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My God, It Is Pathetic Here (and Radical)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:20 pm
by Spock
and I hope I can stay away this time.

1) In the initial Pro-Palestinian protests-after October 7th-In Australia-there were chants of "Gas the Jews."

Funny how we completely ignored that here. Granted-Australia-but similar immigration demographics and if 1 white guy at some sort of Pro_Australia rally had said it-we would have been talking about it for years.

But, I guess-"Gas the Jews" completely escaped the notice of everyone here who sees Anti-Semitism under every rock.

2) Upon reflection-the thing that absolutely pisses me off more than anything-is that if you are opposed to George Soros's hard-left agenda-you essentially have to defend yourself from charges of being a Nazi. It is simply not worth wasting any more time on a forum with that characteristic.

3) I guess, on a trivia-birthed forum, having an interest in the Boer War is some sort of warning sign, Well, shove your warning sign up your ass.

4) I think we all should be granted a few mistakes made under emotional argument situations.

I have (maybe) made 2 that stand out.

A) The Krox thing-I do not apologize or regret that one. One can only take so much moral superiority and condescension without lashing out.

B) I apologize for the Weyoun kids' thing-In my defense (if it can be defended) it was a time where those with my views were being threatened with jail and other punishments-but that does not excuse it.

Re: My God, It Is Pathetic Here (and Radical)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:55 pm
by flockofseagulls104
I know how you feel. When faced with so much irrationality it's sometimes difficult to respond rationally.
One of the reasons I came back was to see if I could counter some of the irrationality with rationality. But they see it as being deranged or weird.
But I think it's a good exercise for me, even knowing it will not change a single mind here.

Re: My God, It Is Pathetic Here (and Radical)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:25 pm
by silverscreenselect
Spock wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:20 pm
But, I guess-"Gas the Jews" completely escaped the notice of everyone here who sees Anti-Semitism under every rock.
"Gas the Jews" comments haven't escaped my notice. But apparently any sort of antisemitism escaped your notice for the dozen or so years you've been on this Bored up until last month when you decided to finally take notice. And I've got no problem with that either. But what I do have a problem with is your being the arbiter of what are "serious" forms of antisemitism and what aren't. Yes what Hamas did was the ultimate evil and the Tiki torch brigade was in the the next rung below that. But there's a lot of other sorts of antisemitism that you and Flock choose to ignore because it hits too close to home. And that's understandable too. But what's not acceptable is your lecturing me about what sorts of antisemitism I should or should not be concerned about. The college students who are now leading the pro-Palestinian rallies didn't grow up thinking Jews were evil vermin. But they did buy into a lot of the myths about Jews and the relationship between Jews and Israel and in particular the current government of Israel.

Re: My God, It Is Pathetic Here (and Radical)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:27 pm
by silverscreenselect
flockofseagulls104 wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:55 pm
it's sometimes difficult to respond rationally.
In your case, it's always difficult to respond rationally to anything.

Re: My God, It Is Pathetic Here (and Radical)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:45 pm
by flockofseagulls104
Chased away another one, did ya now?

Must feel good for ya. Your rational political acumen and skillful debate won the day once again!

That's why you're so upset I came back.