Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

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Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:41 pm

Note to Brianne: Sorry for the shorthanded screenname. It's hard to fit everything in the title!

Brianne Sherman
Ashland, OR
College student and BB (madamemeisha)

Brianne was raised by a single mom and is in the hotseat to make her mom proud. Wants to take mom on a vacation, too, and help put her younger sister through college. Boyfriend Patrick is in the audience, and he wants to "buy a big Jeep, travel to South America, and live on the beach" with some of the money.

Brianne has $1,000, and all of her lifelines remaining. The expert today is Rene' Syler, award-winning journalist and author. Her category tree:

Seeing Double
General Lee
Lunar Locations
Jeff Spicoli
Media Frenzy
Let's Celebrate!
TV Locales
Political Buzzwords
(Over the Counter)
(Mock Trials)
(Art Exhibits)
(Foolish Ways)

$2,000 (Political Buzzwords): Crucial players in the 2008 Democratic presidential race, party officials who can vote for any candidate are known as what?
A. Ultradelegates B. Hyperdelegates
C. Jumbodelegates D. Superdelegates
D. Superdelegates (22 sec.)
$4,000 (TV Locales): Which of these classic sitcomes is set in the U.S. city that is located the farthest south?
A. Happy Days B. Frasier
C. The Golden Girls D. Cheers

Brianne chooses to ATA (23 sec):

A. Happy Days - 2%
B. Frasier - 1%
C. The Golden Girls - 95%
D. Cheers - 2%
C. The Golden Girls (20)
$8,000 (Let's Celebrate!): An important rite of passage in Latino culture, the Quinceanera (with a tilde over the "n") is a birthday party for a girl turning what age?
A. Fourteen B. Fifteen
C. Sixteen D. Seventeen
B. Fifteen (24)
$16,000 (Media Frenzy): In 2008, Angelina Jolie caused a media frenzy when she gave birth to fraternal twins named what?
A. Knox and Vivienne B. Gaines and Chloe
C. Fisher and Agatha D. Cass and Ella
A. Knox and Vivienne (21)

Brianne says she's been having so much fun in NY, and everyone's been very friendly. Patrick says he'd have no chance in the hotseat, and Brianne is so much smarter than he is. Brianne says she's not nervous at all, until Meredith mentions that she has $16,000. "OK, now I'm nervous!"

$25,000 (Jeff Spicoli): In "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," stoner Jeff Spicoli is a constant annoyance to Mr. Hand, his teacher in what subject?
A. Biology B. History
C. Geometry D. English
Brianne: "Well, I know he's 'learning about Cuba and eating some food,' so..."

B. History (14)
$50,000 (Cadillac): The Cadillac car company is named after Antoine Laumet de La Mothe Cadillac, an 18th-century Frenchman famous for what?
A. Inventing the bicycle B. Writing erotic poetry
C. Discovering the element neon D. Founding the city of Detroit
D. Founding the city of Detroit (22)
Brianne has no idea how she knew that question.

$100,000 (Elvis): What Elvis Presley song was originally a hit for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in 1953?
A. Hound Dog B. Love Me Tender
C. Heartbreak Hotel D. Blue Suede Shoes
A. Hound Dog (36)
Meredith is flabbergasted that Brianne knew that ("I guess I remember reading it...studying pays off!").


It's Brianne's first time ever visiting NYC. When learning during the break that she had $100,000, she leaned sweetly over to Meredith and said, "I'm going to throw up." Brianne is speechless, though, and can't believe it.

$250,000 (Lunar Locations): Which of the following is not a name given by astronomers to a geographical location on the Moon?
A. Sea of Clouds B. Ocean of Glass
C. Sea of Nectar D. Ocean of Storms

Brianne chooses to PAF (29). Waiting by the phone are: her friend Robert, a geologist from Port Townsend, WA; her mother, Nanette, a real-estate broker from Bellingham, WA; and her BB Bob#####, a lawyer from Los Angeles, CA (nice tie, Bob!)

Brianne chooses to call Bob. Meredith points out to Bob that his picture is from the set of Jeopardy! and says "OK, that's it. Bye bye." She's kidding, of course.

Bob says she can rule out Ocean of Storms and Sea of Nectar, but he's not sure and that's the best he can do.

Brianne chooses to DD (26). Her first answer is:
B. Ocean of Glass (26)

As she throws to commercial, Meredith says, "Now I'M going to throw up...we'll be right back!"


Brianne is about to cry, she's so overwhelmed. She and Patrick have been together 2 1/2 years. As a surprise, they put Brianne's mom, Nanette on the phone so that she could tell her mom she was going for half a million dollars, and that she loves her.

