Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

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Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:02 pm

Christian Zabriskie
Brooklyn, NY

Christian has made balloon animals, escaped from a strait jacket and dressed like a lion all in the spirit to get children to read. He absolutely loves reading and encourages children to read every chance he gets. Whatever it takes is what he tries to do. Speaking as "Libro the Lion" he says, "RRR-EEE-AAA-DDD!!!"

Topic Tree:
- A Different Breed
- The First Time
- Social Security
- Two Johns
- In the Navy
- Stuck in the Tub
- Exotic Eats
- Who's Henry?
- Nice Backside!
- Walden
- Show Your Support
- Recess!
- Big Screen Bummers
- Bristle Up
- The Play's the Thing

$100 - Fittingly, an aquatic bird is prominently featured as a prop in which of these classic plays?
A - Romeo and Juliet
B - The Seagull
C - The Crucible
D - A Streetcar Named Pelican
B - The Seagull (7)
$200 - Which of these items is typically available in hard, medium and soft-bristled varieties?
A - toothbrush
B - antiperspirant
C - toilet paper
D - aftershave

Christian says "B, toothbrush" but before he can say "final answer" he says, "Wait, sorry! A, toothbrush, final answer. Whoa!" Meredith stops to compliment Christian on how he played it - he was rushing but he didn't say "final answer." "Good for you!" Meredith exclaims. "You almost gave me a heart attack," she adds. Christian reples, "I was thinking hair brush, which I don't really use that much." [Transcriptionist's comment: Christian has flaming red hair that is rather unruly.]
A - toothbrush (5)
$300 - The Kurt Russell disaster movie "Poseidon" is set where?
A - in outer space
B - at sea
C - in a skyscraper
D - on an airplane
B - at sea (5)
$500 - Which of these schoolyard games is typically played on a baseball diamond?
A - hopscotch
B - jump rope
C - kickball
D - Simon says
C - kickball (8)
$1000 - What color ribbon traditionally indicates support for military personnel serving overseas?
A - green
B - white
C - red
D - yellow
D - yellow (7)
Christian has earned the Ask the Expert lifeline. Today's expert is $500K winner Ogi Ogas from his home in Boston. Christian says, "As a fellow Bostonian I'm counting on you."

$2000 - When it was first published in 1854, Henry David Thoreau's classic book "Walden" was subtitled "Life in the" what?
A - Woods
B - Mountains
C - Big City
D - West
A - Woods (24)
Meredith figured a librarian would know that one.

$4000 - Oregon is the only state whose flag features different images on each side: an emblem on the front and the image of what animal on the back?
A - woodpecker
B - moose
C - alligator
D - beaver

Christian doesn't know and quickly decides to Ask the Audience, stopping the clock with 25 seconds remaining.
ATA results
ATA results:
A - 5%
B - 35%
C - 0%
D - 60%
Christian goes with the audience as a nod to all hard-working Oregonians.
D - beaver (18)
commercial break

As the show comes back from commercial we get to see the on-deck contestant, Helene Dean, from Pennsylvania. During the break Meredith asked if Christian was feeling good about things. He said yes - now that he's in the Hot Seat and talking with Meredith. Christian's wife Vicki is in the relationship seat - she signed him up for an audition on the Internet without telling him. The deal was that she would cook him a nice home-cooked meal no matter what happens on the show.

$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
$16000 - Which of these international cuisines is traditionally served atop pancake-like bread called "injera"?
A - Vietnamese
B - Ethiopian
C - Turkish
D - Indian

Christian knows this because of the wonderful foods available in New York City.
B - Ethiopian (13)
Meredith asks, "Aren't you glad your wife signed you up?", to which Christian replies, "Every day in every way."

$25000 - What wide-bodied U.S. president installed a hugh bathtub in the White House after getting stuck in his normal-sized tub?
A - Grover Cleveland
B - James Garfield
C - William Howard Taft
D - Chester Arthur
C - William Howard Taft(20)
commercial break

Christian and Vicki have been trying for 8 years to have a child, without success. The money he wins on Millionaire will help. Meredith says she'd love to be a small part of helping that happen.

$50000 - Which of these South American countries has a navy that patrols the waters of Lake Titicaca?
A - Paraguay
B - Bolivia
C - Uruguay
D - Venezuela

Christian feels that he should know this but he doesn't, so he elects to Ask the Expert. The clock stops with 36
seconds remaining.
ATE results
Ogi says that Peru is one of the countries that borders the lake, but it's not one of the choices. He thinks the other one might be Paraguay. He asks Christian if he has the Double Dip.

