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#26 Post by PlacentiaSoccerMom » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:58 am

Has anyone told you about the practical things you personally might need after the baby is born?

I am going to spoil, the rest of my note, because it's girl talk.
I am thinking about maxi pads and hemorroid cream.

I know that you want to do things naturally...One of my friends told me that I should do the enema before the baby for several reasons. One, you won't have to worry about a "Code Brown" when the baby is born. (My mother-in-law has seen countless babies come out and start smearing themselves with fecal matter.) The second reason is that if you end up needing an episiotomy the first time you make a BM, it feels as though you might pop out your stitches, so if you can wait a day or two, it's a good thing. (If they offer you the stool softening pill, take it.)

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#27 Post by marrymeflyfree » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:14 pm

I have a feeling the mens would appreciate the spoiler box! I haven't done it before, but here goes:

Good to go on the pads and also have a peri-bottle. I figure the Boppy pillow could come in handy for me as well as for the babe, too. About the hemmoroid cream. Yikes. Frankly, the roids have been the only thing I've truly feared with this whole experience. No worries so far, but I know that some women have issues from delivery. I'm not too worried about the Code Brown potential as long as I'm able to go into labor on my own...things often get moving on their own in the early stages, they say, and knowing the way things work down there for me, it probably will. It wouldn't bother me much if it were to happen, and squeamish BF will just have to deal! I'm sure my midwives don't do enemas as a matter of course, but I'll ask to see if they recommend it anyway.

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#28 Post by hermillion » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:33 pm

OK - I'll jump in here, too.
If you are planning to breastfeed, hie thee to the pharmacy for a tube of lanolin cream. Use it on yourself after every feeding. Those little spitty mouths can lead to some seriously dry, cracked and bleeding nipples, and there's absolutely nothing worse than bursting into tears of pain when your baby cries and you "let down". Contrary to what the lactation nurse tried to tell me, it is NOT necessary to wash yourself with soap (or alcohol wipes) before feeding the baby! There is nothing on your skin that will harm the baby, and the little bit of leftover lanolin that they injest just serves as a mild laxative to the darlings.

Also, drink more liquid than you think you need. Have a glass of juice, water, milk or whatever beside you every time you nurse. You need to have LOTS of fluid in your own system in order to provide fluid for the baby. Many moms who think they "don't have enough milk" for their baby are actually dehydrated and don't realize it. At the same time, if it works out that you and the baby are not pleased with the arrangement (for whatever reasons), don't fret about it. Whatever works best for you will be fine with the baby.

As for the Code Brown issue -- I found that a cup of strong coffee worked just fine for me! Since I'm not a coffee drinker on a regular basis, YMMV.
Have a happy, healthy baby!
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#29 Post by peacock2121 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:35 am

Reading all of the spoiled stuff had me get really excited for you. Reading all of the 'nuts and bolts' advice made it all real. You are gonna be a mommy! I am really excited for you!

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#30 Post by marrymeflyfree » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:56 am

hermillion wrote:OK - I'll jump in here, too.
If you are planning to breastfeed, hie thee to the pharmacy for a tube of lanolin cream. Use it on yourself after every feeding. Those little spitty mouths can lead to some seriously dry, cracked and bleeding nipples, and there's absolutely nothing worse than bursting into tears of pain when your baby cries and you "let down". Contrary to what the lactation nurse tried to tell me, it is NOT necessary to wash yourself with soap (or alcohol wipes) before feeding the baby! There is nothing on your skin that will harm the baby, and the little bit of leftover lanolin that they injest just serves as a mild laxative to the darlings.

Also, drink more liquid than you think you need. Have a glass of juice, water, milk or whatever beside you every time you nurse. You need to have LOTS of fluid in your own system in order to provide fluid for the baby. Many moms who think they "don't have enough milk" for their baby are actually dehydrated and don't realize it. At the same time, if it works out that you and the baby are not pleased with the arrangement (for whatever reasons), don't fret about it. Whatever works best for you will be fine with the baby.

As for the Code Brown issue -- I found that a cup of strong coffee worked just fine for me! Since I'm not a coffee drinker on a regular basis, YMMV.
Have a happy, healthy baby!
Thanks for the tips! We have a breastfeeding class coming up on Monday...they're pretty crunchy at my birth center, and I'm looking forward to it. I've already met with one of the lactation consultants there, and she is very cool. I've heard so many bad stories about LC's and nurses giving bad advice, so I'm pretty excited that they have such good people at my place!

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#31 Post by marrymeflyfree » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:57 am

peacock2121 wrote: Reading all of the 'nuts and bolts' advice made it all real. You are gonna be a mommy! I am really excited for you!

Ack! Tell me about it! We just bought diapers and all that practical stuff the other day and I'm getting it all organized today. Looking at it all last night definitely brought us a bit closer to reality. And those little newborn nappies are sooooo small. :shock: :D

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