ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

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ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#1 Post by littlebeast13 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:34 am

#426. "Facebook Is Evil!"

Debuted: 9/30/12


One of my oft repeated phrases on the Bored is "Facebook is evil" in response to just about anything to do with the site. BiT posted a question about not understanding Facebook's econimic model or how it makes money, and this time when I uttered my trademark phrase, I included this avatar of ES smashing Hooly's smartphone with her baseball bat while DK (representing evil) looks on and laughs as her nemesis can only look on in shock. I have never met a smartphone I haven't wanted to knock out of someone's hands and just smash to bits, so this avatar rings quite true to not just ES, but to me as well.

Characters: ES, Hooly, DK

Reference thread: ... 12#p442712

#427. "She's Back!"

Debuted: 10/3/12


Jessie, aka vamomof3, re-registered with the Bored after a 2 and a half year layoff. While she has yet to post again, she did briefly drop into chat the night before I drew this avatar, and I was happy enough at the prospect she may be back that I drew up this avatar of her old cougar character clawing her way back onto the Bored with "I'm Back" scratched into the background. This avatar confused everyone but Sliver who was in chat with me the night she came back, and it didn't help that she didn't post on the Bored for a week afterwards. But she did finally post, and take this as her own avatar.

Characters: Jessie

Reference thread: None

#428. "A Mangy Award"

Debuted: 10/5/12


An avatar so complex, that it not only has a Found It thread, but two seperate inspiration threads, one of which itself was an offshoot of a fourth thread! To summarize: 1) Beebs reviewed some crappy books. 2) The infamous terrible book "50 Shades of Grey" came up in chat. 3) Beebs asked the Bored if she should do a review on that book (which we had renamed "50 Shades of Grey Squirrel"). 4) I found the old ad for a lamp made from a real squirrel while trolling Wordpress blogs and posted it for Sprots benefit. All of that led to this drawing of Sprots reading "50 Shades of Grey Squirrel" while flipping on her squirrel lamp that's just a plugged in ES with a lampshade on his head. Gotta appreciate the road to this one's creation!

Characters: ES, MBRS, Sprots

Reference thread: ... 97#p443397 (Major Award thread) (50 Shades of Grey thread)

#429. "Execution At 11:11"

Debuted: 10/7/12


Frank asked for suggestions on a setting for a play he was in the process of writing that is based around the death penalty, and that prompted me to suggest Colorado and draw this avatar of Sprots (who had done a rash of complaining about my avatars lately, go figure) getting ready to flip the switch on ES in the electric chair. Added for your viewing pleasure are a weepy Angel, a greedy MBRS, and Buster the priest giving the doomed rodent his last rites. DK was quite taken with this one, and of course christie loved the clock. Sprots STILL didn't like it...

Characters: ES, MBRS, Angel, Sprots, Buster

Reference thread: ... 19#p443519

#430. "I'm Buster Possum, And I Approve This Avatar"

Debuted: 10/12/12


After several asinine posts by Bob Juch dredging up every desirable person he could find who gave some kind of endorsement for Mitt Romney, I showed that opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. I proclaimed that Skanki Skankova endorses Buster Possum for President, and put it up with this avatar of Skanki at the podium for a very presidential looking Buster. Beware of that rodent hiding in the grassy knoll, though. This avatar got interrupted by my three day avatar blackout following the improbable ending to the Cards/Nats NLDS the same night.

Characters: ES, Buster, Skanki

Reference thread:

#431. "Bully For You!"

Debuted: 10/19/12


One of our infamous Bored kerfuffles had been raging regarding whether Bob Juch was being "bullied" by many of us BB's, with mini taking on all comers. Saucy posted that she had her popcorn ready to watch the action, but I had Buster the Bully come and take it away from her in this avatar.

Characters: Buster, Saucy

Reference thread: ... 40#p445040

#432. "Mud Wrestling"

Debuted: 10/21/12


Christie posted that her workgroup was being sent to New Jersey for some team-building exercise that somehow involved bringing along a swimsuit. Of all of the many possibilities, AD suggested it might involve Jello wrestling. I changed that to mud wrestling, and featured Christie going head to head against the same bitchy poodle she closed a laptop on last year. Buster, always on call when the ladies need him, is standing by to ensure a fair fight.

