Transcript 04/24/17 Stephanie Tyree

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Transcript 04/24/17 Stephanie Tyree

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:39 pm

Stephanie Tyree
Lake Forest, CA


$500 On an FBI website which of these items is NOT mentioned in a graphic labeled “FBI SWAT: Tools if the Trade”?
A. Helmet
B. Gas mask
C. Pistol
D. Fly swatter
D. Fly swatter
$1K Because global industrialization has decreased the available supply, Dubai remarkably now imports vast amounts of what from Australia?
A. Sand
B. Sunshine
C. Camel racers
D. Sheiks
A. Sand
$2K Referring to the ornate, Versailles-like décor of her NYC apartment, Joan Rivers once quipped, “This is how” who “woulda lived if she had money?”
A. Marie Antoinette
B. Amelia Earhart
C. Florence Nightingale
D. Harriet Beecher Stowe
A. Marie Antoinette
commercial break

$3K Discussing the largest squid ever caught, marine biologist Steve O’Shea illustrated the animal’s size by saying if it were cut up, it would yield what?
A. Escargot the size of garden hoses
B. Caviar the size of ping-pong balls
C. Calamari the size of tractor tires
D. Chitlins the size of tube socks
C. Calamari the size of tractor tires
$5K A study funded by the Zurich Lung Association found that playing what instrument can reduce snoring by strengthening upper airway muscles?
A. Harpsichord
B. Musical saw
C. Didgeridoo
D. Timpani

50/50 leaves
A. Harpsichord
C. Didgeridoo

Stephanie is leaning towards
but isn’t sure.


ATA results
15% A. Harpsichord
85% C. Didgeridoo

C. Didgeridoo
commercial break


Known for hair styling instead of fighting, who fought for the Israeli army in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War?
A. Louis Vuitton
B. Calvin Klein
C. Vidal Sassoon
D. Isaac Mizrahi

C. Vidal Sassoon

$7K Which of these statements about Spanish grammar is false?
A. Commas replace decimal points
B. It uses upside down question marks
C. Nouns have a gender
D. Apostrophes are common
D. Apostrophes are common
end of show noise

Stephanie will return on tomorrow’s show

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Re: Transcript 04/24/17 Stephanie Tyree

#2 Post by ghostjmf » Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:14 pm

7K: Like contestant, I could rule out A, B & C.

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Re: Transcript 04/24/17 Stephanie Tyree

#3 Post by earendel » Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:10 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Stephanie Tyree
Lake Forest, CA

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$5K A study funded by the Zurich Lung Association found that playing what instrument can reduce snoring by strengthening upper airway muscles?
A. Harpsichord
B. Musical saw
C. Didgeridoo
D. Timpani

50/50 leaves
A. Harpsichord
C. Didgeridoo

Stephanie is leaning towards
but isn’t sure.

ATA results
15% A. Harpsichord
85% C. Didgeridoo
C. Didgeridoo
Wow - 2 lifelines on a relatively simple question. Maybe she thought that vigorous keyboard playing would lead to hard breathing.
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