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Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:27 pm
by clem21
frogman042 wrote:WTG Clem! You doing great and you look great to!

BTW, Clem, I got the sense that Kara wore the Beret not so much as a fashion statement but that she is Shoma Shabbas based on the photo of her husband. Am I correct? If so, that would make BAM an all orthodox Jewish contestent day. What are the odds? Maybe a minyan to one?

Yes she is.

We joked that the show just didn't want to spring for kosher food for two different days. But truth be told that was right around the holidays and there just weren't that many tape days we could make at that time which makes it less of a coincidence.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:35 pm
by Southpaw Fanny
clem21 wrote:
Southpaw Fanny wrote:Nihil Obstat.

Not really. Ha! My grandfather was a professional trombone player. My dad had his trombone and I taught myself how to play it a little bit. But I probably still would have had to ATA just to stop the clock and give myself time to pretend to play String of Pearls to make sure that it was lower.

Thank goodness the expert gave such a long-winded ridiculous explanation for his ramblings that Clem wasn't taken in by him making out to sort of know kind of what he might be talking about on the volume nonsense!

PS I was SO proud of you for knowing about the water lilies, Clem! And even prouder that you stoned up and went for it instead of caving to self doubt and using the PAF.
I'll expound on this later, but you Fanny are the reason I knew the $8,000 question despite having never watched a minute of Dancing With The Stars. I owe you one.
Yay me!

I practically screamed when that question came up. I have no idea what I did to make you know it, but I'm glad I did.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:38 pm
by clem21
Southpaw Fanny wrote:
clem21 wrote:
Southpaw Fanny wrote:Nihil Obstat.

Not really. Ha! My grandfather was a professional trombone player. My dad had his trombone and I taught myself how to play it a little bit. But I probably still would have had to ATA just to stop the clock and give myself time to pretend to play String of Pearls to make sure that it was lower.

Thank goodness the expert gave such a long-winded ridiculous explanation for his ramblings that Clem wasn't taken in by him making out to sort of know kind of what he might be talking about on the volume nonsense!

PS I was SO proud of you for knowing about the water lilies, Clem! And even prouder that you stoned up and went for it instead of caving to self doubt and using the PAF.
I'll expound on this later, but you Fanny are the reason I knew the $8,000 question despite having never watched a minute of Dancing With The Stars. I owe you one.
Yay me!

I practically screamed when that question came up. I have no idea what I did to make you know it, but I'm glad I did. ... 4&start=0&

Way back when :D

But it gets even better when you hear in my recap why I actually played that day...

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:02 pm
by clem21
KillerTomato wrote:
clem21 wrote:Also where's my WE??? I am a WE! And considering that I'm starting work at EXTRA next week I'm a WE/WE! Give me some credit here! :D

Marley's the keeper of the WE/WEs. (Boy, that does NOT sound good when spoken aloud!)

I hope I captured your words correctly....I tried to stay as close to the direct quotes as possible, because (and this is a rarity) it was WORTH IT. You were very entertaining!
Thank you!

Hey, at least if I don't provide intelligence I can still give some entertainment!

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:20 am
by Southpaw Fanny
clem21 wrote:
Southpaw Fanny wrote:
clem21 wrote: I'll expound on this later, but you Fanny are the reason I knew the $8,000 question despite having never watched a minute of Dancing With The Stars. I owe you one.
Yay me!

I practically screamed when that question came up. I have no idea what I did to make you know it, but I'm glad I did. ... 4&start=0&

Way back when :D

But it gets even better when you hear in my recap why I actually played that day...
Board games rock!! I can't wait for the recap.... (but I suppose I have no choice. Ha!)

