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Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:21 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Derrick Revolinski
Lomita, CA

Winner of Sprint and Capcon's contest to win a trip to NYC time in the hot seat. Meredith asked if he is feeling good about because he didn't even have to apply or anything, he just
kind of got it. Derrick says he doesn't even know why he's here.

Which of these directions does a massage therapist often give a person just before
the massage begins?

A: Take your clothes off
B: Comb your hair
C: Brush your teeth
D: Shave your back, wolfman!

Often reported on weather forecasts, the UV index tells people when they need to protect
themselves from what?

A: Smog
B: Rain
C: Wind
D: Sun

Sipping water through a straw is a very basic example of what scientific principle at work?

A: Fusion
B: Electromagnetism
C: Suction
D: Static electricity

Chronicling the lives of doctors and the people who date them, the cable soap
"Night Shift" is a spinoff of what daytime drama?

A: One Life to Live
B: All My Children
C: Days of our Lives
D: General Hospital

Meredith repeats "the lives of doctors & the people who date them" as she reads the question.

Derrick says he should have used his mother as a lifeline. Meredith tells him
to look at the question.

"K Street" is a term that refers to the powerful lobbying industry in what
U. S. city?

A: Washington, D.C.
B: Boston
C: Atlanta
D: Chicago

Meredith repeats "powerful lobbying industry" as he thinks about the answer.
Derrick says he has no idea. Meredith tells him "again, take a second".
He still has no idea.


A: 98%
B: 1%
C: 0%
D: 1%

He said he knew he and one other person in the room wouldn't know.

Commercial break

Meredith asks Derrick if he's a little more comfortable. Derrick says he feels
like he's in the Twilight Zone.

Which of the following musical instruments features a fretboard.

A: Xylophone
B: Guitar
C: Flute
D: Harmonica

He knows it's not a harmonica or flute.

50/50 leaves
A: Xylophone
B: Guitar

He decides to go ahead and just answer and say A - xylophone. There is an obvious
gasp from the audience. Meredith asks "Final?" and the audience laughs, but he says
yes, final and goes home with $1000.

We may need to add a Marley's grumble® here.


$100 A - Take your clothes off
$200 D - Sun
$300 C - Suction
$500 D - General Hospital
$1000 A - Washington D.C.
$2000 B - Guitar

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:57 pm
by ulysses5019
We may need to add a Marley's grumble® here.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:14 pm
by gsabc
One wonders why he bothered entering or downloading the game. Didn't TPTB reserve the right not to show his appearance? What a waste of air time and entries by people who have a clue!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:19 pm
by kayrharris
It's been a while since I've seen Meredith try to help a contestant any more than she did Derrick. He apparently was oblivious to it.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:23 pm
by silvercamaro
At least the show identified him as the contest winner, as all of us were curious about how well someone chosen at random might do.

Now we know.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:26 pm
by Kazoo65
I'm glad I wasn't home to see this-I would have been screaming at the TV.

Gibson guitars used to be made here in Kalamazoo-and just a couple weeks ago, there was a "Fretboard Festival" to celebrate the guitar. EZ question for me-in fact the whole stack was easy.

Next time TPTB have a contest, they should come up with one that actually involves trivia skills!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:39 pm
by Rexer25
I didn't see this show, but this is supposed to be good TV? This is a ratings winner?

Since I didn't see the show, could someone clue me in on the demographics of this...person?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:56 pm
by kayrharris
Young, cute twenty something I would say. My younger girls would call him a "hottie".

I don't know the details of the contest, but he didn't seem to be real into the show, that's for sure.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:02 pm
by TheConfessor
I assume the contest he won required only the ability to use a phone. That must have been a challenge.

Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:52 am
by NellyLunatic1980
I thought for sure that Derrick was going to use his fifth lifeline ("Audience Gasps at an Answer") on the $2K question.


Nihil obstat® for me

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:23 am
by peacock2121
ulysses5019 wrote:
We may need to add a Marley's grumble® here.

crap - even I have a grumble.


Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:24 am
by peacock2121
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:I thought for sure that Derrick was going to use his fifth lifeline ("Audience Gasps at an Answer") on the $2K question.


Nihil obstat® for me
He didn't even know enough to know that.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:38 am
by slam
Maybe TPTB wanted to show how an "average Joe" would perform on the show. It makes many of the other weak contestants look like they actually have a clue.

Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:09 am
by NellyLunatic1980
peacock2121 wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:I thought for sure that Derrick was going to use his fifth lifeline ("Audience Gasps at an Answer") on the $2K question.


Nihil obstat® for me
He didn't even know enough to know that.
Good point. He was definitely uninterested about his whole experience.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:47 am
by MarleysGh0st
peacock2121 wrote:
ulysses5019 wrote:
We may need to add a Marley's grumble® here.

crap - even I have a grumble.

My work here is done. :lol:

Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:17 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Derrick Revolinski
Lomita, CA

Winner of Sprint and Capcon's contest to win a trip to NYC time in the hot seat. Meredith asked if he is feeling good about because he didn't even have to apply or anything, he just kind of got it. Derrick says he doesn't even know why he's here.
Well, now we know the results of the contest.

OK, I haven't read anyone else's comments yet, but I'm sure there will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this, because I was doing the same thing. This guy won a contest and gets to sit in the Hot Seat, while we have BBs who have been trying the "right" way for years, unsuccessfully. And on top of that he seems to be totally unqualified (more about this below).
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500
Chronicling the lives of doctors and the people who date them, the cable soap "Night Shift" is a spinoff of what daytime drama?

A: One Life to Live
B: All My Children
C: Days of our Lives
D: General Hospital

Meredith repeats "the lives of doctors & the people who date them" as she reads the question.

