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John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:07 am
by Bob Juch

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:52 am
by Bob78164
His family is reportedly gathering and I understand that he's expected to pass in a matter of days. I disagree with a lot of Senator McCain's politics, but I've always believed him to be an honorable man and his passing will be a loss for the country. --Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:17 am
by flockofseagulls104
For one time, I will echo bob-tel's sentiments exactly:

His family is reportedly gathering and I understand that he's expected to pass in a matter of days. I disagree with a lot of Senator McCain's politics, but I've always believed him to be an honorable man and his passing will be a loss for the country.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:18 pm
by Bob Juch
Bob78164 wrote:His family is reportedly gathering and I understand that he's expected to pass in a matter of days. I disagree with a lot of Senator McCain's politics, but I've always believed him to be an honorable man and his passing will be a loss for the country. --Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:54 am
by Ritterskoop
Big fan of this man; I have learned a lot from him about how to take a position when a thing matters.

I wish him and his family well.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 6:41 pm
by Bob78164
I’m now seeing that he passed away. —Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:56 pm
by silverscreenselect
A true American hero and one who brought dignity and honor to our government. RIP.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:57 pm
by Bob78164
He will lie in state in the U.S. Capitol and in Phoenix. Presidents Obama and Bush (43) have been asked to speak at his funeral. --Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:18 am
by kroxquo
I am curious what the Presidential tweet will be since he felt that being captured did not make him a hero.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:57 am
by jarnon
kroxquo wrote:I am curious what the Presidential tweet will be since he felt that being captured did not make him a hero.
The White House flag is at half staff.
Donald J. Trump wrote:My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!
Melania Trump wrote:Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy to the McCain Family. Thank you Senator McCain for your service to the nation.
Ivanka Trump wrote:Honoring the memory and legacy of Senator John McCain, an American patriot, who served our great nation with distinction.
My prayers are with Senator McCain’s family and loved ones as our nation mourns his passing.
Here is the official White House proclamation:
Statement from the President

Despite our differences on policy and politics, I respect Senator John McCain’s service to our country and, in his honor, have signed a proclamation to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff until the day of his interment.

I have asked Vice President Mike Pence to offer an address at the ceremony honoring Senator McCain at the United States Capitol this Friday.

At the request of the McCain family, I have also authorized military transportation of Senator McCain’s remains from Arizona to Washington, D.C., military pallbearers and band support, and a horse and caisson transport during the service at the United States Naval Academy.

Finally, I have asked General John Kelly, Secretary James Mattis, and Ambassador John Bolton to represent my Administration at his services.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:21 am
by BackInTex
kroxquo wrote:I am curious what the Presidential tweet will be since he felt that being captured did not make him a hero.
I don't think being captured made him a hero, but how he conducted himself as a POW certainly did.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:02 am
by silverscreenselect
BackInTex wrote:
kroxquo wrote:I am curious what the Presidential tweet will be since he felt that being captured did not make him a hero.
I don't think being captured made him a hero, but how he conducted himself as a POW certainly did.
I don't think that any of us really understands what he went through during his captivity, which he could have avoided due to his family connections but chose not to in order to be with his fellow POW's. This country will always be indebted to McCain and all the men and women like him who have served over the years. Our political arena, which is in about as low a shape as you can get, is uplifted by those like McCain who grace its presence.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:59 am
by ghostjmf
I have my own test of people, whatever their politics are. Its the Good Samaritan test:: If someone were lying by the road, would the person stop to help them. This doesn't involve 1st aid unless the potential stopper knows it, but they have to call for help, & stay with the victim 'til the help arrives.

I feel Senator McCain would have passed this test with flying colors.

Incidentally the original failers, in the New Testament, used as their excuse that being members of the tribe of Levi they would have had to undergo hours of ritual purification if they touched an "unclean" person. I read that in some telling, anyway. Which is always left out of the story when modern Christians tell it.

