ES Avatar Anthology: 376-400

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ES Avatar Anthology: 376-400

#1 Post by littlebeast13 » Sun May 20, 2012 9:58 am

#376. "Fanny Approved"

Debuted: 5/14/12


There confusion over exactly what was going on in the previous avatar of Diamond Lil, but despite her own misinterpretation, Fanny gave Lil her approval, which she referred to in chat the previous night as she was "Fanny Approved", and that led me to create an official Fanny Seal of Approval. This one had to be taken to Photoshop for the curving text.

Characters: Fanny

Reference thread: ... 89#p429189

#377. "Pamper Me!"

Debuted: 5/16/12


Ranked 8th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

This may be a record for the most characters in one avatar, and the scene is a bit crowded, but a winner nonetheless. This one was drawn for Holly's birthday, and given the amount of stress she had been encountering since the beginning of the year (Enough that she hardly had time to visit us over the past 5 months), I thought she needed some special treatment. A blow dry by ES, nail.... er, claw coloring by MBRS, brushing by Angel, a pedicure by her good pal Buster, and one of Lizbit's world famous toe massages. Who could ask for anything more?

Characters: ES, MBRS, Angel, Buster, Lizbit, Holly

Reference thread:

#378. "The Eclipse"

Debuted: 5/20/12


The previous avatar with a big black circle in the center of it, in honor of the day's (or late evening's for most of the US) annular solar eclipse.

Characters: ES, MBRS, Angel, Buster, Lizbit, Holly

Reference thread: ... 58#p429658

#379. "Eclipse Glasses"

Debuted: 5/21/12


In a follow-up to the previous day's solar eclipse, Snaxx noted that he didn't use a pinhole projection like mom2five used to view the eclipse, but "eclipse glasses" that he bought. The idea of eclipse glasses intrigued me enough to do this avatar of ES, Buster, and Sully looking on in awe through their eclipse glasses. I made sure to use a lot of gradient shading from Photoshop in this one to pull off the eclipse effect in the lenses, as well as the light to dark background.

Characters: ES, Buster, Sulphur

Reference thread: ... 47#p429747

#380. "Come To Ithaca!"

Debuted: 5/24/12


lilclyde mentioned that he writes to a number of colleges every year attempting to get donations of college shirts to give out to the fifth grade students at his school at their "graduation", and he noted for Marley that both of his hometown universities, Ithaca and Cornell, donated a shirt. Marley mentioned that the students from lilclyde's Mississippi school should be warned about Ithaca's cold winters and that there is "nothing to do here", and I sent MBRS and Angel out to quash that, as they donned their Ithaca and Cornell sweatshirts, built a snowsquirrel, and showed that there is to be a good time to have in Ithaca during the 10 months of winter. Nobody's quite sure who wrote the welcome message in the snow...

Characters: MBRS, Angel

Reference thread: ... 63#p430063

#381. "Memorial Day"

Debuted: 5/28/12


My tribute to Memorial Day, featuring ES and Lizbit in their soldier gear.

Characters: ES, Lizbit

Reference thread:

#382. "Backyard Physics"

Debuted: 5/30/12


Ranked 16th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

A thread regarding education standards caused mrkelley to present the situation regarding Texas having a need for physics teachers, but not being able to offer a large enough salary to lure them. Since it is well knows that ES is an expert in backyard physics, and gives great practical demonstrations, I drew this avatar showing why Texas should hire squirrels to fill the vacancies since they will work much cheaper than people will. Drawn all in silhouette, it features a seemingly anonymous squirrel and dog, but we all know who they really are. This design would inspire a better-drawn design on the same concept for my online store.

Characters: ES, Annie

Reference thread: ... 01#p430601

#383. "Cold As Hell"

Debuted: 6/4/12


Needing a new avatar to draw before my trip to Kansas City would put me out of the ES loop for a few days, I turned to the Bored in desperation for some inspiration. That never has worked out well before, and when the only suggestions came from christie and Marley to draw a tribute to the great blue herons, it once again seemed like it would be fruitless. "It will be a cold day in hell when I draw the stupid herons," I thought to myself...... aha! Inspiration! DK gets her second ever avatar appearance presiding over her now chilly underground domain.

Characters: Devil Kitty

Reference thread:

#384. "The Unusual Suspects"

Debuted: 6/8/12


Ranked 6th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Sprots complained to me in chat the previous night that a squirrel had been eating the broccoli in her garden, and that she was looking to shoot the poor critter. I asked her if she knew for sure it was a squirrel, and naturally, found that she was once again jumping to rash conclusions due to her irrational prejudices against cute, innocent little squirrels. So the following morning, wanting to pay tribute to that story, this avatar of ES and several other possible broccoli eating suspects standing in a police lineup popped into mind. Stinky gets his first appearance since the AA playoffs last year, and Diamond Lil the pink hedgehog loses her OHW status. My original idea was to add Rainbow Donkey as the final suspect, not just for the comedic effect of it all, but to create an even more dynamic height differential between the four perps. That would have turned into a huge mess with little space to work with, so Lil won out and I think the avatar was the better for it.

