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#51 Post by TheCalvinator24 » Wed May 07, 2008 2:29 pm

NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote: Yeah, he want to impeach Clinton over an extramarital blowjob while he himself has been divorced three times. Or is it four now? Not as slimy and hypocritical a bastage as Newtie Newt, but he's up there.

Although Barr has been more vocal about human rights in recent years, so he's not so evil anymore.
I guess if the lie that the impeachment was about a blowjob gets repeated often enough, some people will believe it.
I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. Barr wanted to impeach Clinton over lying under oath about an extramarital blowjob.
I happen to believe that lying under oath is one of the worst things anyone can do. It certainly would qualify under "high crimes and misdemeanors." Our judicial system would collapse if the idea that it's okay to lie under oath became the prevailing view.

I am somewhat glad he wasn't removed from office, but that's the politico in me talking, not the lawyer. As a lawyer, I thought his actions supported removal.
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:At least nobody died when Clinton lied.
Well, you're just rolling with the moveon.org party line today, aren't you? There's still no credible evidence that Bush lied about Iraq. The only case that can be made is that he was wrong, and even that can't be supported beyond a reasonable doubt.
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#52 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed May 07, 2008 3:11 pm

mellytu74 wrote:Can't that be played both ways?

Taken together, I think some crafty 527 could put together a nice case that, say, HEY! Not only can't this guy keep Shia and Suuni straight, but I'm really not sure about his judgement in other ways, either.
There's no question that the Democrats could get down and dirty with McCain. The problem is that all Obama has going for him is his carefull crafted image. He has no record to speak of, no experience to speak of, a history of present votes and shifting positions, and a stance on the issues that's very hard to pin down. He is running on belief in him as an agent of change, pure and simple.

The Wright, bittergate, and to a lesser extent Ayers and Rezko, allegations have damaged that reputation. Fewer people are willing to believe in Obama and more find him as just another opportunistic politician. It hasn't gotten quite to the tipping point where he loses the entire electorate (save diehard Koolaid drinkers), but it's getting close.

Now a lot of people hate Hillary but at least there is a fallback with her to her positions on the issues. Obama has no such fallback. Many of his supporters can't name one thing he's done or one political stance other than his opposition to the Iraq War (which comes and goes). And frankly, there are very few people in the general election for whom getting out of Iraq immediately is the ultimate deal breaker.

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#53 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Thu May 08, 2008 5:18 am

TheCalvinator24 wrote:I happen to believe that lying under oath is one of the worst things anyone can do. It certainly would qualify under "high crimes and misdemeanors." Our judicial system would collapse if the idea that it's okay to lie under oath became the prevailing view.
Could you remind me what your stance on Lewis "Scooter" Libby was?

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#54 Post by TheCalvinator24 » Thu May 08, 2008 9:59 am

NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
TheCalvinator24 wrote:I happen to believe that lying under oath is one of the worst things anyone can do. It certainly would qualify under "high crimes and misdemeanors." Our judicial system would collapse if the idea that it's okay to lie under oath became the prevailing view.
Could you remind me what your stance on Lewis "Scooter" Libby was?
I've never stood on Scooter Libby.

I'm really not at all sure I get your point. Libby was Indicted and Convicted. I didn't hear the evidence, but I have no reason to doubt the validity of those convictions. As such, he should bear the mark of a convicted perjurer, which he does.
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