Something struck me... (political)

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#26 Post by starfish1113 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:20 pm

Whether it's an evolution in my political beliefs, my separation from the political world, or just the fact that I haven't really started paying attention, I'm not sure, but I can honestly say that I'm completely and totally undecided at this point. In fact, I could make a case for voting for almost any of the major candidates (I could also make a case for voting against any of the major candidates) in the general election. This is a revelation to me, because ever since I have been eligible to vote (1988 was my first presidential year), I have voted the party line in the Presidential election. While I'm guessing that I will probably end up doing the same this year, I'll be much more open about the possibility of going the other way.

At this fairly late stage of the campaign, I can rule out only four candidates thus far (Paul, Clinton, Kucinich, Gravel). I can almost rule out Hunter and Edwards. That leaves McCain, Huckabee, Giuliani, Thompson, and Romney vying for my vote in the primary and Obama, Biden, Dodd and Richardson possibly getting my vote in the general. Unfortunately, I'm sure that the nomination will be decided by the time my state votes in the primary.

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#27 Post by Appa23 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:31 pm

mrkelley23 wrote:Appa:

In the debate I saw, Huckabee wsa the only one who raised his hand. Whether that represents courage, conviction, or something else, I'm not sure. But his explanation troubles me almost as much as the raised hand. The fact that an educated minister (Baptist, isn't he?) clearly doesn't understand what the theory of evolution says (nowhere does evolution claim that humans descended from apes, or came from apes, or whatever his wording was) belies his disingenuous comments about school children being able to "think theories through." If you don't understand what the theory is in the first place, it's difficult to make judgments about it.

If he's not sure what the "belief" in evolution has to do with being president of the United States, perhaps he could explain to me what partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, public education, etc. have to do with it, as well.
Maybe I am just being an optimist, but I am guessing that the "ape" thing merely was a bad attempt at humor.

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