Characters: ES, Buster, Stinkerball, Diamond Lil

Reference thread: (Fanny's thread)

#385. "The Perfect Game"

Debuted: 6/14/12


I was quite excited when Matt Cain, a pitcher who had toiled for my BBBL team since he made his debut in August of 2005, pitched a perfect game on the night of June 13th. I later noted how cute it was that the avatar I had up at the time, which would be the previous entry, "The Unusual Suspects", depicted ES pointing at Stinkerball, resident hard luck pitcher of the ES universe, and a description that would pretty much fit Cain for most of his career. So I drew up this avatar of Stinky jumping on the mound while his catcher Sully runs out to join in the celebration that's about to ensue.

Characters: Sulphur, Stinkerball

Reference thread:

#386. "The Waiting"

Debuted: 6/18/12


Without any fanfare, I posted this cute little avatar of ES and MBRS patiently waiting by the mailbox for something to arrive. Of course, I was expecting something, though I was surprised it showed up the very morning I introduced the avatar. The delivery was a quilt from christie, a second attempt to send one to me after the first was lost in the mail three years earlier.

Characters: ES, MBRS

Reference thread:

#387. "Happy PDA Day, Angel!"

Debuted: 6/20/12


I typically watch old TV episodes on Hulu in the mornings while having my after work meal, and on this morning I saw an ad from Nivea prior to my episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" proclaiming June 20, 2012 to be National PDA Day (PDA = Public Displays of Affection). Angel has had a couple of run-ins with MBRS's kind of PDA treatement, but this time she got greeted by ES who extended her a big fat non-holiday goose. Angel's fans were horrified by this shameful treatement by ES, and when Marley announced later on that evening that he had gotten through for a videotaped interview at a WWTBAM audition, I went back to my "Cold As Hell" avatar for the occasion.

Characters: ES, Angel

Reference thread:

#388. "Haters, Inc."

Debuted: 6/22/12


This avatar all began with a copy of a "music review" BobJuch posted from an Idaho paper about an upcoming Nickelback concert. The author quite apparently thought Nickelback was the most untalented band in rock and roll history, despite their decade long run of success. Fanny got on the case by posting a "lolcat" from online featuring a picture of a woman riding a bike that looked a lot like Rainbow Donkey, with the caption "Haters Gonna Hate". When there was some offense taken to being called a "hater", I used that image as inspiration to create a mean looking Rainbow Donkey as the logo for a group called "Haters, Inc." This one was done pretty much in the same style as the earlier Rainbow Bronco, with the all black background rendering all outlines invisible.

Characters: Rainbow Donkey

Reference thread: ... 37#p433037

#389. "Short and Sweet"

Debuted: 6/25/12


Mini mentioned the saga of how little Erin lost her long locks thanks to a leave-in conditioner snafu by her brothers after a day at the pool. Her tangled mess had to be trimmed to shoulder length, much to the disappoval of ES, who likes his characters to have long hair. Well, there is one exception, and I drew her... the newbie Diamond Lil, who's spiky, punk-inspired short do represents for the short-haired shorties out there. The shaded background may have overdone the avatar a bit, but it looks pretty.

Characters: Diamond Lil

Reference thread: ... 20#p433220

#390. "Fledge"

Debuted: 6/26/12


Yes, that's MBRS's hand on the slingshot! This avatar is obviously a take on the well-known movie poster for the 80's Chevy Chase flick "Fletch". While the herons still can't get any ES love, they did inspire their third avatar, this one coming about at the commotion being caused over the babies fledging the nest. Fledge... Fletch.... I guess I just wanted to do a new avatar and try a little more Photoshop magic by cutting and pasting four past classics (With ES as Mozart, Al Capone, Michael Jackson, and Gene Simmons) to serve as ES's alternate ID's.

Characters: ES, MBRS

Reference thread: ... 15#p433315

#391. "Snake in the Grass"

Debuted: 6/27/12


After a quiet start to the month, the last week of June saw three straight avatars in three days. This one was inspired by a news-worthy case involving a Texas man being tried for murder who was represented by Bixby's husband. The verdict came out as guilty, and in one of the replies, BiT pontificated a bit about the ethics it takes to be a lawyer, and compared them to snakes.... though snakes are also good to have around since they eat rodents and vermin. Poor ES, he has to suffer inside the belly of a hungry snake thanks to that comment. Even snakes need bibs, apparently.

Characters: ES inside some mean old snake

Reference thread: ... 83#p433483

#392. "Angry Birds!"

Debuted: 7/1/12


Beebs watching the classic Hitchcock movie "The Birds" led her to give a review of it on the Bored (and in chat as well). With my upcoming book review I was about to add to my blog for "Nuts About Squirrels", a book about the bird/squirrel/birdfeeder relationship in the backyard, I was inspired to add this avatar of ES drawing the ire of a whole flock of pissed off birds while he helps himself to the birdseed in their feeder. Peck, peck, peck....

