I agree with Charlie Kirk, and so would any reasonable rational person:
Some of you have been indoctrinated into believing people who don't agree with you are 'homophobic' or 'transphobic' or whatever new terms are dreamed up for us by the propaganda crew of the left. Trollboy is especially susceptible to that. You don't know us. You have no clue to us, and by your incessant vitriol that e know is baseless and hateful in itself, we have come to know you. We have no hatred for gay people, trans-people or whatever other group you think we hate. What we are against is the 'rules' and 'laws' being imposed purely on political grounds. Imposing political views through the popular culture and propaganda should have its own epithet. We do not accept these rules. And we never will. We want to live and let live. You don't.Americans are mostly an accepting and polite people. As troubled as they are, we used to let crossdressers (as we more accurately called them then) do their thing without harassment. What we didn’t do was pass rules and laws “normalizing” and “celebrating” clearly pathological behavior, then making kids participate and invading women’s spaces.
And yes, in the past there were rules and laws against gays and blacks. That was not solely, or even mostly, to be blamed on the conservatives (or republicans, if you want). The KKK was a democrat organization. So were the Jim Crow laws. That was the past, it will not be re-established, and I would say the vast majority of conservatives today are against that and regret the history of that.