Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

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Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:47 pm

Christopher Hardgrave
Broken Arrow, OK

Under the lights of the Hot Seat he's having trouble remembering his own name. Meredith says that there's something about the set then asks him how this is different than waiting tables. Christopher says if he makes a mistake waiting tables very few people know it, but here there are larger consequences.

Meredith says everyone is rooting for him.

$100 - Native to Africa, the dwarf crocodile gets its name because, for a crocodile, it is incredibly what?

A - colorful
B - venomous
C - small
D - in love with Snow White

$200 - Which of these medical conditions often occurs as a result of traveing in a plane, car or ship?

A - lead poisoning
B - hay fever
C - frostbite
D - motion sickness

$300 - "Whew!" is an interjection often used to express which of these emotions?

A - jealousy
B - relief
C - sympathy
D - anger

Christopher says, "Whew!" before giving his answer.

$500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent

$1K - The World Potato Congress was held in the U.S. for the first time in 2006 in what state capital?

A - Boise
B - Little Rock
C - Tallahassee
D - Phoenix

Christopher loves those Boise potatoes.

This is Christopher's first trip to NYC.

$2K - In two film adaptations of his books, what author has made cameos as a funeral minister and a cemetery attendant?

A - Tom Clancey
B - John Grissom
C - Steohen King
D - Michael Crichton

$4K - Where on a personal check can you typically find the nine-digit "routing number" identifying the bank that is responsible for payment?

A - top left corner
B - bottom left corner
C - top right corner
D - bottom right corner

After Christopher gives his answer, Meredith holds up a Capital One check to show him.

$8K - The band Franz Ferdinand shares its name with a historical figure whose assassination is often said to have triggered what conflict?

A - World War I
B - World War II
C - War of 1812
D - Spanish-American War

Just to be sure, Christopher decides to ask the audience.

ATA results:
A - 61%
B - 11%
C - 7%
D - 21%

Meredith asks what Christopher was thinking and he replies "World War I". He knew it wasn't B or D.

Commercial break

One day Christopher would like to open his own restaurant. During the break Christopher mentions that Jennifer, his girlfriend, keeps him grounded. She is in the relationship seat.

$16K - Often found on boats, a "burgee" is a type of what?

A - inflatable raft
B - air horn
C - rope
D - flag

Christopher grew up on a boat; his dad owns a sailboat.

$25K - Which of these scientists developed an anthrax vaccine for sheep and cows?

A - Joseph Lister
B - Louis Pasteur
C - Jonas Salk
D - Albert Sabin

Christopher says that Louis Pasteur is pasturization, Salk and Sabin invented polio vaccines, and Joseph Lister invented Listerine. Christopher decides to use his 50/50, leaving B and C.

Meredith says that Christopher didn't really know it and Christopher says he remembers something from a Seinfeld episode about cows and milk.

$50K - Though they eventually settled throughout the world, the nomadic people known as Gypsies originally migrated from what country?

A - Morocco
B - India
C - Armenia
D - Hungary

Christopher wants to use his Phone-a-Friend and asks to call Jay. Jay quickly answers "B - India" and tells Christopher that he's "almost completely positive". Christopher knows that Jay was just in India.

Commercial break

Jay is a waiter like Christopher and he likes to travel. He invited Christopher to go to India with him, and said that if Christopher wins a lot of money he can do some traveling.

$100K - According to his 2004 autobiography, which of these movies is Bill Clinton's favorite?

A - The African Queen
B - Citizen Kane
C - High Noon
D - To Kill a Mockingbird

Christopher isn't 100% sure. He thinks it's "D" but decides to switch the question.

$100K (STQ) - Until they get official names, new chemical elements receive temporary names based on Latin and Greek translations of their what?

A - atomic number
B - date of discovery
C - founder's surname
D - molecular weight

Christopher knows that lots of elements are named for their discoverers, mentioning einsteinium and nobelium (and californium). It would be a complete guess, so Christopher decides to walk away.

