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Dammit Carp!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:41 am
by littlebeast13
You come to the Bored, and what pops up on VH1 Classic....?

The Shithouse Rats!

Now I Don't Like Tuesdays either.... :P


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:04 am
by The Carp
:P :P :P :P :P

Next will come the Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun. I'm sending out requests for ALL your faves today!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:14 am
by littlebeast13
The Carp wrote::P :P :P :P :P

Next will come the Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun. I'm sending out requests for ALL your faves today!

If they play that one this morning, I'm going to personally stop by and poison your lake with mercury! :P


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:23 am
by The Carp
littlebeast13 wrote:
The Carp wrote::P :P :P :P :P

Next will come the Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun. I'm sending out requests for ALL your faves today!

If they play that one this morning, I'm going to personally stop by and poison your lake with mercury! :P

Actually, I'm swimming around on the pool cover today. Two hours of pumping, and it's still nice and deep!

The rain seems to have stopped, but I think I'll stick around to encourage your least-favorite VH-1 songs....

:P :P :P :P :P

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:26 am
by littlebeast13
The Carp wrote:
littlebeast13 wrote:
The Carp wrote::P :P :P :P :P

Next will come the Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun. I'm sending out requests for ALL your faves today!

If they play that one this morning, I'm going to personally stop by and poison your lake with mercury! :P

Actually, I'm swimming around on the pool cover today. Two hours of pumping, and it's still nice and deep!

The rain seems to have stopped, but I think I'll stick around to encourage your least-favorite VH-1 songs....

:P :P :P :P :P

Don't dry yourself out on my account! Nothing's more disgusting than a dried out fish...

Though they do make good baseball substitutes.... :P :P :P :P :P


Here's LB's request, Mr. Carp!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:28 am
by CharlesFoxSingers
Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

In the morning laughing happy fish heads
In the evening floating in the soup

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer they can't talk

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

I took a fish head out to see a movie
Didn't have to pay to get it in

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

They can't play baseball they don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers they don't play drums

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino
at Italian restaurants with oriental women yeah

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:29 am
by MarleysGh0st
The Carp wrote:Actually, I'm swimming around on the pool cover today. Two hours of pumping, and it's still nice and deep!
You haven't opened up the pool, yet? My gosh, it's almost May! :roll:

(This past weekend did seem a lot like July, but not so much to make me think about going swimming.)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:42 am
by The Carp
MarleysGh0st wrote:
The Carp wrote:Actually, I'm swimming around on the pool cover today. Two hours of pumping, and it's still nice and deep!
You haven't opened up the pool, yet? My gosh, it's almost May! :roll:

(This past weekend did seem a lot like July, but not so much to make me think about going swimming.)
Ack. I need repair work, and the service departments can't handle it. The construction departments are busier than a dog with two dicks, as my friend used to say.

The ladder and handrails froze into the cans and had to be sawed off to get the cover on. Now I need to have the cans diamond-core drilled out, and replaced with brass like they should have been in the first place. So I'm still covered until someone can come out and do the work, and since it's not a huge money-maker, I'm sure I'll be twiddling my thumbs for quite a while...

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:45 am
by Four Hour Stiffy
The Carp wrote:The construction departments are busier than a dog with two dicks, as my friend used to say.

Wow! I'd have to be prescribed with a blood transfusion to handle that job....

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:07 am
by littlebeast13
I shall now laugh at your rain. I just watched it hail outside for the last 10 minutes....

The strong storms all all north of here, yet we got the hail anyway. No lightning, thunder, winds, nothing... just rain and hail....


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:46 am
by kayrharris
We don't cover or "close" our pool. Water temp is currently 71 degrees due mostly to the cool nights.

I'm sure I'll have kids swimming in the pool in the next two weeks. I'll sit on the edge to cool off (I almost got too much sun on Sunday just sitting by the pool and reading) but it will be a while before I decide to get in.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:49 am
by The Carp
My pool is surrounded by trees, so I get sick of removing leaves and acorns in September. Plus I save a fortune in electricity and gas by shutting down.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:04 am
by TheCalvinator24
You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:08 am
by The Carp
TheCalvinator24 wrote:You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?
Where do I start.....?

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:10 am
by littlebeast13
TheCalvinator24 wrote:You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?

