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Transcript 06/27/2008 Sydney Devon Porter

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:27 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Guest Host: Leeza Gibbons

Sydney Devon Porter
Jersey City, NJ

$100- In many states, romantic partners who live together are often deemed to have a "common-law" what?
A. Education B. Marriage
C. Job D. Cable bill


On nearly every question Sydney responds "Let's keep it simple and..." (in this case answer B- Marriage)

$200- Early ads for what board game claimed it fulfilled "the sweet tooth yearning of the younger set without the tummy ache aftereffects"?
A. Candy Land B. Scrabble
C. Monopoly D. Chutes and Ladders

$300- Which of these gemstones derives its name from Latin words meaning "sea water"?
A. Opal B. Aquamarine
C. Garnet D. Amethyst

Leeza says it is her birthstone

$500- Which of these sports takes place on a surface commonly called "the canvas"?
A. Soccer B. Basketball
C. Tennis D. Boxing

South Carolina seceded from the Union six weeks after the election of what anti-slavery president?
A. Abraham Lincoln B. Ulysses S. Grant
C. Andrew Jackson D. James Polk


"You know what? I am just gonna keep it really simple and I'm just gonna ask the audience I think I know the answer" and that he was not gonna guess it if he wasn't sure.

ATA results:
A-92% B-1%
C-3% D-4%

Commercial break

$2000- Presented annually, the awards known as the "Edgars" are named for an author with what last name?
A. O'Neill B. Faulkner
C. Poe D. Joyce


$4000- A classic 1976 song by Blue Oyster Cult features the advice "Don't Fear the" what?
A. Sheriff B. Reaper
C. Scorpion D. Ninja

Sydney just says "Wow" before saying he would phone a friend, his brother-in-law Randy

Randy asks to repeat the first two choices then says he is not sure but would say A. OK?

"That's no problem we are gonna have fun with this and I'll see you in a little while"

Leeza: "He didn't really know"

Sydney: "No he didn't know but you know what? This is just a game. Let's go with B. Reaper, cause I would fear the reaper, but I guess you don't wanna fear the reaper, but you have to"

Leeza: Wanna make that your final answer?

Sydney: Let's do that

Leeza "Thank goodness! Yes! Yes! Nice going."

$8000- "Plumber" is derived from the Latin word for what metal, which was once commonly used to create plumbing fittings?
A. Copper B. Lead
C. Zinc D. Aluminum


"You know what? Let's do the 50/50. What the heck"

(edit) 50/50 left choices B & C

Sydney "Ooooh"

Leeza: Ay yay yay. That's a whole new scene.

After Sydney answers, Leeza responds "Good job" and "nicely played"

Which of the following amounts represents the largest number?
A. Syllables in a haiku B. Countries in South America
C. Amendments in the U.S. bill of rights D. Cups in a gallon

Sydney: "I'm sorry, I'm not even sorry, you know what? It's just a game I'm gonna walk"

When the answer is revealed he says "That's OK" and asked if he would have even guessed that he said no.

Sydney leaves with $8000

The final horn sounds for the day and Season Six of Syndicated WWTBAM.


$100- B. Marriage
$200- A. Candy Land
$300- B. Aquamarine
$500- D. Boxing
$1000- A. Abraham Lincoln
$2000- C. Poe
$4000- B. Reaper
$8000- B. Lead
$16K- A. Syllables in a haiku

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:24 am
by 15QuestionsAway
The 50:50 results on question 8 ($8k) are missing. I believe B and C were left.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:26 am
by slam
And so ends the season with a ridiculously pathetic contestant. From my window, I could hear Marley grumbling even though he's at least 100 miles away.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:24 am
by Appa23
$4000- A classic 1976 song by Blue Oyster Cult features the advice "Don't Fear the" what?
A. Sheriff B. Reaper
C. Scorpion D. Ninja

Wouldn't you have to have been in a coma for the last decade not to know the answer? ... wbell.html

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:30 am
by silvercamaro
Appa23 wrote:
Wouldn't you have to have been in a coma for the last decade not to know the answer?
Did Syd give any reason to make you think he wasn't?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:45 am
by ulysses5019
Appa23 wrote:$4000- A classic 1976 song by Blue Oyster Cult features the advice "Don't Fear the" what?
A. Sheriff B. Reaper
C. Scorpion D. Ninja

Wouldn't you have to have been in a coma for the last decade not to know the answer? ... wbell.html
Yeah! More cowbell!!

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:16 pm
by Snaxx
15QuestionsAway wrote:The 50:50 results on question 8 ($8k) are missing. I believe B and C were left.

I checked the tape and confirmed the 50/50 choices, so I edited the post.

One of those evil squirrels must have run off with them.


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:40 pm
by MarleysGh0st
Appa23 wrote:$4000- A classic 1976 song by Blue Oyster Cult features the advice "Don't Fear the" what?
A. Sheriff B. Reaper
C. Scorpion D. Ninja

Wouldn't you have to have been in a coma for the last decade not to know the answer?
I don't believe I've been in a coma. :P

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:47 pm
by silvercamaro
MarleysGh0st wrote:
I don't believe I've been in a coma. :P
Yeah, but Jacob Marley's ghost has been dead for more than the past century, so you have an excuse.