But it doesn't matter; the modern equivalent would be a potential stopper who doesn't want to be late for work, to have to get treatment for blood-borne conditions they might contract from a bleeding victim, etc.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:29 pm
by jarnon
Bob78164 wrote:He will lie in state in the U.S. Capitol and in Phoenix. Presidents Obama and Bush (43) have been asked to speak at his funeral. --Bob
VP Biden will deliver the eulogy in Phoenix. They've been close friends since Biden was a young Senator and McCain was the Naval liaison to the Senate. I'm sure Biden will be as eloquent as he was at the Liberty Medal ceremony last October (I was there).

VP Pence will speak at the Capitol on Friday.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:48 pm
by Bob Juch
ghostjmf wrote:I have my own test of people, whatever their politics are. Its the Good Samaritan test:: If someone were lying by the road, would the person stop to help them. This doesn't involve 1st aid unless the potential stopper knows it, but they have to call for help, & stay with the victim 'til the help arrives.

I feel Senator McCain would have passed this test with flying colors.

Incidentally the original failers, in the New Testament, used as their excuse that being members of the tribe of Levi they would have had to undergo hours of ritual purification if they touched an "unclean" person. I read that in some telling, anyway. Which is always left out of the story when modern Christians tell it.

But it doesn't matter; the modern equivalent would be a potential stopper who doesn't want to be late for work, to have to get treatment for blood-borne conditions they might contract from a bleeding victim, etc.
I carry a pretty good emergency kit in my cat, including gloves, splints, anti-bleeding bandages, airways, etc. I haven't had to use it since I put it together; I wish I had had it 20 years ago. :(

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:53 pm
by BackInTex
Bob Juch wrote:
ghostjmf wrote:I have my own test of people, whatever their politics are. Its the Good Samaritan test:: If someone were lying by the road, would the person stop to help them. This doesn't involve 1st aid unless the potential stopper knows it, but they have to call for help, & stay with the victim 'til the help arrives.

I feel Senator McCain would have passed this test with flying colors.

Incidentally the original failers, in the New Testament, used as their excuse that being members of the tribe of Levi they would have had to undergo hours of ritual purification if they touched an "unclean" person. I read that in some telling, anyway. Which is always left out of the story when modern Christians tell it.

But it doesn't matter; the modern equivalent would be a potential stopper who doesn't want to be late for work, to have to get treatment for blood-borne conditions they might contract from a bleeding victim, etc.
I carry a pretty good emergency kit in my cat, including gloves, splints, anti-bleeding bandages, airways, etc. I haven't had to use it since I put it together; I wish I had had it 20 years ago. :(
You should get a dog. You can carry much more with less struggle. :P

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:55 pm
by Bob Juch
BackInTex wrote:
Bob Juch wrote:
ghostjmf wrote:I have my own test of people, whatever their politics are. Its the Good Samaritan test:: If someone were lying by the road, would the person stop to help them. This doesn't involve 1st aid unless the potential stopper knows it, but they have to call for help, & stay with the victim 'til the help arrives.

I feel Senator McCain would have passed this test with flying colors.

Incidentally the original failers, in the New Testament, used as their excuse that being members of the tribe of Levi they would have had to undergo hours of ritual purification if they touched an "unclean" person. I read that in some telling, anyway. Which is always left out of the story when modern Christians tell it.

But it doesn't matter; the modern equivalent would be a potential stopper who doesn't want to be late for work, to have to get treatment for blood-borne conditions they might contract from a bleeding victim, etc.
I carry a pretty good emergency kit in my cat, including gloves, splints, anti-bleeding bandages, airways, etc. I haven't had to use it since I put it together; I wish I had had it 20 years ago. :(
You should get a dog. You can carry much more with less struggle. :P
My kit would break a St. Bernard.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:23 pm
by Bob78164
Here's a McCain story from former Obama speechwriter Cody Keenan:
Cody Keenan wrote:Met John McCain once. I was a 22 year old senate intern waiting for an elevator. The doors opened, and he and another GOP senator were inside. I apologized and said I'd wait for the next one, but McCain told me to hop on.

