The elf sends greetings to Earendel and Ulysses

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The elf sends greetings to Earendel and Ulysses

#1 Post by KandyKAYne » Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:41 am

I thought I'd best explain to you two why I was so miffed on the first night that I brought Kay elfgifts. Yes, your combined comments in the thread were a bit on the distasteful side, but they wouldn't have bothered me in any other context. My objection was that Kay hadn't even met her elf yet, and she already had to slog through the Swamp of Snark. It just didn't seem fair to me, for her sake.

At the same time, I do realize that I originally had set up KandyKAYne as if she were the Heather of the North Pole. (If you don't recognize the name, that's a Rock of Love reference.) So, by creating an image of a voluptuous elf in red-and-white striped stockings, I undoubtedly provided a small nudge in the wrong direction. That was a mistake I shouldn't have made, and I shouldn't have been so snippy when Isaac Newton proved yet again that every nudge creates a shove. I'm sorry. Unless I had written to you both via PM, which didn't occur to me at the time, I couldn't say much more without giving up my secret elfin identity.

So, that's what it was, and that's all it was.

Ear, your gift of time to your friend was a wonderful gesture, and I think you are generous and gracious for doing that. Uly, I'm pretty sure that Kay would hire you as her private pilot in a flash, assuming you actually could give her some genuine assurances that you probably could fly the plane with, simultaneously, the equal likelihood of her ever buying a personal jet. You surpassed all the aesthetics-in-uniform requirements long ago. :D

I wish you both a very Merry Christmas.

a.k.a. KandyKAYne
North Pole Bridge Club
Elf Emeritus
I'm an elf, damn it. Trust me, and don't forget to tip your server.

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