$500,000 (General Lee): Contrary to popular belief, Robert E. Lee's historic surrender took place not in a courthouse building, but in what family's Virginia home?
A. The O'Neills B. The Thompsons
C. The McLeans D. The Harrisons

Brianne has no idea, and chooses to use her last lifeline, ATE (37). Rene' says she doesn't have even the slightest inkling about it, and her expert advice is to take the money and run, which is what Brianne does.
C. The McLeans (27)
THE HORN SOUNDS as Patrick joins Brianne onstage for a big hug.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#2 Post by doitneatly » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:03 pm

Nice going Brianne!
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#3 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:06 pm

$25K: As I stated before, I have never seen this movie, so I would definitely have to ask the audience.

$50K: I nailed this one even before the choices came up. It helps that I am currently hosting a game on another forum where one of my clues to the identity of "Cadillac" is "It was named after the explorer who founded the city of Detroit in 1701".

$100K: I nailed this one before the choices came up, too. They had a commercial a couple of years ago selling CDs of old blues songs, and it just so happened that they showed old footage of Big Mama Thornton singing "Hound Dog".

$250K: I know that the Ocean of Storms is an actual place on the Moon, but that's it. I will also phone a friend. Depending on who my PAF would be, I might or might not use the DD.

$500K: I know that Appomattox Court House is a town outside of Lynchburg. I know that Lee surrendered in a commoner's house. But I never bothered to remember the name of the family who lived in the house. Given that the expert had no clue on this question, it really didn't matter whether or not I would've used the DD on the previous question. Even though I thought the answer was the McLeans, I would not have taken the risk.

Once again, congratulations on becoming the first $250,000 winner of the season, Madame! :D

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#4 Post by slam » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:07 pm

Very well done, Brianne!

I haven't seen this yet (will watch tonight). I'm curious about Bob's PAF technique here. I first started googling "moon" + each of the individual names. That gets you there reasonably quickly but probably not quite quickly enough. But, then I tried the simple "moon map sea" and the first thing that came up was a map with a list that was fairly quick to go through.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#5 Post by T_Bone0806 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:38 pm

Nicely done.
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#6 Post by kayrharris » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:42 pm

I'm very sorry we don't get the show here and I couldn't
see it. It looks like you had fun and did a great job! Congratulations!
:D :D
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#7 Post by heelsrule1988 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:45 pm

Perhaps someone could upload it for you? I'd like to see it again myself.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#8 Post by doitneatly » Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:19 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: Brianne Sherman
College Student
Ashland, OR
Meredith later commented, "she's only twenty-one years old"...

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $25,000 (Jeff Spicoli): In "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," stoner Jeff Spicoli is a constant annoyance to Mr. Hand, his teacher in what subject?
A. Biology B. History
C. Geometry D. English
This movie was first released twenty-six years ago. (yes it's a classic comedy, but a relatively old one)

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100,000 (Elvis): What Elvis Presley song was originally a hit for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in 1953?
A. Hound Dog B. Love Me Tender
C. Heartbreak Hotel D. Blue Suede Shoes
First recorded fifty-five years ago, the Elvis version of this song topped the charts fifty-two years ago.

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: Meredith is flabbergasted that Brianne knew that ("I guess I remember reading it...studying pays off!").
Studying or not, I just want to point out how extremely impressive it is to see someone casually knock down two high-dollar pop culture questions; questions that just happen to be older than she is!

And for anyone who won''t get the chance to see the show, let's just say that the "I'm going to throw up" line was believable. Starting at $16K the pressure was clearly sinking in. So quadruple kudos for keeping it together, MM!

what fun!
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#9 Post by silvercamaro » Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:58 pm

Brianne, I loved watching your show! You brought your A game, and you played it beautifully. I am so happy for you!

Besides that, you do have the best dimples I've seen in decades.

And now begins the longest 30 days of your life. Enjoy, enjoy everything!
Now generating the White Hot Glare of Righteousness on behalf of BBs everywhere.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#10 Post by WheresFanny » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:26 pm

I couldn't wait for the transcript thread to come up, so I gave my thoughts in a separate thread. But reading this over reminded me of something.

Meredith needs to spend more time reading the scandal sheets if she wants to toss out celebrity facts. Angelina Jolie's mom was named Marcheline (which, I believe, is Vivienne's second name, so she was close but no cigar). Meisha was very polite to give a noncommital murmur and just nod and smile.

