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Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:48 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Joey Gutmann (clem21)
New York, NY

Joey is a 20-year-old college student who's known for his smile and orange sneakers and now for taking a big chance at Millionaire.

Joey is a junior at Queens College and would like to go to law school. He told his parents, "You guys pay for college and I'll pay for law school." He'd like to do that.

Question Topics:
* The Breeders
* Place of Honor
* Wish Me Luck
* Meet and Greet
* Tangled Web
* Who Am I?
* (Pricey Paint Jobs)
* (Dance Fever)
* (Sliders)
* (No Sweat)
* (Field of Dreams)
* (Foreign Titles)
* (Logo-a-Go-Go)
* (Red Alert)
* (Animal Sidekicks)

Joey still has his Phone A Friend.

$25,000 * Who Am I?
Who is Jimmy Wales?

A: Founder of Wikipedia B: Christian televangelist
C: Godfather of reggae D: Founder of Starbucks

With 22 seconds left, Joey decides to Phone A Friend.

Joey's PAF team (who receive no introduction from Meredith) are Judy, Norman, OK; Aviv, Bronx, NY; and Michael, New York, NY. Joey calls Aviv, who is wearing comically large glasses in his photograph.

Meredith: You know, I'm looking at the picture that you gave Joey, to put on national television, and I'm just wondering about you.

Aviv: I'm crazy.

Joey reads the question and answers.

Aviv: I bet you'd like to know the answer to this.

Joey: You should.

Aviv: I'll sell it to you for a sandwich.

Joey: I'm sorry?

Aviv: I'll sell it to you for a sandwich.

Joey: Give me the answer!

Aviv: And a bottle of coke.

Joey: My friend, you have eight seconds.

Aviv: Founder of Wikipedia.

Joey: You are THE MAN!

Aviv: All right. Good luck!

Joey: He was pretty mean to me.

Meredith: Yeah!

Joey: But I'm still going to trust him, because he's a good guy. A good guy at heart. A: Founder of Wikipedia, final answer.

Meredith: Noooooo.

Audience: Awwwww!

Meredith: He wasn't mean to you, he's been good to you!

A: Founder of Wikipedia ( 12 )
-- Commercial Break --

Joey's mom, Shuli, has been going wild for him in the audience.

Shuli: Oh, yeah! We are so proud of Joey and all our other kids, too: Michael, Hanna, Moshe, Erika, Jen and baby Kayla, we are so proud of all of them. And everything they do just makes us smile and cheer.

Meredith: But--but Joey's your favorite, huh?

Shuli: We don't play favorites.

Joey: You better be now!

$50,000 * Tangled Web
As a security measure at some Web sites, users are asked to read and retype groups of distorted letters and numbers called what?


Joey: I can never type'em! And I don't know the answer, either, but I have had such a great time--

Meredith: Remember, it's a free guess.

Joey: It's a--oh! Right! I should guess then! Wow, umm--

Meredith: Think about it for a minute, you have some time there.

Joey reviews the choices: Weird names. Let's go B: BLANKIT, final answer.

Joey leaves with $25,000.

D: CAPTCHA ( 11 )

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:01 pm
by MarleysGh0st
Congratulations, Joey!

I'd forgotten since the taping how much your PAF needs to be punished, simply on the principle of "If you can't be a good example, you'll have to be a terrible warning!" :twisted:

So why didn't you decide to call a certain other PAF from Oklahoma, who most certainly would not have held your answer hostage for a sandwich and coke?

I didn't know the answer to the $25K question (I think the founder of Wikipedia is relatively obscure, as far as internet celebrities go) but I did know the CAPTCHA answer and I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on my feeble efforts at ESP.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:07 pm
by Snaxx

So why didn't you decide to call a certain other PAF from Oklahoma, who most certainly would not have held your answer hostage for a sandwich and coke?

I'm guessing Aviv was the designated Googler and this was a pretty clear google question.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:54 pm
by slam
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Joey Gutmann (clem21)
New York, NY

With 22 seconds left, Joey decides to Phone A Friend.