Christian does, and asks Ogi, "If you had to Double Dip which two would you choose?"

Ogi replies, "Definitely Paraguay and definitely NOT Venezuela."

"And......???" Christian asks, a pained expression on his face.

Ogi looks similarly pained. "Uruguay - I can't quite remember how far south it is...Bolivia..."

Christian says, "Venezuela is way up north on the thing."

Ogi reiterates that it isn't Venezuela because it doesn't border Peru. "Do you know where Bolivia is?" Ogi asks Christian.

"Not really," Christian answers.

Ogi notes that Paraguay is kind of in the middle so it might border Peru. Ogi finally says he would choose Paraguay "and then one of the other ones. I'd choose Paraguay and Bolivia".

Meredith thanks Ogi and the call ends.
Meredith reminds Christian that Ogi had three choices. Christian agrees and decides to Phone a Friend, stopping the clock with 33 seconds.

On Christian's PAF list are: Greg, from Palmer, AK; Alessandro, from Tallahassee, FL; and John, from Framingham, MA. Christian selects Alessandro Suarez, who is Brazilian, in the hope that his "South American geography will be better than two Bostonian boys."
ATA results
Christian reads the question and the answers. Alessandro asks him to repeat and Christian rereads the answers. There's silence on the phone line; finally, just as time runs out, Alessandro says, "I think it's Bol..." and the phone cuts off. The audience groans. Meredith comments that he did his best but that there wasn't a great confidence level.
As soon as the clock starts Christian asks to use the Double Dip. The clock stops with 32 seconds remaining.
DD results
Christian makes "Bolivia" his first final answer.
B - Bolivia (32)
commercial break

Meredith asks Christian what he's feeling right now. Christian replies that he's just won more money than he makes in a year so he's feeling great.

$100000 - Similarly named but with very different styles, John Luther Adams and John Coolidge Adams are two prominent modern what?
A - dancers
B - painters
C - poets
D - composers

Christian says, "If I spent more time at my public library I would probably know this. However I don't." He thanks everyone for the wonderful time he's had and decides to walk away with $50,000.
D - composers (26)

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#2 Post by Rafferbee » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:16 pm

I talked to Christian the most of all the "new" people in the Green Room. He used to work as a youth librarian in Bermuda.

Too bad Christian and Ogi didn't watch more TV as children. I knew the $50,000 question from Animaniacs.
Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
It's between Bolivia and Peru
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
With waters tranquil and blue.
Oh Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
Why do we sing of its fame?
Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
'Cause we really like saying its name!
Last edited by Rafferbee on Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#3 Post by clem21 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:38 pm

Rafferty Barnes wrote:I talked to Christian the most of all the "new" people in the Green Room. He used to work as a youth librarian in Bermuda.

Too bad Christian and Ogi didn't watch more TV as children. I knew the $50,000 question from Animaniacs.
Lake Titcaca
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
It's between Bolivia and Peru
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
With waters tranquil and blue.
Oh Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
Why do we sing of its fame?
Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
'Cause we really like saying its name!
I knew it from Scrubs.

When the Janitor was being the German dude.

You guys think I'm kidding but all the world's knowledge really does pass through Scrubs at one time or another. In fact in Joey's Official Guide For Studying For Game Shows, I officialy make Rule #1 - Watch all Scrubs episodes.
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#4 Post by Estonut » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:07 am

clem21 wrote:You guys think I'm kidding but all the world's knowledge really does pass through Scrubs at one time or another. In fact in Joey's Official Guide For Studying For Game Shows, I officialy make Rule #1 - Watch all Scrubs episodes.
I loved the episode where JD's brother talked about inventing that web security CAPTCHA thingie! Good times...
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#5 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:51 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Christian Zabriskie
Brooklyn, NY
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4000 - Oregon is the only state whose flag features different images on each side: an emblem on the front and the image of what animal on the back?
A - woodpecker
B - moose
C - alligator
D - beaver
"Nice beaver!"
"Thank you! I just had it stuffed."
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:As the show comes back from commercial we get to see the on-deck contestant, Helene Dean, from Pennsylvania.
Not a good sign.

$16K: Never heard of injera. ATA.

$100K: Never heard of either of these John _____ Adamses. PAF.

