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Transcript 10/3/2008 - Jacquie Howard (carryover contestant)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:16 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Jacquie Howard
Elmhurst, NY
Administrative assistant

She's a born and bred New Yorker and as such she has a big mouth and has told everyone she knows and even people she doesn't know that she was going to be on Millionaire. Jacquie has rented her whole life and she'd like to buy a house or a condo so she can own where she lives.

Category tree:
- Litarature
- The Supreme Court
- Jokes
- The Internet
- Guinness Records
- Theater
- Historic Events
- The Nobel Prize
- Animals
- Fashion
- Advertising
- Famous Speeches
- '60s songs
- Games
- Place Names

Jacquie has all her lifelines, including "Ask the Expert" - Ogi Ogas in Boston.

$4K - Which of these animals hunts its prey using echolocation, a system of biological radar?

A - wolves
B - eagles
C - cheetahs
D - bats
D - bats (22)
$8K - What chemical formula was mentioned five times by Al Gore in his acceptance speech for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize?

A - NaCl
B - SiO2
C - CO2
D - HgS
Jacquie decides to ask the audience, stopping the clock with 19 seconds remaining.

ATA results:
A - 5%
B - 3%
C - 88%
D - 4%

Jacquie goes along with the audience.

C - CO2
Meredith says that Jacquie is loving the audience now, to which Jacquie replies, "I was loving them before."

$16K - Which of these historic events occurred in the same year as the first moon walk?

A - Woodstock festival
B - Bay of Pigs invasion
C - Nixon's visit to China
D - Super Bowl I
Jacquie ponders the question. Meredith reminds her of the time at 17 seconds and again at 10. With a distressed look on her face Jacquie decides to ask the expert; however there are only 5 seconds remaining on the clock.

Ogi gets the question and says that it's a tough one. He asks Jacquie if she knows the year of the moon walk; she thinks it's 1969 but she's not 100% sure. He knows it's not the Bay of Pigs because Kennedy was dead when we walked on the moon. He also says it's not Super Bowl 1 and doesn't think it's the Woodstock festival. He asks if Jacquie has the Double Dip left, and recommends that she uses it, picking C first and then A. If Ogi had to guess, he'd guess C, but in her position he'd go with the Double Dip.

Jacquie decides to use the Double Dip with 3 second remaining. Her first guess is A. Meredith says that Ogi is seldom wrong but in this case he is, thinking Nixon's visit to China was the correct answer. Jacquie's first answer is right.

A - Woodstock festival
Commercial break

Jacquie says this is just slightly more than half her annual salary.

Meredith asks her which of the remaining categories Jacquie is most comfortable with. She replies that unfortunately it's the literature category. Meredith says that she'll have to work a little bit harder.

$25K - Pygmalion, a well-known figure in classical mythology, inspired what classic Broadway character?

A - Conrad Birdie
B - Henry Higgins
C - Captain von Trapp
D - Harold Hill
B - Henry Higgins (20)
Meredith says that there was some literature involved in that question.

$50K - Earning $310 million, what holds the Guinness World Record for highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours?

A - children's novel
B - video game
C - movie sequel
D - rap album
Jacquie thinks for a moment and then with 32 seconds remaining she decides to phone a friend. Jacquie has only

two on the list, her friend Mark from Greenlawn, NY, and her friend Henry from Highland Falls, NY. She decides to call Henry. Jacquie reads the question and the answers. Henry asks for the choices again. He thinks it's "children's novel" but time runs out before he can give Jacquie any idea how sure he is. Meredith reminds her that's a free guess. A few seconds ticks off the clock; Jacquie says, "No guts, no glory," and makes B her final answer. Meredith says she thought Jacquie was going to go with her buddy, but it's a good thing she didn't.

B - video game (19)
Commercial break

During the break Jacquie confessed that she thought she was going for $25K, not $50K, which is why her "no guts, no glory" comment was so significant. Jacquie didn't know which one it was but she thought it was a video game; she couldn't see a book bringing in that much. She thought it was either the video game or the movie sequel. Jacquie can't imagine what this money can mean. Jacquie works at the NYU School of Medicine Brain Research Laboratory. Meredith says maybe they should stick some of those sensors on Jacquie; she laughs and says they do it all the time. Meredith wonders if they found something good in there. Jacquie replies that her brain works so normally that it's abnormal how normal it works. Meredith says Jacquie is a freak, but it's working.

$100K - In order to conform with California law, what one word did Google add to its famously sparse home page in 2008?

A - employment
B - Spanish
C - recycling
D - privacy
Jacquie says she's going to be a wuss and walk away. With 24 seconds left she makes that her final answer, leaving with $50K.