Joey's PAF team (who receive no introduction from Meredith) are Judy, Norman, OK; Aviv, Bronx, NY; and Michael, New York, NY. Joey calls Aviv, who is wearing comically large glasses in his photograph.

Congratulations, Joey!

By the way, I have it on excellent authority that the third PAF's name is not "Michael", though they did misspell his actual name.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:17 pm
by frogman042
MarleysGh0st wrote:Congratulations, Joey!

I'd forgotten since the taping how much your PAF needs to be punished, simply on the principle of "If you can't be a good example, you'll have to be a terrible warning!" :twisted:

So why didn't you decide to call a certain other PAF from Oklahoma, who most certainly would not have held your answer hostage for a sandwich and coke?

I didn't know the answer to the $25K question (I think the founder of Wikipedia is relatively obscure, as far as internet celebrities go) but I did know the CAPTCHA answer and I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on my feeble efforts at ESP.
I must admit I was in a panic watching you on the 25K question as the PAF clock was ticking away into the single digits - to the point of wanting to beat him senseless with the telephone receiver. No offense, Clem, but he was a real dick. If the call dropped or if you got too flustered to hear his answer or ended up talking over him and time expired - there was 24K on the line and poof. I don't think I would have been that upset over it if he did a quick - you owe me a sandwich and gave the answer, but he went on and on and on - horrible and not funny. I do have a question, did he know it all that time he was jerking you around or was he googling while he was being a clown and only answered as soon as found the right answer? If the latter, I can cut him a little slack, but if the former I would only offer to buy him a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

BTW, are you the oldest of 7, and how old is baby Kayla (sp?)?


Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:20 pm
by clem21
frogman042 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:Congratulations, Joey!

I'd forgotten since the taping how much your PAF needs to be punished, simply on the principle of "If you can't be a good example, you'll have to be a terrible warning!" :twisted:

So why didn't you decide to call a certain other PAF from Oklahoma, who most certainly would not have held your answer hostage for a sandwich and coke?

I didn't know the answer to the $25K question (I think the founder of Wikipedia is relatively obscure, as far as internet celebrities go) but I did know the CAPTCHA answer and I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on my feeble efforts at ESP.
I must admit I was in a panic watching you on the 25K question as the PAF clock was ticking away into the single digits - to the point of wanting to beat him senseless with the telephone receiver. No offense, Clem, but he was a real dick. If the call dropped or if you got too flustered to hear his answer or ended up talking over him and time expired - there was 24K on the line and poof. I don't think I would have been that upset over it if he did a quick - you owe me a sandwich and gave the answer, but he went on and on and on - horrible and not funny. I do have a question, did he know it all that time he was jerking you around or was he googling while he was being a clown and only answered as soon as found the right answer? If the latter, I can cut him a little slack, but if the former I would only offer to buy him a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

BTW, are you the oldest of 7, and how old is baby Kayla (sp?)?

He was okay. I thought it was funny and he still answered with 10 seconds to go. Like I said, we'd practiced enough to have a really good sense of time. So, yeah, he was having some fun, and we were fine anyway.

I'm the 3rd of 4. The extras were my brother's and sister's respective spouses and Kayla is my sister's daughter who's about 9 months old.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:34 pm
by frogman042
clem21 wrote:
frogman042 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:Congratulations, Joey!

I'd forgotten since the taping how much your PAF needs to be punished, simply on the principle of "If you can't be a good example, you'll have to be a terrible warning!" :twisted:

So why didn't you decide to call a certain other PAF from Oklahoma, who most certainly would not have held your answer hostage for a sandwich and coke?