Christian broke the trend of flaming out after the introduction of the on-deck contestant. Very nice.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#6 Post by earendel » Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:06 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: Christian Zabriskie
Brooklyn, NY
He's a WE® (although later he says he's a former Bostonian), and almost a WE/WE (because of his "performance skills")
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Christian has made balloon animals, escaped from a strait jacket and dressed like a lion all in the spirit to get children to read. He absolutely loves reading and encourages children to read every chance he gets. Whatever it takes is what he tries to do. Speaking as "Libro the Lion" he says, "RRR-EEE-AAA-DDD!!!"
Well, that redeems him in my eyes - encouraging children to read is very important.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$200 - Which of these items is typically available in hard, medium and soft-bristled varieties?
A - toothbrush
B - antiperspirant
C - toilet paper
D - aftershave

Christian says "B, toothbrush" but before he can say "final answer" he says, "Wait, sorry! A, toothbrush, final answer. Whoa!" Meredith stops to compliment Christian on how he played it - he was rushing but he didn't say "final answer." "Good for you!" Meredith exclaims. "You almost gave me a heart attack," she adds. Christian reples, "I was thinking hair brush, which I don't really use that much." [Transcriptionist's comment: Christian has flaming red hair that is rather unruly.]
A - toothbrush (5)
"Unruly" is an understatement. As for his near-fatal mishap I wonder what would have happened if he HAD said "final answer". Does the letter choice override the answer choice? Would they stop tape and redo it later after deciding whether he was right or wrong? Inquiring minds want to know. Any BBs in the immediate vicinity?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:As the show comes back from commercial we get to see the on-deck contestant, Helene Dean, from Pennsylvania.
Uh, oh, time to cue the ominous organ music.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:During the break Meredith asked if Christian was feeling good about things. He said yes - now that he's in the Hot Seat and talking with Meredith. Christian's wife Vicki is in the relationship seat - she signed him up for an audition on the Internet without telling him. The deal was that she would cook him a nice home-cooked meal no matter what happens on the show.
Uh, oh, cue the ominous <grumble®>! :mrgreen:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
"Indiana? That was the dog's name!"
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Christian and Vicki have been trying for 8 years to have a child, without success. The money he wins on Millionaire will help. Meredith says she'd love to be a small part of helping that happen.
Are you volunteering to be a surrogate, Meredith? :mrgreen:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50000 - Which of these South American countries has a navy that patrols the waters of Lake Titicaca?
A - Paraguay
B - Bolivia
C - Uruguay
D - Venezuela

Christian feels that he should know this but he doesn't, so he elects to Ask the Expert. The clock stops with 36
seconds remaining.
ATE results
Ogi says that Peru is one of the countries that borders the lake, but it's not one of the choices. He thinks the other one might be Paraguay. He asks Christian if he has the Double Dip.

Christian does, and asks Ogi, "If you had to Double Dip which two would you choose?"

Ogi replies, "Definitely Paraguay and definitely NOT Venezuela."

"And......???" Christian asks, a pained expression on his face.

Ogi looks similarly pained. "Uruguay - I can't quite remember how far south it is...Bolivia..."

Christian says, "Venezuela is way up north on the thing."

Ogi reiterates that it isn't Venezuela because it doesn't border Peru. "Do you know where Bolivia is?" Ogi asks Christian.

"Not really," Christian answers.

Ogi notes that Paraguay is kind of in the middle so it might border Peru. Ogi finally says he would choose Paraguay "and then one of the other ones. I'd choose Paraguay and Bolivia".

Meredith thanks Ogi and the call ends.
elwing, watching the show with me, wondered why Ogi (or any other expert) didn't have a few things available off camera, like a map.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Meredith reminds Christian that Ogi had three choices. Christian agrees and decides to Phone a Friend, stopping the clock with 33 seconds.

On Christian's PAF list are: Greg, from Palmer, AK; Alessandro, from Tallahassee, FL; and John, from Framingham, MA. Christian selects Alessandro Suarez, who is Brazilian, in the hope that his "South American geography will be better than two Bostonian boys."
ATA results
Christian reads the question and the answers. Alessandro asks him to repeat and Christian rereads the answers. There's silence on the phone line; finally, just as time runs out, Alessandro says, "I think it's Bol..." and the phone cuts off. The audience groans. Meredith comments that he did his best but that there wasn't a great confidence level.
Well, that "South American geography" knowledge wasn't quite fast enough. Alessandro gave him the right answer but couldn't get it quickly enough to provide any confidence level.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:As soon as the clock starts Christian asks to use the Double Dip. The clock stops with 32 seconds remaining.
DD results
Christian makes "Bolivia" his first final answer.
B - Bolivia (32)
I knew this one. Interestingly Bolivia had access to the Pacific Ocean at one time, but lost it in a war against Chile for control of saltpeter deposits in the northern Atacama Desert.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100000 - Similarly named but with very different styles, John Luther Adams and John Coolidge Adams are two prominent modern what?
A - dancers
B - painters
C - poets
D - composers

Christian says, "If I spent more time at my public library I would probably know this. However I don't." He thanks everyone for the wonderful time he's had and decides to walk away with $50,000.
D - composers (26)
I would have had no idea, but since I have all my lifelines it's time to use one. PAF first.