$100 - C (small)
$200 - D (motion sickness)
$300 - B (relief)
$500 - D (laundry detergent)
$1K - A (Boise)
$2K - C (Stephen King)
$4K - B (bottom left corner)
$8K - A (World War I)
$16K - D (flag)
$25K - B (Louis Pasteur)
$50K - B (India)
$100K - C (High Noon)
$100K (STQ) - A (atomic number)

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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#2 Post by Rexer25 » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:56 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Christopher Hardgrave
Broken Arrow, OK

$500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent
Wow...a shout out to lb. Kewl!
Enough already. It's my fault! Get over it!

That'll be $10, please.

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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#3 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:54 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1K - The World Potato Congress was held in the U.S. for the first time in 2006 in what state capital?

A - Boise
B - Little Rock
C - Tallahassee
D - Phoenix
No word on whether any of its congressmen were found in the men's room.

$16K: Never heard of a burgee. Audience probably hasn't either. PAF here.

$50K: I was thinking of something around the Middle East. Armenia was the closest country to the Middle East, so I would've said that and left the game.

$100K: Would've guessed D.

$100K #2 - <grumble>® I'm mad that I never would've seen this question. I knew this one immediately.

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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#4 Post by MarleysGh0st » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:03 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent
What? Not Fabuloso? :)
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $8K - The band Franz Ferdinand shares its name with a historical figure whose assassination is often said to have triggered what conflict?

A - World War I
B - World War II
C - War of 1812
D - Spanish-American War

Just to be sure, Christopher decides to ask the audience.

ATA results:
A - 61%
B - 11%
C - 7%
D - 21%

Meredith asks what Christopher was thinking and he replies "World War I". He knew it wasn't B or D.
So it was the War of 1812 that he was concerned about? :?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16K - Often found on boats, a "burgee" is a type of what?

A - inflatable raft
B - air horn
C - rope
D - flag

Christopher grew up on a boat; his dad owns a sailboat.
This one I haven't heard of. ATA time.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100K - According to his 2004 autobiography, which of these movies is Bill Clinton's favorite?

A - The African Queen
B - Citizen Kane
C - High Noon
D - To Kill a Mockingbird

Christopher isn't 100% sure. He thinks it's "D" but decides to switch the question.
And if I had an interest in reading his book, it wouldn't be to memorize his favorite movie. STQ for me, too!
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100K (STQ) - Until they get official names, new chemical elements receive temporary names based on Latin and Greek translations of their what?

A - atomic number
B - date of discovery
C - founder's surname
D - molecular weight

Christopher knows that lots of elements are named for their discoverers, mentioning einsteinium and nobelium (and californium). It would be a complete guess, so Christopher decides to walk away.
But my efforts to memorize the Periodic Table pays off here! Who could ever forget unununium?* 8)

*Which, since November 17, 2006, is now officially known as Roentgenium.

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#5 Post by MyBigFatFabulousBrain » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:11 am

Christopher Hardgrave
Broken Arrow, OK

Under the lights of the Hot Seat he's having trouble remembering his own name.

Another fine choice by the AP's who always screen out the candidates who lacks poise under pressure. Give this fool one of those "Hello, My Name Is..." stickers and put it right on his forehead. That won't really help him remember his name under the intense pressure of that $14 barbershop chair, but at least everyone in the viewing audience will be able to remember that this guy's name is "Dumbass"...

Meredith says that there's something about the set

Ya think, Mere? As I've said before, it radiates it's own aura of stupidity. As it's most overexposed victim, you would have known that for a fact by now had it not dimished your IQ so close to absolute zero over the years...

then asks him how this is different than waiting tables. Christopher says if he makes a mistake waiting tables very few people know it, but here there are larger consequences.

Larger consequences, my ass! If you screw up in this game, you stand to lose upwards of one million dollars. If you accidentally sneeze in someone's salad while serving it to them, at most you're going to lose a $3 tip...

Meredith says everyone is rooting for him.

Meredith doesn't know me very well, does she?

$100 - Native to Africa, the dwarf crocodile gets its name because, for a crocodile, it is incredibly what?

A - colorful
B - venomous
C - small
D - in love with Snow White

$200 - Which of these medical conditions often occurs as a result of traveing in a plane, car or ship?

A - lead poisoning
B - hay fever
C - frostbite
D - motion sickness

$300 - "Whew!" is an interjection often used to express which of these emotions?

