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Just another week on the bored

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:42 am
by ne1410s
We've "discussed" abortion, politics, and religion. No one's mind was changed, feelings were hurt, and things were learned. Ah, family.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:47 am
by mrkelley23
All part of the learning curve.

I don't see "changing one's mind" as a binomial distribution. There's a spectrum, and I'll admit that my position has sometimes been influenced by what I read here, for good or ill.

The discussions certainly help form my opinions of the speakers.

The curious/ironic thing is that I feel much freer to discuss taboo topics here than I do with my real "family." At least the one I grew up with. to use the term loosely.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:03 am
by ne1410s
The discussions certainly help form my opinions of the speakers.
This is where I have problems. No one can hear the tone of voice, the inflection, the emphasis. You can't see the rolling of eyes, the smiles, the raised eyebrows. We, here, live and die by the black and white of our posts.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:16 pm
by PlacentiaSoccerMom
I don't talk about politics with my friends. I don't believe what they believe and it's easier not to talk about it.

Maddie got a bunch of shit at school for wearing her Hillary shirt on Tuesday, but she enjoyed wearing it because people approached her and she was able to debate politics.

She thinks that the fact that teenagers want to talk about politics and this country is good, even if they call Hillary the Anti-Christ. It was interesting to her that her Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney supporting friends were politer to her than the Obama supporters.