982, this star released what became the best-selling VHS of all time.

Jane Fonda

117. “Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”

Anne Baxter

119. “They've committed a murder! And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.”

Harvey Keitel
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#8 Post by ne1410s » Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:12 pm

89. Jamie Foxx. Collateral
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#9 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:18 pm


1. “What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.”


2. This year, she accomplished something that her father failed to do twice and her mother failed to do three times.


4. His marriage to another Hollywood star lasted until his death – on their 57th wedding anniversary – in 1990.


6. Appropriately, she made her Broadway debut in a revival of A Doll’s House and also starred in an unsuccessful musical adaptation of I Remember Mama.


9. “I steal.”


10. Before achieving superstardom in the 1970s, this actor appeared in three of the best action movies of the 1960s – two war films and a western.


11. “See, this is a floor plan of the apartment. Here's my room, here's your room, here's the bathroom and here's the kitchen. Now, my alarm goes off at seven o'clock, and we both get up. At seven one, I enter the bathroom. Then you go down to get the milk, and by seven five you've started the coffee. One minute later, I leave the bathroom, and a minute after that, you enter the bathroom. And that's when I'm starting to dress. Three minutes later, I'm having my coffee, and a minute after that at seven twelve, you leave the bathroom. At seven thirteen, I put on my eggs, and I leave to finish dressing. Then you put on your shoes, and take off my eggs at seven sixteen. At seven seventeen, you start to shave. At seven eighteen, I eat my eggs, and at seven twenty-one, I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair, and at seven twenty-four, you're in the kitchen putting on your eggs. At seven twenty-five, you make your bed. Seven twenty-six, I make my bed. And then while you're eating your eggs, I take out the papers and cans. At seven twenty-nine, you're washing the dishes, and at seven thirty, we're all finished. You see?”


OK. She was in The More the Merrier with Joel McCrea (from which this was taken). I wonder if that has something to do with the Tangredi - or coincidence

12. As far as I know, he is the only actor to have supported Meryl Streep, Brooke Shields, and the Beatles – though not all in the same movie.


14. As children in the late 1950s-early 60s, they each appeared as guests on a popular TV adventure series starring their father.


15. “I never realized till now how ugly I am, because you're so beautiful. I'm not a man! I'm not a beast! I'm about as shapeless as the man in the moon!”


16. He played the chief villain in the movie from which the above quote is taken.


17. “On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built.”


19. “Movies are entertaining enough for the masses but the personalities on the screen just don't impress me. I mean they don't talk, they don't act, the just make a lot of dumb show.”


20. His distinguished stage career included plays by Odets, Hellman, Pinter, Kaufman & Hart, Behrman, and – most definitively – Eugene O’Neill.

21. “How did you ever get command of a ship? I realize in wartime they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, but where did they ever scrape you up?”


24. His screen co-stars have included Laurence Olivier, Steve Martin, and the Muppets.


26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.


29. “Everybody does his duty at Zinderneuf, dead or alive! We'll make those Arabs think we've got a thousand men.”


33. “If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.”


36. He drove a chariot in The Ten Commandments, rode a racehorse in A Day at the Races, and fought gladiators in Spartacus – but you won’t find his name in the credits for any of them.


37. “You see, Mr. Milton, in the Army I've had to be with men when they were stripped of everything in the way of property except what they carried around with them and inside them. I saw them being tested. Now some of them stood up to it and some didn't. But you got so you could tell which ones you could count on.”


38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Emmy twice.


40. His filmography includes roles previously played onscreen by Gérard Philipe, Arthur Kennedy, and Lon Chaney, Jr.


41. “Well … nobody’s perfect.”


42. Her onscreen husbands included Don Ameche, John Lund, John Payne, and – unfortunately for him – Cornel Wilde.


43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”


48. The reason there has never been a film version of The Catcher in the Rye is that the he refused to allow any other screen adaptations of his work after seeing the 1949 movie starring this actress.

SUSAN HAYWARD (My Foolish Heart was Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut)

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.


58. During his long career, this character actor worked under the direction of Alfred Hitchcock, Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges, Howard Hawks, Sam Wood, Clarence Brown, and – in his Oscar-winning role – George Stevens.


60. Though he earned a knighthood – primarily for his stage work – he never quite lived up to his early promise as “the next Olivier,” and his career came to be eclipsed by that of his third wife.


63. “Make no mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.”


64. Each of these bandleaders appeared as themselves in a variety of 1940s musicals, including one based on the film referenced in the preceding clue.


68. While doing publicity photos for the Roach studios, this actor mistook a bomb for a prop, resulting in the loss of the thumb and index finger of his right hand – which did not slow down his highly athletic film career.


71. “The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job.”


72. During a brief sojourn in Hollywood during World War II, this quintessentially British actress appeared in adaptations of three light-hearted Broadway musicals.


75. “I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.”


77. “It's for Paris, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”


82. In a classic Studio One teleplay, he originated a role that would later be played on the big screen by Ed Begley.


83. “Shut up and deal.”