Characters: Buster, Christie

Reference thread: ... 57#p445257

#433. "Rainbow Unibrow"

Debuted: 10/24/12


The British Lapdancing Assn. posted a story about a New York Supreme Court ruling over whether lapdancing should get a tax break like other artistic endeavors do. The court ruled against such a tax break, referring to lap dancing as "lowbrow dance" as opposed to "highbrow dance" such as ballet. "So we're lowbrown now?" the BLDA asked. Saucy responded that it could be worse, as in unibrow. Enter a sad looking Rainbow Donkey, gazing in the mirror at his rainbow colored unibrow. He is so damn pathetically cute.

Characters: Rainbow Donkey

Reference thread: ... 85#p445585

#434. "Hurricane Sandy"

Debuted: 10/26/12


Ranked 2nd in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Even before I had seen mini's post about the impending arrival of Hurricane Sandy along the upper half of the East coast, I was contemplating drawing an avatar for the event with my rarely seen Sandy character. The added details of the predicted collision with an early season winter storm and a pre-Halloween arrival helped shape up the eventual final design. Sandy looks quite happy at the havoc she is wreaking, and she should be quite pleased with the way her surroundings came out in this one. The look of the raging water especially is one of my greatest non-Photoshop tricks I have yet pulled off.

Characters: Sandy

Reference thread:

#435. "She Bop"

Debuted: 11/2/12


After his show appearance aired, shoefresh was asked what the "Shoe" in his handle represented. He admitted that it was a nickname given to him by his sister based on mishearing lyrics in a song about female masturbation! Since "She Bop" is the most famous song about this topic, and what I'd assume was probably the nickname's inspiration, I drew an avatar of MBRS as Cyndi Lauper dancing to the video for the song's final scene. MBRS would probably know whether the "you'll go blind" myth really is true or not...

Characters: MBRS

Reference thread: ... 10#p446310

#436. "Welcome to SuperMecca!"

Debuted: 11/5/12


Ranked 18th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

ghost complained that her favorite supermarket, Johnny Foodmasters, was being bought out by Whole Foods, and all locations converted over or shut down. Worried about where she will get her unique food items now, I offered up a friendly suggestion in the form of this avatar, featuring a cheerful ES greeting ghost as she walks into her least favorite store, Mecca, and handing her a smiley face sticker. It doesn't seem to be cheering her up.

Characters: ES, ghost

Reference thread: ... 72#p446472

#437. "The Mellow Loser"

Debuted: 11/7/12


Since Buster decided to run for President in a previous avatar, I cast my all important vote for him, yet he still lost the election and got no electoral votes. However, Colorado and Washington both approved referendums to legalize marijuana, which tickled Fanny's fancy, and I interjected this avatar into her thread showing why Buster and his biggest supporter Skanki were taking the crushing defeat so well. The electoral vote on the background map does not account for Florida, which was not decided until two days after Election Day, and made the final tally Obama 332, Romney 206, Buster 0.

Characters: Buster, Skanki

Reference thread: ... 97#p446797

#438. "Frosted Mange"

Debuted: 11/11/12


Cal posted that he had just put in an offer to buy a bakery in Casper, WY, where he hoped to move to and run the bakery along with his wife. In wishing him good luck, I also put up this avatar of my characters causing chaos there. Buster hasn't wound up on the bad end of anything since Holly raked him...

Characters: ES, MBRS, Angel, Buster, Calvinator

Reference thread: ... 01#p447301

#439. "Poker Princess"

Debuted: 11/13/12


Mini mentioned participating in a Texas Hold Em tournament to raise money for her son's baseball league. She was wondering if she should really give it a shot, and I encouraged her to with this avatar of what might happen if she brought Erin along with her.

Characters: Mini, Erin

Reference thread: ... 31#p447431

#440. "Bootsy Squirrel"

Debuted: 11/16/12


hss501 appeared in the Hot Seat and did quite well despite using two lifelines on the very first question, one concerning the style of music Bootsy Collins was noted for. I brought the funk legend to life with this ES avatar, figuring maybe someone needed to draw him a diagram. Go on with your bad self, ES!

