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Wedding Blog - Big Day minus 185

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by gsabc
We are tired of travelling to check out wedding vendors. Actually, we're just tired. The winter has not been kind to us, our sleeping habits and our health. The fact that BD works with a bunch of germy little kids doesn't help, nor do the uncertainties surrounding FSIL's future, BD's future, all our financial futures, etc. There are numerous other worries, not all of which have appeared or will appear in these blog entries. The result is that we're ready just to pick a vendor for whatever product or service we still need and sign the contract.

Despite this feeling, the vetting continues. We're checking out the solo DJ that was offered from the agency with the man/woman bosses. Cheaper than the duo themselves, but we need to see how this other guy appears, and what we might lose by going with a one-man show. I've also got a message in to another local agency to compare prices and relative entertainment value. Not sure we can handle more "auditions", though I'm fairly certain that's typical of what you get in the face-to-face meetings. GW and BD travel to two florists this Saturday, or is it a florist and a bakery? I've lost track. I get to stay home and do all the household stuff that wouldn't otherwise get done. That's the opportunity cost of having to do all the vetting, which doesn't help the mood. Too much to do, too little time, and no time to relax.

The places we've already chosen have been slow to supply contracts. GW and I are of a similar mind on this. Get it signed and in hand NOW, so that we can be sure of things on The Day, or at least as sure as you can be. It seems like it's not as important to the vendors as it is to us, and that includes the venue itself. Took them over two weeks to send us the contract, and then only after a few reminders. I don't know if that's a real problem, or just the normal way of doing this sort of business. Maybe there's more of a "handshake" or verbal agreement aspect to the situation than we realize. Not how I'd manage it, but what do I know?