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:38 am
by NellyLunatic1980
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Joey Gutmann
New York, NY
He's a WE®... but "BB Trumps All".
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$200 (Red Alert): Which of these historical events involved nuclear weapons being pointed at the U.S.?
A. Battle of Gettysburg B. Spanish Inquisition
C. Cuban Missle Crisis D. Boston Tea Party
B. Spanish Inquisition (5)
I yelled out the same thing when the Spanish Inquisition choice came up. :P
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4,000 (Sliders): When a trombone player extends the instrument's slide, what happens to the note being played?
A. It gets higher B. It gets lower
C. It increases in volume D. It decreases in volume

Joey chooses to ATE (21). Jim admits he's not a musician ("none whatsoever"). He stares at the question for a while, then says
"My 100% lack of certainty says that when you slide that instrument, it gets higher."
Joey points out that "100% lack of certainty is 0% certainty" to which Jim says that "had I flipped a coin, my conviction rate would have gone up dramatically...
I just think that the guy is obviously stretching, and when you think about it, when he stretches, it would be unusual to believe that a stretch would necessarily make something lower. The other one that looks tempting is decrease in volume, but you know what? I just think that it must be a way to be able to make it so that he stretches, and that the higher sound kind of figures more...logical to me."
Joey's response is that he's "glad you didn't yell at me!"

Joey decides to DD (16). His first guess,
, is incorrect. His second guess, though, is right.
B. It gets lower (7)
I played trombone in junior high school band for 2 years, so I hurled various obscenities at Jim Cramer in regards to his answer and his explanation. I'm so glad Clem took another lifeline.

Have I mentioned my feelings about Jim Cramer yet?

$8K: <grumble>®... another damn DWTS question. ATA.

$16K: I know it's not orchids. I couldn't remember if Monet or Degas painted water lilies. PAF.

Good job so far, Clem! Let's see you get six wheelhouse questions today! :)

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:10 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Joey Gutmann
New York, NY
College Student and BB (clem21)

Joey says he's very excited to be there, "like a kid in a candy shop....How many kids my age get to do something like this?" He's a major game show fan, and has enjoyed trivia shows since he "was a kid, now I'm on one; how cool is that?" (Ed. Note: Um....clem? You're STILL a kid, kid! :-)). Meredith says that he's been studying hard for his hot seat appearance every day. Joey: "Yeah, I go to school on the subway, and I bring along my massive trivia books. I open them up and I get people looking at me like 'What is he doing?' and I'm like 'Oh, no, I'm being on a game show, it's not my fault!' Of course, that probably makes them think I'm even weirder."
"Clem! Clem! Clem!" I know you've told us you were young but I was surprised to see how young you really looked.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$200 (Red Alert): Which of these historical events involved nuclear weapons being pointed at the U.S.?
A. Battle of Gettysburg B. Spanish Inquisition
C. Cuban Missle Crisis D. Boston Tea Party
B. Spanish Inquisition (5)
Didn't Harry Turtledove write an alternate history about the Unioni having to face a Confederacy armed with nuclear weapons - Bombs of the South?? :mrgreen:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2,000 (No Sweat): Which of these '90s song titles references a then-popular brand of deodorant?
A. Mama Said Knock You Out B. Smells Like Teen Spirit
C. Semi-Charmed Life D. Livin' La Vida Loca

Joey says he has an idea, but wants to ATA (18).
ATA Results
A. Mama Said Knock You Out - 7%
B. Smells Like Teen Spirit - 75%
C. Semi-Charmed Life - 6%
D. Livin' La Vida Loca - 12%
Joey admits that it wasn't what he was thinking, so he's glad he decided to ATA.
B. Smells Like Teen Spirit (9)
Too bad - you were just a baby when this song was released. Good use of ATA.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Joey is known among his friends and family for two things: his smile and his sneakers. They're blue and orange (as they show, since he's wearing them). His parents aren't as thrilled with them; his dad calls them his "Bozo the Clown shoes." He's worn them to his brother's wedding, his sister's graduation, and now on Millionaire. Joey claims that they're very comfortable and "they bring me good luck sometimes." Meredith asks Joey's mom, Shuli, who is in the audience, how she felt about them wearing them on the show, and Shuli said, "Doesn't every mother want to see their son on national television in big orange boats?" [Ed. Note: Clem, you're mom looked great and was very funny. You need to smile more, though, kid. :-)]
Those are pretty ugly shoes, but they worked.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4,000 (Sliders): When a trombone player extends the instrument's slide, what happens to the note being played?
A. It gets higher B. It gets lower
C. It increases in volume D. It decreases in volume