Characters: ES

Reference thread: ... 97#p447697

#441. "Lost In Space"

Debuted: 11/19/12


The Bored was extra quiet for a Monday morning, which may have had something to do with it being Thanksgiving week. I took the downtime to draw this avatar of ES in a place just as alone and quiet, or so he thinks. Buster reprises his role as space alien, although, as Sliver noted, this time he's as big as Uranus. And it looks like he smells squorrel blood. Though it had nothing to do with my drawing the avatar, Sprots noted that this avatar debuted on the 43rd anniversary of the lunar landing of Apollo 12.

Characters: ES, Buster

Reference thread:

#442. "No, Ick, Repeat"

Debuted: 11/23/12


Jeemie posted his puzzlement over why people would want to watch such amateur trash online programming like "The Shaytards". mrkelley provided the best response about how this really isn't any kind of new phenomenon, and how it predated the internet with such things as scandal sheets and porno, and how there were a lot of people who "didn't get that" either. Well, that brought to mind Sprots' continued bashing of my wonderful sciurine avatars, so I drew her at the computer, menacingly sickened as she typed "No! Ick!" repeatedly, probably to more of ES's wonderful artwork. Of course, Sprots didn't like this one either, despite it being a rare solo appearance for her without the rodent.

Characters: Sprots

Reference thread: ... 68#p448168

#443. "Playing With Uranium"

Debuted: 11/26/12


BiT posted about an old toy from the 50's called the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab, which contained actual uranium ore! The radioactive possibilities of this intrigued ES, so I drew a picture of him playing with this toy while Sully and Buster observed, and took it to Photoshop and had all kinds of fun with it. The green glowing aura of the uranium and the newly formed fluorescence of the bystanders' noses. Sully's red nose was inspired by my desire to do a Rudolph themed avatar, which is hard given that I shut down the avatar factory during the last 3 weeks of the year for the countdown.

Characters: ES, Buster, Sulphur

Reference thread: ... 97#p448297

#444. "Clem's Proposal"

Debuted: 11/29/12


Ranked 10th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

Clem announced to the surprise of many and the dismay of his groupies, that he had just proposed to girl, a girl who very fittingly is from the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh. There was no way I could pass up the opportunity to create an avatar for this occasion, and this one depicts clem in the act while his longtime underage groupies look on in sadness and disgust. Clem himself was a huge fan of this avatar!

Characters: Clem, Clem's Groupies, The Girl From Squirrel Hill

Reference thread: ... 34#p448534

#445. "Eternal Flames"

Debuted: 12/3/12


This avatar was drawn for Kiki's birthday, and as you will see later in the reference thread, she did indeed "love" it. ES made her a cake with a very large number of candles, and the smoke alarm goes off as a perturbed Kiki looks on in disapproval at yet another of ES's ways of being "mean" to her.

Characters: ES, Kiki

Reference thread:

#446. "Can I See Some ID?"

Debuted: 12/4/12


The Promos Department of the Bored called on the Bud Light Voiceover Guy to promote my upcoming avatar countdown. This time, the Real BB of Genius was Mr. Change Your Avatar As Quickly As You Draw Them Internet Artist. I didn't see this until the evening time when I'm on my laptop, but I couldn't let that stop me from doing exactly what the promo celebrated, so I did my best to control the speedy mouse and managed to whip up this passable avatar of the squirrel pups Blaze and Sully toasting their uncle ES, while at the same time alluding to the old advertising conspiracy theory of trying to market adult products to minors. This was the first avatar, heck, the first piece of digital art period that I ever drew with the fast mouse I first described in an avatar last November.

Characters: Blaze, Sulphur

Reference thread: ... 89#p448889

#447. "Save Our Bored!!!"

Debuted: 12/5/12


Ranked 15th in the 2012 ES Avatar Countdown

The server issues and quick depopulation of the Bored due to them had just become enough, and I wanted to draw up some awareness to the fate of this Bored without those issued being fixed. So I started the SAVE OUR BORED thread, and included this avatar with a concerned ES, Angel, and Buster huddled around a Ghostbusters style "Down with 500 Errors" sign. It did draw the attention of the man upstairs, and hopefully this avatar, even if it doesn't win will at least have played a small part in restoring goodness and light to our beloved Bored.

