ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

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ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#1 Post by littlebeast13 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:36 pm

#401. "The Flying Squirrel"

Debuted: 7/26/12


As had been reported on the Bored a time or three, American Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas had a nickname of "The flying squirrel", which inspired a (sigh) Olympic themed avatar of the long-unseen sister of the previously used Sully, Blaze. Blaze slings her way through the uneven bars as the crowd and judges go wild, and SSS counts the number of rows of stars on the big ass flag over the bleachers. Well, that last part isn't in the avatar, but you know it's true.

Characters: Blaze

Reference thread: ... 65#p436065

#402. "Hotel Baby Blue"

Debuted: 7/30/12


This avatar, that seemed to go over quite a few heads, came about after mcraig delurked after several years to provide a report of the New Orleans audition, and mentioned there were two "oriental ladies" there. Appa doesn't approve of the term "oriental" being used as an adjective for living things and made sure to note of mcraig's "faux pas", to which DK had an "oh, please" type retort. Since I'm on the DK side of things, I dolled up a panda bear in some fine oriental gear, threw in Hottie as my Connecticut connection, and had ES dressed as Rich Uncle Pennybags bemoaning the fact that he didn't have a Vermont woman to give him a MONOPOLY on the second block of properties in the game so he could build houses. I even changed the background color shortly after I put it up to the light blue color of the Oriental-Vermont-Connecticut Aves. block.

Characters: ES, Hottie, generic oriental-looking as-yet-unnamed panda bear

Reference thread: ... 62#p436462

#403. "Bluesquirrel's Buddy"

Debuted: 8/1/12


This one was drawn as a deleted scene from Vandal's promo based on the infamous "Blue Boy" episode of Dragnet (the pilot episode of the 1967 series revival), and contains one of my favorite scenes from the color Dragnet franchise.... Friday and Gannon walk in on an LSD party in progress looking for Blue Boy, and don't find him, but do find a handful of whacked out kids climbing the walls, rewinding and replaying a tape machine, and this dude painting the walls while occasionally stopping to clean off his brush with his mouth. And since most pre-1978 paint had lead in it, we now know why ES is so messed up in the head....

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 90#p436690

#404. "The Iron, Um.... Lady"

Debuted: 8/3/12


Ranked 14th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Etaoin posted a link to a webpage that would tell you what type of Olympic athlete (country and sport) your body most closely matches to based on your height and weight. Naturally, I didn't take it seriously and claimed "East German gymnast" along with adding this avatar of a rather buff and butch MBRS posing after completing a routine on the mat. She remains stoic as she acknowledges the crowd, who probably can't help but notice all of the protrusions through her leotard. The "women" from behind the Iron Curtain live on! Fanny claimed it must be infamous East german Olympic swimmer Kornelia Elder.

Characters: MBRS

Reference thread: ... 37#p436937

#405. "Serenading Angel"

Debuted: 8/6/12


Birthday avatar drawn for T-Bone, who had taken a special liking to Angel ever since the two of them appeared in the same Twilight Bored promo from the 2012 Boneys. Angel is much younger and prettier than T-Bone's usual groupies, and we hope she doesn't get whacked over the head with a purse full of pennies. Sprots protested this one staying up only one day.

Characters: Angel, T-Bone

Reference thread:

#406. "The Poolboy"

Debuted: 8/7/12


Ranked 11th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

DK updated us on her most recent misadventure in her quest to find a suitable companion, and I offered up the advice that maybe she should dump the old codgers and go cougar. I put it up with this avatar of the Milfy DK lounging by the pool, seducing the young poolboy played by Clem, who seems equally distracted by the lady of the house... or else he'd have done his job by now and scooped that Baby Ruth out of the pool....

Characters: DevilKitty, Clem

Reference thread: ... 50#p437350

#407. "Field of Shattered Dreams"

Debuted: 8/11/12


This was my annual tribute avatar for Hooly's birthday. This year, rather than alter an old classic or unearth a never before uploaded avatar, I not only drew a new avatar from scratch, but took it to Photoshop as well. I had the inspiration picture in mind for several days, which was the picture I used for tgirl in my memorable 4/1/10 visual edition of "This weeks rankings". My goal was to create a 200X200 size replication of that picture replacing the girl and the horse with Hooly and her inspiration Rainbow Donkey, and make it look as much like a painting as possible. As it was, I settled for the effect the blurring tool had on it, to create what I thought was an apropos hazy effect, which is more evident in the blown up 600X600 size image than in what would become the avatar. I used the larger image in my tribute to her on my blog that day.

