Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

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Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:20 pm

Bridget Delauro
Brooklyn, NY
Dog nanny

Meredith wipes a smudge of her lipstick off Bridget's face even though Bridget says, "I don't mind." Bridget is also a graduate student in animal behavior. She spends more time with dogs than with humans and says she even prefers them. She hastens to say that she means no insult to Meredith.

Topic Tree:
- Animal Lovers
- Prize Money
- Fear Itself
- Paddington Bear
- The White House
- Cave Paintings
- Take Your Vitamins
- What's the Address?
- Sushi Rolls
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Classic Toys
- Back to Reality
- Meow
- Odorama
- It's a Big Job

$100 - During the 2008 presidential race, pundits regularly pointed out that the U.S. vice president is "a heartbeat away" from what job?
A - Secretary of State
B - President
C - Supreme Court justice
D - Assistant manager at Denny's
B - President (6)
$200 - Able to recognize up to 3,000 different scents, a "perfumer" is also known as a what?
A - nose
B - ear
C - eye
D - mouth
A - nose (11)
$300 - On its Web site, what grocery store brand encourages visitors to "discover your cat's world"?
A - Clorox
B - Friskies
C - Sara Lee
D - Folgers
B - Friskies (9)
$500 - As its title implies, the cable reality series "Must Love Kids" focuses on the dating experiences of women who are all what?
A - college students
B - recent immigrants
C - professional athletes
D - single mothers
D - single mothers (8)
$1000 - What classic toy was reportedly used by soldiers in Vietnam as a makeshift radio antenna?
A - Play-Doh
B - yo-yo
C - Slinky
D - Hula Hoop
C - Slinky (8)
commercial break

Bridget has two dogs of her own, Kelsey and Riley, rat terriers (we get to see a photo of them). Meredith says if Bridget wins the million, that's a lot of Dog Chow.

$2000 - For several seasons, Ellen DeGeneres has kicked off episodes of her daytime talk show by doing what?
A - playing Frisbee
B - lifting weights
C - jumping rope
D - dancing
D - dancing (22)
$4000 - Sushi-rolling mats are commonly made from which of these materials?
A - tinfoil
B - leather
C - bamboo
D - cheesecloth

Bridget says she thinks she knows it but she's nervous. Then she asks Meredith, "Do I know it?", to which Meredith replies, "I don't know. But you have to do what you believe; it's your money." Bridget goes for it rather than burning a lifeline.
C - bamboo (7)
$8000 - Used to refer to a computer's unique location in cyberspace, "IP address" is short for "Internet" what?
A - protocol address
B - port address
C - platform address
D - password address

Again Bridget says she thinks she knows it but this time she opts to ask the audience, stopping the clock with 19 seconds left.
ATA results
ATA results:
A - 72%
B - 17%
C - 3%
D - 8%
Bridget says that she's going to trust the audience because they look very smart.
A - protocol address (10)
commercial break

$16000 - Thiamine, riboflavin and niacin are three vitamins in a group commonly known as what?
A - vitamin-A complex
B - vitamin-B comples
C - vitamin-D complex
D - vitamin-K complex

Bridget says it's really easy to second-guess oneself here but she isn't going to do that.
B - vitamin-B comples
$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."
PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.
Bridget goes with Erin's answer.
B - animals (15)
Meredith says, "It's as if all the animals that love you sort of got together for this stack."
$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Muskateers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation

Bridget wastes no time in deciding to ask the expert, stopping the clock with 36 seconds remaining.
ATE results
After reading the question Carmen says that she can narrow it down to A, The Kid. Bridget asks her what that was about, then asks, "Was that a Charlie Chaplin movie?"

"That's what I was thinking," Carmen answers. "Yes, it was a black and white Chaplin film." Carmen says her other choice would be B, The Three Muskateers. "The first one was a long, long time ago. But all I can do is narrow it down for you."
Bridget decides to gamble with the Double Dip.
DD results
Her first final answer is A - The Kid. That is incorrect. "I'm going to go with what I thought," Bridget says. "No disrespect to anyone." She makes D - Birth of a Nation her second final answer and this time she's correct.
D - The Birth of a Nation.
$100000 - Before he was adopted by a British family, the kids' lit character Paddington Bear lived in Peru and had what name?
A - Pilar
B - Pascual
C - Paulo
D - Pastuso