90. He jumped his way to movie immortality in a 1953 MGM musical.


91. “Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.”


96. This Australian actor made his film debut in a role that, two years later, would be more memorably played by Clark Gable.


101. “Oh, god ... there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold.”


104. Handed the wrong envelope at the 1964 Oscar ceremony, he quipped, “Wait till the NAACP hears about this!”


106. Her first marriage to an actor and war hero did not last – at least in part because, during an episode of PTSD, he held her at gunpoint.


108. He was the first of three consecutive actors to win Oscars for directing.


109. “We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. Which story do you want us to write? Because we're writing one of them.”


111. “I can't believe my grandmother actually felt me up.”


113. “I happen to know that in the future I will not have the slightest use for algebra, and I speak from experience.”


114. This actor succeeded Charlton Heston and was succeeded by Dennis Weaver.

JOHN GAVIN (SAG President)

115. “Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we? They talk about the people and the proletariat, I talk about the suckers and the mugs - it's the same thing. They have their five-year plans, so have I.”


117. “Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”


119. “They've committed a murder! And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.”


122. Reportedly, D. W. Griffith did not like this actor’s habit of spontaneously scaling buildings or jumping fences and recommended that he go into Keystone comedies instead.


123. “You're going to have a big wedding whether you like it or not! And if you don't like it, you don't have to come!”


124. She reportedly turned down several offers to receive the Kennedy Center Honors because her fear of flying precluded her from attending the ceremony.


125. “I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.”

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#10 Post by franktangredi » Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:38 pm

38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Emmy twice.

Big error on my part. That should have been the Oscar and the Tony!!!!!

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#11 Post by jarnon » Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:07 pm

1. “What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.”

7. “There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty f**king good.”

45. “There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a b**job from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by.”

47. “Well now, what happened is ... ahm ... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of ... well, he went a little funny in the head. .. you know ... just a little ... funny. And, ah ... he went and did a silly thing....”

105. “They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!”
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#12 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:23 pm

franktangredi wrote:
Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:38 pm
38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Emmy twice.

Big error on my part. That should have been the Oscar and the Tony!!!!!
OK - how about HELEN HAYES

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#13 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:00 am

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.

Ginger Rogers?

Could this be BETTY GRABLE?

I am thinking of her legs being insured by Lloyds of London and her pin-up stuff during WWII.

I originally guessed Esther Williams but I think the time frame is too early for Esther.

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#14 Post by PanicinDetroit » Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:53 am

103. He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the Ten Most Wanted list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know.” - JANET MARGOLIN

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#15 Post by Vandal » Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:35 pm

3. “Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?”
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#16 Post by jarnon » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:10 pm

First consolidation…

Identify the 125 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 pairs and 20 triples according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself.

Eleven actors will be used twice and one actor will be used five times.

1. “What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.”

2. This year, she accomplished something that her father failed to do twice and her mother failed to do three times.

3. “Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?”

4. His marriage to another Hollywood star lasted until his death – on their 57th wedding anniversary – in 1990.

5. “King Kong ain't got s**t on me!”

6. Appropriately, she made her Broadway debut in a revival of A Doll’s House and also starred in an unsuccessful musical adaptation of I Remember Mama.

7. “There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty f**king good.”

8. She and Sally Field won Emmy awards for playing similar roles 32 years apart.

9. “I steal.”

10. Before achieving superstardom in the 1970s, this actor appeared in three of the best action movies of the 1960s – two war films and a western.

11. “See, this is a floor plan of the apartment. Here's my room, here's your room, here's the bathroom and here's the kitchen. Now, my alarm goes off at seven o'clock, and we both get up. At seven one, I enter the bathroom. Then you go down to get the milk, and by seven five you've started the coffee. One minute later, I leave the bathroom, and a minute after that, you enter the bathroom. And that's when I'm starting to dress. Three minutes later, I'm having my coffee, and a minute after that at seven twelve, you leave the bathroom. At seven thirteen, I put on my eggs, and I leave to finish dressing. Then you put on your shoes, and take off my eggs at seven sixteen. At seven seventeen, you start to shave. At seven eighteen, I eat my eggs, and at seven twenty-one, I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair, and at seven twenty-four, you're in the kitchen putting on your eggs. At seven twenty-five, you make your bed. Seven twenty-six, I make my bed. And then while you're eating your eggs, I take out the papers and cans. At seven twenty-nine, you're washing the dishes, and at seven thirty, we're all finished. You see?”

12. As far as I know, he is the only actor to have supported Meryl Streep, Brooke Shields, and the Beatles – though not all in the same movie.

13. “Well the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. And the baboons are going ape over this. Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all. The tick birds are pecking on the elephants. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't. The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say, cheetahs never prosper.”

14. As children in the late 1950s-early 60s, they each appeared as guests on a popular TV adventure series starring their father.

15. “I never realized till now how ugly I am, because you're so beautiful. I'm not a man! I'm not a beast! I'm about as shapeless as the man in the moon!”

