2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

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2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#1 Post by Vandal » Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:00 pm

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1?
Is she dead or alive?

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2?
Who is the other sibling in the act?
Is that sibling dead or alive?

What is the island nation in #3
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#2 Post by jarnon » Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:15 pm

Hooray! Let’s get started ...
2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Dead, sadly

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act?
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Extreme

What was the winning team in #4? stinking Cowboys
What was the losing team? Bills
Who was the running back? Emmitt Smith
Is he dead or alive? Alive

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? 1980
Last edited by jarnon on Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#3 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:22 pm

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1?
Is she dead or alive?

Ride, Sally, Ride! She has passed

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2?
Who is the other sibling in the act?
Is that sibling dead or alive?

Karen Carpenter, I believe Richard is still with us

What is the island nation in #3
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

Grenada, Extreme

Thanks for the options, at least I have a .33333333333333333333333333333 chance...

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Ugh. The running back has to be John Riggins, who has passed, so the winner was Washington. I know it wasn't the Raiders becaise they beat the Redskins in 80. Who else was good in the AFC then? That year was goofy because of the strike, so it could have been anybody. It probably wasn't the Steelers, but I'll say them anyway.

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

David Bowie, Let's Dance. Thanks for this that gets me pretty close to the year!

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)


I'm torn between 82 and 83, but I think Let's Dance was more than a year after MTV started and the Challenger was more than a couple years after Sally Ride. Do we get partial points for coming close? Ha!

Total points: 31

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#4 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:24 am

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Yes. (Okay, she's alive.)

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Dead

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Extreme

What was the winning team in #4? Washington Redskins
What was the losing team? Miami Dolphins
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? Dead

Who is the recording artist in #5? David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? We Are the World

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#5 Post by PanicinDetroit » Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:59 am

Thanks for hosting the game!!!!
1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? SALLY RIDE
Is she dead or alive? DEAD

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? KAREN CARPENTER
Who is the other sibling in the act? RICHARD CARPENTER
Is that sibling dead or alive? ALIVE

What is the island nation in #3 GRENADA
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)URGENT

What was the winning team in #4? REDSKINS
What was the losing team? BRONCOS
Who was the running back?JOHN RIGGINS
Is he dead or alive? ALIVE

Who is the recording artist in #5? DAVID BOWIE
What album was the tour supporting? ????

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#6 Post by mrkelley23 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:18 am

Annum uno
2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Urgent

What was the winning team in #4? Washington Redskins
What was the losing team? Miami Dolphins
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? dead

Who is the recording artist in #5? David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? Let's Dance

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#7 Post by kroxquo » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:35 am

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Extreme

What was the winning team in #4? Washington R------s
What was the losing team? Miami Dolphins
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? Dead

Who is the recording artist in #5? David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? Let's Dance

What year did all these events take place? (Five points). 1983

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#8 Post by littlebeast13 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:42 am

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? - Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? - Dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? - Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? - ????
Is that sibling dead or alive? - Alive

What is the island nation in #3 - Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Extreme

What was the winning team in #4? - Raiders (Maybe LA at that time, maybe Oakland)
What was the losing team? - One of the NFC East teams, I think... Washington?
Who was the running back? - Marcus Allen? (Probably too early for him)
Is he dead or alive? - Alive

Who is the recording artist in #5? - David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? - With how many times I've seen the videos for the songs that came off of it, you'd think I'd know this....

What year did all these events take place? - 1983(Five points)
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#9 Post by earendel » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:43 am

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:00 pm
2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:
Who is the astronaut in #1?
Is she dead or alive?

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2?
Who is the other sibling in the act?
Is that sibling dead or alive?

What is the island nation in #3
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#10 Post by Beebs52 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:54 am

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:00 pm
2525 - Annum 1
n the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally K Ride
Is she dead or alive? Alive

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Her brother...
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation __Extreme____ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back? OJ
Is he dead or alive? Dead

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? 1984 (Five points)

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#11 Post by elwoodblues » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:19 am

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:00 pm
2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Full

What was the winning team in #4? Washington
What was the losing team? Miami
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? Alive

Who is the recording artist in #5? David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? I'll guess Changes One Bowie

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#12 Post by ShamelessWeasel » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:56 am

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Dead

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) - Extreme

What was the winning team in #4? Washington Redskins
What was the losing team? Oakland Raiders
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? Alive

Who is the recording artist in #5? David Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? Lets Dance

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#13 Post by tlynn78 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:04 pm

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? dead

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? hmm.. alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4? Washington
What was the losing team? Miami
Who was the running back? nope
Is he dead or alive? alive (i got a 50/50 shot..)

Who is the recording artist in #5? Bowie
What album was the tour supporting? Let's Dance

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#14 Post by BackInTex » Wed Feb 05, 2025 3:18 pm

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1?

Sally Ride

Is she dead or alive?


Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2?

Karen Carpenter

Who is the other sibling in the act?

Richard Carpenter

Is that sibling dead or alive?


What is the island nation in #3


What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)


What was the winning team in #4?

Washington Redskins

What was the losing team?

Buffalo Bills - this is a good guess as they did lose 4 SBs in a row

Who was the running back?

John Riggins

Is he dead or alive?


Who is the recording artist in #5?

David Bowie

What album was the tour supporting?

Let's Dance

He's dead, BTW.