Characters: Hooly, Rainbow Donkey

Reference thread: None

#408. "Colorado Is For Scritchers"

Debuted: 8/13/12


I drew this avatar for International Lefthanders Day on August 13 after being reminded by Fanny about it. Here we see ES in between his two Colorado friends, being scritched by Fanny with her left hand, and Sprots with her right, showing that people of all handedness can relish the joy that scritching a squirrel can bring!

Characters: ES, Fanny, Sprots

Reference thread:

#409. "Doggie Dance Class"

Debuted: 8/16/12


Already growing weary of the last avatar, I tried to force inspiration when I noticed we had a spammer registration by the name of "mastering dance music tutorial", and came up with this lovely drawing of Sliver's pooches Lizbit and BeBe learning the art of the ballerina while The Baja Men plays in the background. Much to Sprots' dismay, however, and like most forced avatars, this one didn't last long...

Characters: Lizbit, BeBe

Reference thread:

#410. "Spear Carrier"

Debuted: 8/16/12


Ranked 17th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Sprots' word of the day conjured up images of a jungle warrior in tribal paint, and for an avatar honoring that, I had to turn to my wild child of the bunch, Skanki. Like everything else, she overdid it when it came to the costume, but she does look pretty fierce, and ES is starting to look pretty cooked. Buster just came along for the free meal, though he wasn't added until the next day. This avatar eventually helped inspire my use of Skanki to pay tribute to the Pussy Riot scandal in Russia on my blog the next day.

Characters: ES, Skanki, Buster

Reference thread: ... 79#p438179

#411. "What A View!'

Debuted: 8/20/12


A posted story about a Kansas Congressman who was caught skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee led to several posta about what the big deal was. I agreed, and gave the sadly forgotten Sandy just her second avatar appearance ever, though for obvious reasons, she had to have her back to the artist. Here she emerges naked from the water, giving quite a show for the sweet.... er, innocent.... er, preverted Buster, just lounging away in his innertube. And now you know Skanki isn't the only ES character with a genuine tramp stamp, Sandy is a proud pisces!

Characters: Sandy, Buster

Reference thread: ... 07#p438407

#412. "The Best Part Of Waking Up"

Debuted: 8/22/12


This one was inspired by an "educational" thread where Fanny taught us prolixity, and me and mini did a mini hijack on posting lots of visual barbs at each other. Mini posted a picture of Tiger Woods kissing a trophy (pro-kiss-trophy), so I found a pic of a lady kissing a donkey (ass), and she responded with a "How about a nice big cup of kiss my ass?" picture. So, I made my next response in avatar form, and invited mini to drink up her steaming hot cup, perhaps tainted with a little squirrel pee. ES impishly looking over his shoulder while whizzing in the coffee pot harkens back to his early shit-eating grin days, though I needed to put the right shoulder in front of his chin to make this pose absolutely perfect.

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 71#p438671

#413. "Abstract Squirrels"

Debuted: 8/25/12


In preparation for hanzz's taping, Marley was bringing forward some news stories that were candidates for what he deems Wicked Weed Out Questions on the show. The story connected to this avatar was about a Rauschenberg art piece that featured a real bald eagle. Marley admitted that he didn't really "get" modern art, so I whipped up a cute little picture of MBRS and Angel posing, then took it to Photoshop and added several effects to it to give it a modern art feel. It looks more like a staticky TV picture, but throoughly modern nonetheless.

Characters: MBRS, Angel

Reference thread: ... 73#p439073

#414. "Ditch the Red"

Debuted: 8/28/12


A glitch popped up in the code for the AeroRed skin used on the Bored that locked all users of that partucular theme out. After finding the problem and disabling the theme, I posted that AeroRed users were going to have to find something else to use... and shortly afterwards included this avatar of a somewhat peeved MBRS being told to "Ditch the Red". The blue to green coloring in the background represents the other two working forms of the Aero interface... AeroBlue and AeroGreen.

Characters: MBRS

Reference thread:

#415. "Football Pool"

Debuted: 8/30/12


Vandal asked if anyone was going to set up a Bored football pool this year, and I took up the task. In doing so, I also decided to make an avatar of MBRS in a "football pool". I've flirted with the line of decency in several of my recent efforts, but this one may have crossed it. By the time my demented mind got done with this one, the result horrified the most vocal of my avatar panel. Of course, it was the touch of adding the tail end of Buster sticking out of the pool that sealed this one's fate. Of course, I still like it... this is what I draw. My only knock on it is that MBRS's face didn't quite come out as I had hoped.

