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My soldier came home

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:34 pm
by Ritterskoop
Yikes. I went to check the website to see if his unit needed anything specific, as I have a box of magazines ready, and his name was gone.

I checked the Lost page but he wasn't there (whew). Then I checked the Old Contacts list, and his final post said they were coming home in late March. I bet that last package I sent comes back.....

So now I have found a new soldier, or to be more accurate, an airman, in a unit of six people. That's a good size; we can write a note to each and not leave anyone out.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:48 pm
by kayrharris
I'm very glad he's home safely. Thanks for doing this. How about emailing me the specifics. My friend Patty and I would both like to do this.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:52 pm
by AnnieCamaro
You are a very kind two-footer, Miss Ritters. I have read about trained soldier dogs, as well as local strays adopted by military men. If your airmen have either kind of dog, please let me know. I would like to contribute treats and chewy sticks, if Lizbit doesn't find them first.

My offer also goes to BBs who may have military people among their friends and families.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:09 pm
by Ritterskoop
Annie, I was just reading about what kinds of foods can be mailed, and one person said he sends dog treats for the working dogs. He reminded us you cannot send any pork products to Iraq or Afghanistan, so they must be lamb or beef or chicken.

If you want to find a unit with dogs, try this site:

Click on the link Where to Send, and put "dog" in the requests window. It comes up with 88 results, and you can wander through them until one speaks to you. Watch for units leaving soon, as your mail may not reach them. You can select a unit from your state, if you see one, or from a particular service branch (I chose Air Force because roomie served with them in the 50s).

If you put in "puppies" there are some nice stories also.

Kay, I will send you the name. You'll want to do the same search I described for Annie, except you'll put this name in the right window instead of dog.

They will ask you to register, I think, but I never get spam from them.

The site says to use the soldier's name, then Any Soldier on the second line, but you don't have to do that. Just drop a note in there to the main contact, and they will distribute letters or anything to people who are not getting much from home. Or dogs. Sometimes the post office people are bitchy about the "Any Soldier" situation, so avoid it.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:10 pm
by christie1111
My cousin Michael is now in his second month of being in Afghanistan.

I send him a box the first weekend of the month. Other family members are taking turns at the middle of the month.

I worry about him and hope he is safe from harm.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:43 pm
by SportsFan68
This is a very very good thing y'all are doing.

My older brother got lots of stuff from home when he was in Vietnam, but many of his fellow soldiers didn't get much, or anything.

What you're doing is a lot, and it's even more than you know.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:06 pm
by Ritterskoop
SportsFan68 wrote:This is a very very good thing y'all are doing.

My older brother got lots of stuff from home when he was in Vietnam, but many of his fellow soldiers didn't get much, or anything.

What you're doing is a lot, and it's even more than you know.
Even people I know who think the war is a bad idea do not blame the individual soldiers.

I am glad we learned a lesson from Vietnam, not to treat them badly as individuals. It's horrible bad we had to learn it the hard way.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:30 am
by peacock2121
Thanks for doing this, skoop.