Wedding report

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Wedding report

#1 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:40 pm

I attended a wedding yesterday where I've known the bride since she was born. It was a wonderful occasion, one that's more like a family reunion than a wedding. The ceremony itself took about five minutes and was surrounded by love and laughter.

The wedding took place in the back yard of the bride's parents, which was spectacularly adorned by a virtually weed-free garden, four small flower plots, and one even more spectacular center flower plot which had been enhanced for the occasion by lovely hanging pots of colorful annuals. I had someone take my photo next to all the flowers which matched my dress and hope that one will turn out for the album I'm making as my wedding gift. The bride's gift request was for photos, and photos she got, along with frames and gift certificates to photography places.

We made lots of plans to meet up later in the year, most notably for the Perseids in August and the class reunion of the bride's mother and me in September.

My homecoming could have been a little better. The bride's grandmother and uncle left their dogs in the care of the downstairs tenant at grandmother's house, and he was neglectful of their need for time and attention. He fed and watered them, but while he was ignoring them, they got bored and lonely and dug up significant chunks of the garden I have planted in the back yard. The broccoli survived :D, but one of the potato plants and several corn plants are history. :(

All in all, well on the plus side. I wish I could have another glass of raspberry wine to toast with right now. :mrgreen:
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#2 Post by hermillion » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:13 pm

This sounds like a lovely and loving occasion. Thank you for sharing your experience.

(Sorry about the veggies!)
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