16. He played the chief villain in the movie from which the above quote is taken.

17. “On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built.”

18. He completes a list that also includes Roberto Benigni, Marcello Mastroianni, and Massimo Troisi.

19. “Movies are entertaining enough for the masses but the personalities on the screen just don't impress me. I mean they don't talk, they don't act, the just make a lot of dumb show.”

20. His distinguished stage career included plays by Odets, Hellman, Pinter, Kaufman & Hart, Behrman, and – most definitively – Eugene O’Neill.

21. “How did you ever get command of a ship? I realize in wartime they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, but where did they ever scrape you up?”

22. This veteran stage and screen star was Lieutenant Columbo’s oldest adversary.

23. “Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people dance.”

24. His screen co-stars have included Laurence Olivier, Steve Martin, and the Muppets.

25. “With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.”

26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.

27. “You realize we're all going to go to college as virgins. They probably have special dorms for people like us.”

28. He and Paul Newman were the first actors to receive “staggered-but-equal” billing in a Hollywood film, with one name appearing to the right and higher than the other.

29. “Everybody does his duty at Zinderneuf, dead or alive! We'll make those Arabs think we've got a thousand men.”

30. During the 1990s, he starred in one Oscar winner for Best Picture, while his brother starred in two.

31. “A plague on you. A plague on the whole stinking lot of ya, without morals or laws. And all you whores got no laws. You got no honor. It's no wonder you all emigrated to America, because they wouldn't have you in England. You're a lot of savages, that's what you all are. A bunch of bloody savages. A plague on you. I'll be back. “

32. In different screen comedies, she posed as the wives of Jason Sudeikis and Adam Sandler.

33. “If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.”

34. He said the film he most regretted making was a reboot of an old TV show – but at least it netted him a #1 record.

35. “I wouldn't marry you if you were young, which you can't be. If you were honest which you never were and If you were about to die, tomorrow which is too much to hope for!”

36. He drove a chariot in The Ten Commandments, rode a racehorse in A Day at the Races, and fought gladiators in Spartacus – but you won’t find his name in the credits for any of them.

37. “You see, Mr. Milton, in the Army I've had to be with men when they were stripped of everything in the way of property except what they carried around with them and inside them. I saw them being tested. Now some of them stood up to it and some didn't. But you got so you could tell which ones you could count on.”

38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Tony twice.

39. “I've had this business: ‘Anything is better than nothing.’ There are times when nothing has to be better than anything.”

40. His filmography includes roles previously played onscreen by Gérard Philipe, Arthur Kennedy, and Lon Chaney, Jr.

41. “Well … nobody’s perfect.”

42. Her onscreen husbands included Don Ameche, John Lund, John Payne, and – unfortunately for him – Cornel Wilde.

43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

44. She is the only woman to have hosted the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Primetime Emmys.

45. “There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a b**job from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by.”

46. It being the 1940s, nothing really untoward happened when he went up to one girl’s room and got another’s garter.

47. “Well now, what happened is ... ahm ... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of ... well, he went a little funny in the head. .. you know ... just a little ... funny. And, ah ... he went and did a silly thing....”

48. The reason there has never been a film version of The Catcher in the Rye is that the he refused to allow any other screen adaptations of his work after seeing the 1949 movie starring this actress.

49. “Oklahoma Kid. That's me. I'm the Oklahoma Kid. You f**kin' varmint! Dance. Dance. Yahoo, ya mother**ker!”

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.

51. “Five years ago you didn't care about telling the truth. You and all your family, you just assumed that for all my education, I was still little better than a servant, still not to be trusted. Thanks to you, they were able to close ranks and throw me to the f**king wolves!”

52. In 1960, this former Mr. Universe was ranked the #1 box office draw in 25 countries.

53. “Someone hurt my friend Lloyd, and not just on his face. He is having a hard time forgiving the person who hurt him. Do you, do you know what that means? To forgive? It's a decision we make to release a person from the feelings of anger we have at them. It's strange, but sometimes it's hardest of all to forgive someone we love.”

54. She is within two nominations of tying Peter O’Toole’s Oscar record – assuming, of course, that she doesn’t win.

55. “Well, when we're young, we look at thing very idealistically I guess. And I think Woodsworth means that ... that when we're grow-up ... then, we have to ... forget the ideals of youth ... and find strength….”

56. His first Oscar nomination and his first Oscar both came for playing men in togas.

57. “Yeah, f**k you, too. F**k me? F**k you, F**k you and this whole city and everyone in it. F**k the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. F**k the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car - get a f**king job! F**k the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores stinking up my day. Terrorists in f**king training. SLOW THE F**K DOWN! F**k the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps”.

58. During his long career, this character actor worked under the direction of Alfred Hitchcock, Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges, Howard Hawks, Sam Wood, Clarence Brown, and – in his Oscar-winning role – George Stevens.

59. “The strawberries taste like strawberries, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”

60. Though he earned a knighthood – primarily for his stage work – he never quite lived up to his early promise as “the next Olivier,” and his career came to be eclipsed by that of his third wife.