Great, now mini has an ally! :P

Yes, I dislike both songs with a passion. The Violent Femmes as a whole are horrible. The only one of their songs I can stand is Gone Daddy Gone, but now Gnarls Barkley kicked their ass on it with their cover version, so I can do without the Femmes entirely....

Other than Mondays, I'm not familiar with much from the Shithouse Rats, but that one song alone is enough to put them on my ear bleeding list....


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:12 am
by littlebeast13
The Carp wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?
Where do I start.....?

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Isn't your pool about drained yet?

I'm gonna go dig up some nightcrawlers..... :P


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:18 am
by TheCalvinator24
littlebeast13 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?

Great, now mini has an ally! :P

Yes, I dislike both songs with a passion. The Violent Femmes as a whole are horrible. The only one of their songs I can stand is Gone Daddy Gone, but now Gnarls Barkley kicked their ass on it with their cover version, so I can do without the Femmes entirely....

Other than Mondays, I'm not familiar with much from the Shithouse Rats, but that one song alone is enough to put them on my ear bleeding list....

The next thing you know, you're gonna tell me you don't like "Come on Eileen," which is, IMO, the best one-hit wonder of all time.

[Lisa Simpson]: You beat Dexy's Midnight Runners

[Homer]: Well, you haven't heard the last from them.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:21 am
by littlebeast13
TheCalvinator24 wrote:
littlebeast13 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:You don't like "I Don't Like Mondays" or "Blister in the Sun"? What's wrong with you, son?

Great, now mini has an ally! :P

Yes, I dislike both songs with a passion. The Violent Femmes as a whole are horrible. The only one of their songs I can stand is Gone Daddy Gone, but now Gnarls Barkley kicked their ass on it with their cover version, so I can do without the Femmes entirely....

Other than Mondays, I'm not familiar with much from the Shithouse Rats, but that one song alone is enough to put them on my ear bleeding list....

The next thing you know, you're gonna tell me you don't like "Come on Eileen," which is, IMO, the best one-hit wonder of all time.

[Lisa Simpson]: You beat Dexy's Midnight Runners

[Homer]: Well, you haven't heard the last from them.

That one's fine.

At least you didn't mention Haircut 100....


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:23 am
by The Carp
littlebeast13 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:
littlebeast13 wrote:
Great, now mini has an ally! :P

Yes, I dislike both songs with a passion. The Violent Femmes as a whole are horrible. The only one of their songs I can stand is Gone Daddy Gone, but now Gnarls Barkley kicked their ass on it with their cover version, so I can do without the Femmes entirely....

Other than Mondays, I'm not familiar with much from the Shithouse Rats, but that one song alone is enough to put them on my ear bleeding list....

The next thing you know, you're gonna tell me you don't like "Come on Eileen," which is, IMO, the best one-hit wonder of all time.

[Lisa Simpson]: You beat Dexy's Midnight Runners

[Homer]: Well, you haven't heard the last from them.

That one's fine.

At least you didn't mention Haircut 100....

Ha ha! I've actually purchased two copies of that CD! For other people, but still...

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:25 am
by TheCalvinator24
littlebeast13 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:
littlebeast13 wrote:
Great, now mini has an ally! :P

Yes, I dislike both songs with a passion. The Violent Femmes as a whole are horrible. The only one of their songs I can stand is Gone Daddy Gone, but now Gnarls Barkley kicked their ass on it with their cover version, so I can do without the Femmes entirely....

Other than Mondays, I'm not familiar with much from the Shithouse Rats, but that one song alone is enough to put them on my ear bleeding list....

The next thing you know, you're gonna tell me you don't like "Come on Eileen," which is, IMO, the best one-hit wonder of all time.

[Lisa Simpson]: You beat Dexy's Midnight Runners

[Homer]: Well, you haven't heard the last from them.

That one's fine.

At least you didn't mention Haircut 100....

"Love Love, Love plus 1"

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:33 am
by littlebeast13
I just looked up the "Songs I Can't Stand" LS game I used back in November 2003. No Rats or Femmes, but I did use Love Plus One...

Probably because I included a lot of songs from rock bands I like, but hate one song of theirs, which left the crummy 80's bands whose entire work I hate out in the cold. I'm surprised that with how much I love Steely Dan I didn't include their nauseatingly overplayed (and apty titled) "Do It Again"....
