The Fall of Avdiivka

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The Fall of Avdiivka

#1 Post by Spock » Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:45 pm ... a-advance/

Not sure if anyone posted about the mid-February fall of the Ukraine, but in reading about the battle(s) there, I find something very interesting and possibly significant.

And as it doesn't comport with the unicorns and rainbows fantasies about the Ukraine War that are prevalent here-I will most certainly be called a "Putin Lover."

Be that as it may, the over-arching thing that jumps out at me is that 2 years into the war-we see Russian soldiers fighting hard (and successfully) in gritty, urban, fortress style combat and, apparently, heavily attritting the Ukrainians in process.

That doesn't fit with the narratives prevalent here about Russian soldiers.

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Re: The Fall of Avdiivka

#2 Post by Spock » Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:02 pm

Victor Davis Hanson on the Ukraine as Verdun.

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Re: The Fall of Avdiivka

#3 Post by jarnon » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:06 pm

Слава Україні!
עם ישראל חי

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