61. “I want you to remember this word, okay? It's kind of like a code word: Yahoo. Can you remember that?”

62. This French actor/writer/director was selected by Entertainment Weekly as one of the 50 Greatest Directors of All Time – even those his body of work consisted of only six feature-length comedies.

63. “Make no mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.”

64. Each of these bandleaders appeared as themselves in a variety of 1940s musicals, including one based on the film referenced in the preceding clue.

65. "Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go! Sub-question: Is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter-day sins? Is it better to burn out or fade away?”

66. In addition to her Oscars and her National Medal of the Arts, this actress was named a Dame Commander of the British Empire and a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

67. "Couldn't you like me, just me the way I am? When we first started out, it was so good; we had fun. And ... and then you started in on the clothes. Well, I'll wear the darn clothes if you want me to, if you'll just, just like me.”

68. While doing publicity photos for the Roach studios, this actor mistook a bomb for a prop, resulting in the loss of the thumb and index finger of his right hand – which did not slow down his highly athletic film career.

69. “I wouldn't know him if he stood up in my soup!”

70. His filmography includes adaptations of plays by Shakespeare, Shaw, Robert E. Sherwood, and Philip Barry.

71. “The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job.”

72. During a brief sojourn in Hollywood during World War II, this quintessentially British actress appeared in adaptations of three light-hearted Broadway musicals.

73. “What the cops never figured out, and what I know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. Anybody.”

74. This star’s screen spouses have included Julianne Moore and the actor in the preceding clue.

75. “I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.”

76. Onscreen he has played both a Marvel villain and the patron saint of fathers.

77. “It's for Paris, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”

78. Her filmography includes adaptations of works by Walter Scott, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francoise Sagan, Rudyard Kipling, and one of the Bronte sisters.

79. “There are 20 million women in this island and I've got to be chained to you.”

80. He was one of the first British paratroopers to land at Normandy on D-Day – an experience he recreated in two different films about D-Day.

81. “Just take this pen, please, and write me?”

82. In a classic Studio One teleplay, he originated a role that would later be played on the big screen by Ed Begley.

83. “Shut up and deal.”

84. In a 1970 comedy, his butt appearred in the infamous “tush scene” involving an actress in one of the preceding clues.

85. “You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them! “

86. On screen, she had the unusual distinction of playing love interest to both Marlon Brando and Sabu.

87. “He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. Do you suppose it's always like that? I mean war.”

88. This actor is a licensed pilot and has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo – but it was another hobby of his that nearly killed him in 1988.

89. “I can't drive you around while you're killing folks. It ain't my job!”

90. He jumped his way to movie immortality in a 1953 MGM musical.

91. “Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.”

92. He wrote, directed, and starred in a 1981 comedy in which his wife was played by another member of the classic CBS Saturday night lineup of the mid-1970s. Got that?

93. “Then go on! Whistle it! Whistle as loud as you can!”

94. The mysterious man he played in a 1998 film was similar to – but far less sinister than – the mysterious man played by Sterling Holloway on an episode of [i/]The Twilight Zone.[/i]

95. “Oh come off it, Major! You put me right off my fresh fried lobster, do you realize that? I'm now going to go back to my bed, I'm going to put away the best part of a bottle of scotch. And under normal circumstances, you being normally what I would call a very attractive woman, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might possibly have come. But you really put me off. I mean you ... you're what we call a regular army clown.”

96. This Australian actor made his film debut in a role that, two years later, would be more memorably played by Clark Gable.

97. “Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.”

98. The shortest road from Vidal Sassoon to Rodgers & Hammerstein is through this actress.

99. “We had different needs. I needed him to treat me decently and get a job, and he needed to empty my bank account and leave. “

100. She completes a list that includes Willem Dafoe, Daniel Day Lewis, Kirk Douglas, Jose Ferrer, Ed Harris, Marcia Gay Harden, Salma Hayek, and Anthony Quinn.

101. “Oh, god ... there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold.”

102. If you change just one letter of a character played by this actor on a 2000s TV series, you get … me.

103. “He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the Ten Most Wanted list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know.”

104. Handed the wrong envelope at the 1964 Oscar ceremony, he quipped, “Wait till the NAACP hears about this!”

105. “They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!”

106. Her first marriage to an actor and war hero did not last – at least in part because, during an episode of PTSD, he held her at gunpoint.

107. “Gee, Sadie was a good skirt. I shouldn't have slipped her that ant poison. I should have just battered her in the jaw a few times.”

108. He was the first of three consecutive actors to win Oscars for directing.

109. “We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. Which story do you want us to write? Because we're writing one of them.”

110. Of the 25 individuals to achieve the Triple Crown of Acting, she and Jack Albertson were the only ones to win their Emmys for starring roles in sitcoms.

111. “I can't believe my grandmother actually felt me up.”