Characters: ES, Angel, Buster

Reference thread:

#448. "Consolidating Ketchup"

Debuted: 12/7/12


This was the final avatar for the year, a throwaway to end the season on so I could put together the list. Inspired by Fanny reminiscing to her server days and explaining the fine art form of consolidating ketchup bottles in restaurants in chat a few nights previous, it was my final line in the countdown preparation post that said "the anticipation builds" that got me to add doodle this up at the last minute...

Characters: Fanny

Reference thread: ... 60#p449060

#449. "The Sandy Awards"

Debuted: 1/1/13


I posted my first annual "awards" for the best searches that led to my Evil Squirrel's Nest blog in 2012 on my blog, and linked to it from this teaser thread I had posted back in March. This avatar of award presentators Buster and Skanki accomanied it, and it features Buster doing him best Jack Palance imitation with some pushups before accepting his award for Best Overacting By A Marsupial.

Characters: Buster, Skanki

Reference thread: ... 17#p450217

#450. "Thanks For The Mammaries"

Debuted: 1/7/13


After several years of server problems that only got increasingly worse, and the headaches they were causing him, Dave decided to hand off the reigns of the Bored to someone else and shut down the Raspberry Bored that had been our home for 5 years. There ia a new home in the works, but it hasn't been finalized yet. Still, this avatar played off the famous line "thanks for the memories", with Angel once again being violated by one of her preverted cohorts, this time by Buster looking to grab two hands full of teats. Luckily, this doom and gloom turned out to be for naught, as Dave found ways to make the databases work better and not bog down the server.

Characters: Angel, Buster

Reference thread:

Avatars 451-475 >>>

<<< Avatars 401-425
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#2 Post by Jessie » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:46 pm

#427. "She's Back?"

Debuted: 10/3/12


Jessie, aka vamomof3, re-registered with the Bored after a 2 and a half year layoff. While she has yet to post again, she did briefly drop into chat the night before I drew this avatar, and I was happy enough at the prospect she may be back that I drew up this avatar of her old cougar character clawing her way back onto the Bored with "I'm Back" scratched into the background. This avatar confused everyone but Sliver who was in chat with me the night she came back, and it didn't help that she (so far) hasn't reappeared on the Bored. This is also why I have added the question mark to this avatar's title.

Characters: Jessie

Reference thread: None

Thanks, I absolutely love the avatar. It's great to be back!
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#3 Post by littlebeast13 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:31 am

Jessie wrote:#427. "She's Back?"

Debuted: 10/3/12


Jessie, aka vamomof3, re-registered with the Bored after a 2 and a half year layoff. While she has yet to post again, she did briefly drop into chat the night before I drew this avatar, and I was happy enough at the prospect she may be back that I drew up this avatar of her old cougar character clawing her way back onto the Bored with "I'm Back" scratched into the background. This avatar confused everyone but Sliver who was in chat with me the night she came back, and it didn't help that she (so far) hasn't reappeared on the Bored. This is also why I have added the question mark to this avatar's title.

Characters: Jessie

Reference thread: None

Thanks, I absolutely love the avatar. It's great to be back!


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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#4 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:47 am

Here you go, Sprots, and anyone else who cares (crickets), the archive has been updated.....

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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#5 Post by minimetoo26 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:52 am

littlebeast13 wrote:Here you go, Sprots, and anyone else who cares (crickets), the archive has been updated.....

I'm totally registering *crickets* as soon as the bored is fixed... :P
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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#6 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:58 am

minimetoo26 wrote:
littlebeast13 wrote:Here you go, Sprots, and anyone else who cares (crickets), the archive has been updated.....

I'm totally registering *crickets* as soon as the bored is fixed... :P

Can we have Jiminy Crickets instead?

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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#7 Post by elwoodblues » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:12 pm

ES's expression in Save Our Bored is priceless.

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Re: ES Avatar Anthology: 426-450

#8 Post by littlebeast13 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:22 pm

elwoodblues wrote:ES's expression in Save Our Bored is priceless.

No doubt that is why Sprots gave it her thumbs up, and officially condemned it by saying it would win....

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