Joey chooses to ATE (21). Jim admits he's not a musician ("none whatsoever"). He stares at the question for a while, then says
"My 100% lack of certainty says that when you slide that instrument, it gets higher."
Joey points out that "100% lack of certainty is 0% certainty" to which Jim says that "had I flipped a coin, my conviction rate would have gone up dramatically...
I just think that the guy is obviously stretching, and when you think about it, when he stretches, it would be unusual to believe that a stretch would necessarily make something lower. The other one that looks tempting is decrease in volume, but you know what? I just think that it must be a way to be able to make it so that he stretches, and that the higher sound kind of figures more...logical to me."
Joey's response is that he's "glad you didn't yell at me!"

Joey decides to DD (16). His first guess,
, is incorrect. His second guess, though, is right.
B. It gets lower (7)
I don't know what "logic" Jim Cramer used to come up with his answer, and I'm sorry his incompetence forced you to use two lifelines on this question.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 (Pricey Paint Jobs): "Le Bassin aux Nympheas," which sold for a record $80 million in 2008, is one of Monet's many paintings of what flowers?
A. Orchids B. Sunflowers
C. Chrysanthemums D. Water lilies

Joey agonizes for a few seconds, because he "knows what Monet is famous for painting, but [isn't sure] if every painting was it," but he wants to save his PAF, so he correctly goes with his gut.
D. Water lilies (9)
The only way I knew this was the word "Nympheas" in the title - as an old D&D player I know that nymphs are associated with water.

Nihil obstat® for me; clem/Joey I hope you can rally and hit the big money. I'm dying to see what "The Breeders" is all about.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:14 am
by earendel
Southpaw Fanny wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: There I was in the audience, ready to help out a fellow BB, and when Joey asked for help on this question...I had to do the difficult and responsible thing, by abstaining from the ATA vote. I have often heard the title Smells Like Teen Spirit, but I was unfamiliar with the lyrics and had never noticed that they used to sell a woman's deodorant by that name.
If it makes you feel better, knowing the lyrics wouldn't have helped you. They don't have anything to do with deodorant and that might have tripped you up even more. And good for you for abstaining instead of just best guessing so you could participate!

And I seem to recall that it was marketed towards young girls, along the lines of Bonne Bell Lipsmackers and such.
Truthfully I thought the deodorant came AFTER the song in order to capitalize on its popularity.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:25 am
by MarleysGh0st
clem21 wrote:
frogman042 wrote:WTG Clem! You doing great and you look great to!

BTW, Clem, I got the sense that Kara wore the Beret not so much as a fashion statement but that she is Shoma Shabbas based on the photo of her husband. Am I correct? If so, that would make BAM an all orthodox Jewish contestent day. What are the odds? Maybe a minyan to one?

Yes she is.

We joked that the show just didn't want to spring for kosher food for two different days. But truth be told that was right around the holidays and there just weren't that many tape days we could make at that time which makes it less of a coincidence.
Translation, please? Does this mean more than that she is orthodox?

I thought the beret looked good on her.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:26 am
by peacock2121
My dollar figure prediction was spot on.

My LL usage, not so much.

Getting the Dancing with the Stars one right so fast blew my mind. I couldn't get to Rocco soon enough. Great work!

My folks loved watching.

They did say "This guy is a friend of yours?" (Like it just did not make sense.)

I said "No - in fact he has called me a bitter old woman."

I didn't think your sneakers were so odd.

Looking forward to tonight!

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:36 am
by MarleysGh0st
peacock2121 wrote:My folks loved watching.

They did say "This guy is a friend of yours?" (Like it just did not make sense.)

I said "No - in fact he has called me a bitter old woman."
I bet that cleared things up for them! :lol:

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:44 am
by peacock2121
MarleysGh0st wrote:
peacock2121 wrote:My folks loved watching.

They did say "This guy is a friend of yours?" (Like it just did not make sense.)

I said "No - in fact he has called me a bitter old woman."
I bet that cleared things up for them! :lol:
It sure did!