No, I'm not ashamed that I know the information contained in the above paragraph off the top of my head. Ha!
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#11 Post by Winnamill » Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:00 pm

WAYYYY TOOOO GOOOOO, Brianne! It was most impressive that you won the top dollar amount of the season thus far, and even more so as a young college student! They have had many bright college students, many from "name" universities, who have gone out at much lower dollar amounts. I don't know for a fact, but I would be willing to bet that you have done the best for anyone of your age range, not counting any wedding week (two people) or movie week (very specialized questions) contestants EVER! And as a graduate of a non-name school myself (Western Illinois University), it is extra great that you proved top students can be everywhere!

I'm pretty sure I can end my speculation message of the other day about having a big dollar winner this week (unless your group produced TWO outstanding contestants). I think you very much qualify in that regard.

Depending on how my lifelines panned out, I think the best I could have done with your question set would be $100,000. Other than the Cadillac question, which I MIGHT have puzzled out with the help of DD, I would not have had a clue for any questions from $25K on.

Again, Congratulations and have fun rolling in your pile of dough! :lol:

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryov

#12 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:50 am

slam wrote:Very well done, Brianne!

I haven't seen this yet (will watch tonight). I'm curious about Bob's PAF technique here. I first started googling "moon" + each of the individual names. That gets you there reasonably quickly but probably not quite quickly enough. But, then I tried the simple "moon map sea" and the first thing that came up was a map with a list that was fairly quick to go through.
Greetings from Haifa!

Bob's PAF technique here was, "What do I know off the top of my head, because this isn't getting Googled in time?"

A behind-the-scenes remark. As you can imagine, I take PAF calls from my office. After getting the "She's in the Hot Seat" call, I got a work-related phone call from one of our partners. We were in the middle of that call when my phone started ringing with a New York number. I explained to the partner that I had to take this call and switched over on the third ring. As a result, I was on my handset, not my speakerphone. I didn't want to chance dropping the call. Another point -- it's surprisingly difficult to remember all four answer choices. Back in the days of TOPG, I always needed to write them down, but I've gotten out of that habit. So Googling "moon" against each of the choices wasn't an option.

I'm glad it came across that I wasn't certain. I'll be interested to see the tape when I return. There's a subtle matter of PAF technique here that I tried to employ, I believe successfully. How often have we seen, on a "negative" question, confusion on the contestant's part regarding whether the PAF is attempting to exclude an answer or identify the correct answer by saying it was "not" whatever the question was asking for? I've long since gotten into the habit, when talking these questions through to my TV screen, of using the phrasing, "Rule out" a particular answer (assuming I couldn't give the correct answer). I believe that's an unambiguous way to communicate that I'm attempting to exclude incorrect answer choices. But I was working from very faint memories and bells ringing (or not ringing) in my head, so I was very anxious, after the call concluded, to verify that I had given Brianne correct information.

Brianne was a joy to work with. She took the process very seriously -- we spent nearly an hour practicing PAF calls. I delighted for her financial success on the show, and glad I was able to be a small part of it. Way to go, Brianne! --Bob
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#13 Post by frogman042 » Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:42 am


All I can say is WOW - you did great. Watching you made me relive all the best parts of my experience - and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Congrats - enjoy - and happy memories.

If you feel inclined, I (and I think I speak for the bored itself, if I may be so bold) would love to hear your recollections as well.

Bob, your banter with Meredith was really fun as well - good job on a really tough PAF.

I too knew it wasn't storms and strongly felt it wasn't nectar either - for me it was a toss-up for clouds and glass - I'm curious if Brianne was able to eliminate any on her own - going for the DD could have been a tough call - but I'm thrilled you went for it and got it.



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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#14 Post by MyBigFatFabulousBrain » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:06 am

I know I haven't been around lately to give my brutal, truthful, and overly witty critiques everyone came to love a few years ago (Hi Greyhound Dude! You're still a friggin' dumbass!), but my presence was requested. Now one of the main reasons I got that degree in nuclear physics when I was 5 years old was so that I didn't grow up to be a deejay and have to take damn requests. But my Spokesman was really adamant about me checking out this can't miss show, so I inserted an antacid suppository and took my old seat on the couch where I have hurled so many times before, that the carpet, rug, floor, and joists have all long since been eaten away by my own acid reflux....

Brianne Sherman
Ashland, OR
College student and BB (madamemeisha)

WTF!?!?!? My Spokesman drug me out here for a college student!?!?!? He knows damn good and well I have no fewer than 64 ulcers with the names of past colege students written all over them! I really, really don't need to have a 65th!

And what makes me think that "BB" was added as transcriptionist license, and was not actually mentioned on the show? Or maybe it's there to ward off my evilness. Dream on, you small brainers....

Brianne was raised by a single mom and is in the hotseat to make her mom proud.

