Transcript 4/25/18 Emily Rollman

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Transcript 4/25/18 Emily Rollman

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:14 pm

Emily Rollman
Shawneetown, Ill.

A timeless rule of men’s fashion states that the color of a man’s belt should always match the color of his what?
A: Dog B: Car
C: Shoes D: Purse

C: Shoes

In 1982, the World Boxing Council made what change to championship fights to help prevent serious injuries in the ring?
A: Required boxers to wear blindfolds B: Reduced bout length from 15 rounds to 12
C: Enacted strict “No touching” rule D: Two words: Pillow fight!

B: Reduced bout length from 15 rounds to 12

Popular during the presidential race, which term, defined as “an exceedingly disastrous…situation,” was The American Dialect Society’s 2016 Word of the Year?
A: Mic drop B: Dumpster fire
C: Triggered D: Squad

B: Dumpster fire

Commercial break

In addition to the fear of loud noises, which fear are humans said to be born with, rather than learn?
A: Fear of falling B: Fear of public speaking
C: Fear of intimacy D: Fear of clowns

Emily says fear of public speaking and fear of clowns are learned. Her friend McKenney says fear of falling, like fear of loud noises, is a survival instinct.

A: Fear of falling

Dubbed “the greatest cooking discovery since fire,” 2017 is the 50th anniversary of what’s considered the 1st home version of what appliance, originally made by Amana?
A: Drip coffee maker B: Microwave oven
C: Blender D: Toaster

B: Microwave oven

Commercial break

Because it reduces puffiness and draws water from the skin, hemorrhoid cream can do all but which of the following, according to
A: Improve muscle appearance B: Reduce wrinkles
C: Prevent sunburn D: Lessen blemish swelling

C: Prevent sunburn

Formerly homeless, what “Who Will Save Your Soul” singer says she was once cast in a Civil War film because her imperfect teeth fit the time period?
A: Jewel B: Sheryl Crow
C: Alanis Morissette D: Avril Lavigne

A: Jewel

The horn
Emily will be back on Thursday.

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Re: Transcript 4/25/18 Emily Rollman

#2 Post by earendel » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:47 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Emily Rollman
Shawneetown, Ill.
Nihil obstat®.
"Elen sila lumenn omentielvo...A star shines on the hour of our meeting."

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Re: Transcript 4/25/18 Emily Rollman

#3 Post by ghostjmf » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:39 pm

7K: I do not know song. But I do know Jewel's background story.

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