A - jealousy
B - relief
C - sympathy
D - anger

Christopher says, "Whew!" before giving his answer.

Let me show you the interjections I use when I experience the emotion in choice D...

$500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent

Damn, my spoekesman could have won himself $500, if he'd have gotten this far....

$1K - The World Potato Congress was held in the U.S. for the first time in 2006 in what state capital?

A - Boise
B - Little Rock
C - Tallahassee
D - Phoenix

Christopher loves those Boise potatoes.

You have no idea where those potatoes are coming from, Chris. Everything in the entire world is now made, grown, and assembled in China...

This is Christopher's first trip to NYC.

I'd bet most waiters from Oklahoma have not been able to work a trip to New York City into their plans just yet. Probably many by choice...

$2K - In two film adaptations of his books, what author has made cameos as a funeral minister and a cemetery attendant?

A - Tom Clancey
B - John Grissom
C - Steohen King
D - Michael Crichton

Shouldn't that be Grisham? No, that's not my answer, I know for a fact it's "Steohen" King...

$4K - Where on a personal check can you typically find the nine-digit "routing number" identifying the bank that is responsible for payment?

A - top left corner
B - bottom left corner
C - top right corner
D - bottom right corner

After Christopher gives his answer, Meredith holds up a Capital One check to show him.

Alright, Mere, I'm sure Capital One's already getting enough exposure on this damn show, let alone getting even more exposure before the contestant has even screwed up yet. Thankfully this guy didn't have one of those Capital One cards in his wallet, as most of the plastic generation has forgotten what a damn check even looks like...

$8K - The band Franz Ferdinand shares its name with a historical figure whose assassination is often said to have triggered what conflict?

A - World War I
B - World War II
C - War of 1812
D - Spanish-American War

Just to be sure, Christopher decides to ask the audience.

Is there a contestant out there who can make it far into the stack without having to use a damn lifeline to verify one of their hunches? That's not what they're there for, Chris, those lifelines are there for you if you actually get stuck on a question... you know, like if they ask you what your name is, and you start panicking because you can't see that nametag on your forehead...

ATA results:
A - 61%
B - 11%
C - 7%
D - 21%

Meredith asks what Christopher was thinking and he replies "World War I". He knew it wasn't B or D.

And just how did you think the War of 1812 started? Maybe you were getting Granz Ferdinand mixed up with Francis Scott Key? Don't worry, Chris, everyone gets those two mixed up all the time.... at least everyone who has the word "Dumbass" stuck on their forehead...

One day Christopher would like to open his own restaurant.

Sure, and have your name out in front of the building in lights... oh that's right, you can't remember what it is! Who would want to eat at Chez Dumbass anyway?

During the break Christopher mentions that Jennifer, his girlfriend, keeps him grounded. She is in the relationship seat.

You probably need some serious grounding, like not being able to leave your room for a whole month.

$16K - Often found on boats, a "burgee" is a type of what?

A - inflatable raft
B - air horn
C - rope
D - flag

Christopher grew up on a boat; his dad owns a sailboat.

And you were never thrown overboard? Your dad is a saint...

$25K - Which of these scientists developed an anthrax vaccine for sheep and cows?

A - Joseph Lister
B - Louis Pasteur
C - Jonas Salk
D - Albert Sabin

Christopher says that Louis Pasteur is pasturization, Salk and Sabin invented polio vaccines, and Joseph Lister invented Listerine. Christopher decides to use his 50/50, leaving B and C.

Four great men of science, who never saw this pandemic of stupidity coming...

Meredith says that Christopher didn't really know it and Christopher says he remembers something from a Seinfeld episode about cows and milk.

You're not going to learn anything from an episode of Seinfeld, other than Jerry's grossly overpaid, Kramer's a racist, and Costanza couldn't even do a simple thing like selling chicken right...

$50K - Though they eventually settled throughout the world, the nomadic people known as Gypsies originally migrated from what country?

A - Morocco
B - India
C - Armenia
D - Hungary

Christopher wants to use his Phone-a-Friend and asks to call Jay. Jay quickly answers "B - India" and tells Christopher that he's "almost completely positive". Christopher knows that Jay was just in India.