And really, who doesn't want to make mom proud? I made my mom proud when I solved one of Einstein's relativity equations on the powder blue blanket they slapped on me in the maternity ward. For most people, the best way to make mom proud would be to not go on an (almost) nationally televised show and make a damn fool out of themselves....

Wants to take mom on a vacation, too, and help put her younger sister through college. Boyfriend Patrick is in the audience, and he wants to "buy a big Jeep, travel to South America, and live on the beach" with some of the money.

I'm sorry Patrick, but you must have misunderstood when Brianne told you which show it was she was going to be on. It's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", not "Who Wants To Be A Billionaire". Back away from the beach, come home from Uruguay, and get back in the used Kia....

Brianne has $1,000, and all of her lifelines remaining. The expert today is Rene' Syler, award-winning journalist and author.

I love it when the experts are as anonymous as the contestants. I'm still waiting for my call from the producers about my ATE week...... (:::taping my watch::::)

Her category tree:

Seeing Double
General Lee
Lunar Locations
Jeff Spicoli
Media Frenzy
Let's Celebrate!
TV Locales
Political Buzzwords
(Over the Counter)
(Mock Trials)
(Art Exhibits)
(Foolish Ways)

There is a good reason, I'm sure, why these are always listed bass ackwards. Next time I do a transcript, I'll remember to stand on my big, fat, fabulous head....

$2,000 (Political Buzzwords): Crucial players in the 2008 Democratic presidential race, party officials who can vote for any candidate are known as what?
A. Ultradelegates B. Hyperdelegates
C. Jumbodelegates D. Superdelegates

Go ahead and vote for anyone, you schmucks. See how quickly you get your party card taken away from you if you don't toe the party line. I hate party politics....

$4,000 (TV Locales): Which of these classic sitcomes is set in the U.S. city that is located the farthest south?
A. Happy Days B. Frasier
C. The Golden Girls D. Cheers

Brianne chooses to ATA (23 sec):

A. Happy Days - 2%
B. Frasier - 1%
C. The Golden Girls - 95%
D. Cheers - 2%

Let's see. Everyone and their brother knows that Happy Days was set in Milwaukee. Everyone except my fat ulgy neighbor knows that Cheers was set in Boston. And I'm pretty sure that it is common knowledge worldwide that Frasier was set in Seattle. Granted, the only thing most people remember about The Golden Girls is that they are so demographically undesirable that their show would never see the light of day nowadays on network TV... but still, those other three cities are all northern cities, and I didn't see "Northern Exposure" listed as a choice....

$8,000 (Let's Celebrate!): An important rite of passage in Latino culture, the Quinceanera (with a tilde over the "n") is a birthday party for a girl turning what age?
A. Fourteen B. Fifteen
C. Sixteen D. Seventeen

Hey Mom! Watching Sesame Street paid off! Thanks!

$16,000 (Media Frenzy): In 2008, Angelina Jolie caused a media frenzy when she gave birth to fraternal twins named what?
A. Knox and Vivienne B. Gaines and Chloe
C. Fisher and Agatha D. Cass and Ella

I love the category for this question. "Media Frenzy". The question writers, ever so anxious to stay on my sh*t list, continue to find ways to sneak pathetic insane pop culture questions into the mix. They literally tok a pair of scissors and cut this piece of garbage out of People Magazine and scanned it into the question database....

Brianne says she's been having so much fun in NY, and everyone's been very friendly.

What, no mugging? What is the New York City Bureau of Tourism gonna say when they found out that a visitor didn't receive their proper mugging? Then again if I were a petty thug, and I saw some chick with that badass bull protecting her, I'd probably go find some old lady to stick up.....

Patrick says he'd have no chance in the hotseat, and Brianne is so much smarter than he is.

If I had a damn nickel for everytime the companion said this..... look. There's a reason one person auditions and the other person just watches, OK. If they'd ever let me on the damn show, I'd bring my dumbass of a spokesman along to watch me show off my superior intelligence, but I wouldn't let him within 100 miles of an audition. I'm sure they all know anyway to never invite my spokesman back into that studio.... even as a damn janitor...

Brianne says she's not nervous at all, until Meredith mentions that she has $16,000. "OK, now I'm nervous!"

Mere, ever the helpful one. I wonder if she still has that array of dumbass hats at the ready?

$25,000 (Jeff Spicoli): In "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," stoner Jeff Spicoli is a constant annoyance to Mr. Hand, his teacher in what subject?
A. Biology B. History
C. Geometry D. English

Brianne: "Well, I know he's 'learning about Cuba and eating some food,' so..."

