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Great News! (political)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:18 am
by BackInTex
The world's poverty problems have been eliminated. This is an assumption of course, based on the simple metric of contributions to "help the poor and unfortunate across the globe" given to the Clinton Foundation. Why else would contributions drop 89% from the 6 year average of when HRC was Secretary of State and a presidential candidate? What other reason could there be?

These are my numbers culled from the Clinton Foundation's own financial reports and form 990 filings off the IRS website.

Year.......Contributions & Grants. ($ millions).....Influential Position
2004....... $62.......Senator
2005....... $69.......Senator
2006....... $110.......Senator
2007....... $123.......Senator
2008....... $232.......Senator
2009....... $241 .......Sec of State
2010....... $304 .......Sec of State
2011....... $242....... Sec of State
2012....... $228....... Sec of State
2013....... $292.......defacto Presidential Candidate
2014....... $332.......defacto Presidential Candidate
2015....... $113.......Presidential Candidate
2016....... $66.......Presidential Candidate
2017....... $29.......Nothing

Re: Great News! (political)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:45 am
by Beebs52
Excellent news. Now they can concentrate on climate change. Perhaps get some opposition research from the sun.