Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

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Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#1 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:11 am

Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.
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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#2 Post by franktangredi » Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:56 am

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?
LIGHTNING STRIKES/LOU CHRISTIE (the catchiest song ever expressing a disgusting moral stance)

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,
Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.
Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#3 Post by mrkelley23 » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:26 am

1966 might be a tad too early for me
Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

California Dreaming -- The Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

Lightning Strikes -- Lou Christie

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

Positively 4th Street -- Bob Dylan

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

Good Lovin' -- The Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

We Can Work it Out -- The Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

Family Reunion -- The Musk Congregation

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

Hey There -- Rosemary Clooney (Can't imagine that's right given the year, but "you with the stars in your eyes" is all I can hear.)

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

Let's Hang on -- The Four Seasons

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

But I can change Him -- Every female country singer of the 1960s

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Homeward Bound -- Simon and Garfunkel

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

Red Rubber Ball -- The Cyrkle

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-ha! -- Napoleon some number (I think it's XXV)

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Wild Thing -- The Troggs

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

Now that I can do.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#4 Post by ShamelessWeasel » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:37 am

1. California Dreamin - Mamas & Papas
2. nope
3. Rainy Day Women - Bob Dylan
4. Good Lovin - ???
5. We can work it out - The Beatles
6. 19th Nervous breakdown - Rolling Stones
7. Nope
8. Lets Hang On - Franki Valli & the Four Seasons
9. nope
10. Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel
11. nope
12. nope

Kroxquo Bonus: I'm a Believer - The Monkees

Image Bonus:


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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#5 Post by BackInTex » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:38 am

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

- The Rolling Stones

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

- The Rolling Stones

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

Everbody Must Get High - Bob Dylan

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

- The Rolling Stones

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Can't You See It My Way - The Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

- The Rolling Stones

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

- The Rolling Stones

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

- The Rolling Stones

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

- The Rolling Stones

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Homeward Bound - Simon and Garfunkel

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

- The Rolling Stones

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

- The Rolling Stones

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

New York Mining Disaster - The Bee Gees

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.
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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#6 Post by earendel » Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:16 am

littlebeast13 wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:11 am
Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....
"Talkin' about my generation..."
1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)
CALIFORNIA DREAMING - The Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)
GOOD LOVIN' - The Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again
WE CAN WORK IT OUT - The Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs
19TH NERVOUS BREAKDOWN - The Rolling Stones

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you
THE PIED PIPER - Crispen St. Peters

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it
LET'S HANG ON - Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before
DON'T MESS WITH BILL - The Marvelettes

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be
HOMEWARD BOUND - Simon & Garfunkle

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give.

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.
96 TEARS - ? and the Mysterians

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.
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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#7 Post by kroxquo » Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:50 am

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

California Dreaming - Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

Lightning Striking - Lou Christie

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

Rainy Day Women #10 & #35 - Bob Dylan

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

Good Lovin' - (Young) Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

We Can Work It Out - Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

19th Nervous Breakdown - Rolling Stones

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

Let's Hang On - Four Seasons

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

Red Rubber Ball - Cyrkle

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha Haa! - Napoleon XVI

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Wooly Bully - Sam the Sham & the Pharoahs

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#8 Post by PanicinDetroit » Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:54 am

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.


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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#9 Post by jarnon » Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:19 pm

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be


Image Bonus:

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#10 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:27 pm

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)


2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?


3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck


4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)


5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again


6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs


7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you


8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it


9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before


10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be


11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give


12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,


Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

COOL JERK - THE CAPITOLS (Repeated ad nauseum at the 8th grade graduation dance from Corpus Christi School, Swampoodle, North Philadelphia)

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.


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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#11 Post by elwoodblues » Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:32 pm

littlebeast13 wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:11 am
Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

California Dreamin' - Mamas & the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

Rainy Day Women 12 and 35 - Bob Dylan

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

Good Lovin'

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try To See It My Way - Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

I will say Windy by The Association because it sound like a song from around that time.

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

The age-old question. Ginger or Mary Ann?