OK, I'll lay off my spokesman for a minute, because he's probably the only person left in the whole world who hasn't seen this inane movie. He isn't all that bad....

$50,000 (Cadillac): The Cadillac car company is named after Antoine Laumet de La Mothe Cadillac, an 18th-century Frenchman famous for what?
A. Inventing the bicycle B. Writing erotic poetry
C. Discovering the element neon D. Founding the city of Detroit

Poor guy. Who would ever want to be remembered for such a legacy as founding the city of Detroit? The redneck who discovered Gastonia did a greater service to our country....

Brianne has no idea how she knew that question.

Just guessing here, but maybe it had something to do with the fact that the distractors were absolutely pathetic!

$100,000 (Elvis): What Elvis Presley song was originally a hit for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in 1953?
A. Hound Dog B. Love Me Tender
C. Heartbreak Hotel D. Blue Suede Shoes

Now wait a minute here! We all know that every old song known to man was penned by the mighty J.J. Cale! Who is this "Big Mama" imposter stealing the spotlight from our man JJ?

Meredith is flabbergasted that Brianne knew that ("I guess I remember reading it...studying pays off!").

Come to think of it....... so am I! :shock: I am agreeing with Mere, and a college student is impressing me in the Hot Seat. If anyone's looking for me after this show, I'll be hunkered down in my bomb shelter....

It's Brianne's first time ever visiting NYC. When learning during the break that she had $100,000, she leaned sweetly over to Meredith and said, "I'm going to throw up."

I will write the most glowing critique on any contestant, no matter how poorly they do, who succeeds in up chucking on Mere. And I am dead serious about that....

Brianne is speechless, though, and can't believe it.

I am running out of things to say myself.....

$250,000 (Lunar Locations): Which of the following is not a name given by astronomers to a geographical location on the Moon?
A. Sea of Clouds B. Ocean of Glass
C. Sea of Nectar D. Ocean of Storms

You do have a map of the moon on your bedroom wall, don't you? Don't you!?!?!?

Brianne chooses to PAF (29). Waiting by the phone are: her friend Robert, a geologist from Port Townsend, WA; her mother, Nanette, a real-estate broker from Bellingham, WA; and her BB Bob#####, a lawyer from Los Angeles, CA (nice tie, Bob!)

When the hell did this turn into a fashion critique? Who cares if Bob has a 30 foot python wrapped around his neck.... just get him on the phone!

Brianne chooses to call Bob. Meredith points out to Bob that his picture is from the set of Jeopardy! and says "OK, that's it. Bye bye." She's kidding, of course.

Kick her Brianne! Just rear back and kick her! I promise, nobody will do anything about it....

Bob says she can rule out Ocean of Storms and Sea of Nectar, but he's not sure and that's the best he can do.

You know, I miss the 50/50. Why the hell did they get rid of it anyway, even if it wasn't really random? Thanks Bob for bringing back old times....

Brianne chooses to DD (26). Her first answer is:

[Reveal] Spoiler:
B. Ocean of Glass (26)


I have seen people of your age and your profession walk away from $4,000 questions with just 2 answers left and a halfway decent ATA result. You have some serious stones, Brianne.....

I like you!

As she throws to commercial, Meredith says, "Now I'M going to throw up...we'll be right back!"

It's too bad this wonderful moment in the show's history had to be ruined by such an inept host. Where's Billy Bush or Bill Nye when you need them?

Brianne is about to cry, she's so overwhelmed. She and Patrick have been together 2 1/2 years. As a surprise, they put Brianne's mom, Nanette on the phone so that she could tell her mom she was going for half a million dollars, and that she loves her.


$500,000 (General Lee): Contrary to popular belief, Robert E. Lee's historic surrender took place not in a courthouse building, but in what family's Virginia home?
A. The O'Neills B. The Thompsons
C. The McLeans D. The Harrisons

This is why when I'm not watching Discovery or C-SPAN, I always have The History Channel on....

Brianne has no idea, and chooses to use her last lifeline, ATE (37). Rene' says she doesn't have even the slightest inkling about it,

What a shock. Please let Rene off the Skype or whatever the hell that thing is you use now and let her get back to her grocery shopping...

and her expert advice is to take the money and run, which is what Brianne does.

THE HORN SOUNDS as Patrick joins Brianne onstage for a big hug.

I know everyone here is going to say I'm going soft because I'm reviewing a BB's stack. Contrary to popular belief, I've let a few past BB's have it in the gut when they've screwed up and made my big, fat, fabulous stomach violently ill. But I stand in absolute amazement that a 21 year old college student was not only able to walk away with a quarter of a million dollars..... but did it with a stack that did not come out of the "Geez, we need some big winners" file. I am truly impressed, and believe me, that doesn't happen very often Brianne. You did a damn good job..... not as good as I'd have done of course, but damn fine nonetheless. You have my hearty congratulations....

