Food truck operator
Tom's food truck serves sliders. Jimmy asks him how he makes them; Tom says he also makes a "killer Philly cheesesteak". He had a heart attack in May and was in the hospital for six days. He had to wait in the emergency room because of COVID cases. The smartest person Tom knows is Ed Ungrue. He "knows a little of this, a little of that."
$100: 1200 President Clinton Avenue in Little Rock, Arkansas is the address of a library and museum dedicated to a man named what?
A - Lyndon
B - Ronald
C - Bill
D - Linda
Answer: C (Bill)
A - toothpaste
B - soap
C - shampoo
D - toilet paper
Answer: D (toilet paper)
A - blue
B - purple
C - orange
D - green
Tom asks Ed for help.
Answer: C (orange)
A - January 1st
B - February 29th
C - April 20th
D - December 25th
Answer: B (February 29th)
A - thermometer
B - compass
C - pen knife
D - hatchet
Answer: B (compass)
A - Ivan the Terrible
B - Richard the Lionheart
C - Megan Thee Stallion
D - Vlad the Impaler
Tom says this isn't his area of expertise at all. Ed thinks it's C but he isn't certain. Tom's phone-a-friend is their age so probably won't know it. Tom doesn't think there's a rapper named Ivan or Vlad, or a Lionhearted rapper. He decides to go with C.
Answer: C (Megan Thee Stallion)
A - Wimbledon
B - the World Series
C - Tour de France
D - Boston Marathon
Tom says "Ed, I think it's Wimbledon."
Answer: A (Wimbledon)
A - A Nightmare on Elm Street
B - Friday the 13th
C - Halloween
D - Scream
Tom isn't a horror buff, and neither is Ed, but Ed believes it's B. Tom says "this isn't easy." He doesn't think that he should guess. He decides to ask the host.
Ask the host results
Jimmy says he knows this. Jason was Friday the 13th, and mentions Freddy Kruger.
Answer: A (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
$16,000: After a 1997 eruption covered its capital in forty feet of volcanic debris, the island of Montserrat is often referred to as a modern day what?
A - Alexandria
B - Constantinople
C - Athens
D - Pompeii
Tom tells Ed it has to be D.
Answer: D (Pompeii)
A - Make a wish
B - Bless you
C - Knock on wood
D - Congratulations
Tom doesn't know what sternutation is. It sounds like someone being reprimanded after breaking down the word. He's leaning toward C. Ed doesn't have any suggestions. Tom decides to use his 50:50 lifeline.
50:50 results:
A & B
Answer: B (Bless you)
Tom can only use Ed if he trades him for his only remaining lifeline, so he decides to trade him for his phone-a-friend.
$64,000: On summer evenings, people flock to the Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, Texas to see more than one million what?
A - armadillos
B - gophers
C - rattlesnakes
D - bats
Tom doesn't know but he can't imagine a million armadillos, gophers, or rattlesnakes.
Answer: D (bats)
A - Harold & Kumar
B - Bill & Ted
C - Thelma & Louise
D - Romy & Michele
Tom wishes he had his 50:50 back. He wants to call Chris, even though he's not confident that Chris Meany will know the answer.
Phone-a-friend results:
Tom reads the questions and answers, leaving 11 seconds. Chris manages to blurt out "Bill and Ted" just as time expires.
Answer: C (Thelma & Louise)