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Take a kitty camping...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:30 pm
by SportsFan68
I have this nutty redheaded friend, and like most baby boomers who watched in awe on July 20, 1969, she thinks anything is possible.

She didn't want to leave her 10-week-old kitten home, so Ziva got packed up into her carrier, kitty food, bed, and litter box were all appropriately stashed, and away they went.

It went extremely well. Casey thought one time about herding her, but we put the kibosh on that. Now Ziva thinks that camping is a regular activity for herself and her big sisters, all of whom just happen to be canine people in year-around fur coats.

I hope they keep bringing her, who knows when Casey will need help keeping the heffalumps out of camp.

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:34 pm
by SportsFan68
Oops, dunno how I got into the FNGD forum.

I'll move it. Or at least copy it.