And please do me a favor...... for the love of God, don't let any of that $250K get spent on some beach in South America....

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#15 Post by earendel » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:13 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Brianne was raised by a single mom and is in the hotseat to make her mom proud. Wants to take mom on a vacation, too, and help put her younger sister through college. Boyfriend Patrick is in the audience, and he wants to "buy a big Jeep, travel to South America, and live on the beach" with some of the money.
Typical male answer! :D (Sorry, Brianne.)
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4,000 (TV Locales): Which of these classic sitcomes is set in the U.S. city that is located the farthest south?
A. Happy Days B. Frasier
C. The Golden Girls D. Cheers
Milwaukee, Seattle, Miami and Boston. Nice spread.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (Media Frenzy): In 2008, Angelina Jolie caused a media frenzy when she gave birth to fraternal twins named what?
A. Knox and Vivienne B. Gaines and Chloe
C. Fisher and Agatha D. Cass and Ella
A. Knox and Vivienne (21)
Time to ATA because I have absolutely no idea.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Brianne says she's been having so much fun in NY, and everyone's been very friendly. Patrick says he'd have no chance in the hotseat, and Brianne is so much smarter than he is. Brianne says she's not nervous at all, until Meredith mentions that she has $16,000. "OK, now I'm nervous!"
But you never hiccuped.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$25,000 (Jeff Spicoli): In "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," stoner Jeff Spicoli is a constant annoyance to Mr. Hand, his teacher in what subject?
A. Biology B. History
C. Geometry D. English
Brianne: "Well, I know he's 'learning about Cuba and eating some food,' so..."

B. History (14)
Time for another lifeline because again I don't know - never seen the movie and had no idea who "Jeff Spicoli" was in the category list. Might as well ATE and hope she knows so I don't have to burn a second lifeline on this question.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50,000 (Cadillac): The Cadillac car company is named after Antoine Laumet de La Mothe Cadillac, an 18th-century Frenchman famous for what?
A. Inventing the bicycle B. Writing erotic poetry
C. Discovering the element neon D. Founding the city of Detroit
D. Founding the city of Detroit (22)
Back on safer ground now.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100,000 (Elvis): What Elvis Presley song was originally a hit for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in 1953?
A. Hound Dog B. Love Me Tender
C. Heartbreak Hotel D. Blue Suede Shoes
A. Hound Dog (36)
Meredith is flabbergasted that Brianne knew that ("I guess I remember reading it...studying pays off!").
"D" is a nice distractor - people might know that "Blue Suede Shoes" was a hit for someone other than Elvis (Carl Perkins).
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$250,000 (Lunar Locations): Which of the following is not a name given by astronomers to a geographical location on the Moon?
A. Sea of Clouds B. Ocean of Glass
C. Sea of Nectar D. Ocean of Storms

Brianne chooses to PAF (29). Waiting by the phone are: her friend Robert, a geologist from Port Townsend, WA; her mother, Nanette, a real-estate broker from Bellingham, WA; and her BB Bob#####, a lawyer from Los Angeles, CA (nice tie, Bob!)

Brianne chooses to call Bob. Meredith points out to Bob that his picture is from the set of Jeopardy! and says "OK, that's it. Bye bye." She's kidding, of course.

Bob says she can rule out Ocean of Storms and Sea of Nectar, but he's not sure and that's the best he can do.

Brianne chooses to DD (26). Her first answer is:
B. Ocean of Glass (26)
One of my guilty pleasures, such as it is, is train games by Mayfair Games. They have one called "Lunar Rails" which is played on a board that shows the moon's surface (front and back). You have to connect locations such as Tsiolkovsky and Mare Crisium. As many times as I've played the game I know there's no "Ocean of Glass". Good job by Bob-o'-numbers for convincing you to go with the DD.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Brianne is about to cry, she's so overwhelmed. She and Patrick have been together 2 1/2 years. As a surprise, they put Brianne's mom, Nanette on the phone so that she could tell her mom she was going for half a million dollars, and that she loves her.
That was a nice touch.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500,000 (General Lee): Contrary to popular belief, Robert E. Lee's historic surrender took place not in a courthouse building, but in what family's Virginia home?
A. The O'Neills B. The Thompsons
C. The McLeans D. The Harrisons
Although I've been to Appamattox and lots of Civil War sites in the area I didn't know this one, though from the comfort of my recliner I was able to guess (maybe because of McLean, VA, but who knows). If I hadn't burned my PAF on the $25K question, it's time to use it now.

All in all a very good run, Brianne. Congratulations for being one of the biggest money-winners this season. I can see why they rearranged the shows to put yours into sweeps.
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#16 Post by themanintheseersuckersuit » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:12 am

What great television, beautiful bright Brianne and a compelling story. Drama and emotion. Congrats to you.
Suitguy is not bitter.

feels he represents the many educated and rational onlookers who believe that the hysterical denouncement of lay scepticism is both unwarranted and counter-productive

The problem, then, is that such calls do not address an opposition audience so much as they signal virtue. They talk past those who need convincing. They ignore actual facts and counterargument. And they are irreparably smug.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#17 Post by MarleysGh0st » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:15 am

Congratulations, Brianne! I'm glad you were willing to take that Double Dip risk on the $250K question! And we got to see the General Lee question, just like I asked yesterday, even if it was only tangentially about Lee. :wink:

However, even though you're a BB and this is supposed to be a totally positive reaction thread--you can just dismiss this comment as the grumbling of an old curmudgeon--
I don't like the precedent set by placing that call to your mom. One more step away from being a trivia game show towards being a talk show.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#18 Post by BigDrawMan » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:32 am

congrats on the fat haul
you were adorable
as was bob##s
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#19 Post by MarleysGh0st » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:36 am

Here's an article about Brianne's appearance: ... /811120318

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#20 Post by trevor_macfee » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:52 am

Congratulations! Sounds like an awesomely incredible experience (and the $$$ will be nice, too!)

But for me, another reason to lament Millionaire being off the air in the Baltimore TV market.

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#21 Post by Rafferbee » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:26 am

trevor_macfee wrote:Congratulations! Sounds like an awesomely incredible experience (and the $$$ will be nice, too!)

But for me, another reason to lament Millionaire being off the air in the Baltimore TV market.
Maybe we should write to the Baltimore stations, Trevor.

Congratulations, Brianne! It must be a good feeling to graduate this year without crushing student loans over your head and to help your family out as well. This was the best time of your life to win big. Now you can do what you really want to do!

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#22 Post by secondchance » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:18 am

Congrats, Brianne! While your show was preempted in L.A. by the Lakers game, the descriptions here have painted a nice picture of your amazing accomplishments. Hopefully they'll air it here on Thursday nite (let your sister know).

And welcome back MBFFB! Now that you've crawled out of your hole, please stick around - ok? :wink:

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#23 Post by MarleysGh0st » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:22 am

Second Chance wrote: And welcome back MBFFB! Now that you've crawled out of your hole, please stick around - ok? :wink:
I dunno. After getting all gushy like that, MBFFB may not be able to write an effective transcript commentary ever again! :P

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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#24 Post by Hello, Mini! » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:29 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
Second Chance wrote: And welcome back MBFFB! Now that you've crawled out of your hole, please stick around - ok? :wink:
I dunno. After getting all gushy like that, MBFFB may not be able to write an effective transcript commentary ever again! :P

Shhh. He has a crush on her....
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Re: Transcript 11/11/08 - Brianne Sherman (Carryover-MmeMeisha)

#25 Post by ghostjmf » Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:49 am

$2,000 (Political Buzzwords): Crucial players in the 2008 Democratic presidential race, party officials who can vote for any candidate are known as what?
A. Ultradelegates B. Hyperdelegates
C. Jumbodelegates D. Superdelegates

D. Superdelegates (22 sec.)
I know it

D. Superdelegates (22 sec.)
$4,000 (TV Locales): Which of these classic sitcomes is set in the U.S. city that is located the farthest south?
A. Happy Days B. Frasier
C. The Golden Girls D. Cheers
Know it, even though I thought the GGs were in LA (so sue me; Q still works)
Brianne chooses to ATA (23 sec):

A. Happy Days - 2%
B. Frasier - 1%
C. The Golden Girls - 95%
D. Cheers - 2%

C. The Golden Girls (20)

$8,000 (Let's Celebrate!): An important rite of passage in Latino culture, the Quinceanera (with a tilde over the "n") is a birthday party for a girl turning what age?
A. Fourteen B. Fifteen
C. Sixteen D. Seventeen
know it

B. Fifteen (24)

$16,000 (Media Frenzy): In 2008, Angelina Jolie caused a media frenzy when she gave birth to fraternal twins named what?
A. Knox and Vivienne B. Gaines and Chloe
C. Fisher and Agatha D. Cass and Ella
know it
A. Knox and Vivienne (21)


Brianne says she's been having so much fun in NY, and everyone's been very friendly. Patrick says he'd have no chance in the hotseat, and Brianne is so much smarter than he is. Brianne says she's not nervous at all, until Meredith mentions that she has $16,000. "OK, now I'm nervous!"