112. Another winner of the Triple Crown of Acting, he gave this explanation for why he would turn down a knighthood: "I became an actor to be a rogue and a vagabond and play by my own rules so I don't think it would be apt for the establishment to pull me in as one of their own, for I ain't.”

113. “I happen to know that in the future I will not have the slightest use for algebra, and I speak from experience.”

114. This actor succeeded Charlton Heston and was succeeded by Dennis Weaver.

115. “Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we? They talk about the people and the proletariat, I talk about the suckers and the mugs - it's the same thing. They have their five-year plans, so have I.”

116. In 1982, this star released what became the best-selling VHS of all time.

117. “Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”

118. He has appeared onscreen with Bugs Bunny, Pauly Shore … and Sir Ian McKellan.

119. “They've committed a murder! And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.”

120. Though they achieved film stardom at about the same time, he never appeared on screen with his first wife – perhaps remembering how she had stolen a big Broadway musical out from under him.

121. “After I killed them, I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the residue off me hands in the bathroom of a Burger King, and walked home to await instructions. Shortly thereafter the instructions came through. ‘Get the fuck out of London, youse dumb fucks.’”

122. Reportedly, D. W. Griffith did not like this actor’s habit of spontaneously scaling buildings or jumping fences and recommended that he go into Keystone comedies instead.

123. “You're going to have a big wedding whether you like it or not! And if you don't like it, you don't have to come!”

124. She reportedly turned down several offers to receive the Kennedy Center Honors because her fear of flying precluded her from attending the ceremony.

125. “I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.”
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#17 Post by franktangredi » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:59 pm

Five of the 'definite' answers are wrong, although #60 might be considered a matter of judgment.

Five of the answers with question marks are wrong. In one case, the same actor appears as the answer to two different clues, and he was way too young to be the right answer to one of them. In another case, comparing the question to the answer will in itself show that the answer is wrong.
jarnon wrote:
Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:10 pm
First consolidation…

Identify the 125 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 40 pairs and 20 triples according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself.

Eleven actors will be used twice and one actor will be used five times.

1. “What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, this scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by some chance an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies. And then, they would fear you.”

2. This year, she accomplished something that her father failed to do twice and her mother failed to do three times.

3. “Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?”

4. His marriage to another Hollywood star lasted until his death – on their 57th wedding anniversary – in 1990.

5. “King Kong ain't got s**t on me!”

6. Appropriately, she made her Broadway debut in a revival of A Doll’s House and also starred in an unsuccessful musical adaptation of I Remember Mama.

7. “There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty f**king good.”

8. She and Sally Field won Emmy awards for playing similar roles 32 years apart.

9. “I steal.”

10. Before achieving superstardom in the 1970s, this actor appeared in three of the best action movies of the 1960s – two war films and a western.

11. “See, this is a floor plan of the apartment. Here's my room, here's your room, here's the bathroom and here's the kitchen. Now, my alarm goes off at seven o'clock, and we both get up. At seven one, I enter the bathroom. Then you go down to get the milk, and by seven five you've started the coffee. One minute later, I leave the bathroom, and a minute after that, you enter the bathroom. And that's when I'm starting to dress. Three minutes later, I'm having my coffee, and a minute after that at seven twelve, you leave the bathroom. At seven thirteen, I put on my eggs, and I leave to finish dressing. Then you put on your shoes, and take off my eggs at seven sixteen. At seven seventeen, you start to shave. At seven eighteen, I eat my eggs, and at seven twenty-one, I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair, and at seven twenty-four, you're in the kitchen putting on your eggs. At seven twenty-five, you make your bed. Seven twenty-six, I make my bed. And then while you're eating your eggs, I take out the papers and cans. At seven twenty-nine, you're washing the dishes, and at seven thirty, we're all finished. You see?”

12. As far as I know, he is the only actor to have supported Meryl Streep, Brooke Shields, and the Beatles – though not all in the same movie.

13. “Well the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. And the baboons are going ape over this. Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all. The tick birds are pecking on the elephants. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't. The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say, cheetahs never prosper.”

14. As children in the late 1950s-early 60s, they each appeared as guests on a popular TV adventure series starring their father.

15. “I never realized till now how ugly I am, because you're so beautiful. I'm not a man! I'm not a beast! I'm about as shapeless as the man in the moon!”

16. He played the chief villain in the movie from which the above quote is taken.

17. “On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built.”

18. He completes a list that also includes Roberto Benigni, Marcello Mastroianni, and Massimo Troisi.

19. “Movies are entertaining enough for the masses but the personalities on the screen just don't impress me. I mean they don't talk, they don't act, the just make a lot of dumb show.”

20. His distinguished stage career included plays by Odets, Hellman, Pinter, Kaufman & Hart, Behrman, and – most definitively – Eugene O’Neill.

21. “How did you ever get command of a ship? I realize in wartime they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, but where did they ever scrape you up?”

22. This veteran stage and screen star was Lieutenant Columbo’s oldest adversary.

23. “Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people dance.”