I didn't know the answer to the $25K question (I think the founder of Wikipedia is relatively obscure, as far as internet celebrities go) but I did know the CAPTCHA answer and I'm sorry you couldn't pick up on my feeble efforts at ESP.
I must admit I was in a panic watching you on the 25K question as the PAF clock was ticking away into the single digits - to the point of wanting to beat him senseless with the telephone receiver. No offense, Clem, but he was a real dick. If the call dropped or if you got too flustered to hear his answer or ended up talking over him and time expired - there was 24K on the line and poof. I don't think I would have been that upset over it if he did a quick - you owe me a sandwich and gave the answer, but he went on and on and on - horrible and not funny. I do have a question, did he know it all that time he was jerking you around or was he googling while he was being a clown and only answered as soon as found the right answer? If the latter, I can cut him a little slack, but if the former I would only offer to buy him a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

BTW, are you the oldest of 7, and how old is baby Kayla (sp?)?

He was okay. I thought it was funny and he still answered with 10 seconds to go. Like I said, we'd practiced enough to have a really good sense of time. So, yeah, he was having some fun, and we were fine anyway.

I'm the 3rd of 4. The extras were my brother's and sister's respective spouses and Kayla is my sister's daughter who's about 9 months old.
I'm glad you're cool with it and it all worked out - but I must say watching it was really upsetting to me (and I don't get easily annoyed)!

Thanks for the family breakdown, so I guess Kayla the first grandchild in the family. She must have been just a few months old when you taped, how wonderful - Mazel Tov to you, and your whole family.


Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:26 pm
by Bob78164
I knew the $50,000 question. (The PTO's Web site uses CAPTCHA.) But I never would have seen it, having Double Dipped on B and C at the $25,000 level.

Congratulations! --Bob

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:35 am
by NellyLunatic1980
I read Wikipedia everyday, so I immediately knew who Jimmy Wales is.

I have to solve a CAPTCHA every time I open a new MM account on this Bored and Hotmail, and the acronym itself is even used in the registration, so I immediately knew the acronym.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:14 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Joey Gutmann (clem21)
New York, NY

Joey is a 20-year-old college student who's known for his smile and orange sneakers and now for taking a big chance at Millionaire.

Joey is a junior at Queens College and would like to go to law school. He told his parents, "You guys pay for college and I'll pay for law school." He'd like to do that.
Clem! Clem! Clem!
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$25,000 * Who Am I?
Who is Jimmy Wales?

A: Founder of Wikipedia B: Christian televangelist
C: Godfather of reggae D: Founder of Starbucks

With 22 seconds left, Joey decides to Phone A Friend.

Joey's PAF team (who receive no introduction from Meredith) are Judy, Norman, OK; Aviv, Bronx, NY; and Michael, New York, NY. Joey calls Aviv, who is wearing comically large glasses in his photograph.

Meredith: You know, I'm looking at the picture that you gave Joey, to put on national television, and I'm just wondering about you.

Aviv: I'm crazy.

Joey reads the question and answers.

Aviv: I bet you'd like to know the answer to this.

Joey: You should.

Aviv: I'll sell it to you for a sandwich.

Joey: I'm sorry?

Aviv: I'll sell it to you for a sandwich.

Joey: Give me the answer!

Aviv: And a bottle of coke.

Joey: My friend, you have eight seconds.

Aviv: Founder of Wikipedia.

Joey: You are THE MAN!

Aviv: All right. Good luck!

Joey: He was pretty mean to me.

Meredith: Yeah!

Joey: But I'm still going to trust him, because he's a good guy. A good guy at heart. A: Founder of Wikipedia, final answer.

Meredith: Noooooo.

Audience: Awwwww!

Meredith: He wasn't mean to you, he's been good to you!
A: Founder of Wikipedia ( 12 )
I've provided my comments in the recap thread. Suffice it to say that at the time, though I was reasonably certain that the PAF call was under control, I wanted to take that sandwich and force-feed it to Aviv. As for me, I probably should have known this, but didn't, so I'd be PAFing also.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50,000 * Tangled Web
As a security measure at some Web sites, users are asked to read and retype groups of distorted letters and numbers called what?


Joey: I can never type'em! And I don't know the answer, either, but I have had such a great time--

Meredith: Remember, it's a free guess.

Joey: It's a--oh! Right! I should guess then! Wow, umm--

Meredith: Think about it for a minute, you have some time there.

Joey reviews the choices: Weird names. Let's go B: BLANKIT, final answer.

