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Wedding blog - Big Day minus 211

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:51 pm
by gsabc
BTW, I was not involved in the dress choice, in case you hadn't already figured that out. This ain't like that bit in "What Women Want", where Mel Gibson helps to pick out his daughter's prom dress. I may be paying for it, but the C in front of FotB (see Day 212 entry) is very apropos here. I left it to the experts.

My role in all of this so far has been, and I suspect will continue to be, the one I've served throughout BD's high school and college life, that of technical service. BD and GW communicated in some fashion, usually by cellphone, almost every day while BD was in college. All news, gossip, chitchat and discussions about BD's life that I learned passed through GW. Whenever I saw BD show up on my caller ID, though, I knew what was coming. "Dad, my computer's acting funny." "Dad, one of my tires looks low." "Dad, they want me to sign the lease right away, what should I do?" Those few times I got a newsy call, it was because GW didn't pick up her phone, or because GW told her to call me herself to give me the news. Dad's instrument in the family orchestra is second fiddle, with the additional job of stage manager.

I was assigned the task of checking the bridal shops online and looking for good or bad comments about them. There were at least ten within a half-hour driving distance, and a few beyond that which had been recommended. Okay, this I can do.

One which had seemed nice at a recent visit turned up some of the worst comments. Mom-and-Pop style place, nice enough introduction, tour and so on from the proprietors. Most of the online comments, though, were about poor customer service, terrible communication, rude personnel (comments about "fat" brides and bridesmaids from the seamstress TO THE WOMEN while she was fitting the gowns and dresses) ... GW later told me that while the proprietor seemed nice, she saw one of the seamstresses working on a gown and dragging it across the floor as she took it from one area to another. One place crossed off the list.

Most of the other places had much nicer comments overall. We (I mean they) picked one over the state line in New Hampshire. One quirk of Massachusetts sales tax laws is that clothing is exempt, unless your choice costs over $175. Any amount after that is subject to 5% tax. Not real conducive to selling suits or gowns. And why $175? That was probably a very expensive article of clothing when the laws were enacted, and I'd guess the amount has never been changed. Even the cheap suit stores will cost you more than that now. Wedding gowns? Fuggedaboudit. The place in NH came recommended by friends, and isn't significantly farther to travel than most of the others.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:21 pm
by ne1410s
My role in all of this so far has been, and I suspect will continue to be, the one I've served throughout BD's high school and college life, that of technical service.
Duties of the FOTB:

Show up
Shut up
Pay up

:lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:09 am
by peacock2121
I bet the bridal shops that really have great customer service have seen an increase in business since the increase in the use of the internet. I bet brides (okay CF's) will pay more for the same gown if they trust they will be treated like the bride that they are.