24. His screen co-stars have included Laurence Olivier, Steve Martin, and the Muppets.

25. “With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.”

26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.

27. “You realize we're all going to go to college as virgins. They probably have special dorms for people like us.”

28. He and Paul Newman were the first actors to receive “staggered-but-equal” billing in a Hollywood film, with one name appearing to the right and higher than the other.

29. “Everybody does his duty at Zinderneuf, dead or alive! We'll make those Arabs think we've got a thousand men.”

30. During the 1990s, he starred in one Oscar winner for Best Picture, while his brother starred in two.

31. “A plague on you. A plague on the whole stinking lot of ya, without morals or laws. And all you whores got no laws. You got no honor. It's no wonder you all emigrated to America, because they wouldn't have you in England. You're a lot of savages, that's what you all are. A bunch of bloody savages. A plague on you. I'll be back. “

32. In different screen comedies, she posed as the wives of Jason Sudeikis and Adam Sandler.

33. “If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.”

34. He said the film he most regretted making was a reboot of an old TV show – but at least it netted him a #1 record.

35. “I wouldn't marry you if you were young, which you can't be. If you were honest which you never were and If you were about to die, tomorrow which is too much to hope for!”

36. He drove a chariot in The Ten Commandments, rode a racehorse in A Day at the Races, and fought gladiators in Spartacus – but you won’t find his name in the credits for any of them.

37. “You see, Mr. Milton, in the Army I've had to be with men when they were stripped of everything in the way of property except what they carried around with them and inside them. I saw them being tested. Now some of them stood up to it and some didn't. But you got so you could tell which ones you could count on.”

38. She and the actor in the preceding clue are the only actors to have won both the Oscar and the Tony twice.

39. “I've had this business: ‘Anything is better than nothing.’ There are times when nothing has to be better than anything.”

40. His filmography includes roles previously played onscreen by Gérard Philipe, Arthur Kennedy, and Lon Chaney, Jr.

41. “Well … nobody’s perfect.”

42. Her onscreen husbands included Don Ameche, John Lund, John Payne, and – unfortunately for him – Cornel Wilde.

43. “I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”

44. She is the only woman to have hosted the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Primetime Emmys.

45. “There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a b**job from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by.”

46. It being the 1940s, nothing really untoward happened when he went up to one girl’s room and got another’s garter.

47. “Well now, what happened is ... ahm ... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of ... well, he went a little funny in the head. .. you know ... just a little ... funny. And, ah ... he went and did a silly thing....”

48. The reason there has never been a film version of The Catcher in the Rye is that the he refused to allow any other screen adaptations of his work after seeing the 1949 movie starring this actress.

49. “Oklahoma Kid. That's me. I'm the Oklahoma Kid. You f**kin' varmint! Dance. Dance. Yahoo, ya mother**ker!”

50. In 1946 and 1947, this star of movie musicals had the highest salary of any woman in the United States.

51. “Five years ago you didn't care about telling the truth. You and all your family, you just assumed that for all my education, I was still little better than a servant, still not to be trusted. Thanks to you, they were able to close ranks and throw me to the f**king wolves!”

52. In 1960, this former Mr. Universe was ranked the #1 box office draw in 25 countries.

53. “Someone hurt my friend Lloyd, and not just on his face. He is having a hard time forgiving the person who hurt him. Do you, do you know what that means? To forgive? It's a decision we make to release a person from the feelings of anger we have at them. It's strange, but sometimes it's hardest of all to forgive someone we love.”

54. She is within two nominations of tying Peter O’Toole’s Oscar record – assuming, of course, that she doesn’t win.

55. “Well, when we're young, we look at thing very idealistically I guess. And I think Woodsworth means that ... that when we're grow-up ... then, we have to ... forget the ideals of youth ... and find strength….”

56. His first Oscar nomination and his first Oscar both came for playing men in togas.

57. “Yeah, f**k you, too. F**k me? F**k you, F**k you and this whole city and everyone in it. F**k the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. F**k the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car - get a f**king job! F**k the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores stinking up my day. Terrorists in f**king training. SLOW THE F**K DOWN! F**k the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps”.

58. During his long career, this character actor worked under the direction of Alfred Hitchcock, Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges, Howard Hawks, Sam Wood, Clarence Brown, and – in his Oscar-winning role – George Stevens.

59. “The strawberries taste like strawberries, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”

60. Though he earned a knighthood – primarily for his stage work – he never quite lived up to his early promise as “the next Olivier,” and his career came to be eclipsed by that of his third wife.

61. “I want you to remember this word, okay? It's kind of like a code word: Yahoo. Can you remember that?”

62. This French actor/writer/director was selected by Entertainment Weekly as one of the 50 Greatest Directors of All Time – even those his body of work consisted of only six feature-length comedies.

63. “Make no mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.”

64. Each of these bandleaders appeared as themselves in a variety of 1940s musicals, including one based on the film referenced in the preceding clue.

65. "Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go! Sub-question: Is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter-day sins? Is it better to burn out or fade away?”

66. In addition to her Oscars and her National Medal of the Arts, this actress was named a Dame Commander of the British Empire and a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

67. "Couldn't you like me, just me the way I am? When we first started out, it was so good; we had fun. And ... and then you started in on the clothes. Well, I'll wear the darn clothes if you want me to, if you'll just, just like me.”

68. While doing publicity photos for the Roach studios, this actor mistook a bomb for a prop, resulting in the loss of the thumb and index finger of his right hand – which did not slow down his highly athletic film career.

69. “I wouldn't know him if he stood up in my soup!”

70. His filmography includes adaptations of plays by Shakespeare, Shaw, Robert E. Sherwood, and Philip Barry.

71. “The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job.”

72. During a brief sojourn in Hollywood during World War II, this quintessentially British actress appeared in adaptations of three light-hearted Broadway musicals.

73. “What the cops never figured out, and what I know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. Anybody.”

74. This star’s screen spouses have included Julianne Moore and the actor in the preceding clue.

75. “I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.”

76. Onscreen he has played both a Marvel villain and the patron saint of fathers.

77. “It's for Paris, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”

78. Her filmography includes adaptations of works by Walter Scott, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francoise Sagan, Rudyard Kipling, and one of the Bronte sisters.

79. “There are 20 million women in this island and I've got to be chained to you.”

80. He was one of the first British paratroopers to land at Normandy on D-Day – an experience he recreated in two different films about D-Day.

81. “Just take this pen, please, and write me?”

82. In a classic Studio One teleplay, he originated a role that would later be played on the big screen by Ed Begley.

83. “Shut up and deal.”

84. In a 1970 comedy, his butt appearred in the infamous “tush scene” involving an actress in one of the preceding clues.

85. “You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them! “

86. On screen, she had the unusual distinction of playing love interest to both Marlon Brando and Sabu.

87. “He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. Do you suppose it's always like that? I mean war.”

88. This actor is a licensed pilot and has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo – but it was another hobby of his that nearly killed him in 1988.

89. “I can't drive you around while you're killing folks. It ain't my job!”

90. He jumped his way to movie immortality in a 1953 MGM musical.

91. “Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.”

92. He wrote, directed, and starred in a 1981 comedy in which his wife was played by another member of the classic CBS Saturday night lineup of the mid-1970s. Got that?

93. “Then go on! Whistle it! Whistle as loud as you can!”

94. The mysterious man he played in a 1998 film was similar to – but far less sinister than – the mysterious man played by Sterling Holloway on an episode of [i/]The Twilight Zone.[/i]

95. “Oh come off it, Major! You put me right off my fresh fried lobster, do you realize that? I'm now going to go back to my bed, I'm going to put away the best part of a bottle of scotch. And under normal circumstances, you being normally what I would call a very attractive woman, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might possibly have come. But you really put me off. I mean you ... you're what we call a regular army clown.”

96. This Australian actor made his film debut in a role that, two years later, would be more memorably played by Clark Gable.

97. “Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.”

98. The shortest road from Vidal Sassoon to Rodgers & Hammerstein is through this actress.

99. “We had different needs. I needed him to treat me decently and get a job, and he needed to empty my bank account and leave. “

100. She completes a list that includes Willem Dafoe, Daniel Day Lewis, Kirk Douglas, Jose Ferrer, Ed Harris, Marcia Gay Harden, Salma Hayek, and Anthony Quinn.

101. “Oh, god ... there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold.”

102. If you change just one letter of a character played by this actor on a 2000s TV series, you get … me.

103. “He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the Ten Most Wanted list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know.”

104. Handed the wrong envelope at the 1964 Oscar ceremony, he quipped, “Wait till the NAACP hears about this!”

105. “They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!”

106. Her first marriage to an actor and war hero did not last – at least in part because, during an episode of PTSD, he held her at gunpoint.

107. “Gee, Sadie was a good skirt. I shouldn't have slipped her that ant poison. I should have just battered her in the jaw a few times.”

108. He was the first of three consecutive actors to win Oscars for directing.

109. “We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. Which story do you want us to write? Because we're writing one of them.”

110. Of the 25 individuals to achieve the Triple Crown of Acting, she and Jack Albertson were the only ones to win their Emmys for starring roles in sitcoms.

111. “I can't believe my grandmother actually felt me up.”

112. Another winner of the Triple Crown of Acting, he gave this explanation for why he would turn down a knighthood: "I became an actor to be a rogue and a vagabond and play by my own rules so I don't think it would be apt for the establishment to pull me in as one of their own, for I ain't.”

113. “I happen to know that in the future I will not have the slightest use for algebra, and I speak from experience.”

114. This actor succeeded Charlton Heston and was succeeded by Dennis Weaver.

115. “Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we? They talk about the people and the proletariat, I talk about the suckers and the mugs - it's the same thing. They have their five-year plans, so have I.”