Joey leaves with $25,000.
D: CAPTCHA ( 11 )
You forgot it was a free guess? :) I was hoping you'd come up with the answer. I knew it, but had no idea what it stood for.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:25 am
by MarleysGh0st
frogman042 wrote:If the latter, I can cut him a little slack, but if the former I would only offer to buy him a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

I'd still vote for the sandwich AD suggested.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:48 am
by MarleysGh0st
Here's a behind-the-scenes studio audience report I forgot to mention before.

[Redacted on request.]

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 8:30 am
by ulysses5019
MarleysGh0st wrote:Here's a behind-the-scenes studio audience report I forgot to mention before.

[Redacted on request.]

Dang. I got up too late.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:37 am
by TheConfessor
MarleysGh0st wrote:Here's a behind-the-scenes studio audience report I forgot to mention before.

[Redacted on request.]
Huh? What happened here?

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:10 pm
by MarleysGh0st
TheConfessor wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:Here's a behind-the-scenes studio audience report I forgot to mention before.

[Redacted on request.]
Huh? What happened here?
You had to get up early to read it.

Move along. Move along.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:28 pm
by Weyoun
Wales went to Auburn. War Eagle!

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:11 pm
by kayrharris
Weyoun wrote:Wales went to Auburn. War Eagle!

Really? I didn't know that. Joey wore his orange and blue shoes. Very fitting. :)

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:33 pm
by o-man
First off, 'gratz!

NellyLunatic1980 wrote:I read Wikipedia everyday, so I immediately knew who Jimmy Wales is.

I have to solve a CAPTCHA every time I open a new MM account on this Bored and Hotmail, and the acronym itself is even used in the registration, so I immediately knew the acronym.
I must admit I got the Wales thing by having read Encyclopedia Dramatica more than I really should. And having had to create forums, I already knew too much about CAPTCHA.

As for law school, how far can $25,000 possibly go these days? Cazart! Best wishes!

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:09 pm
by elwoodblues
Great job, Clem. You played that stack about as well as it could have been played, especially given the bad break you got with their idea of an "expert."

I'm sure that everyone who wants to be on the show has fantasized about getting a dream stack and winning the million, but as difficult as they have made the show in recent years, $25K or $50K is about the most you can realistically hope for. You can probably count on one hand the people who have won more than $50K in the past two seasons (I'm sure someone will be along with the exact number).

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:24 pm
by doitneatly
elwoodblues wrote:You can probably count on one hand the people who have won more than $50K in the past two seasons (I'm sure someone will be along with the exact number).

I believe that figure, as of yesterday's show, is... 25

(as tabulated at )

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:33 pm
by elwoodblues
doitneatly wrote:
elwoodblues wrote:You can probably count on one hand the people who have won more than $50K in the past two seasons (I'm sure someone will be along with the exact number).

I believe that figure, as of yesterday's show, is... 25

(as tabulated at )
Oops. :oops: Thanks for the info. I don't watch it anymore unless a BB is on.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 2:11 pm
by etaoin22

I had been saving in my mind a version of the 50K question for FNGD.

Maybe that game should get going again.

I do not know whether the PTB would axe questions seen to have been used recently on Internet trivia sites, much less here. (It is my humble opinion that the question writing is tighter in the last couple of seasons than in the first couple of seasons, though not enough for it to make a difference to the contestants).

Except of course in the upper tier questions, to a full maybe. )

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:26 pm
by earendel
MarleysGh0st wrote:Here's a behind-the-scenes studio audience report I forgot to mention before.

[Redacted on request.]
So what's with all of Marley's [redacted] posts?

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:45 am
by MarleysGh0st
earendel wrote:So what's with all of Marley's [redacted] posts?
No big deal.

You can PM clem if you're really curious.

Re: Transcript 05/21/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21) (carryover)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:49 am
by ulysses5019
MarleysGh0st wrote:
earendel wrote:So what's with all of Marley's [redacted] posts?
No big deal.

You can PM clem if you're really curious.

I just figured clem picked his nose and marley reported it.