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I Miss Ryan Seacrest Already

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:36 pm
by fantine33
Hell, I even miss Todd Newton!

Whatever idiot host they have working the red carpet at the Critic's Choice Awards introduced "Emily Deschanel, who we all know and love on Bones". I was in the kitchen at the time and thought 'wow, Emily Deschanel really has a French accent like that? You'd never know it from her work!'

Then I see the tv and he's talking to Marion Cotillard! She was polite and didn't correct him, even when he asked "So, what is it about Edith Pilaf that (I, understandably, missed the rest of it)?"

And, yes, I wish I were kidding about that last part. But I'm not. She's the San Francisco treat!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:42 pm
by jarnon
Thank goodness Regis will be doing the Oscars red carpet show. If there is an Oscars show.