"Who do you work for?" he asked.

"Ted Kennedy, sir."

"He's a good man," McCain said. "Without him, we're lost."

The other Senator scoffed in disgust and got off the elevator at the next floor. While he was still in earshot, McCain raised his voice a little and said, "Don't mind him. He's an asshole."

And that's the time I met John McCain.

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:42 pm
by frogman042
Bob78164 wrote:Here's a McCain story from former Obama speechwriter Cody Keenan:
Cody Keenan wrote:Met John McCain once. I was a 22 year old senate intern waiting for an elevator. The doors opened, and he and another GOP senator were inside. I apologized and said I'd wait for the next one, but McCain told me to hop on.

"Who do you work for?" he asked.

"Ted Kennedy, sir."

"He's a good man," McCain said. "Without him, we're lost."

The other Senator scoffed in disgust and got off the elevator at the next floor. While he was still in earshot, McCain raised his voice a little and said, "Don't mind him. He's an asshole."

And that's the time I met John McCain.
My respect for the late Senator grew immensely when years ago he was asked what made him decide to run for president and he responded something along the lines of "I walked into a room where Angela Lansbury was sitting and then she turned over the Queen of Diamonds".

Given his personal history, the ability to make such a clever joke told me so much about the type of person he was.


Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by Bob78164
Here is Senator McCain's farewell statement to the American people. --Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:48 pm
by Ritterskoop
frogman042 wrote:
My respect for the late Senator grew immensely when years ago he was asked what made him decide to run for president and he responded something along the lines of "I walked into a room where Angela Lansbury was sitting and then she turned over the Queen of Diamonds".

Given his personal history, the ability to make such a clever joke told me so much about the type of person he was.

I hate to say it, but I need this joke explained (big fan of both McCain and Lansbury, not looking for trouble).

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:52 pm
by Bob78164
Ritterskoop wrote:
frogman042 wrote:
My respect for the late Senator grew immensely when years ago he was asked what made him decide to run for president and he responded something along the lines of "I walked into a room where Angela Lansbury was sitting and then she turned over the Queen of Diamonds".

Given his personal history, the ability to make such a clever joke told me so much about the type of person he was.

I hate to say it, but I need this joke explained (big fan of both McCain and Lansbury, not looking for trouble).
It's a reference to The Manchurian Candidate, which starred Lansbury (the original version, not the remake with Denzel Washington). Her character used the Queen of Diamonds as a control signal to trigger her son's brainwashing. --Bob

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:26 pm
by ghostjmf
It also helps if you know

Big Spoiler

That the Manchurians (prolly North Koreans; been a while, like almost 60 years, since I saw the movie) have as their agent the *vice* president, not the president.

My family got free tickets to a sneak preview of the original. The *best* way to have seen it.

I wanted to rescue Laurence Harvey.

(i didn't know 'til years later the actual actor was gay.)

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:48 pm
by Bob Juch
ghostjmf wrote:It also helps if you know

Big Spoiler

That the Manchurians (prolly North Koreans; been a while, like almost 60 years, since I saw the movie) have as their agent the *vice* president, not the president.

My family got free tickets to a sneak preview of the original. The *best* way to have seen it.

I wanted to rescue Laurence Harvey.

(i didn't know 'til years later the actual actor was gay.)
What difference did that make?

Re: John McCain to discontinue medical treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:52 pm
by Ritterskoop
OK, whew, thanks. It was just a pop culture reference of which I didn't have the front end.

I did see the remake with Meryl Streep and Liev Schreiber, years ago. I don't remember a playing card reference but maybe they changed it to something else.

Can't wait to see Lansbury in Mary Poppins Returns in January. She's probably only in 1-2 scenes but still.