Unless you're the ghost of Bob Marley....

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:49 pm
by MarleysGh0st
silvercamaro wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
I don't believe I've been in a coma. :P
Yeah, but Jacob Marley's ghost has been dead for more than the past century, so you have an excuse.
Okay, then. :)
silvercamaro wrote: Unless you're the ghost of Bob Marley....
No, no, BobMarleysGh0st is a cousin. A distant cousin...

But, heck, BobJuch can probably say that, too. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:57 pm
by tanstaafl2
silvercamaro wrote:
Appa23 wrote:
Wouldn't you have to have been in a coma for the last decade not to know the answer?
Did Syd give any reason to make you think he wasn't?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:56 pm
by Here's Fanny!
slam wrote:And so ends the season with a ridiculously pathetic contestant. From my window, I could hear Marley grumbling even though he's at least 100 miles away.
I don't know so much about that. I'm only going by the transcript, but it appears that he's a young guy who just took the train in from New Jersey, had a good time, used up all his resources and went back to New Jersey with 8k.

I, on the other hand, would have flown across the country and left all my lifelines on the table while going home with 1k, which probably wouldn't have even covered my expenses.

What's a step down from ridiculously pathetic?

I even tried figuring this out before I posted. How is the answer haiku? They have 17 syllables, aren't there like 20-something amendments?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:27 pm
by sunflower
Here's Fanny! wrote:I even tried figuring this out before I posted. How is the answer haiku? They have 17 syllables, aren't there like 20-something amendments?
It's not total number of amendments, they specified amendments in the Bill of Rights, which is 10.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:15 pm
by slam
Here's Fanny! wrote:
slam wrote:And so ends the season with a ridiculously pathetic contestant. From my window, I could hear Marley grumbling even though he's at least 100 miles away.
I don't know so much about that. I'm only going by the transcript, but it appears that he's a young guy who just took the train in from New Jersey, had a good time, used up all his resources and went back to New Jersey with 8k.

I, on the other hand, would have flown across the country and left all my lifelines on the table while going home with 1k, which probably wouldn't have even covered my expenses.

What's a step down from ridiculously pathetic?

I even tried figuring this out before I posted. How is the answer haiku? They have 17 syllables, aren't there like 20-something amendments?
If you'd seen the episode, you might agree with me more. Look at the 1K question that he used his ATA on. He needed the audience to know that Abraham Lincoln was an "anti-slavery" president. He used his PAF (who he clearly hadn't chosen with any real thought) on a question that he later went with his gut on (after the PAF had given a different answer). Sure, he was saying "It's only a game" (which I certainly agree with), but his total lackadaisacal attitude was rather annoying to those who can't get on the show. On the last question that he walked on, he made no attempt to even try to figure it out. Maybe he would have left anyway, but at least give it a try.

I agree with you that he's just some guy who took the train in and ended up in the Hot Seat, but that's also part of the annoying part.

Maybe my impressions are unwarranted, but that's how I felt while watching this guy. It was particularly striking in contrast to the contestant who immediately preceded him in the Hot Seat who did significantly better.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:22 pm
by ulysses5019
jacorbett70 wrote:
15QuestionsAway wrote:The 50:50 results on question 8 ($8k) are missing. I believe B and C were left.

I checked the tape and confirmed the 50/50 choices, so I edited the post.

One of those evil squirrels must have run off with them.

More like a muskrat or toad. Maybe a sockpuppet.


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:08 am
by Here's Fanny!
sunflower wrote:
Here's Fanny! wrote:I even tried figuring this out before I posted. How is the answer haiku? They have 17 syllables, aren't there like 20-something amendments?
It's not total number of amendments, they specified amendments in the Bill of Rights, which is 10.
Duh, I'm such a dumbass! I read that question over more than once, and each time my brain just got to 'in the US' and helpfully filled in "Constitution". As a time saver, I guess.

I could only hope that seeing it spread out on the monitor would have made me read it correctly.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:25 am
by Here's Fanny!
slam wrote:If you'd seen the episode, you might agree with me more. Look at the 1K question that he used his ATA on. He needed the audience to know that Abraham Lincoln was an "anti-slavery" president. He used his PAF (who he clearly hadn't chosen with any real thought) on a question that he later went with his gut on (after the PAF had given a different answer). Sure, he was saying "It's only a game" (which I certainly agree with), but his total lackadaisacal attitude was rather annoying to those who can't get on the show. On the last question that he walked on, he made no attempt to even try to figure it out. Maybe he would have left anyway, but at least give it a try.
That's very true. It's hard to judge your feelings toward a contestant just from reading the transcript. I still don't think I'd find him pathetic. Exceptionally ignorant, maybe, but not pathetic. He evokes no sympathy or pity, because it seems to me he's got it pretty good.

