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My message to the parents who took their sick kid to daycare

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:22 pm
by Buffacuse
Thanks. Thanks for the giving my kid a respiratory bug that sent her the to ER. Thanks for costing me and my wife sick leave that it took months to acquire. Thanks for making me sick, my wife sick, and my other kids sick, my coworkers sick, their kids sick. Thanks for putting your needs ahead of everyone else's--I'm sure that sales meeting you didn't think you could miss was way more important that me having to wake my 16-month old baby up in the middle of the night to give her nebulizer treatments so she could breathe.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:25 pm
by a1mamacat
Sorry you've got such a plateful, Buff.

Get well soon to all the Buffs

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:27 am
by MarleysGh0st

I hope you all feel better soon.

Do you have any idea who the responsible parents are, so you can give them a copy of your thank you note?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:31 am
by peacock2121
I am sorry this happened.

Once you get through most of your anger and handle the fallout of the problem, maybe you can have a conversation with the daycare people regarding their policy of accepting sick kids. Maybe you can channel your anger toward something productive?

Re: My message to the parents who took their sick kid to day

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:33 am
by earendel
Buffacuse wrote:Thanks. Thanks for the giving my kid a respiratory bug that sent her the to ER. Thanks for costing me and my wife sick leave that it took months to acquire. Thanks for making me sick, my wife sick, and my other kids sick, my coworkers sick, their kids sick. Thanks for putting your needs ahead of everyone else's--I'm sure that sales meeting you didn't think you could miss was way more important that me having to wake my 16-month old baby up in the middle of the night to give her nebulizer treatments so she could breathe.

Not to make light of your travails, Buff, but it is possible that the parent(s) who dropped the child off may have had no other alternative.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:58 am
by geoffil
Sorry to hear about the illness. I agree that parents should not send their kids to day care or school sick.

I had to pick up my daughter early from school for a dentist appt. While I was waiting at the pick up desk, a girl came by with a horrible cough, and cold and said to the teacher at the desk how much her throat hurt. Instead of going home, she was on her way to her next class. I said to the teacher, why is she still here. The teacher said oh because it is alot to miss school, she would have to catch up. I said what about the other kids she is infecting and what about the teacher?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:16 am
by Appa23
Just to follow up on Pea's and Ear's posts, it is very possible that the child in question was infectious but not symptomatic (maybe on the other side of the illness). Since I have no doubt that you take your baby to a fine, reputable daycare, I am assuming that they followed their procedures/rules, but the child may not have been demonstrating any fever, cough, excessively runny nose, et cetera, that would cause them to call the parent(s) to pick up the child.

You might want to check on how often they clean and "sterilize" the toys, just to make sure that they are making the effort to combat germs/illness.

Although I probably was not nearly as "upbeat" about it at that time, I actually look fondly back to the time when my son had a borderline case of RSV at around 6-7 months old. Luckily, I really did not have to wake him up for the nebulizer treatments. I would just sit by his crib and hold the mask near his nose & mouth for the 10-15 minutes that it took. Watching him sleep, in the glow of his nightlight, was very moving to a first time Dad.

With our baby now, I would have some of the same thoughts as you.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:09 am
by ghostjmf
Most people will not take a kid to daycare who looks like they should either be home in bed or in a hospital. Most daycares will not accept a kid who looks like they will need immediate medical treatment of some sort; they'd be idiots, legally, if they did.

So this probably wasn't done on purpose. The sick kid may not have even been symptomatic at the time.

I don't stay home from work with a slight cold, either. Neither do most other people. Should we all be taken out & shot?

Re: My message to the parents who took their sick kid to day

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:39 am
by Tocqueville3
Buffacuse wrote:Thanks. Thanks for the giving my kid a respiratory bug that sent her the to ER. Thanks for costing me and my wife sick leave that it took months to acquire. Thanks for making me sick, my wife sick, and my other kids sick, my coworkers sick, their kids sick. Thanks for putting your needs ahead of everyone else's--I'm sure that sales meeting you didn't think you could miss was way more important that me having to wake my 16-month old baby up in the middle of the night to give her nebulizer treatments so she could breathe.

Buff--kids get sick. It happens. Daycare centers are a breeding ground for kiddie ookyness. Before you go placing blame on a parent, find out the real story. Are you really sure that the parent left a sick child at daycare on purpose? Like ear said, maybe they dint have a choice.

Unless you are willing to put your baby in a bubble she's gonna get sick from time to time. Madeleine has never spent a day in her life in daycare and she got RSV when she was 9 mos. old. It was horrible. I know what you're going thru but placing blame on someone isn't gonna make your little girl better.

You mentioned you and your wife's sick leave. That's what sick leave is for. I'm sorry it took so long for you to acquire it but you're lucky that you have it. The way times are right now you are very lucky that you have jobs and a reputable daycare center to take your child to. And while were talking about that, if you don't like the daycare center your child goes to take her to another one or keep her at home. You have the choice, my friend.