I read Shade's "Organization" post from last year and while my suggestion is somewhat similar, I am not advocating the complete separation of "on" and "off" topic posts. My suggestion is simply to create a new topic heading like "Previous WWTMAM Contestants Tell All", or something not quite as cheesy, where your valuable advice could be together in one place, where potential contestants could ask questions, and where newbies like me could read each of your individual stories and personal experience so those of us who are curious (as am I) can know who the previous contestants even are, how much you won, any strategies or general tips you wish to convey, and most importantly, what you wore on the show! (lol, but seriously!) You could even have a "sticky" topic in there for those of you who are always graciously offering your PAF services! If you wanted to expand it to include advice for auditions, that would be helpful to a lot of people as well. It would likely take a long time before posts would "fall off" so this would serve as a very informative, non-repetitive "resource room" as well as a suedo "trophy room" where all past "winners" (and future winners!) can proudly share their WWTBAM accomplishments!
I know I'm just a lowly newbie, so if you guys are content with your bored the way it is, then by all means don't change it on my account but I do believe it would be an outstanding addition to an already amazing thing you guys have going here! Take it or leave it!