And, going from what context I have, I think not even trying to figure out the last question was smart, in his case. He'd already gotten lucky a couple of times and maybe figured he'd used up all his lucky half-assed guesses. And, if you have no clue on a question, sitting there trying to figure it out just makes you talk yourself into thinking that you've actually 'heard that somewhere' or 'something's telling you' an answer is right. So you go for it, and bomb.
slam wrote:I agree with you that he's just some guy who took the train in and ended up in the Hot Seat, but that's also part of the annoying part.
Annoying, maybe (although it seems he had a pretty fun attitude). Frustrating, most definitely. Especially since it seems he might be one of those stone stupid, happy go lucky types that go through life in a haze and everything goes right for them. Plus, having to rep for the BOC fans, picking two people and having neither one of them ever hear of "Don't Fear the Reaper" is rankling.

But, it seems from the exchange that his PAF had little to no interest in actually being a PAF, anyway.
slam wrote:Maybe my impressions are unwarranted, but that's how I felt while watching this guy. It was particularly striking in contrast to the contestant who immediately preceded him in the Hot Seat who did significantly better.
Since I had no idea of his predecessor, that didn't enter into it and I agree that what comes before can colour one's perception.

Also, I'm not trying to get on the show, so I don't watch (or read) with the thought of 'they picked this guy and didn't pick me? I should have had these questions!'. I'm sure that ratchets up the annoyance/frustration/anger/whatever that some people feel watching contestants like this. Not saying it's wrong, just saying that different perspectives make for different opinions.

For instance, after I had my Jeopardy audition, I figured I should watch a few episodes just to get the flow of the show again. And I found myself shouting 'dumbass!', or screaming at them when nobody rang in, so I understand. Then again, I used to do all that before I ever had any notion of auditioning. Ha!

Re: Transcript 06/27/2008 Sydney Devon Porter

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:30 am
by NellyLunatic1980
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Sydney Devon Porter
Jersey City, NJ
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4000- A classic 1976 song by Blue Oyster Cult features the advice "Don't Fear the" what?
A. Sheriff B. Reaper
C. Scorpion D. Ninja

Sydney just says "Wow" before saying he would phone a friend, his brother-in-law Randy

Randy asks to repeat the first two choices then says he is not sure but would say A. OK?

"That's no problem we are gonna have fun with this and I'll see you in a little while"

Leeza: "He didn't really know"

Sydney: "No he didn't know but you know what? This is just a game. Let's go with B. Reaper, cause I would fear the reaper, but I guess you don't wanna fear the reaper, but you have to"

Leeza: Wanna make that your final answer?

Sydney: Let's do that

Leeza "Thank goodness! Yes! Yes! Nice going."
This segment really needed more cowbell.

Nihil obstat® to end the season.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:41 am
by MarleysGh0st
Here's Fanny! wrote: And, going from what context I have, I think not even trying to figure out the last question was smart, in his case. He'd already gotten lucky a couple of times and maybe figured he'd used up all his lucky half-assed guesses. And, if you have no clue on a question, sitting there trying to figure it out just makes you talk yourself into thinking that you've actually 'heard that somewhere' or 'something's telling you' an answer is right. So you go for it, and bomb.
I don't think we're suggesting that he talk himself into believing a wild guess, but this isn' Jeopardy! Contestants have time to figure things out here, and it's not immediately obvious what you can figure out or not. Surely, this contestant could come up with a number for at least a couple of these choices? But not if he doesn't try.

BTW, did you ever read Ogi Ogas's article, Who Wants To Be A Cognitive Neuroscientist Millionaire? He discusses some techniques that could be very useful for future Hot Seaters!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:48 am
by Here's Fanny!
MarleysGh0st wrote:
Here's Fanny! wrote: And, going from what context I have, I think not even trying to figure out the last question was smart, in his case. He'd already gotten lucky a couple of times and maybe figured he'd used up all his lucky half-assed guesses. And, if you have no clue on a question, sitting there trying to figure it out just makes you talk yourself into thinking that you've actually 'heard that somewhere' or 'something's telling you' an answer is right. So you go for it, and bomb.
I don't think we're suggesting that he talk himself into believing a wild guess, but this isn' Jeopardy! Contestants have time to figure things out here, and it's not immediately obvious what you can figure out or not. Surely, this contestant could come up with a number for at least a couple of these choices? But not if he doesn't try.

BTW, did you ever read Ogi Ogas's article, Who Wants To Be A Cognitive Neuroscientist Millionaire? He discusses some techniques that could be very useful for future Hot Seaters!
Again, I'm just going from reading what went down. But if he didn't know the Lincoln question, I'm doubting that he could come up with a number for any of those choices. So, in his case, he did the smart thing.

Re: Ogas. Is that the dude that was on the Dennis Miller game show? If so, I'll take a pass on reading the article.

I'm not a future Hot Seater, anyway. Ha!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:51 am
by MarleysGh0st
Here's Fanny! wrote: Re: Ogas. Is that the dude that was on the Dennis Miller game show? If so, I'll take a pass on reading the article.
Yes, he was on Grand Slam after winning $500K on WWTBAM. And he's a BB who goes by the screen name or lastminuterequest.

Marley <---- Proud member of Ogi's Ogres :twisted: