Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

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Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:30 am

(shown in the first slot on 1/12/18)

Eddie Quintaro
Rosemead, CA
Social studies teacher

$500: Someone working in which of the following occupations typically has a tip jar?
A - mall security guard
B - jackhammer operator
C - barista
D - judge
Answer: C (barista)

$1000: One of the highest honors a Garden State native can receive, all but which of these are names of rest stops on the New Jersey Turnpike?
A - Thomas Edison Service Area
B - Woodrow Wilson Service Area
C - Walt Whitman Service Area
D - Nicole "Snookie" Polizzo Service Area
Answer: D (Nicole "Snookie" Polizzo Service Area)

$2000: Only discovered in 1961 and thought to be possessed by fewer than 100 people on Earth, Rh-null is an extremely rare what?
A - British sports car
B - Van Gogh painting
C - Aerosmith album
D - blood disorder
Answer: D (blood disorder)

$3000: In the name of the airline QANTAS, what does the "Q" stand for?
A - Queensland
B - Quebec
C - Qatar
D - Quemoy
Answer: A (Queensland)

$5000: With Cameron seemingly losing herself in Seurat's pointilism, what '80s movie did Smithsonian say "perfectly illustrates the power of art museums"?
A - Rage
B - Sixteen Candles
C - Say Anything
D - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Answer: D (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)

commercial break

$7000: Of what relation to you is your mother's sister's daughter's daughter's sister's mother?
A - first cousin
B - niece
C - aunt
D - second cousin once removed
Answer: A (first cousin)

$10,000: After creating her award-winning web series "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl", Issa Rae went on to star on what acclaimed HBO series?
A - Divorce
B - The Leftovers
C - Insecure
D - Westworld
Answer: C (Insecure)

$20,000: Since it takes the Earth just over 365 days to orbit the sun, which calendar makes up for it by periodically adding a "leap month" called "Adar Alef"?
A - Hindu calendar
B - Hebrew calendar
C - Inuit calendar
D - Islamic calendar

Eddie asks the audience.
Ask the Audience results:
A - 14%
B - 62%
C - 6%
D - 18%

Answer: B (Hebrew calendar)

commercial break

MILLIONAIRE "QUESTION OF THE DAY": What part of the body is composed of thyroid cartilege?
A - outer ear
B - chin
C - elbow
D - Adam's apple
Answer: D (Adam's apple)

$30,000: According to the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately what percentage of police officers in the U.S. are female?
A - 31%
B - 20%
C - 12%
D - 4%

Eddie uses his 50:50.
50:50 results: B & C
Eddie calls for his +1, his friend Jonathan. Eddie doesn't think Jonathan will know it but asks him anyway. Jonathan confirms that he doesn't know but is leaning toward
. That's what Eddie thinks also.
Answer: C (12%)

Eddie leaves with $5,000.
Last edited by BBTranscriptTeam on Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#2 Post by earendel » Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:07 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Eddie Quintaro
Rosemead, CA
Social studies teacher
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1000: One of the highest honors a Garden State native can receive, all but which of these are names of rest stops on the New Jersey Turnpike?
A - Thomas Edison Service Area
B - Woodrow Wilson Service Area
C - Walt Whitman Service Area
D - Nicole "Snookie" Polizzo Service Area
Answer: D (Nicole "Snookie" Polizzo Service Area)
I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$7000: Of what relation to you is your mother's sister's daughter's daughter's sister's mother?
A - first cousin
B - niece
C - aunt
D - second cousin once removed
Answer: A (first cousin)
Eddie worked through this quite well - but terms like "first cousin" and "cousin once removed" can be tricky - I'm not sure they mean the same thing in different parts of the country.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$10,000: After creating her award-winning web series "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl", Issa Rae went on to star on what acclaimed HBO series?
A - Divorce
B - The Leftovers
C - Insecure
D - Westworld
Answer: C (Insecure)
Never heard of this web series, and the only HBO show I know about is Westworld. I'll ATA.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$20,000: Since it takes the Earth just over 365 days to orbit the sun, which calendar makes up for it by periodically adding a "leap month" called Adar Alef"?
A - Hindu calendar
B - Hebrew calendar
C - Inuit calendar
D - Islamic calendar

Eddie asks the audience.
Ask the Audience results:
A - 14%
B - 62%
C - 6%
D - 18%

Answer: B (Hebrew calendar)
The Islamic calendar is also a lunar calendar but they don't factor in leap years, which is why Ramadan moves through the calendar year.
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Re: Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#3 Post by jarnon » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:49 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$20,000: Since it takes the Earth just over 365 days to orbit the sun, which calendar makes up for it by periodically adding a "leap month" called "Adar Alef"?
A - Hindu calendar
B - Hebrew calendar
C - Inuit calendar
D - Islamic calendar

Eddie asks the audience.
Ask the Audience results:
A - 14%
B - 62%
C - 6%
D - 18%

Answer: B (Hebrew calendar)
In a leap year, the month of Adar is replaced with two months, Adar Alef and Adar Bet. I'd call Adar Bet the leap month. If you die during Adar in a regular year, your relatives observe your Yahrzeit in leap years during Adar Alef, not Adar Bet.
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Re: Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#4 Post by seaborgium » Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:48 pm

I just saw this episode in L.A. It's not really relevant to Millionaire, but +1 Jonathan Dinerstein was part of the team (which included three Jeopardy champions) who split $600,000 on the last episode of "Million Dollar Mind Game" in 2011.

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Re: Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#5 Post by ghostjmf » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:17 pm

5K: Haven't seen any of the movies. Never heard character's name. ATA

20K: Not the Ashkenazi pronunciation. But contestant got it anyway, based on knowing Jewish calendar is lunar.

30K: I'd go for 31% or 20%. 50/50, then worry. +1

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Re: Transcript 9/29/2017b - Eddie Quintaro

#6 Post by Estonut » Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:30 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$5000: With Cameron seemingly losing herself in Seurat's pointilism, what '80s movie did Smithsonian say "perfectly illustrates the power of art museums"?
A - Rage
B - Sixteen Candles
C - Say Anything
D - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Answer: D (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
Cameron was a himself, played by Alan Ruck. I recently noticed him in a few episodes of "The Catch" and thought he hadn't done much since FBDO. I just looked up his IMDB credits and, holy crap, he's been very busy for a long time!
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