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One more magnet ...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:13 am
by mntetn
... and one more pencil, is about all I have to show for my trip to Atlanta.

I hadn't even planned to go this year. My life, if anything, was less interesting than it was 2 years ago. My job had been downgraded, and I was planning to retire. Oh, there were new grandchildren and stuff, but nothing to set TPTB on fire. Then, the Hannah Montana thing came up. Next, it turned out that I would be in northern GA for my newest grandson's first birthday the same weekend as the audition. It looked like the stars were starting to align. But I got started too late on my studying, and I paid the price. Plus, I second-guessed and changed one right answer, which might have been the fatal blow.

I got to the site about 5:30 am and drew number 111. Nelly got there at about quarter to 7 and got #223. It looked like everyone there at starting time got into the first group. When we got out, it looked like the second group was about the same size or maybe a bit less. Once that group got in, there was no backlog the rest of the morning.

There were probably 350 in our group, and they had 30-40 passers for each test, with maybe 10 or so passing both. Counting the second group and later walk-ins, I would guess there were less than 750 overall, kind of light for a road audition.

Nelly and I had a late breakfast afterwards, took some pictures, and then I left. Nelly hung around for a 12:30 interview which he has posted about separately. I hope no one tried to meet us at 11:30. Since no one responded and since Nelly and I met up, I saw no need to hang around.

In addition to seeing Nelly, I sat next to someone who said she had been in the ROF in January 2001, saying that she was within 0.25 seconds of the best FF time, and would have known all 12 of the hotseater's questions without a lifeline. But she didn't pass the written test.

I don't think the test was easier or harder ... it just wasn't my stack. Some of the questions, I'm told, were from very recent shows, as in days or weeks ago.

Re: One more magnet ...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:18 am
by MarleysGh0st
Dang! :(
mntetn wrote:I don't think the test was easier or harder ... it just wasn't my stack. Some of the questions, I'm told, were from very recent shows, as in days or weeks ago.
It pays to read the transcript threads!