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Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:49 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Warren Bowles
Minneapolis, MN
Theater actor and director

Warren had his own "Day" (January 18, 2004) in Minneapolis for his work on the stage. He was told of the honor at 10 PM on January 18, 2004. "Yesterday" was his 18th wedding anniversary (and his wife, Sam, is in the audience). This transcriber assumes that they meant the day before the taping, and not November 11.

Warren's category tree:

It's Been Decades!
Beat the Heat
South of the Border
The Next Generation
Do I Know You?
Foreign Titles
Mind your Business
Laundry Day
2008 Television
Mag Rack
Close Shave

$100 (Prehistory): Known for its three-horned face and massive torso, which of these creatures is commonly classified as "prehistoric"?
A. Triceratops B. Pig
C. Penguin D. Schwarzeneggarsaurus
A. Triceratops (7)
$200 (Close Shave): A shaving mirror is an amenity commonly found in which of these rooms?
A. Living room B. Bedroom
C. Bathroom D. Kitchen
C. Bathroom (10)
$300 (Mag Rack): As its name suggests, "Imbibe" is a special-interest magazine devoted to what subject?
A. Beverages B. Celebrities
C. Parenting D. Fitness
A. Beverages (9)
$500 (2008 Television): The 2008 TV series "When We Left Earth" focuses primarily on the achievements of what government agency?
B. NASA (9)
$ 1000 (Laundry Day): To help them retain their shape, which of these garments are often laid flat after being washed?
A. Overalls B. Sweaters
C. Socks D. Boxers
B. Sweaters (9)
Meredith introduces the Expert, Rene' Syler (award-winning journalist and author of "Good Enough Mother"). Rene' is video-blogging this experience, so you might see how this works on her blog!

$2,000 (Mind Your Business): "Taking Care of Business" is the slogan of what popular retail chain?
A. Office Depot B. Target
C. Wal-Mart D. Bed Bath & Beyond

Just to be sure, Warren asks the audience (15).

A. Office Depot - 91%
B. Target - 2%
C. Wal-Mart - 4%
D. Bed Bath & Beyond - 3%
A. Office Depot (13)

$4,000 (Foreign Titles): What classic movie was released in Spanish-speaking countries under the title "El Padrino"?
A. The Wizard of Oz B. The Graduate
C. The Godfather D. The Sting

After staring at the question for a while, Warren chooses to ATE at 8 seconds. Rene' took a lot of Spanish in high school, and noted that "padre" is Spanish for "father". Rene' jokes that "We split the money if I'm right, it's gotta be "The Godfather" right?" Meredith reminds her that it doesn't work like that...
C. The Godfather (7)

$8,000 (Do I Know You?): Charlie Trotter, Alidce Waters and Anthony Bourdain are all world-renowned what?
A. Choreographers B. Chefs
C. Lawyers D. Classical musicians
B. Chefs (25)
$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
D. Twins and sextuplets (5)

Meredith introduces the on-deck contestant, Nicole Jurado from Lansing, MI. "That'll happen (Nicole getting in the hotseat) as soon as Warren makes it a million dollars, right Warren?" she says.

$25,000 (Mavericks): Since it opened its doors in 1875, what New England college has had all female presidents?
A. Wellesley B. Dartmouth
C. Bowdoin D. Bennington

Warren chooses to DD with 7 seconds. His first answer is:
A. Wellesley (7)
...which is right!

$50,000 (Nuts): Which of these nuts is named after a person?
A. Pecan B. Macadamia
C. Pistachio D. Cashew

Warren takes a free guess with
C. Pistachio
, and leaves with $25,000.
B. Macadamia (6)

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:54 pm
by madamemeisha
Yay, Warren! Warren and I ran into each other three times before arriving at the studio in the morning. By the third time, I knew he had to be a contestant. He and I bonded over our vegetarianism and love of the theater. Such a nice guy. I'm glad to see he did well.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:15 pm
by NellyLunatic1980
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Warren Bowles
Minneapolis, MN
Theater actor and director
What Else®
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:It's Been Decades!
Beat the Heat
South of the Border
The Next Generation
Do I Know You?
Foreign Titles
Mind your Business
Laundry Day
2008 Television
Mag Rack
Close Shave
I have no idea what Mavericks could be about--the NBA team, the 2008 Republican ticket, James Garner. I'm not too good on Newspapers. But everything else looks good.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:32 pm
by Bob Juch
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.
You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:28 pm
by Appa23
Bob Juch wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.
You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.
Well, it was a pop culture question for me, because I LOVE THIS SHOW!

I love how John and Kate make fun of each other, and the kids are adorable!

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:36 am
by MarleysGh0st
Bob Juch wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.
You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.
Ah, but if not for the pressure of the damned clock, he might have taken the time to examine the answers and work it out--as he did after the unsuccessful PAF call--instead of immediately recognizing that he had no clue and reaching for that lifeline.

So what network is this show on, Appa? Schedule?

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:46 am
by Rexer25
MarleysGh0st wrote:
Bob Juch wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote: TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.
You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.
Ah, but if not for the pressure of the damned clock, he might have taken the time to examine the answers and work it out--as he did after the unsuccessful PAF call--instead of immediately recognizing that he had no clue and reaching for that lifeline.

