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long convoluted post about work troubles

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:58 pm
by a1mamacat
so, a couple of years ago, I started having real problems with my supervisor. Very controlling person, and doesn't tolerate anyone having an opinion or idea of their own.

This does not sit too well with me, and I would express my views, even if different. So, the bullying began, with my having to hand my work in everyday to be checked (hmm, after 10 years of doing this work, NOW it has to be checked???), then physician appointments were questioned. At the same time (although I didn't learn about this until later) she actually called up my medical records on our system (I work for the government in health, so we do have access for our jobs) and looked at what appointments I had, the treatments, and diagnoses etc. Totally illegal and against all privacy and information guidelines.

However, I did not know this at the time. Other things that have happened include my returning from holidays to discover I no longer had a small office, but had been moved into the major block of cubbies, right beside her so she could "help me with my workload". Well, whatever, a paycheck is a paycheck, and I was in no position to give it up.

Then, she decided I had been sufficiently chastised, so she moved on to another victim. This girl is very emotional, and was brought to tears more than once. This finally galvanized the rest of my team, and we confronted her.

A department meeting with the manager was called, however he was about as effective as a tissue against an arterial gash, and as is the case with most serial bullies, she managed to turn the gist of the meeting into complaints about our work, rather than her bullying.

Two weeks after that meeting, she attempted to submit altered job descriptions, that would have had the effect of our positions being downgraded. This did not get approved.

Last November, I finally learned about what she had done with my medical records, from some of my team members who were there when she did it, and so I filed a complaint.

Nothing much happened until March, when I was asked to meet with our senior officer to discuss what happened. He said that there would be consequences. Then she was called in later. To this day, however, I have no idea of what the consequences were. She was off work for a couple of days, under sick leave, so it could have been suspended without pay, or else a letter or reprimand on her file. DOn't know.

Then we had our performance appraisals. Surprisingly, mine was okay, but then again, I don't think she would dare push me any further, as I could probably still pursue civil action.

Then, this summer, our senior officer arranged for a consulting firm to interview the entire team in private, to find out why the problems were still disrupting the office. We didn't hear back from that one either. All six of us were able to freely state the problems and concerns we have, especially the untoward relationship the supervisor seems to have with one of our collection contractors. We didn't hear anything back again for a long time, but now we have been advised that there is a full department meeting, the six of us team members, the supervisor, the manager and director, and the senior office, and the head of human resources.

I would imagine that some of us will be relocated to other positions. Damn shame that the six of us workers get along, function well when she is not there, and have years and years of experience, but I can't see them moving just her, as that would be just relocating the problem, not solving it.

So, if you would send me a few good thoughts on Thurs afternoon, I sure could use them.

(told you it was long and convoluted)

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:13 am
by ontellen
Damn, Saucy this really blows. This is why I decided to retire (I'm old anyway). I cannot at times believe the mean-spirited crap that goes on in the workplace today. Of course, since it is the government, it will take a major hurricane, block and tackle and a fire to get her out of there.

Hang in there and hopefully the powers that be will get rid of her.



Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:46 am
by Ritterskoop
I wish you could get her fired for looking at your medical records.

I'll be thinking of you Thursday. Let us now what happens. Maybe it will be a good resolution, for once. Sometimes that has to happen, just by accident.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:04 am
by peacock2121
You have my sympathy and my good vibes. I hope that the management will get their act together.

Hope, not trust.

I am jaded.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:56 am
by themanintheseersuckersuit
Let's try visualizing the Supervisor as a mouse surrounded by a pack of cats led by Acat.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:09 am
by MarleysGh0st
Ritterskoop wrote:I wish you could get her fired for looking at your medical records.
Yeah. Since she violated your privacy rights, I'd think you'd be entitled to learn what her "consequences" were and not have that knowledge blocked by her privacy rights.

Sounds like the problem should be solved by moving the supervisor out, not by shifting her victims around.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:19 am
by kayrharris
Good luck. You deserve it. I sincerely hope you win this one.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:38 am
by _TPTB_
I like her style. Tell her I want to hire her.

We could take over the world!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:50 am
by christie1111
Good luck O Saucy One.

It sucks that they make the announcement about the meeting this far in advance so everyone can spend 3+ days stressing over what is going to happen.

I'll be thinking about you.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:58 am
by PlacentiaSoccerMom
MarleysGh0st wrote:
Ritterskoop wrote:I wish you could get her fired for looking at your medical records.
Yeah. Since she violated your privacy rights, I'd think you'd be entitled to learn what her "consequences" were and not have that knowledge blocked by her privacy rights.

Sounds like the problem should be solved by moving the supervisor out, not by shifting her victims around.

Good luck!
What he said.

The fact that she looked at your medical records should count against her.

Re: long convoluted post about work troubles

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:06 am
by fuzzywuzzy
a1mamacat wrote:
I would imagine that some of us will be relocated to other positions. Damn shame that the six of us workers get along, function well when she is not there, and have years and years of experience, but I can't see them moving just her, as that would be just relocating the problem, not solving it.

So, if you would send me a few good thoughts on Thurs afternoon, I sure could use them.

I hope that the management looks back at your group's work record to see how well things went in your department prior to her coming on, and now since she has been in a supervisory position.

A friend of mine just went thru something like this...ah, they were more concerned about her and her co-workers than the supervisor, and therefore, said supervisor is no longer there!

I will be sending +++++ vibes and thoughts up your way saucy!

BTW, love the picture that you posted of your son.

fuzzy 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:06 am
by silvercamaro
Saucy, I do hope this all works out with the best possible outcome for everybody -- except the supervisor, of course.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:51 am
by JBillyGirl
I'm sorry all this is happening to you. Your supervisor sounds like a first-class beyotch, but unfortunately this all too often is not considered by whatever PTB there are as a reason for firing said she-hound. You deserve so much better.

Prayers and good vibes comin' atcha in advance for Thursday. Appendages are duly crossed for the best possible outcome.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:53 am
by peacock2121
Is there an unwritten rule that you can not ask what the next step is and will you be notified when the next step happens?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:28 pm
by a1mamacat
it's almost impossible to get fired from government, unless you actually steal from the government, so I don't expect anything along those lines.

Previous work issues have almost always resolved in favour of the supervisor, not matter the situation, so I am not optimistic that she will be called to account.

There is no real law about the privacy issues, so they say that yes it was bad, but she won't do it again. They won't tell me the outcome of HER disciplinary action, as "that would be violating her privacy"...(WTF?????)

All we can do at this point is to stick together. If they end up moving me, to ease the situation, well then they move me. I'll still have a job, and quite frankly, I'm due for a change of duties LOL.

If they move both of us, I will rejoice for the peace my teammates will have. If they don't move anyone, and just tell us all to get along, I will probably demand a transfer, as I have lost all trust there.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:45 pm
by PlacentiaSoccerMom
I hope they move her to a really sucky job that compels her to want to quit or to a job where her supervisor is as nasty as she is.