D - privacy

Meredith wants Jacquie to tell everyone that she won $50K.
$4K - D (bats)
$8K - C (CO2)
$16K - A (Woodstock festival)
$25K - B (Henry Higgins)
$50K - B (video game)
$100K - D (privacy)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:31 pm
by Kazoo65
It's a good thing she didn't listen to Ogi or she would have left with $1000. I guess even EXPERTS can be wrong :) . FYI, here are the dates: Woodstock-1969
Bay of Pigs-1961
Nixon goes to China-1972
Super Bowl 1-1967

OK up to the last 2 questions. I would use Double Dip on the Guiness records question-torn between the book (was thinking a Harry Potter book) and either the movie or the video game.

$100K-it's time to ATE. I would have guessed "Spanish" because California has a big Hispanic population.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:17 pm
by frogman042
I remember Jacquie from the green room - although I was only there for about an hour or so.

For me the Woodstock question would have been perfect, I was eleven ant the festival took place literaly around the block from where I lived. 1969 was a year not to be topped in my youth - Moon Walk, Woodstock comming to my front door and the Amazing Mets winning the World Series - no other year comes close, especially coming off of the previous year - talk about a horrible year.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:07 am
by MarleysGh0st
frogman042 wrote:For me the Woodstock question would have been perfect, I was eleven ant the festival took place literaly around the block from where I lived. 1969 was a year not to be topped in my youth - Moon Walk, Woodstock comming to my front door and the Amazing Mets winning the World Series - no other year comes close, especially coming off of the previous year - talk about a horrible year.
Did your parents actually let you attend that festival, Jay? Or did they warn you to stay far away from all those hippies?

Re: Transcript 10/3/2008 - Jacquie Howard (carryover contest

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:27 am
by NellyLunatic1980
Nihil obstatĀ®... so I'd be going for $250K with all lifelines intact.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:30 am
by frogman042
MarleysGh0st wrote:
frogman042 wrote:For me the Woodstock question would have been perfect, I was eleven ant the festival took place literaly around the block from where I lived. 1969 was a year not to be topped in my youth - Moon Walk, Woodstock comming to my front door and the Amazing Mets winning the World Series - no other year comes close, especially coming off of the previous year - talk about a horrible year.
Did your parents actually let you attend that festival, Jay? Or did they warn you to stay far away from all those hippies?
Considering that we had about 50 people sleeping on our porches, hundreds of people sleeping on our lawn, and a non-stop procession of folks waiting in line to use the phone to make long-distance collect calls to tell their folks that they were alive - it was sort of hard to shieled from 'all those hippies'.

I actually never walked the distance to the festival site, my older sisters went for a short while and reported that they couldn't hear the music and that it was just wall to wall people. I did want to go the first day because I was a big fan of folk music and day one was the big folk performers - but alas I held down a the concession stand on our lawn of a small table selling cucumbers and other fruits and vegitables. Probably 90% of all attendees passed in front of our house. All our fields were packed with cars that parked there since we were in essence one of the biggest pieces of open land close to the festival grounds.

We lived on the corner of 17B and Happy Ave - and given the name of our street and its proximity to the festival site, the Happy Ave sign was constently being stolen for years on end.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:15 am
by tanstaafl2
Nice stack for me as the video game question seems to be one I recall being an answer from a game here on this bored in the past. If not I know I have heard it somewhere before. None of the others posed a problem.

The 100K Q wasn't obvious to me but my first impulse was that D sounded like a logical response. From the hot seat though I might have been tempted to burn a lifeline. Or two...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:27 pm
by lv42day
If you watched Duel, they had a similar question to the video question there. Well...kind of similar. They asked about Halo 3 being a record setter on its first day of release. But the WWTBAM question might have some other video game in mind....

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:43 pm
by MarleysGh0st
lv42day wrote:If you watched Duel, they had a similar question to the video question there. Well...kind of similar. They asked about Halo 3 being a record setter on its first day of release. But this question might be asking about another video game.
Are you sure Duel was asking about Halo 3?* It's Grand Theft Auto IV which has the record. ... ecord.aspx

For comparison:
Fastest-selling video game in 24 hours: Halo 3 at $170 million Fastest-selling theatrical movie in 24 hours: Spider-Man 3 at $60 Million Fastest-selling book in 24 hours: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows at $220 million.
*It looks like Halo 3 was the old record, until GTA IV came along.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 pm
by lv42day
I am pretty sure. Halo 3 was one
of the choices on Duel, and it was the correct answer for a record setter on the first day of release. Maybe, since then it was outdone by other video games. I don't know.