Characters: MBRS, Buster

Reference thread: ... 27#p439427

#416. "The Wait Is Over"

Debuted: 8/31/12


Since the Bored wasn't quite ready for MBRS and Buster, I looked for new inspiration in the middle of the night, and after jabbing at heels in the same Football Pool thread, I decided that after 3 years and 9 months of waiting, he should finally get an ES avatar. Not quite the tattoo one he wanted, but for the first time, he got his own ES character. Heels the goat looks so happy to get his new avatar, that he doesn't seem to mind that the Panthers logo on his flag looks like crap. Joining him in his celebration is girlfriend Kristin, who got a tattoo avatar back in their heyday, and was one of the inspirations for Angel's character design... thus I made her hair a bit darker this time around. Heels never did acknowledge this avatar, so for all he knows, he's still been snubbed by ES.

Characters: Heels, Kristin

Reference thread: ... 65#p439565

#417. "So What?"

Debuted: 9/4/12


Ranked 12th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Fanny replied to Sprots' word of the day "Pink" with a reference to the singer, notably her song "So What", and that inspired me to bring Lil out of hibernation to raise her glass and shrug her shoulders. Adorable and edgy!

Characters: Diamond Lil

Reference thread: ... 97#p439897

#418. "Interstellar Hottie"

Debuted: 9/6/12


The constellation Sagitarrius was the answer to Andrew Tyler's walked-away from $500,000 question on WWTBAM, and that sent me to Photoshop to work on an idea that sprung into my head. I wanted to make a starry version of my Hottie character, since she's been my representative for that sign of the zodiac. It also worked off the crux of the question regarding a black hole appearing in the constellation. While not perfect, the effect is nonetheless dazzling and I was happy with how it came out... enough so that I flipped the design to my CafePress shop.

Characters: Hottie

Reference thread: ... 15#p440215

#419. "A Sternly Worded Letter"

Debuted: 9/10/12


Fanny had to postpone the start of her Decades! revival a week from its original start date of September 10th, and Vandal mocked it with his Bored Protester calling for a Bored occupation over the refusal to start Decades! on time. I suggested that maybe a sternly worded letter to Fanny was in order, and along with it made up this avatar of ES showing why he took up art instead of writing. Naturally, those old Peanuts columns with Charlie Brown writing a letter to someone were a major influence on this image.

Characters: ES, MBRS

Reference thread: ... 95#p440595

#420. "Cannonball!"

Debuted: 9/13/12


Sprots worked the WOTD "terreplein" into a story about observing some old cannons along the river in Iowa. While it was time for another Sprots/ES avatar, this was certainly not one ES was hoping for, as Sprots coldly lights the fuse as ES takes a closer look inside the barrel...

Characters: ES, Sprots

Reference thread:

#421. "Angery Young Squirrels"

Debuted: 9/16/12


Beebs accused me of being angsty after a bit of a disagreement we were having in chat the previous evening, and there was no other recourse but to draw a couple emo squirrels. ES is quite ang(e)ry (a flashback to The Sternly Worded Letter) with his black lipstick, cut ears, and shaking fist. While MBRS just wants to tell the world to go get F'ed. Even when they are outwardly rejecting the world around them, these two are still so adorable.

Characters: ES, MBRS

Reference thread: ... 46#p441346

#422. "Happy Birfday Clem!"

Debuted: 9/21/12


Birthday avatar for clem, who was greeted by his "groupies" for his special day. My running joke with clem's groupies has always been that they are underaged, very much so in fact. These are the same two characters I used in clem's marathon avatar last November.

Characters: Clem's Groupies

Reference thread:

#423. "Sheep Are Evil"

Debuted: 9/23/12


Sliver posted about the State Fair her clogging group participated in, and some of the events there... like the sheep rodeo for youngins. That inspired this avatar of ES getting schooled by a ticked off future wool coat. He won't be cracking any nuts with that mouth for a while.

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 26#p442026

#424. "Squirrel Bones"

Debuted: 9/27/12


This avatar came about due to the combination of two threads... the thread referenced below about yet another deathbed confession about the mysterious disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, and this thread about how the Katie Couric Show is now occupying the old studio WWTBAM was taped in. The other element of course is the long-running Bored joke about the curse of Seat #9, and since I died a sad death there, I decided ES should as well. Possums by the way love squirrel bones.

