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I wish I could say yes

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:55 am
by christie1111
But it just would be too complicated.

My Dad offered to pay my way out to SwampyTurtles swearing in ceremony. He is going.

The problem is that it will be next Wed. There is just too much going on. I only have 3 weeks of vacation and this would basically take one of those weeks. A full 5-7 days of vacation is already planned for the family reunion that all of the Hawai'i relatives are coming to. And a couple days for the quilt festival I always go to. So that would be the end of the vacation for the year. And with kids, you just never know.

Mom thinks she will still be on Molokai. Would I even get to see her. Or maybe I could help get her house sorted out. That would really help my sister.

Boy this is a hard one.

I know Swampyturtles does not expect me to come.

What a dilemna.

Yeah, you guys are prolly just say 'Go for it' but it isn't that easy.

Re: I wish I could say yes

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:02 am
by MarleysGh0st
christie1111 wrote: Yeah, you guys are prolly just say 'Go for it' but it isn't that easy.
Well, Hawaii isn't an easy day trip, even if your dad would pick up the bill.

Tell SwampyTurtles you'll come when she makes Chief! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:06 am
by PlacentiaSoccerMom
I personally think that you should go. Not only would you see your sister, but you would see your mom as well.

Maybe you can skip the quilt festival this year and save the days in case you need them. Or you can only take 5 days when the relatives comes out, rather than 7.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:34 am
by mrkelley23
I'm probably in the minority, but I say stay home.

Just be sure that your bosses know (without you being too obvious about it) how much you're agonizing over this decision. You are fairly new in this job, as I recall, right? Impress TPTB with your dedication.

You'll see your family later this year, and you are oh so correct about saving vacation days for possible kid emergencies.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:14 am
by ulysses5019
Ok, ok.....twist my arm...I can go and represent you.....Outrigger Canoe Club, here I come....

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:48 am
by christie1111
Well, I just talked to SwampyTurtles. She thinks it is nice we are thinking about it, but the ceremony is only about 5 minutes since she is the only one getting promoted at this time. I think Dad is going anyway.

But she will let me know when the party is!

Yeah, but I don't think Dad will pay for me to go then!

Oh well, it was a fun distraction thinking about it.

Oh, he also asked my brother, who I REALLY think should go. Maybe I will try to help influence that.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:54 am
by earendel
christie1111 wrote:Well, I just talked to SwampyTurtles. She thinks it is nice we are thinking about it, but the ceremony is only about 5 minutes since she is the only one getting promoted at this time. I think Dad is going anyway.

But she will let me know when the party is!

Yeah, but I don't think Dad will pay for me to go then!

Oh well, it was a fun distraction thinking about it.

Oh, he also asked my brother, who I REALLY think should go. Maybe I will try to help influence that.
Maybe they could arrange some sort of Web broadcast of the ceremony so you could watch it from here.