Transcript 9/28/17B Justin Grace

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Transcript 9/28/17B Justin Grace

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:01 pm

(shown in the first slot on 1/11/18)

Justin Grace
Brooklyn, NY

While all of them are adorable images, which of the following is also the name of a common party appetizer?
A: Kittens on a Duvet B: Pigs in a Blanket
C: Dachshunds Under a Quilt D: Hamsters in a Hammock

B: Pigs in a Blanket

As it's critical for his job, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has reportedly insured which of his body parts with Lloyd's of London for $1.6 million?
A: Middle finger of his left hand B: Nose
C: Back hair D: Spleen

A: Middle finger of his left hand

Often inscribed on gravestones and sundials, what does the Latin phrase "tempus fugit" mean?
A: "Time flies" B: "Tempers flared"
C: "Tranquility forever" D: "Tickle fight"

A: "Time flies"

First commercial break
On the fitting date of April 20, 2017, what's believed to be the nation's first drive-thru what opened in Colorado?
A: Barber shop B: Jewelry store
C: Marijuana dispensary D: Voting booth

mom is at the taping so he starts to pretend it's a very tough question...

C: Marijuana dispensary

Before she became Wonder Woman, which actress spent two years serving in the Israeli Defense Forces?
A: Famke Janssen B: Alicia Vikander
C: Mila Kunis D: Gal Gadot

D: Gal Gadot

Much like how "Ubering" and "Googling" have become verbs, some people now say "Venmo me" when they want you to use the popular app to do what?
A: Play a game with them B: Meet up for a date
C: Send them money D: Give them directions

C: Send them money

Scientifically speaking, which of these is a true statement about animals?
A: Spiders are insects B: A whale shark is not a shark
C: The koala is a bear D: Apes are not monkeys

A: 28% B: 23% C: 17% D: 32%
A & D were the two he was deciding between.

D: Apes are not monkeys

Second commercial break

After calculating Mt. Everest's elevation to be a round number, it's said that early surveyors tried to make it sound more believable by adding 2 feet, for a total of what?
A: 25,002 B: 29,002
C: 33,002 D: 40,002

50/50 leaves 25,002 & 29,002.

Justin's +1 is his best friend & old comedy partner, Mike, who isn't very good at academic subjects but he knows weird stuff. Up front, Mike says he does not know. Neither answer is firing any more synapses than the other. When Mike can't answer Justin's question about 5,000 feet being in a mile, Justin thinks Mike just wanted a free trip.

Justin guesses 25,002.
The correct answer is B: 29,002
Justin wins $5,000

Third commercial break
QotD wrote: In 1879, Margaret E. Knight became one of the first women to receive a patent, creating a machine that makes what everyday items?
A: Brown paper bags B: Wire coat hangers
C: Bobby pins D: Drinking straws

A: Brown paper bags
Last edited by BBTranscriptTeam on Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Transcript 9/28/17B Justin Grace

#2 Post by earendel » Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:39 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Justin Grace
Brooklyn, NY
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$7,000
Much like how "Ubering" and "Googling" have become verbs, some people now say "Venmo me" when they want you to use the popular app to do what?
A: Play a game with them B: Meet up for a date
C: Send them money D: Give them directions
C: Send them money
I'm not familiar with this term, so I'll try the audience.
"Elen sila lumenn omentielvo...A star shines on the hour of our meeting."

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