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Transcript 10/02/08 - Jacquie Howard

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:31 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Jacquie Howard
Elmhurst, NY
Administrative assistant

Jacquie's motto is "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death, so live, live, live!"

Question Topics:
* Literature
* The Supreme Court
* The Internet
* Guiness Records
* Theater
* Historic Events
* The Nobel Prize
* Animals
* Fashion
* Advertising
* Famous Speeches
* '60s Songs
* Games
* Place Names

$100 * Place Names
Which of these legendary place names is synonymous with "hell"?

A: Atlantis B: Hades
C: Camelot D: Newark
B: Hades ( 7 )

$200 * Games
Which of these children's games involves jumping along numbered squares that are drawn on the ground?

A: Simon Says B: Duck Duck Goose
C: Hopscotch D: Hide and Seek
C: Hopscotch ( 7 )

$300 * '60s Songs
The geographically oldie "You Belong To Me" begins with the line "See the pyramids along the" what?

A: Amazon B: Yangtze
C: Nile D: Thames
C: Nile ( 9 )

$500 * Famous Speeches
Which of the following is a famous speech and not merely a famous document?

A: U.S. Constitution B: Gettysburg Address
C: Magna Carta D: Articles of Confederation
B: Gettysburg Address ( 6 )
$1,000 * Advertising
The line "Look Close" appears in a 2008 "Got Milk?" ad featuring a film actress names what?

A: Glenn B: Emma
C: Meryl D: Jodie
A: Glenn ( 7 )
$2,000 * Fashion
In men's fashion, the term "three-piece suit" traditionally refers to what three pieces?

A: Shirt, pants, vest B: Jacket, vest, pants
C: Pants, shirt, tie D: Jacket, vest, shirt
B: Jacket, vest, pants ( 18 )
Jacquie will return on tomorrow's show.

Re: Transcript 10/02/08 - Jacquie Howard

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:39 pm
by NellyLunatic1980
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Jacquie Howard
Elmhurst, NY
Administrative assistant
There are two Elmhursts in New York: One in Queens, one in western New York state. She may or may not be a WE®.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:* Literature
* The Supreme Court
* The Internet
* Guiness Records
* Theater
* Historic Events
* The Nobel Prize
* Animals
* Fashion
* Advertising
* Famous Speeches
* '60s Songs
* Games
* Place Names
First ten look good at first glance. From theater on up, it's a total crapshoot.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100 * Place Names
Which of these legendary place names is synonymous with "hell"?

A: Atlantis B: Hades
C: Camelot D: Newark
E: Frankfort, KY

Nihil obstat® so far.