She says that Pilar is a woman's name. After a few more seconds she decides she doesn't want to risk it and walks away.
D - Pastuso (24)


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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#2 Post by ulysses5019 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:03 pm

$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."
Something I learned watching the Discovery Channel's Life After People is that the Lascaux paintings that the tourists see today are not the original. They are seeing a replica in a nearby cave. The originals were being damaged by all the carbon dioxide produced by tourists.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#3 Post by silvercamaro » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:07 pm

ulysses5019 wrote:
$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."
Something I learned watching the Discovery Channel's Life After People is that the Lascaux paintings that the tourists see today are not the original. They are seeing a replica in a nearby cave. The originals were being damaged by all the carbon dioxide produced by tourists.
Found it.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#4 Post by hanzz » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:20 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Bridget Delauro
Brooklyn, NY
Dog nanny

Meredith wipes a smudge of her lipstick off Bridget's face even though Bridget says, "I don't mind."
I missed that!
Bridget is also a graduate student in animal behavior. She spends more time with dogs than with humans and says she even prefers them. She hastens to say that she means no insult to Meredith.
This contestant reminded me SO MUCH of a youngish teacher standing behind me in line at the Tampa auditions. I thought her perkitude and demeanor were so on target, so I was kind of sad for her that she didn't pass the test.
Topic Tree:
- Animal Lovers
- Prize Money
- Fear Itself
- Paddington Bear
- The White House
- Cave Paintings
- Take Your Vitamins
- What's the Address?
- Sushi Rolls
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Classic Toys
- Back to Reality
- Meow
- Odorama
- It's a Big Job

$100 - During the 2008 presidential race, pundits regularly pointed out that the U.S. vice president is "a heartbeat away" from what job?
A - Secretary of State
B - President
C - Supreme Court justice
D - Assistant manager at Denny's
B - President (6)
$200 - Able to recognize up to 3,000 different scents, a "perfumer" is also known as a what?
A - nose
B - ear
C - eye
D - mouth
A - nose (11)
$300 - On its Web site, what grocery store brand encourages visitors to "discover your cat's world"?
A - Clorox
B - Friskies
C - Sara Lee
D - Folgers
B - Friskies (9)
$500 - As its title implies, the cable reality series "Must Love Kids" focuses on the dating experiences of women who are all what?
A - college students
B - recent immigrants
C - professional athletes
D - single mothers
D - single mothers (8)
$1000 - What classic toy was reportedly used by soldiers in Vietnam as a makeshift radio antenna?
A - Play-Doh
B - yo-yo
C - Slinky
D - Hula Hoop
C - Slinky (8)
commercial break

Bridget has two dogs of her own, Kelsey and Riley, rat terriers (we get to see a photo of them). Meredith says if Bridget wins the million, that's a lot of Dog Chow.
And if I recall, the teacher lady behind me had cats.

$2000 - For several seasons, Ellen DeGeneres has kicked off episodes of her daytime talk show by doing what?
A - playing Frisbee
B - lifting weights
C - jumping rope
D - dancing
D - dancing (22)
I love this question, for some reason.
$4000 - Sushi-rolling mats are commonly made from which of these materials?
A - tinfoil
B - leather
C - bamboo
D - cheesecloth

Bridget says she thinks she knows it but she's nervous. Then she asks Meredith, "Do I know it?", to which Meredith replies, "I don't know. But you have to do what you believe; it's your money." Bridget goes for it rather than burning a lifeline.
C - bamboo (7)
IIRC, she even asked the audience (literally), "Do I know this?" to which the audience enthusiastically responded yes. Good for her for going with her gut, I can understand how being in that chair can suddenly make the doubt fairy pay you a visit.
$8000 - Used to refer to a computer's unique location in cyberspace, "IP address" is short for "Internet" what?
A - protocol address
B - port address
C - platform address
D - password address

Again Bridget says she thinks she knows it but this time she opts to ask the audience, stopping the clock with 19 seconds left.
ATA results
ATA results:
A - 72%
B - 17%
C - 3%
D - 8%
Bridget says that she's going to trust the audience because they look very smart.
A - protocol address (10)
commercial break

$16000 - Thiamine, riboflavin and niacin are three vitamins in a group commonly known as what?
A - vitamin-A complex
B - vitamin-B comples
C - vitamin-D complex
D - vitamin-K complex

Bridget says it's really easy to second-guess oneself here but she isn't going to do that.
B - vitamin-B comples
Again, good for her.