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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#12 Post by mikehardware » Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:41 pm


1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

California Dreaming - The Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

Everybody Must Get Stoned - Bob Dylan

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

Good Lovin - Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

We Can Work It Out - Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

Homeward Bound - Simon and Garfunkle

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

They’re Coming to Take Me Away - Napoleon XIV

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Last Train to Clarksville - The Monkees

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#13 Post by Bob78164 » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:11 pm

One of these years I'll get all of the games in on time.
1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

California Dreamin', The Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Cherish, The Association

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#14 Post by TheSearchIsOn » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:21 pm

Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

"Lightning Strikes" - Lou Christie

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

"Good Lovin'" - The Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

"Let's Hang On" - The Four Seasons

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

"They're Coming to Take Me Away" - Napoleon XIV

Not a great showing, but in my defense, most of the songs I listened to in 1966 probably involved nursery rhymes. Was I by chance the person you referenced in your intro?

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

"California Dreamin'" - The Mamas & the Papas

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#15 Post by Vandal » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:39 pm

1. California Dreamin' - Mamas/Papas
3. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Bob Dylan
4. Good Lovin' - Young Rascals (perhaps not Young)
5. We Can Work it Out - Beatles
6. 19th Nervous Breakdown - The Rolling Stones
10. Homeward Bound - Simon/Garfunkel

Kroxquo Bonus:
"I'm a Believer" - The Monkees

Image Bonus:

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#16 Post by Hotseat Or Bust! » Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:16 pm

1.) California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas, 3.) - Bob Dylan, 4.) Good Lovin' - The Rascals, 5.) We Can Work It Out - The Beatles, 10.) Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel, 11.) Red Rubber Ball - . Krox Bonus:
Walk Away Renee - The Left Banke. No naughty Krox today! I remember hearing on the radio, many, many years ago, that Walk Away Renee was from 1966 and it always stayed with me, as that is my birth year. I am the Old AF player you were referring to, right?

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#17 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:48 am

nope still haven"{t changed out the computer< had health issues yesterday and took to my bed before ^ pm>>>plus i thought it was friday and i had all weekend ha!

california dreaming mamas and papas

lightning strikes lou christie

rainy day women #!@ and #% TWELVE AND THIRTY FIVE


we can work it out beatles

!(th nervous breakdown stones _ seriously you use the beatles and the stones you give me no choice but to go c&w for the krox>>>

homeward bound simon and garfunkel

red rubber ball the cyrkle _ this song never fails to put me in a good mood< despite the sad lyrics whats up with that i don"t even like the morning sun that much>>>

THEYRE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY HAHA NAPOLEON THE XIV THINK that the right number. i actually hvae the 45 to this but it freaks me out


im taking a put on the ib becauses this is too much of a hassle, but imagine tiger knocking over the house of cards and he a boy so the girls win the green stamps
Thursday's games will all feature music from a certain random year in each decade, and we start off with the 1960's for which the fascinating year 1966 came out of the mix. All of the songs below were released in, or were big hits in 1966. I'd love to tell you my own personal memories of the year, but my parents were busy being sixth graders at the time. And I do know this is the birth year for at least one of my players....

1 point for the title, 1 point for the artist...

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,

Kroxquo Bonus: Name another song with artist that was a hit sometime around 1966.

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#18 Post by littlebeast13 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:58 am

1. You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)
California Dreamin' - Mamas and the Papas

2. Every boy wants a girl
He can trust to the very end
Baby, that's you
Won't you wait but 'til then?
Lightnin' Strikes - Lou Christie

3. They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck
Rainy Day Women 12 & 35 - Bob Dylan (You didn't have to have the correct numbers, or even any at all. But you had to have Rainy Day Women. And you also had to have Bob Dylan to get artist credit, which cost two players a point...)

4. I said baby (Baby)
Now it's for sure (It's for sure)
I got the fever, yeah
And you got the cure (Got the cure)
Good Lovin' - Young Rascals

5. I have always thought
That it's a crime
So I will ask you once again
We Can Work It Out - Beatles

6. You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs
19th Nervous Breakdown - Rolling Stones

7. You
With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you
Can't you see
That it's all around you
The Pied Piper - Crispian St. Peters

8. (Breaking up) I wish you never said it
(Breaking up) no-no, we'll both regret it
Let's Hang On - The Four Seasons (I take back what I said a while back about 60's Frankie Valli all being ass, this one's pretty good...)