116. In 1982, this star released what became the best-selling VHS of all time.

117. “Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”

118. He has appeared onscreen with Bugs Bunny, Pauly Shore … and Sir Ian McKellan.

119. “They've committed a murder! And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.”

120. Though they achieved film stardom at about the same time, he never appeared on screen with his first wife – perhaps remembering how she had stolen a big Broadway musical out from under him.

121. “After I killed them, I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the residue off me hands in the bathroom of a Burger King, and walked home to await instructions. Shortly thereafter the instructions came through. ‘Get the fuck out of London, youse dumb fucks.’”

122. Reportedly, D. W. Griffith did not like this actor’s habit of spontaneously scaling buildings or jumping fences and recommended that he go into Keystone comedies instead.

123. “You're going to have a big wedding whether you like it or not! And if you don't like it, you don't have to come!”

124. She reportedly turned down several offers to receive the Kennedy Center Honors because her fear of flying precluded her from attending the ceremony.

125. “I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.”

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#18 Post by mellytu74 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:41 pm

52. In 1960, this former Mr. Universe was ranked the #1 box office draw in 25 countries.

Could this be STEVE REEVES?

92. He wrote, directed, and starred in a 1981 comedy in which his wife was played by another member of the classic CBS Saturday night lineup of the mid-1970s. Got that?

ALAN ALDA - The Four Seasons. With Carol Burnett.

64. Each of these bandleaders appeared as themselves in a variety of 1940s musicals, including one based on the film referenced in the preceding clue.

Goodman played a character in A Song Is Born (based on Ball of Fire).

BUT, how about TOMMY DORSEY, who was himself. Or LOUIS ARMSTRONG, who also played himself in a bunch of movies around that time.

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#19 Post by mrkelley23 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:26 pm

8. almost has to be referring to Sally Field's work as Sybil, which was I believe in the late 70s. So we need someone who won an Emmy for playing someone with a split personality in the 2000s or early 2010s.

18. could be Giancarlo Giannini?

20. is Jason Robards.

23. is Brad Pitt

30. is Joseph Fiennes

32. Jenifer Aniston??

76. The patron saint of fathers is St. Joseph. I don't think Willem Dafoe's ever played him on film, though.

84. is George Segal, and it means that Ruth Gordon is an answer to one of the preceding clues

102. is John Heard, from Prison Break. He played Governor Frank Tancredi.
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#20 Post by mellytu74 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:47 pm

78. Her filmography includes adaptations of works by Walter Scott, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francoise Sagan, Rudyard Kipling, and one of the Bronte sisters.


Ivanhoe, Tender Is the Night, A certain Smile, Gunga Din, Jane Eyre

110. Of the 25 individuals to achieve the Triple Crown of Acting, she and Jack Albertson were the only ones to win their Emmys for starring roles in sitcoms.

How about SHIRLEY BOOTH, whose Emmy almost had to come from Hazel?

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#21 Post by mellytu74 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:52 pm

mrkelley23 wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:26 pm
8. almost has to be referring to Sally Field's work as Sybil, which was I believe in the late 70s. So we need someone who won an Emmy for playing someone with a split personality in the 2000s or early 2010s.
Could this be TONI COLLETTE? Not sure when United States of Tara was but she did win an Emmy for it.

22. This veteran stage and screen star was Lieutenant Columbo’s oldest adversary.

How about this for our RUTH GORDON answer?

26. At a Passover seder in 1922, this comedian was introduced to his future wife – and sometimes foil – by Harpo Marx.

I was thinking in the wrong direction. George met Gracie in a theater (IIRC), Gracie was more than a sometimes foil.

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#22 Post by mrkelley23 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:54 pm

80. can't be Sean Connery, can it? His obit had him at 90 years old, which would mean he was only 14 on D-Day
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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#23 Post by mellytu74 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:04 pm

mrkelley23 wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:54 pm
80. can't be Sean Connery, can it? His obit had him at 90 years old, which would mean he was only 14 on D-Day
It's DAVID NIVEN. I knew this and completely forgot.

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#24 Post by mellytu74 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:16 pm

mrkelley23 wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:26 pm
76. The patron saint of fathers is St. Joseph. I don't think Willem Dafoe's ever played him on film, though.
I know nothing about Marvel movies but apparently

Oscar Isaac

Has played both St. Joseph and a Marvel bad guy.

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Re: Game #204: Marquee Roulette

#25 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:53 pm

I looked this up because it was nagging me. I knew I knew this.

107. “Gee, Sadie was a good skirt. I shouldn't have slipped her that ant poison. I should have just battered her in the jaw a few times.”

WALLACE BEERY in The Big House.

This came to me in the middle of the night. :shock: :shock:

46. It being the 1940s, nothing really untoward happened when he went up to one girl’s room and got another’s garter.

DENNIS O'KEEFE - the movies are the remakes of the silent comedies Up in Mabel's Room and Getting Gertie's Garter.

FWIW, O'Keefe starred in the 1940s version of Brewster's Millions. Just in case remakes are the Tangredi.
Last edited by mellytu74 on Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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