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Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:50 am
by Bud Light Voiceover
Today, we salute you Mr. Multi-Layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator

(Mr. Multi-layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator)

Week after week, year after year, you present the Bored with puzzles that keep BBs entertained and engaged, all while making it look so easy.

(Easy as writing a play)

Lyrics and artists, movie quotes, obscure trivia. To solve one, all they have to do create 50 groupings, 4 stand-alones, 19 pairs, 27 triples with no alternate pairs. No problem!

(don't forget the associated Words)

You claim the puzzle clues are connected according to a principle we must discover. Wait a minute. It's called a Tangredi. That's you!

(Like that's your real name)

So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, you giver of the games, you purveyor of puzzles. The Bored awaits your next multi-layered masterpiece ... and the premiere of Decades: Prime Time.

(Mr. Multi-Layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator)

Anheuser Busch.

St. Louis, Missouri

Decades: Prime Time
Season 1
Debuts this fall
On our Bored
And nowhere else!!!

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:00 pm
by franktangredi
I'm kvelling.
Bud Light Voiceover wrote:Today, we salute you Mr. Multi-Layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator

(Mr. Multi-layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator)

Week after week, year after year, you present the Bored with puzzles that keep BBs entertained and engaged, all while making it look so easy.

(Easy as writing a play)

Lyrics and artists, movie quotes, obscure trivia. To solve one, all they have to do create 50 groupings, 4 stand-alones, 19 pairs, 27 triples with no alternate pairs. No problem!

(don't forget the associated Words)

You claim the puzzle clues are connected according to a principle we must discover. Wait a minute. It's called a Tangredi. That's you!

(Like that's your real name)

So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, you giver of the games, you purveyor of puzzles. The Bored awaits your next multi-layered masterpiece ... and the premiere of Decades: Prime Time.

(Mr. Multi-Layered Tangredi Puzzle Creator)

Anheuser Busch.

St. Louis, Missouri

Decades: Prime Time
Season 1
Debuts this fall
On our Bored
And nowhere else!!!

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:56 pm
by ghostjmf
'Long as you're pronouncing it right. The "kv" sound is one syllable. (Well, as close to one syllable as it can possibly get.). You can do it!

(Lotta people can't though.)

Same as for the "kn" sound in "knish". You get the idea.

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:12 pm
by franktangredi
I'm from New York! We can ALL pronounce it right!
ghostjmf wrote:'Long as you're pronouncing it right. The "kv" sound is one syllable. (Well, as close to one syllable as it can possibly get.). You can do it!

(Lotta people can't though.)

Same as for the "kn" sound in "knish". You get the idea.

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:31 pm
by ghostjmf
I was brought up by parents who spoke Yiddish to each other as a "secret from the kids" language, & my Mom once told me she knew no English until she was sent to school (they both were born in the US of A, & both spoke with the accents-in-English of the cities of their raising, Detroit & NYC).

But I never heard those words that Sat Night Live comedian playing his obnoxious aunt made famous to non-Jewish Americans, kvell & whatever else? Shvitz. Where the "shv" should be close to one syllable. Whatever.

I guess my parents didn't kvell very much.

Or shvitz.

But I from my Mom heard as every other word, practically, kinehora. Pronounced kin'-eh-haw'ruh. Nothing to do with the dance.

I only learned as an adult reading a book on Yiddish that it means "may the Evil Eye not see this good thing".

I was never taught in English anything about any Evil Eye.

(Though its definitely around here because I just discovered something/one, probably my cat, has ripped a great jacket I never leave out because the cat rips things.)

The way my mother used kinehora I thought it meant que sera sera ("whatever will be, will be" if I'm to believe the song).

At any rate, you're not *supposed* to kvell, kinehora.

And I cannot figure out the logic of how talking to Ol' Evil Eye keeps it away. I guess its an incantation of sorts.

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:51 pm
by Beebs52
que sera sera

Re: Bud Light Presents … Real BBs of Genius

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:20 pm
by ghostjmf
Some kinehora mishegas (craziness):