I heard that there was going to be a BB on as a PAF, and this must have been him. Great job indianstudent!

Jay is a waiter like Christopher and he likes to travel. He invited Christopher to go to India with him, and said that if Christopher wins a lot of money he can do some traveling.

Gee, who ever thought the secret travelling desires of the waitering community would ever be talked about on national television like this? I'd have figured if waiters wanted to travel, they'd just visit a foreign restaurant for a week...

$100K - According to his 2004 autobiography, which of these movies is Bill Clinton's favorite?

A - The African Queen
B - Citizen Kane
C - High Noon
D - To Kill a Mockingbird

Christopher isn't 100% sure. He thinks it's "D" but decides to switch the question.

I think that I don't care what the hell Bill Clinton's favorite movie is. I'll go further to say that Bill Clinton doesn't care what his favorite movie is, just as long as it's being shown at a drive-in...

$100K (STQ) - Until they get official names, new chemical elements receive temporary names based on Latin and Greek translations of their what?

A - atomic number
B - date of discovery
C - founder's surname
D - molecular weight

Easy, easy, easy! Dammit, Chris, there were probably a bunch of unnamed elements when you were in chemistry class, assuming you came off that sailboat long enough to go to school...

Christopher knows that lots of elements are named for their discoverers, mentioning einsteinium and nobelium (and californium). It would be a complete guess, so Christopher decides to walk away.

How can you know all those high numbered elements and not remember the unnamed ones on your periodic table!?!?!? Or did you just not realize what unnilseptium translated to? This is the equivalent of you bringing me my hot soup and finding a damn fly in it. You will not be getting your tip, and I will be very critical of you on the comment card. Don't take that personal though, I love going to restaurants and filling out the comment cards. I sure wish there was one for this show...

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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#6 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:30 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent
What? Not Fabuloso? :)

Of course not, silly! Does this look like laundry detergent to you?


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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#7 Post by MarleysGh0st » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:36 am

littlebeast13 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:What? Not Fabuloso? :)
Of course not, silly! Does this look like laundry detergent to you?

Anyone thirsty for some Gatorade?
Ummm, those unnatural colors don't look like anything I'd want to drink, either. :?

So why have I heard you and mini talking about Fabuloso before? I thought your department only dealt with the laundry products?

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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#8 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:41 am

MarleysGh0st wrote:Ummm, those unnatural colors don't look like anything I'd want to drink, either. :?

So why have I heard you and mini talking about Fabuloso before? I thought your department only dealt with the laundry products?
No, you definitely don't want to drink them.... though they do look like sports drinks! I believe there have even been poisoning cases due to the confusion (They come in different shaped bottles now)...

Fabuloso is a floor cleaner. That light green one is the one with that great flavor name "Passion of Fruits"...


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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#9 Post by earendel » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:45 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Christopher Hardgrave
Broken Arrow, OK

Under the lights of the Hot Seat he's having trouble remembering his own name. Meredith says that there's something about the set then asks him how this is different than waiting tables. Christopher says if he makes a mistake waiting tables very few people know it, but here there are larger consequences.
There must have been some editing here because Christopher didn't look particularly confused or befuddled.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500 - Gain, Bold and Fab are all brands of what type of household product?

A - paper towels
B - glass cleaner
C - air freshener
D - laundry detergent
Shout-out to lb13!! :lol:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8K - The band Franz Ferdinand shares its name with a historical figure whose assassination is often said to have triggered what conflict?

A - World War I
B - World War II
C - War of 1812
D - Spanish-American War

Just to be sure, Christopher decides to ask the audience.
May I borrow a <grumble>®, Marley?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:ATA results:
A - 61%
B - 11%
C - 7%
D - 21%
I wondered about the strong response for "D" but elwing reminded me that "Ferdinand" sounds Spanish, so that may have been the reason.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16K - Often found on boats, a "burgee" is a type of what?

A - inflatable raft
B - air horn
C - rope
D - flag
I guessed "flag" from my recliner; in the Hot Seat it'd be time for a lifeline. The only one likely to help is PAF, so it's time to burn it.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50K - Though they eventually settled throughout the world, the nomadic people known as Gypsies originally migrated from what country?