Characters: ES, Buster

Reference thread: ... 34#p442534

#425. "Sprots the Squirrel Mascot"

Debuted: 9/28/12


After an improbable season of sneaking into the BBBL playoffs via a weak division, my team made an even more unlikely comeback at the last minute and made it into the championship round. This avatar features Sprots dressed in a squirrel costume to help root on my team, the Evil Squirrels. With the energy and spirit she is putting into this, there seems to be no way my team can lose. Actually, I was pretty much knocked out of contention after the first day, and replaced this avatar after two days. I finished last in the group for a fourth place overall finish.

Characters: Sprots

Reference thread:

Avatars 426-450 >>>

<<< Avatars 376-400
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#2 Post by Bob Juch » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:43 pm

Thank you! I need the explanation of the last two.
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#3 Post by SportsFan68 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:53 pm

littlebeast13 wrote:#401. "The Flying Squirrel"

Debuted: 7/26/12


As had been reported on the Bored a time or three, American Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas had a nickname of "The flying squirrel", which inspired a (sigh) Olympic themed avatar of the long-unseen sister of the previously used Sully, Blaze. Blaze slings her way through the uneven bars as the crowd and judges go wild, and SSS counts the number of rows of stars on the big ass flag over the bleachers. Well, that last part isn't in the avatar, but you know it's true.

Characters: Blaze

Reference thread: ... 65#p436065

#402. "Hotel Baby Blue"

Debuted: 7/30/12


This avatar, that seemed to go over quite a few heads, came about after mcraig delurked after several years to provide a report of the New Orleans audition, and mentioned there were two "oriental ladies" there. Appa doesn't approve of the term "oriental" being used as an adjective for living things and made sure to note of mcraig's "faux pas", to which DK had an "oh, please" type retort. Since I'm on the DK side of things, I dolled up a panda bear in some fine oriental gear, threw in Hottie as my Connecticut connection, and had ES dressed as Rich Uncle Pennybags bemoaning the fact that he didn't have a Vermont woman to give him a MONOPOLY on the second block of properties in the game so he could build houses. I even changed the background color shortly after I put it up to the light blue color of the Oriental-Vermont-Connecticut Aves. block.

Characters: ES, Hottie, generic oriental-looking as-yet-unnamed panda bear

Reference thread: ... 62#p436462

#403. "Bluesquirrel's Buddy"

Debuted: 8/1/12


This one was drawn as a deleted scene from Vandal's promo based on the infamous "Blue Boy" episode of Dragnet (the pilot episode of the 1967 series revival), and contains one of my favorite scenes from the color Dragnet franchise.... Friday and Gannon walk in on an LSD party in progress looking for Blue Boy, and don't find him, but do find a handful of whacked out kids climbing the walls, rewinding and replaying a tape machine, and this dude painting the walls while occasionally stopping to clean off his brush with his mouth. And since most pre-1978 paint had lead in it, we now know why ES is so messed up in the head....

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 90#p436690

<<< Avatars 376-400
Blaze is fabulous! She will win.

Vermont Avenue is incomprehensible. It will not win.

Blue Boy is also incomprehensible. It will not win.
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#4 Post by Jeemie » Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:55 pm

Why is Rainbow Pony looking so pissed in the hooly tribute avatar?
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#5 Post by littlebeast13 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:24 pm

Jeemie wrote:Why is Rainbow Pony looking so pissed in the hooly tribute avatar?

He probably spotted a hater....


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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#6 Post by Jeemie » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:51 am

littlebeast13 wrote:
Jeemie wrote:Why is Rainbow Pony looking so pissed in the hooly tribute avatar?

He probably spotted a hater....



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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#7 Post by geoffil » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:14 am

Thank you for the explanations. I would like to suggest posting this more often because now that I understand the inside jokes, I appreciate them even more. Have you done a presidential debate one yet?

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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 401-425

#8 Post by littlebeast13 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:06 pm

geoffil wrote:Thank you for the explanations. I would like to suggest posting this more often because now that I understand the inside jokes, I appreciate them even more. Have you done a presidential debate one yet?

I update the anthology every 10-15 days. You just only see a new one pop up on the message list when I have to create a new chapter (every 25 avatars). But they are all linked to in the Bored Reference Thread. You can look at the stories behind all 429 of my avatars by going there....

Thursday comics! Squirrel pictures! The link to my CafePress store! All kinds of fun stuff!!!!

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