So the ominous organ music was premature - I figured Christian would be gone shortly after the on-deck contestant was shown.
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#7 Post by clem21 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:46 am

Estonut wrote:
clem21 wrote:You guys think I'm kidding but all the world's knowledge really does pass through Scrubs at one time or another. In fact in Joey's Official Guide For Studying For Game Shows, I officialy make Rule #1 - Watch all Scrubs episodes.
I loved the episode where JD's brother talked about inventing that web security CAPTCHA thingie! Good times...
You Bastard.

We both know it's coming in Season 9...
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#8 Post by earendel » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:47 am

clem21 wrote:
Estonut wrote:
clem21 wrote:You guys think I'm kidding but all the world's knowledge really does pass through Scrubs at one time or another. In fact in Joey's Official Guide For Studying For Game Shows, I officialy make Rule #1 - Watch all Scrubs episodes.
I loved the episode where JD's brother talked about inventing that web security CAPTCHA thingie! Good times...
You Bastard.

We both know it's coming in Season 9...
So what do you think about the format change in the upcoming season - moving from the hospital to a medical school, some characters being dropped, etc.?
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#9 Post by SportsFan68 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:16 pm

$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
I'm doomed. I'll try ATA here and hope they're right. Let's say I don't get dursted.

$16000 - Which of these international cuisines is traditionally served atop pancake-like bread called "injera"?
A - Vietnamese
B - Ethiopian
C - Turkish
D - Indian

Christian knows this because of the wonderful foods available in New York City.
B - Ethiopian (13)
Dunno this either. I thought it was Indian. ATE. I'm doomed.

$25000 - What wide-bodied U.S. president installed a hugh bathtub in the White House after getting stuck in his normal-sized tub?
A - Grover Cleveland
B - James Garfield
C - William Howard Taft
D - Chester Arthur
C - William Howard Taft(20)
Now this one -- I dunno why I thought it was easy, but I do. Don't we have SexyBeastCalvinCoolidge on this Bored?

$50000 - Which of these South American countries has a navy that patrols the waters of Lake Titicaca?
A - Paraguay
B - Bolivia
C - Uruguay
D - Venezuela

As soon as the clock starts Christian asks to use the Double Dip. The clock stops with 32 seconds remaining.
DD results
Christian makes "Bolivia" his first final answer.
B - Bolivia (32)
commercial break

Google PAF, and the first five hits have the answer. OK -- on to $100K. . .

$100000 - Similarly named but with very different styles, John Luther Adams and John Coolidge Adams are two prominent modern what?
A - dancers
B - painters
C - poets
D - composers

Never heard of them. I can't double dip, I can't eliminate even one of em. I'm outta there . . .
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#10 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:51 pm

SportsFan68 wrote:$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
I'm doomed. I'll try ATA here and hope they're right. Let's say I don't get dursted.
You never watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sprots? Harrison Ford and Sean Connery were great together!

Like earendel, I'd have loved to banter on this question. "We named the dog Indiana!"

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#11 Post by SportsFan68 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:25 pm

MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
I'm doomed. I'll try ATA here and hope they're right. Let's say I don't get dursted.
You never watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sprots? Harrison Ford and Sean Connery were great together!

Like earendel, I'd have loved to banter on this question. "We named the dog Indiana!"
I saw it one time about a million years ago, and I barely remember the chase scene. I don't remember Henry. :(
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#12 Post by frogman042 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:32 am

SportsFan68 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:$8000 - Though he's known by a much cooler nickname, which of these movie heroes has the real first name "Henry"?
A - Wolverine
B - Indiana Jones
C - Rambo
D - Iron Man

Christian is sure of the answer from his comic book reading. He feels comfortable about it.
B - Indiana Jones (9)
I'm doomed. I'll try ATA here and hope they're right. Let's say I don't get dursted.
You never watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sprots? Harrison Ford and Sean Connery were great together!

