It was a 4th Grade Hurt-But Still

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It was a 4th Grade Hurt-But Still

#1 Post by Spock » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:50 pm

I have long thought that there was a young lady in college as maybe the only girl that I might have hurt romantically. We knew each other a long time (comparatively speaking) and we were just edging towards becoming a couple when Mrs. Spock entered the picture.

But, the other day I remembered a horrible thing I did in 4th Grade to my, for all of elementary crush. We only had one section so we were always in the same section.

I really, really had a crush on her for most of the time from K-6th.

You can imagine my happiness when in 4th Grade-I got a very, very special Valentine from her. "I Love You" and such all over it. It was the bestest Valentine ever. In an attempt to verify that she did not send one to everybody-I showed it to somebody and, I got teased.

Of course, being 4th Grade stupid-I said to her-'That was some dumb Valentine you sent me."

OMG, the poor girl-she had to be crushed for a few days.

The funny part is that she works in our local bank-so I see her a lot and we have reminisced about various things. However, I don't think I will bring that Valentine up.

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