So what network is this show on, Appa? Schedule?
It's on all the damn time, on whatever TV my wife is watching. The kids are cute, but there is no there there. I cannot stay in the room while this show is on. The family allows the production company to place them in "stressful" situations (A family with 8 kids goes (6 in diapers) goes to the zoo), and then the parents sit in easy chairs to recount the adventure to the camera. The family gets great perks from the prod. company, and prolly lotsa cash, too.

I know one reason I don't like the show is that I'm insanely jealous because a production company won't look at my hardly typical family and throw us a deal for a pilot & 13 shows for a quadrillion dollars, but this is really bad television.

Srsly, I think it's the Discovery channel.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:49 am
by Rexer25
Rexer25 wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
Bob Juch wrote: You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.
Ah, but if not for the pressure of the damned clock, he might have taken the time to examine the answers and work it out--as he did after the unsuccessful PAF call--instead of immediately recognizing that he had no clue and reaching for that lifeline.

So what network is this show on, Appa? Schedule?
It's on all the damn time, on whatever TV my wife is watching. The kids are cute, but there is no there there. I cannot stay in the room while this show is on. The family allows the production company to place them in "stressful" situations (A family with 8 kids goes (6 in diapers) goes to the zoo), and then the parents sit in easy chairs to recount the adventure to the camera. The family gets great perks from the prod. company, and prolly lotsa cash, too.

I know one reason I don't like the show is that I'm insanely jealous because a production company won't look at my hardly typical family and throw us a deal for a pilot & 13 shows for a quadrillion dollars, but this is really bad television.

Srsly, I think it's the Discovery channel.

BTW, I'm not bitter.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:59 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Warren Bowles
Minneapolis, MN
Theater actor and director
He's a WE® (Where Else).
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2,000 (Mind Your Business): "Taking Care of Business" is the slogan of what popular retail chain?
A. Office Depot B. Target
C. Wal-Mart D. Bed Bath & Beyond

Just to be sure, Warren asks the audience (15).

A. Office Depot - 91%
B. Target - 2%
C. Wal-Mart - 4%
D. Bed Bath & Beyond - 3%
A. Office Depot (13)
"Just to be sure" cost him a lifeline that he might need later.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8,000 (Do I Know You?): Charlie Trotter, Alidce Waters and Anthony Bourdain are all world-renowned what?
A. Choreographers B. Chefs
C. Lawyers D. Classical musicians
B. Chefs (25)
I'd have used ATA on this one (although from the comfort of my recliner I guessed the right answer).
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (The Next Generation): The reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht" follows two parents whose busy family has what assortment of children?
A. Two sets of twins B. Three sets of triplets
C. Quadruplets and quintuplets D. Twins and sextuplets

Warren chooses to PAF with 21 seconds left. Waiting by the phone for Warren are his friends Kathy (from Northfield, MN), Dwight (from Washington, DC) and Michael (from St. Paul, MN). Warren chooses to call Dwight, who says he doesn't know, then blurts out "quintuplets" with 2 seconds left.

Warren decides to count how many are in each set and gives his answer.
D. Twins and sextuplets (5)
Why didn't Warren do the math before using his PAF?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Meredith introduces the on-deck contestant, Nicole Jurado from Lansing, MI. "That'll happen (Nicole getting in the hotseat) as soon as Warren makes it a million dollars, right Warren?" she says.
Uh, oh! Introducing the next contestant isn't a good sign.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$25,000 (Mavericks): Since it opened its doors in 1875, what New England college has had all female presidents?
A. Wellesley B. Dartmouth
C. Bowdoin D. Bennington

Warren chooses to DD with 7 seconds. His first answer is:
A. Wellesley (7)
...which is right!
Why is this in the "Mavericks" category? Because of Sarah Palin?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50,000 (Nuts): Which of these nuts is named after a person?
A. Pecan B. Macadamia
C. Pistachio D. Cashew

Warren takes a free guess with
C. Pistachio
, and leaves with $25,000.
B. Macadamia (6)
Named for John MacAdam. I suppose it's possible that there's a Signore Pistachio in Italy.

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:49 am
by gsabc
earendel wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50,000 (Nuts): Which of these nuts is named after a person?
A. Pecan B. Macadamia
C. Pistachio D. Cashew

Warren takes a free guess with
C. Pistachio
, and leaves with $25,000.
B. Macadamia (6)
Named for John MacAdam. I suppose it's possible that there's a Signore Pistachio in Italy.[/quote]
I think that's Italian for "Mr. Peanut" ...

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:01 pm
by elwoodblues
Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht is on TLC (The Learning Channel), which started out by featuring educational programs and then switched to more "entertaining" fare such as this. When a cable network moves completely away from its original format I call it "MTV Syndrome."

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:05 pm
by Estonut
elwoodblues wrote:When a cable network moves completely away from its original format I call it "MTV Syndrome."
Yeah, but MTV made up for that by giving us VH1 to play music videos. Oh, never mind!

Re: Transcript 11/12/08 - Warren Bowles

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:58 am
by secondchance
MarleysGh0st wrote:
Bob Juch wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote: TDC® causes yet another contestant to waste a lifeline. Warren could've counted out the sets the first time around, saved the PAF, and saved us all the trouble.

Nihil obstat® stack for me.
You can't blame the clock; he didn't realize it was a math problem, not a pop culture question.
Ah, but if not for the pressure of the damned clock, he might have taken the time to examine the answers and work it out--as he did after the unsuccessful PAF call--instead of immediately recognizing that he had no clue and reaching for that lifeline.
So what network is this show on, Appa? Schedule?
Exactly. TDC! :evil:

I love that show...