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 94#p433794

#393. "Sad Eyes"

Debuted: 7/3/12


The video interview for Marley that resulted in the reposting of the frozen hell avatar a few weeks prior wound up resulting in just another sad card for him. The next day, I added my condolences along with cute little Buster delivering the bad news in his mouth. How can you stay depressed with a messenger like that?

Characters: Buster

Reference thread: ... 60#p433960

#394. "Mangy Harry"

Debuted: 7/4/12


Ranked 5th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

The same thread that inspired the snake in the grass avatar would later inspire this instant classic. Scroll back in the reference thread to see how it came about, but when Confessor was led to pose the question whether a pedestrian could legally "stand his ground" in a crosswalk if he thought he was in imminent danger from an oncoming vehicle, it fired up the neurons in my crazy brain to imagine up a backseat view of ES pointing a gun at the driver of a car who is about to run him down. The POV in this one, and the way I pulled off the foreshortening of the pointed gun, even amazed myself. ES is quite clearly pissed (perhaps after dealing with all of those angry birds), and he's not going to take any crap from some careless driver. Since Ed helped inspired it, I dug up his old vulpine character to be the driver.

Characters: ES, Confessor

Reference thread: ... 20#p434020

#395. "Bolivia Welcomes You"

Debuted: 7/8/12


Hermillion checked in to share that she was going on a church sponsored visit to Bolivia, and would really be roughing it in a village with no running water and electricity, and plenty of other flying and non-flying pests. I took that, along with Ed's picture he posted of some Bolivian woman wearing stylish hats, and made up this avatar of Nancy greeting the Bolivian morning while ES and MBRS struggle with the pains of being away from civilization. Beware those glowing eyes in the background...

Characters: ES, MBRS, hermillion

Reference thread: ... 72#p434372

#396. "Reversal of Fortunes"

Debuted: 7/12/12


Last year, I drew an avatar of ES siphoning the flooding water from his washer down south to Beebs who was suffering through a horrible drought... and avatar which got 16th place in the 2011 countdown. This year, it's Beebs who was getting soaking wet, while ES and kittycats were being baked and parched. So in a thread where Beebs lamented their flooding and that there was nowhere for the water to go, I showed her what she could do with it. Touche! All of the elements of the classic avatar are here, right down to all of the cats being represented, and Ody playing the role of the "shot at and missed, shit on and hit" Merv.

Characters: ES, Beebs, Ody, Biskit, Merv

Reference thread: ... 16#p434816

#397. "SKIRL!"

Debuted: 7/16/12


When Sprots used "skirl" as her observation word of the day on July 16th, I couldn't help but see it as a little girl excitedly calling out "squirrel!" So we see l'il Sprotsie with her pigtails happily clutching to her cute, fluffy ES doll squealing the magic word! How adorable!

Characters: Sprots

Reference thread:

#398. "Miss Beautiful Red Squaw"

Debuted: 7/19/12


tmitsss posted about the legal travails that surround Times Squares infamous Naked Cowboy, and the latest pretender to the throne The Naked Indian. That prompted SSS to post what came to mind when he thought of "Naked Indian", namely, Julie Newmar in "McKenna's Gold". One of his pictures wouldn't display for everyone though, so I added it to my Photobucket account and reposted it... as well as another interpretation, this avatar. MBRS, warrioress of some unnamed Southwestern Indian tribe, takes aim on some poor, unsuspecting soul in a tired old Western movie cliche, while Rainbow Donkey looks on like a horse with no name.

Characters: MBRS, Rainbow Donkey

Reference thread: ... 20#p435420

#399. "Angel's New Toy"

Debuted: 7/22/12


This disturbing, not so wonderful avatar was the result of the adolescent humor I got from the subject line of ghost's post "Posting in NYC from my sister's new toy". Of course, she was talking about an iPad, not that adult toy you see in Angel's hand she is confused about.

Characters: Angel

Reference thread: ... 97#p435697

#400. "Sulphur 16"

Debuted: 7/23/12


Since I didn't have a Krox answer for Krox's 7/23 Lyrically "Spaking" game, and I really needed to rid myself of that hideous vibrator avatar, I drew up this quickie avatar of a cute looking Sulphur begging the Meister for humor points. I chose Sully because he went with the theme of the game, which was songs with checmical elements in their titles. The spelling of the sign was pure sucking up to Fanny.

Characters: Sulphur

Reference thread: ... 30#p435730

Avatars 401-425 >>>

<<< Avatars 351-375
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 376-400

#2 Post by littlebeast13 » Sun May 20, 2012 10:01 am

BTW, I have just unlocked the entire anthology...

Not sure why I continued to lock the posts since the original intention was to keep them from getting out of order back when I was first collecting them in the FNGD thread. Now that they are all linked to from the Bored Reference Thread, I may as well open them all up for rotten tomatoes..

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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 376-400

#3 Post by MarleysGh0st » Sun May 20, 2012 3:53 pm

littlebeast13 wrote:This may be a record for the most characters in one avatar
What about the Angry Village Mob one? 8)

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