9. Now I know he's the guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh, but ev'rytime he would apologize
I loved him more than before
Don't Mess With Bill - Marvelettes (Yeah, I'm a badass like that....)

10. And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see
Reminds me that I long to be
Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel

11. You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give
Red Rubber Ball - The Cyrkle (One of those LSWE songs that reminds me of Starfish, but I doubt we'll see him return a la elwood and Search...)

12. You thought it was a joke,
and so you laughed, you laughed!
When I had said that losing you
Would make me flip my lid,
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha! - Napoleon XIV (Again, I didn't stress on the number as long as you had Napoleon. Is this song really about a dog like I read? That's even nuttier than the song...)

Image Bonus: Show me something you might have seen on TV back in the 60's.

Many interesting 60's shows (and one 70's show), a large number of which I'd never watched or even knew existed. I'm awarding the IBB to Vandal for the Captain's log. I think he might've won an IBB for that before, but what the hell...
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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#19 Post by littlebeast13 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:24 pm

JJC Points:

frank gets 2 JJC points for one of the dumbest shows ever (WTG Jerry Van Dyke for turning down Gilligan for this claptrap!)

mrk gets 3 JJC points for Land of the Lost, which debuted in 1974. It's OK, the Image Bonus is mostly for fun, and I gave him the 5 points anyway...

Weasel gets 2 JJC points for Nixon not getting it socked to him...

BiT gets a supermax for Everybody Must Get High, and the Captain not holding his log...

ear gets 2 JJC points for the crew watching everyone play LSWE...

Krox gets 2 JJC points for intimate relations with aliens...

Panic gets a JJC point for impossible missions (I played a futuristic spy themed Nintendo game back in the day called Impossible Mission. Yeah, I guess that'll keep you from getting sued...)

jarnon gets a JJC point for copying off Krox's paper (maybe I should add Kopy Kat points to the LSWE, make it like the Match Game)....

melly gets 2 JJC points for Cool Jerk on repeat, and being a Bob Dylan away from a perfect game...

elwood gets 3 JJC points for questions that matter...

mikeh gets 3 JJC points for the smoking ad I was expecting a few people to reference...

Bob gets 2 JJC points for a show I'd never heard of before and had to look up...

Search gets 2 JJC points for nursery rhymes and Dark Shadows, and being a 1966 baby (not the one I was thinking of, but good to see there was a class of two!)...

Vandal gets 3 JJC points for what William Shatner gets when he watches himself act...

Hottie gets 2 JJC points for being Old AF...

Earl gets 3 JJC Pantera points for past consideration, TWLEVE, THIRTY FIVE and !(th nervous breakdown, and is lucky I was dragging ass enough this morning to take a nap....


frank 25+2
mrk 24+3
Weasel 20+2
BiT 12+5
ear 30+2 (My generation indeed...)
Krox 27+2
Panic 23+1
jarnon 8+1
melly 30+2
elwood 15+3
mikeh 18+3
Bob 9+2
Search 15+2
Vandal 19+3+5
Hottie 12+2
Earl 19+3
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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#20 Post by mellytu74 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:16 pm

littlebeast13 wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:24 pm
JJC Points:

melly gets 2 JJC points for Cool Jerk on repeat, and being a Bob Dylan away from a perfect game...
:oops: :oops: :oops:

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Re: Lyrically Speaking - 1/30/25

#21 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:48 pm

mellytu74 wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:16 pm
littlebeast13 wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:24 pm
JJC Points:

melly gets 2 JJC points for Cool Jerk on repeat, and being a Bob Dylan away from a perfect game...
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Yeah, I was so busy concentrating on trying to get my stupid computer to type numbers, how about you?

You know, I think I forgot to put Dylan on a previous LSWE game and lost a point. Maybe I just think the Dylan should be implied? Ha!

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