$25,000 (Jeff Spicoli): In "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," stoner Jeff Spicoli is a constant annoyance to Mr. Hand, his teacher in what subject?
A. Biology B. History
C. Geometry D. English
I have no blinking idea in Heck, & here's where I'd burn my ATA, then if I needed to, anything else I had to
Brianne: "Well, I know he's 'learning about Cuba and eating some food,' so..."

B. History (14)

$50,000 (Cadillac): The Cadillac car company is named after Antoine Laumet de La Mothe Cadillac, an 18th-century Frenchman famous for what?
A. Inventing the bicycle B. Writing erotic poetry
C. Discovering the element neon D. Founding the city of Detroit
I knew he was one of the founders of Detroit; I didn't think he was the founder of Detroit. It was Fort Ponchartrain de Troi, or something like that, anyway, not "Detroit".
I would have burned my double dip here, because I didn't know what else he did that he did alone. Poorly worded Q in my opinion.
D. Founding the city of Detroit (22)

Brianne has no idea how she knew that question.

$100,000 (Elvis): What Elvis Presley song was originally a hit for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in 1953?
A. Hound Dog B. Love Me Tender
C. Heartbreak Hotel D. Blue Suede Shoes
knew it knew it knew it

A. Hound Dog (36)

Meredith is flabbergasted that Brianne knew that ("I guess I remember reading it...studying pays off!").


It's Brianne's first time ever visiting NYC. When learning during the break that she had $100,000, she leaned sweetly over to Meredith and said, "I'm going to throw up." Brianne is speechless, though, and can't believe it.

$250,000 (Lunar Locations): Which of the following is not a name given by astronomers to a geographical location on the Moon?
A. Sea of Clouds B. Ocean of Glass
C. Sea of Nectar D. Ocean of Storms
Pretty sure it has to be Glass 'cause have heard of other 3. "Pretty" is not sure enough, though, & I've already burned my double dip. PAF a Googler.
Brianne chooses to PAF (29). Waiting by the phone are: her friend Robert, a geologist from Port Townsend, WA; her mother, Nanette, a real-estate broker from Bellingham, WA; and her BB Bob#####, a lawyer from Los Angeles, CA (nice tie, Bob!)

Brianne chooses to call Bob. Meredith points out to Bob that his picture is from the set of Jeopardy! and says "OK, that's it. Bye bye." She's kidding, of course.

Bob says she can rule out Ocean of Storms and Sea of Nectar, but he's not sure and that's the best he can do.

Brianne chooses to DD (26). Her first answer is:

B. Ocean of Glass (26)

When Brianne went for someone other than her geologist friend, I said "WTF". Then friend was revealed as a J! 2-time winner. Who did her proud.
As she throws to commercial, Meredith says, "Now I'M going to throw up...we'll be right back!"


Brianne is about to cry, she's so overwhelmed. She and Patrick have been together 2 1/2 years. As a surprise, they put Brianne's mom, Nanette on the phone so that she could tell her mom she was going for half a million dollars, and that she loves her.

$500,000 (General Lee): Contrary to popular belief, Robert E. Lee's historic surrender took place not in a courthouse building, but in what family's Virginia home?
A. The O'Neills B. The Thompsons
C. The McLeans D. The Harrisons

Brianne has no idea, and chooses to use her last lifeline, ATE (37). Rene' says she doesn't have even the slightest inkling about it, and her expert advice is to take the money and run, which is what Brianne does.

C. The McLeans (27)
I had no idea that the courthouse in Appomatox, as featured in the famous painting, was not the site. All I'd have left here is the Expert. If I had the same Expert, I'd be going home here too. Just wondering if KJ, Ogi, Nancy, Jay Whatshisname knew this one.

THE HORN SOUNDS as Patrick joins Brianne onstage for a big hug.
Note to Brianne: Sorry for the shorthanded screenname. It's hard to fit everything in the title!

OK, I love to play along, & haven't been able to since work turned into hell. We could date this, but I would want to give hell the ammunition.

At any rate:

I'm commenting here because this is BAM as it ought to be played.
Contestant knows lots of stuff & is not afraid to go for it. And when she doesn't, she knows how to phrase her questions, & both she & her PAF were not slain by a Q with "pick the one that is not" in the Q. Coolth Under Fire.

Please enjoy the money, the Jeep, or maybe now the Cadillac, the whatever you choose to buy with it.
Last edited by ghostjmf on Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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