Derrick says he should have used his mother as a lifeline. Meredith tells him to look at the question.
Geez, Meredith, why not just go ahead and give him the answer while you're at it!? :x
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1000
"K Street" is a term that refers to the powerful lobbying industry in what
U. S. city?

A: Washington, D.C.
B: Boston
C: Atlanta
D: Chicago

Meredith repeats "powerful lobbying industry" as he thinks about the answer. Derrick says he has no idea. Meredith tells him "again, take a second". He still has no idea.


A: 98%
B: 1%
C: 0%
D: 1%

He said he knew he and one other person in the room wouldn't know.
By this time I was just praying for him to miss a question and be done. This was, IMO, a travesty, even worse than celebrity editions. Again Meredith practically gave him the answer, though he didn't recognize it. I wonder if she had been asked to do this, to make the sponsors happy.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2000
Which of the following musical instruments features a fretboard.

A: Xylophone
B: Guitar
C: Flute
D: Harmonica

He knows it's not a harmonica or flute.

50/50 leaves
A: Xylophone
B: Guitar

He decides to go ahead and just answer and say A - xylophone. There is an obvious gasp from the audience. Meredith asks "Final?" and the audience laughs, but he says yes, final and goes home with $1000.
And he even fails to get the hint from "the fourth lifeline" before going home. But he's gone, no carryover, no big money. Let's hope Sprint/Nextel and BAM think twice before doing something like this again.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:We may need to add a Marley's grumble® here.
At least one, if not more.

Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:21 am
by MarleysGh0st
earendel wrote:Let's hope Sprint/Nextel and BAM think twice before doing something like this again..
But they didn't! Capcom just had another of these contests (associated with AT&T instead of Sprint, this time) running through April 11. Lucky winner to be selected April 30.

Maybe lightning will strike...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:22 am
by themanintheseersuckersuit
Wow, this guy makes us proud of Bob J.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:31 am
by peacock2121
MarleysGh0st wrote:
peacock2121 wrote:
ulysses5019 wrote:
crap - even I have a grumble.

My work here is done. :lol:
I am not easy. You need to keep working.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:33 am
by starfish1113
peacock2121 wrote:
I am not easy. You need to keep working.
Travis is gonna have a field day with this one....

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:17 am
by peacock2121
starfish1113 wrote:
peacock2121 wrote:
I am not easy. You need to keep working.
Travis is gonna have a field day with this one....
He is too easy.

I don't have to work at all.

Re: Transcript 4/16/2008 Derrick Revolinski

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:42 pm
by tanstaafl2
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Derrick Revolinski
Lomita, CA

Winner of Sprint and Capcon's contest to win a trip to NYC time in the hot seat. Meredith asked if he is feeling good about because he didn't even have to apply or anything, he just
kind of got it. Derrick says he doesn't even know why he's here.
Yeah, that is really going to get me to pull for him. To llama on the first question.

Which of these directions does a massage therapist often give a person just before
the massage begins?

A: Take your clothes off
B: Comb your hair
C: Brush your teeth
D: Shave your back, wolfman!

Often reported on weather forecasts, the UV index tells people when they need to protect
themselves from what?

A: Smog
B: Rain
C: Wind
D: Sun

Sipping water through a straw is a very basic example of what scientific principle at work?

A: Fusion
B: Electromagnetism
C: Suction
D: Static electricity

Chronicling the lives of doctors and the people who date them, the cable soap
"Night Shift" is a spinoff of what daytime drama?

A: One Life to Live
B: All My Children
C: Days of our Lives
D: General Hospital

Meredith repeats "the lives of doctors & the people who date them" as she reads the question.

Derrick says he should have used his mother as a lifeline. Meredith tells him
to look at the question.
Apparently Mare doesn't share my opinion. Let him miss it PUHLEEZE!

Alas, no such luck. But one last chance...
"K Street" is a term that refers to the powerful lobbying industry in what
U. S. city?

A: Washington, D.C.
B: Boston
C: Atlanta
D: Chicago

Meredith repeats "powerful lobbying industry" as he thinks about the answer.
Derrick says he has no idea. Meredith tells him "again, take a second".
He still has no idea.


A: 98%
B: 1%
C: 0%
D: 1%

He said he knew he and one other person in the room wouldn't know.

Commercial break
So close. Unfortunately now he gets rewarded for this crap. And we get more torture. And I am only reading the transcript. Only positive is that I quit watching the show years ago. Can't imagine why now...
Meredith asks Derrick if he's a little more comfortable. Derrick says he feels like he's in the Twilight Zone.
If only he were. Or any zone but here.
Which of the following musical instruments features a fretboard.

A: Xylophone
B: Guitar
C: Flute
D: Harmonica

He knows it's not a harmonica or flute.

50/50 leaves
A: Xylophone
B: Guitar

He decides to go ahead and just answer and say A - xylophone. There is an obvious
gasp from the audience. Meredith asks "Final?" and the audience laughs, but he says
yes, final and goes home with $1000.
One question too late, our long national nightmare is over. Cue the shark.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
by ghostjmf
$500: Meredith is already leading the witness, as it were.

2K: Even though contestant is dumber than a rock, he should have known to pay attention to gasps from the audience, signalling someone couldn't keep quiet their amazement at a wrong choice. TPTB should have thrown the question out at that gasp. But didn't. Perhaps thinking that even Mr. Rock couldn't miss such a clue, & that his going on to win some more money would make TPTB look good here.

You now see what happens when someone who not only isn't trivia-smart enough to play plays, you see what happens when someone who doesn't even want to play plays. Come on. I can watch "Jaywalking" any time I want to.