A - Morocco
B - India
C - Armenia
D - Hungary

Christopher wants to use his Phone-a-Friend and asks to call Jay. Jay quickly answers "B - India" and tells Christopher that he's "almost completely positive". Christopher knows that Jay was just in India.
When I went to Macedonia a few years ago one of the churches we performed in was a Romany church. We learned a lot about the Romany people, including their origins in India.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100K - According to his 2004 autobiography, which of these movies is Bill Clinton's favorite?

A - The African Queen
B - Citizen Kane
C - High Noon
D - To Kill a Mockingbird

Christopher isn't 100% sure. He thinks it's "D" but decides to switch the question.
It would be tempting to try ATA on this one, but would use STQ instead.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100K (STQ) - Until they get official names, new chemical elements receive temporary names based on Latin and Greek translations of their what?

A - atomic number
B - date of discovery
C - founder's surname
D - molecular weight

Christopher knows that lots of elements are named for their discoverers, mentioning einsteinium and nobelium (and californium). It would be a complete guess, so Christopher decides to walk away.
In the "good old days" of Mendeleyev, they were given Sanskrit prefixes and then named for the element they most closely resembled (according to the "periodic" characteristics, so you got "eka-" whatever). I'd try the 50/50 on this one, then walk away if A and D were the two remaining choices.
Last edited by earendel on Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transcript 10/31/2007 - Christopher Hardgrave

#10 Post by MarleysGh0st » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:16 am

earendel wrote: May I borrow a <grumble>®, Marley?
This is the second one I'm handing out this morning, you know! :wink:


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#11 Post by starfish1113 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:01 am

Not my stack. OK through 8K, but didn't know any of the rest. If I played my LLs right, I might have ended up with 50K, but 25K seems more likely.

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#12 Post by vicking » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:30 am

I think that someone might have been caught cheating on this week's episode.

I've watched Christopher's stack over and over again on TIVO. He read the four choices out of order to his phone-a-friend. He did not call them "A," "B," "C," or "D."

So how did his phone-a-friend know it was "B," when he said the answer was, "B. India"?

Either something was edited out, or the phone-a-friend was getting information (perhaps through a cell phone)?

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#13 Post by earendel » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:32 am

vicking wrote:I think that someone might have been caught cheating on this week's episode.

I've watched Christopher's stack over and over again on TIVO. He read the four choices out of order to his phone-a-friend. He did not call them "A," "B," "C," or "D."

So how did his phone-a-friend know it was "B," when he said the answer was, "B. India"?

Either something was edited out, or the phone-a-friend was getting information (perhaps through a cell phone)?
The PAF might have assumed that Christopher was reading the answers in the order they appeared, so that "India" would be the "B" answer even if Christopher didn't read the letters.
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#14 Post by vicking » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:35 am

He read "India" as the last one out of the four! I have it on TIVO.

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#15 Post by MarleysGh0st » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:39 am

vicking wrote:I think that someone might have been caught cheating on this week's episode.

I've watched Christopher's stack over and over again on TIVO. He read the four choices out of order to his phone-a-friend. He did not call them "A," "B," "C," or "D."

So how did his phone-a-friend know it was "B," when he said the answer was, "B. India"?

Either something was edited out, or the phone-a-friend was getting information (perhaps through a cell phone)?
It sounded to me like he said "D: India," which would have matched the order he heard the answers read to him.

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#16 Post by earendel » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:41 am

vicking wrote:He read "India" as the last one out of the four! I have it on TIVO.
Without the video I can't say for certain the order in which the answers were read. It seems that Marley believes he said "D" rather than "B" anyway.
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#17 Post by vicking » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:44 am

Okay. You're right. PAF said, "D. India." Closed captioning typed it as "B. India." Later the contestant said, "B. India, are you sure?"

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#18 Post by MarleysGh0st » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:02 am

vicking wrote:Okay. You're right. PAF said, "D. India." Closed captioning typed it as "B. India." Later the contestant said, "B. India, are you sure?"
The closed captioning department is taking some liberties, huh? :wink:

It's always a waste of time to say the letters during a PAF call, and it has the potential to be dangerous, in cases like this.

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