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)


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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#15 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:52 pm

2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.
2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.
3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.
4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.
5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.
Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? - SALLY RIDE
Is she dead or alive? - DEAD

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? - KAREN CARPENTER
Who is the other sibling in the act? - RICHARD CARPENTER
Is that sibling dead or alive? - ALIVE

What is the island nation
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) - URGENT

What was the winning team in #4? - THE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM
What was the losing team? - MIAMI DOLPHINS?
Who was the running back? - JOHN RIGGINS
Is he dead or alive? - ALIVE

Who is the recording artist in #5? - DAVID BOWIE
What album was the tour supporting? - LET'S DANCE

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) - 1983

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#16 Post by Hotseat Or Bust! » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:12 pm

1.) Sally Ride, Dead. 2.) Karen Carpenter, Richard Carpenter, Alive. 3.) Grenada, Full. 4.) Alive. 5.) David Bowie, Let's Dance. Year:1983.

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#17 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:41 pm

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? Alive

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation Extreme______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4? Washington Redskins
What was the losing team? Denver Broncos
Who was the running back? John Riggins
Is he dead or alive? Dead

Who is the recording artist in #5? Elton John
What album was the tour supporting? I have no idea

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1983
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#18 Post by SportsFan68 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:49 pm

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:00 pm
2525 - Annum 1

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- A California-born astronaut becomes the first American woman and the third woman to fly in space.

2- Half of a popular brother-sister recording act dies from complications from an eating disorder.

3- The US invades a small island nation in the Caribbean.

4- A bruising running back is named MVP as the NFC team defeats the AFC team by 10, outscoring the opponent 17-0 in the second half in the Super Bowl after a strike-shortened season.

5- A British recording artist embarks on his first tour in five years, The Serious Moonlight Tour.

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride.
Is she dead or alive? Dead.

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? John Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? Alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation __Extreme____ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Who is the recording artist in #5? Elton John
What album was the tour supporting? Candle in the Wind

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1984

Total points: 31
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#19 Post by franktangredi » Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:51 pm

Who is the astronaut in #1?
Is she dead or alive?

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2?
Who is the other sibling in the act?
Is that sibling dead or alive?

What is the island nation in #3
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent)

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Who is the recording artist in #5?
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#20 Post by Vandal » Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:09 pm


Sally Ride

Karen Carpenter
Richard Carpenter


John Riggins 

Alive (at 75!)

David Bowie
Let's Dance



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The Right Hand Rule
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Dizzy Miss Lizzie
Running On Empty
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Earl the Squirrel
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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#21 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:08 pm

Vandal wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:09 pm

John Riggins 
Alive (at 75!)

I could have sworn hearing or reading a few years ago about Riggins passing and being sad because I really liked him. Who the hell was I thinking of???

Also Urgent Storm doesn't even make sense, whoever was in charge of naming shit in 83 was kind of a dumbass....

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#22 Post by Bob78164 » Fri Feb 07, 2025 12:45 am

Vandal wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:09 pm

Sally Ride

Karen Carpenter
Richard Carpenter


John Riggins 
Alive (at 75!)

David Bowie
Let's Dance


melly ~~ 31

weasel ~~ 29
tgirl ~~ 29
mrkelley ~~ 29
panic ~~ 27
krox ~~ 27
elwood ~~ 27
earendel ~~ 27
earl ~~ 25
hotseat ~~ 23
BiT ~~ 21
Bob#s ~~ 21
lb ~~ 19
sss ~~ 19
tangredi ~~ 15
sprots ~~ 13
jarnon ~~ 11
beebs ~~ 11

Thanks for playing, everyone!
And the correct year? --Bob
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#23 Post by Vandal » Fri Feb 07, 2025 7:44 am

Bob78164 wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2025 12:45 am
Vandal wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:09 pm

Sally Ride

Karen Carpenter
Richard Carpenter


John Riggins 
Alive (at 75!)

David Bowie
Let's Dance


melly ~~ 31

weasel ~~ 29
tgirl ~~ 29
mrkelley ~~ 29
panic ~~ 27
krox ~~ 27
elwood ~~ 27
earendel ~~ 27
earl ~~ 25
hotseat ~~ 23
BiT ~~ 21
Bob#s ~~ 21
lb ~~ 19
sss ~~ 19
tangredi ~~ 15
sprots ~~ 13
jarnon ~~ 11
beebs ~~ 11

Thanks for playing, everyone!
And the correct year? --Bob
Edited post to add 1983.
Available now:
The Secret At Haney Field: A Baseball Mystery
The Right Hand Rule
Center Point
Dizzy Miss Lizzie
Running On Empty
The Tick Tock Man
The Dragon's Song by Binh Pham and R. M. Clark
Devin Drake and The Family Secret
Devin Drake and The RollerGhoster

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Re: 2525 - Annum 1, 2-5-25

#24 Post by MarleysGh0st » Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:13 pm

Two points each:

Who is the astronaut in #1? Sally Ride
Is she dead or alive? alive

Who is the unfortunate sibling in #2? Karen Carpenter
Who is the other sibling in the act? Richard Carpenter
Is that sibling dead or alive? alive

What is the island nation in #3 Grenada
What is the code name for the invasion, Operation ______ Fury? (Full, Extreme, Urgent) Urgent

What was the winning team in #4?
What was the losing team?
Who was the running back?
Is he dead or alive?

Who is the recording artist in #5? Elton John
What album was the tour supporting?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1986

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