$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."
PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.
Bridget goes with Erin's answer.
B - animals (15)
I thought this question was slightly easy for $25,000, but Bridget had a good PAF. This could have gone horribly wrong with the word "Lascaux" and whatnot.
Meredith says, "It's as if all the animals that love you sort of got together for this stack."
$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Muskateers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation

Bridget wastes no time in deciding to ask the expert, stopping the clock with 36 seconds remaining.
ATE results
After reading the question Carmen says that she can narrow it down to A, The Kid. Bridget asks her what that was about, then asks, "Was that a Charlie Chaplin movie?"

"That's what I was thinking," Carmen answers. "Yes, it was a black and white Chaplin film." Carmen says her other choice would be B, The Three Muskateers. "The first one was a long, long time ago. But all I can do is narrow it down for you."
Bridget decides to gamble with the Double Dip.
DD results
Her first final answer is A - The Kid. That is incorrect. "I'm going to go with what I thought," Bridget says. "No disrespect to anyone." She makes D - Birth of a Nation her second final answer and this time she's correct.
D - The Birth of a Nation.
Oy, Carmen. I don't blame ya for not knowing a hardish question like this, but this is now the third time in 2 days that you narrow down the choices with a tinge of confidence in your voice, only to (almost) lead the contestants astray. It's ok if you don't know an answer, but no false hope, please!
$100000 - Before he was adopted by a British family, the kids' lit character Paddington Bear lived in Peru and had what name?
A - Pilar
B - Pascual
C - Paulo
D - Pastuso

She says that Pilar is a woman's name. After a few more seconds she decides she doesn't want to risk it and walks away.
D - Pastuso (24)
Ooh, thought I knew this and I didn't, although I would have had to use my first lifeline (maaaaaybe ATA, but most likely PAF after that).

So I'm going for $250k with either 2 or 3 lifelines.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#5 Post by Bob Juch » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:26 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Musketeers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation
I'm sure Wilson enjoyed it immensely; he was a terrible racist.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#6 Post by Thousandaire » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:49 pm

Bob Juch wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Musketeers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation
I'm sure Wilson enjoyed it immensely; he was a terrible racist.
I wouldn't want to be good at racism either.

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#7 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:32 pm

$2000 - For several seasons, Ellen DeGeneres has kicked off episodes of her daytime talk show by doing what?
A - playing Frisbee
B - lifting weights
C - jumping rope
D - dancing

[Obscure] Spoiler:
D - dancing (22)
There goes my ATA.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#8 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:35 pm

$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."

[Reveal] Spoiler: PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.

Bridget goes with Erin's answer.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
B - animals (15)
Anyone who's read the latest installment in Jean Auel's Earth's Children series (starring Ayla and FlintDude) knows this one. That's how I knew it, anyway. I might guess animals based on the petroglyphs found here in the SW, but I don't know . . .
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#9 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:37 pm

Meredith says, "It's as if all the animals that love you sort of got together for this stack."
$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Muskateers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation

Bridget wastes no time in deciding to ask the expert, stopping the clock with 36 seconds remaining.

[Reveal] Spoiler: ATE results
After reading the question Carmen says that she can narrow it down to A, The Kid. Bridget asks her what that was about, then asks, "Was that a Charlie Chaplin movie?"

"That's what I was thinking," Carmen answers. "Yes, it was a black and white Chaplin film." Carmen says her other choice would be B, The Three Muskateers. "The first one was a long, long time ago. But all I can do is narrow it down for you."

Bridget decides to gamble with the Double Dip.

[Reveal] Spoiler: DD results
Her first final answer is A - The Kid. That is incorrect. "I'm going to go with what I thought," Bridget says. "No disrespect to anyone." She makes D - Birth of a Nation her second final answer and this time she's correct.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
D - The Birth of a Nation.
I still have ATE, PAF, and DD. I'm gonna make sure and PAF.
-- In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#10 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:40 pm

$100000 - Before he was adopted by a British family, the kids' lit character Paddington Bear lived in Peru and had what name?
A - Pilar
B - Pascual
C - Paulo
D - Pastuso

She says that Pilar is a woman's name. After a few more seconds she decides she doesn't want to risk it and walks away.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
D - Pastuso (24)
I'll ATE, but without much hope. I'm not double dipping. The last three all sound too likely. OK, I'm out the door with $50,000. Good stack.
-- In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#11 Post by Estonut » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:39 pm

ulysses5019 wrote:Something I learned watching the Discovery Channel's Life After People is that the Lascaux paintings that the tourists see today are not the original. They are seeing a replica in a nearby cave. The originals were being damaged by all the carbon dioxide produced by tourists.
Anyone looking for episodes of Life After People should look on the History Channel, not Discovery. They just ran the season finale this week, but still have a few re-runs scheduled.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#12 Post by ulysses5019 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:42 am

Estonut wrote:
ulysses5019 wrote:Something I learned watching the Discovery Channel's Life After People is that the Lascaux paintings that the tourists see today are not the original. They are seeing a replica in a nearby cave. The originals were being damaged by all the carbon dioxide produced by tourists.
Anyone looking for episodes of Life After People should look on the History Channel, not Discovery. They just ran the season finale this week, but still have a few re-runs scheduled.

Yikes. My bad. Yes the series is on the History Channel when they're not running Ice Road Truckers or that logger one. Discovery has Cash Cab.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#13 Post by earendel » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:45 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Bridget Delauro
Brooklyn, NY
Dog nanny

Meredith wipes a smudge of her lipstick off Bridget's face even though Bridget says, "I don't mind." Bridget is also a graduate student in animal behavior. She spends more time with dogs than with humans and says she even prefers them. She hastens to say that she means no insult to Meredith.
She's a WE®. Bridget is what I call "annoyingly cheerful". She's got a "rah, rah" attitude that is probably the reason why she got the call. Also it seems that as the show reaches the end of the season they are just calling locals to be on.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2000 - For several seasons, Ellen DeGeneres has kicked off episodes of her daytime talk show by doing what?
A - playing Frisbee
B - lifting weights
C - jumping rope
D - dancing
D - dancing (22)
No idea. Time to use ATA.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4000 - Sushi-rolling mats are commonly made from which of these materials?
A - tinfoil
B - leather
C - bamboo
D - cheesecloth

Bridget says she thinks she knows it but she's nervous. Then she asks Meredith, "Do I know it?", to which Meredith replies, "I don't know. But you have to do what you believe; it's your money." Bridget goes for it rather than burning a lifeline.
C - bamboo (7)
And kudos for not using that lifeline.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8000 - Used to refer to a computer's unique location in cyberspace, "IP address" is short for "Internet" what?
A - protocol address
B - port address
C - platform address
D - password address

Again Bridget says she thinks she knows it but this time she opts to ask the audience, stopping the clock with 19 seconds left.
ATA results
ATA results:
A - 72%
B - 17%
C - 3%
D - 8%
Bridget says that she's going to trust the audience because they look very smart.
A - protocol address (10)
Well, the kudos are taken back. Although, truth to tell, I don't think the audience's answer was what she was thinking because of the hesitation before her final answer.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."
PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.
Bridget goes with Erin's answer.
B - animals (15)
At first I thought the PAF call was going to be a disaster - Bridget was talking fast and Erin couldn't catch what she was saying. Then she slowed down and gave Erin the chance to Google the answer (presumably, since she spelled "Lascaux" slowly and deliberately). Why Erin would have introduced a measure of doubt by her last comment baffles me.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Muskateers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation

Bridget wastes no time in deciding to ask the expert, stopping the clock with 36 seconds remaining.
ATE results
After reading the question Carmen says that she can narrow it down to A, The Kid. Bridget asks her what that was about, then asks, "Was that a Charlie Chaplin movie?"

"That's what I was thinking," Carmen answers. "Yes, it was a black and white Chaplin film." Carmen says her other choice would be B, The Three Muskateers. "The first one was a long, long time ago. But all I can do is narrow it down for you."
Bridget decides to gamble with the Double Dip.
DD results
Her first final answer is A - The Kid. That is incorrect. "I'm going to go with what I thought," Bridget says. "No disrespect to anyone." She makes D - Birth of a Nation her second final answer and this time she's correct.
D - The Birth of a Nation.
Good for Bridget for going with her gut, but if that's what she thought, why did she use the lifeline? Oh, well.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100000 - Before he was adopted by a British family, the kids' lit character Paddington Bear lived in Peru and had what name?
A - Pilar
B - Pascual
C - Paulo
D - Pastuso

She says that Pilar is a woman's name. After a few more seconds she decides she doesn't want to risk it and walks away.
D - Pastuso (24)
I would have had no idea, so it would be time to break out the PAF lifeline.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:THE HORN!!!!!
And so the season ends, with somewhat of a bang rather than a whimper.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#14 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:49 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Bridget Delauro
Brooklyn, NY
Dog nanny
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16000 - Thiamine, riboflavin and niacin are three vitamins in a group commonly known as what?
A - vitamin-A complex
B - vitamin-B comples (sic)
C - vitamin-D complex
D - vitamin-K complex
But I still don't know which numbers those three vitamins are.

$50K: No clue on this one. PAF.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100000 - Before he was adopted by a British family, the kids' lit character Paddington Bear lived in Peru and had what name?
A - Pilar
B - Pascual
C - Paulo
D - Pastuso
I remember this name from my study of Paddington Bear a few months ago while writing clues for my first Tangredi game.

I'm going for $250,000 with three lifelines.

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#15 Post by gsabc » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:24 am

Meredith wipes a smudge of her lipstick off Bridget's face even though Bridget says, "I don't mind."
Whose lipstick was being removed? Did Meredith give her a peck on the cheek as they came out, or was Bridget a little shaky when applying her own?

Would have loved this stack. Depending on my confidence level at the $50K level, I might have had all my LLs for the $100K. NAC there, so try the ATA first if still available, and go to the Googling PAF if not (or if ATA is inconclusive). "paddington bear peruvian name" on Google gets it in the blurb for the second hit.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#16 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:51 am

hanzz wrote:
$4000 - Sushi-rolling mats are commonly made from which of these materials?
A - tinfoil
B - leather
C - bamboo
D - cheesecloth

Bridget says she thinks she knows it but she's nervous. Then she asks Meredith, "Do I know it?", to which Meredith replies, "I don't know. But you have to do what you believe; it's your money." Bridget goes for it rather than burning a lifeline.
C - bamboo (7)
IIRC, she even asked the audience (literally), "Do I know this?" to which the audience enthusiastically responded yes. Good for her for going with her gut, I can understand how being in that chair can suddenly make the doubt fairy pay you a visit.
Properly speaking, the audience should have kept quiet there. Getting that response from the audience was something of a fifth lifeline for her. (Even though she hadn't said what she was thinking, she could take that response as a "Yes, the obvious answer is correct and they're not trying to trick you.")

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#17 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:54 am

SportsFan68 wrote:
$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."

[Reveal] Spoiler: PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.

Bridget goes with Erin's answer.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
B - animals (15)
Anyone who's read the latest installment in Jean Auel's Earth's Children series (starring Ayla and FlintDude) knows this one. That's how I knew it, anyway. I might guess animals based on the petroglyphs found here in the SW, but I don't know . . .
Really? You never saw photos of the Lascaux cave paintings before reading The Shelters of Stone?

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#18 Post by ulysses5019 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:59 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:
$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."

[Reveal] Spoiler: PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.

Bridget goes with Erin's answer.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
B - animals (15)
Anyone who's read the latest installment in Jean Auel's Earth's Children series (starring Ayla and FlintDude) knows this one. That's how I knew it, anyway. I might guess animals based on the petroglyphs found here in the SW, but I don't know . . .
Really? You never saw photos of the Lascaux cave paintings before reading The Shelters of Stone?

Back in the day when I was an extremely amateur philatelist one of my favorite sets of stamps were from France and the series depicted the Lascaux paintings.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#19 Post by earendel » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:13 am

gsabc wrote:
Meredith wipes a smudge of her lipstick off Bridget's face even though Bridget says, "I don't mind."
Whose lipstick was being removed? Did Meredith give her a peck on the cheek as they came out, or was Bridget a little shaky when applying her own?
Just to clarify, Meredith gave Bridget a little buss on the cheek and evidently left some of her lipstick behind, and then tried to remove it.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#20 Post by SportsFan68 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:32 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:
$25000 - Some of the world's oldest paintings are France's Lascaux cave paintings, which primarily depict what?
A - rain clouds
B - animals
C - fire
D - trees and flowers

Bridget looks as if she's going to answer, but says, "I'm going to ask...I'm going to phone a friend," stopping the clock with 18 seconds remaining. On her PAF list are: Erin, from Brooklyn, NY; Rachael, from Orange, CT; and Dean, from Austin, TX. She opts to call Erin and "give her a heart attack."

[Reveal] Spoiler: PAF results
Bridget cuts the question short (leaving off the first part); before she gets very far Erin says, "I can't hear you." Bridget starts again, speaking more slowly and spelling Lascaux. She then reads the four choices. Erin says "animals." Bridget asks, "Are you sure?" Erin replies, "Lascaux cave paintings, animals...let me just think, what are the other choices?" but time runs out before she can say how sure she is.

Bridget goes with Erin's answer.

[Reveal] Spoiler:
B - animals (15)
Anyone who's read the latest installment in Jean Auel's Earth's Children series (starring Ayla and FlintDude) knows this one. That's how I knew it, anyway. I might guess animals based on the petroglyphs found here in the SW, but I don't know . . .
Really? You never saw photos of the Lascaux cave paintings before reading The Shelters of Stone?
I've probably seen them a number of times, Marley. I've seen cave painting photos just as I've seen Southwest U.S. pictograph photos my whole life. It's that geography connection that trips me up. Until Shelters of Stone, I knew from nothing about Lascaux.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#21 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:36 am

SportsFan68 wrote:I've probably seen them a number of times, Marley. I've seen cave painting photos just as I've seen Southwest U.S. pictograph photos my whole life. It's that geography connection that trips me up. Until Shelters of Stone, I knew from nothing about Lascaux.
I don't think you needed any of the details about Lascaux to immediately associate cave paintings with animals. Those other choices seemed pretty lame--cave men drawing pictures of trees and flowers? :P

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#22 Post by SportsFan68 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:50 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:I've probably seen them a number of times, Marley. I've seen cave painting photos just as I've seen Southwest U.S. pictograph photos my whole life. It's that geography connection that trips me up. Until Shelters of Stone, I knew from nothing about Lascaux.
I don't think you needed any of the details about Lascaux to immediately associate cave paintings with animals. Those other choices seemed pretty lame--cave men drawing pictures of trees and flowers? :P
I can easily imagine that -- maize is highly prevalent in Hopi artistic depictions, as are rain and rain clouds.

The preponderance of the evidence is for animals, and I almost certainly would have gone that way even without Auel. But for certain? I don't know...
-- In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#23 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:21 am

SportsFan68 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:I've probably seen them a number of times, Marley. I've seen cave painting photos just as I've seen Southwest U.S. pictograph photos my whole life. It's that geography connection that trips me up. Until Shelters of Stone, I knew from nothing about Lascaux.
I don't think you needed any of the details about Lascaux to immediately associate cave paintings with animals. Those other choices seemed pretty lame--cave men drawing pictures of trees and flowers? :P
I can easily imagine that -- maize is highly prevalent in Hopi artistic depictions, as are rain and rain clouds.

The preponderance of the evidence is for animals, and I almost certainly would have gone that way even without Auel. But for certain? I don't know...
One significant difference in your example: the Hopi had progressed beyond being hunter/gatherers to being an agricultural society. Ayla and Jondalar (despite being great innovators who had personally domesticated dogs, cats and horses, and invented the atlatl and the flint & steel method of firemaking) hadn't.

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#24 Post by peacock2121 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:27 am

Thousandaire wrote:
Bob Juch wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50000 - Screened for President Woodrow Wilson, what was the first feature film ever shown at the White House?
A - The Kid
B - The Three Musketeers
C - The Squaw Man
D - The Birth of a Nation
I'm sure Wilson enjoyed it immensely; he was a terrible racist.
I wouldn't want to be good at racism either.
That there was funny.

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Re: Transcript 6/26/2009 - Bridget Delauro

#25 Post by Bob Juch » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:28 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
SportsFan68 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
I don't think you needed any of the details about Lascaux to immediately associate cave paintings with animals. Those other choices seemed pretty lame--cave men drawing pictures of trees and flowers? :P
I can easily imagine that -- maize is highly prevalent in Hopi artistic depictions, as are rain and rain clouds.

The preponderance of the evidence is for animals, and I almost certainly would have gone that way even without Auel. But for certain? I don't know...
One significant difference in your example: the Hopi had progressed beyond being hunter/gatherers to being an agricultural society. Ayla and Jondalar (despite being great innovators who had personally domesticated dogs, cats and horses, and invented the atlatl and the flint & steel method of firemaking) hadn't.
Where'd they get steel? :roll:
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