Like earendel, I'd have loved to banter on this question. "We named the dog Indiana!"
I saw it one time about a million years ago, and I barely remember the chase scene. I don't remember Henry. :(
Back in the early '90s there was the CD-ROM game 'I. J. and the Fate of Atlantis' (IIRC - something with Atlantis) - which was pretty good and after solving the preliminary set you got to choose between 3 different styles of play - fighting, thinking/logic and I forget the third one, which had different story lines and puzzles to solve, but all converged at the end.. Similar to the King's Quest type of games. With pretty good graphics and lots of in-jokes. One I remember is when Indy is rumaging through his attic he comes across a note that was sent home to his father from one of his teachers, and it starts 'Regarding Henry' - that was funny not only because Indy's first name was Henry, but that Harrision Ford had recently starred in the movie, 'Regarding Henry'. A joke my kids didn't get at the time but I appreciated - and of course made this question very easy for me.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#13 Post by SportsFan68 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:55 am

frogman042 wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
You never watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sprots? Harrison Ford and Sean Connery were great together!

Like earendel, I'd have loved to banter on this question. "We named the dog Indiana!"
I saw it one time about a million years ago, and I barely remember the chase scene. I don't remember Henry. :(
Back in the early '90s there was the CD-ROM game 'I. J. and the Fate of Atlantis' (IIRC - something with Atlantis) - which was pretty good and after solving the preliminary set you got to choose between 3 different styles of play - fighting, thinking/logic and I forget the third one, which had different story lines and puzzles to solve, but all converged at the end.. Similar to the King's Quest type of games. With pretty good graphics and lots of in-jokes. One I remember is when Indy is rumaging through his attic he comes across a note that was sent home to his father from one of his teachers, and it starts 'Regarding Henry' - that was funny not only because Indy's first name was Henry, but that Harrision Ford had recently starred in the movie, 'Regarding Henry'. A joke my kids didn't get at the time but I appreciated - and of course made this question very easy for me.
Did they picked the name Henry for Regarding Henry because of Indiana Jones? If they did, way cool!
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#14 Post by Weyoun » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:49 am

I'd punt if Ogi was my expert. I don't think his approach is suited to such tight windows of time.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#15 Post by Jeemie » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:02 am

ATA on the $16K, and maybe a lifeline on the $100K.

Otherwise, no issues with that stack.
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#16 Post by frogman042 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:04 am

Weyoun wrote:I'd punt if Ogi was my expert. I don't think his approach is suited to such tight windows of time.
I don't follow what you are saying, ATE has no clock running - it is the one time in the game play when the is no set time constraint.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#17 Post by Jeemie » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:11 am

Rafferty Barnes wrote:I talked to Christian the most of all the "new" people in the Green Room. He used to work as a youth librarian in Bermuda.

Too bad Christian and Ogi didn't watch more TV as children. I knew the $50,000 question from Animaniacs.
Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
It's between Bolivia and Peru
Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
With waters tranquil and blue.
Oh Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
Why do we sing of its fame?
Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
'Cause we really like saying its name!
I wonder if this is wher I knew it from.

This is one of my many "know it, but don't know why I know it" factoids.
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#18 Post by earendel » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:15 pm

frogman042 wrote:
Weyoun wrote:I'd punt if Ogi was my expert. I don't think his approach is suited to such tight windows of time.
I don't follow what you are saying, ATE has no clock running - it is the one time in the game play when the is no set time constraint.
There may not be an "official" clock but they do seem to cut the call off after a certain length of time, shorter if the Expert isn't making any progress.
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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#19 Post by MarleysGh0st » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:19 pm

earendel wrote:
frogman042 wrote:
Weyoun wrote:I'd punt if Ogi was my expert. I don't think his approach is suited to such tight windows of time.
I don't follow what you are saying, ATE has no clock running - it is the one time in the game play when the is no set time constraint.
There may not be an "official" clock but they do seem to cut the call off after a certain length of time, shorter if the Expert isn't making any progress.
Hence, part of the technique of a successful expert is keeping the dialog going, even if the method for doing so risks the wrath of pea.

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Re: Transcript 6/19/2009 - Christian Zabriskie

#20 Post by Phil Ken Sebbin » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:09 pm

Weeee. An Animaniacs and Scrubs reference in the same thread! Two of my favorite shows and I have 3 seasons of Animaniacs and 7 seasons of Scrubs on DVD. I'm such a nerd. But if you are to watch any cartoon for trivia, Animaniacs has the most information bar none.

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