They asked how I knew him. They know about this bored and all - so I told them I knew him but had never met him.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:43 am
by MarleysGh0st
Where's MBFFB this morning?

Considering how eager clem was for his WE label, I think he'll expect a no-holds-barred grilling from the Bored's biggest brain, too! :twisted:

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:44 am
by lv42day
fwiw, I liked your sneakers. But then again, my alma mater's colors were blue and orange. Are they your college's colors?

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:05 am
by kayrharris
MarleysGh0st wrote:Where's MBFFB this morning?

Considering how eager clem was for his WE label, I think he'll expect a no-holds-barred grilling from the Bored's biggest brain, too! :twisted:

MBFFB is probably waiting for round 2 to comment. JMHO...

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:08 am
by MarleysGh0st
kayrharris wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:Where's MBFFB this morning?

Considering how eager clem was for his WE label, I think he'll expect a no-holds-barred grilling from the Bored's biggest brain, too! :twisted:

MBFFB is probably waiting for round 2 to comment. JMHO...
Better for him to comment now, while the sense of anticipation is still in the air and MBFFB's reactions can sound prescient! :mrgreen:

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:19 am
by Spokesman for MBFFB
MarleysGh0st wrote:
kayrharris wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:Where's MBFFB this morning?

Considering how eager clem was for his WE label, I think he'll expect a no-holds-barred grilling from the Bored's biggest brain, too! :twisted:

MBFFB is probably waiting for round 2 to comment. JMHO...
Better for him to comment now, while the sense of anticipation is still in the air and MBFFB's reactions can sound prescient! :mrgreen:

MBFFB®, in his infinite plus one wisdom, has decided to let it all out at once and wait for the carryover appearance to air, that is assuming MBFFB® can recover from the overwhelming nausea he got from watching yesterday's dreadful performance.....

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:22 am
by MarleysGh0st
Spokesman for MBFFB wrote:MBFFB®, in his infinite plus one wisdom, has decided to let it all out at once and wait for the carryover appearance to air, that is assuming MBFFB® can recover from the overwhelming nausea he got from watching yesterday's dreadful performance.....
Although it didn't help clem, there's one good thing about today's episode:
Jim Cramer isn't the expert! :P

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:23 am
by ulysses5019
lv42day wrote:fwiw, I liked your sneakers. But then again, my alma mater's colors were blue and orange. Are they your college's colors?

You went to Auburn with kiki?

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:24 am
by littlebeast13
ulysses5019 wrote:
lv42day wrote:fwiw, I liked your sneakers. But then again, my alma mater's colors were blue and orange. Are they your college's colors?

You went to Auburn with kiki?

They wear shoes in Alabama!?!?!?!?!?


Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:27 am
by kayrharris
littlebeast13 wrote:
ulysses5019 wrote:
lv42day wrote:fwiw, I liked your sneakers. But then again, my alma mater's colors were blue and orange. Are they your college's colors?

You went to Auburn with kiki?

They wear shoes in Alabama!?!?!?!?!?


Yay for Orange and Blue!!!11

As for you're trying hard to ruin my pristine reputation. I'll be a lady and refrain from saying what
I really want to say.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:29 am
by lv42day
I went to Hope College, in Holland Michigan. It is a Reformed Church college

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:34 am
by ulysses5019
lv42day wrote:I went to Hope College, in Holland Michigan. It is a Reformed Church college

Ok. I think Auburn is a reformed college for moonshiners.

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:35 am
by kayrharris
ulysses5019 wrote:
lv42day wrote:I went to Hope College, in Holland Michigan. It is a Reformed Church college

Ok. I think Auburn is a reformed college for moonshiners.

What is this, slam Kay day or what? It rhymes anyway! :roll:

Re: Transcript 5/20/09 - Joey Gutmann (clem21)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:38 am
by Southpaw Fanny
ulysses5019 wrote:
lv42day wrote:I went to Hope College, in Holland Michigan. It is a Reformed Church college

Ok. I think Auburn is a reformed college for moonshiners.
Does their fight song start out with "and they were rolling, rolling over Thunder Road"?