Transcript 3/1/2019 - Elizabeth Quesnelle

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Transcript 3/1/2019 - Elizabeth Quesnelle

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:43 am

Elizabeth Quesnelle
Pittsburgh, PA
cosmetic botique owner

$500: Which of these well-known tales is NOT typically found in the story collection "The Thousand and One Nights"?
A - Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
B - The Seven Voyages of Sinbad
C - Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves
D - Fifty Shades of Grey
Answer: D (Fifty Shades of Grey)

$1000: According to a survey conducted by Acceleration Partners, once the bills and rent are paid, North Americans are most likely to spend their discretionary income dollars on what?
A - ant farms
B - technology
C - calligraphy classes
D - berets
Answer: B (technology)

$2000: Making for a combined total of 14, the big toe typically has two what, while the other toes each have three?
A - bones
B - toenails
C - hairs
D - bunions
Answer: A (bones)

$3000: Replacing the backbreaking work previously done with a scythe, Edwin Budding is credited with inventing the world's first what in 1830?
A - vacuum cleaner
B - dishwasher
C - lawn mower
D - jackhammer
Answer: C (lawn mower)

commercial break

$5000: Known for his roles as a taxi dispatcher, "Batman" nemesis and edgy sitcom dad, in 2018 what actor was honored with his own day in Asbury Park, New Jersey?
A - Ray Liotta
B - Joe Pesci
C - Danny DeVito
D - John Travolta

Elizabeth knows
Danny DeVito was The Penguin in a "Batman" movie and a dispatcher on the TV show "Taxi"
Answer: C (Danny DeVito)

$7000: It's Millionaire Poetry Time! If you're visiting New Orleans/and want to fill your gut/order étouffée/best described as what?
A - rich chocolate dessert
B - Creole-style coffee drink
C - spicy beef sandwich
D - crawfish stew over rice

Elizabeth loves Creole food but not this dish.
Answer: D (crawfish stew over rice)

$10,000: The Chunnel opened, Nelson Mandela was inaugurated president of South Africa, and Ace of Base saw "The Sign" hit #1 in May of what year?
A - 1984
B - 1989
C - 1994
D - 1999

Elizabeth thinks
Mandela got out of prison in the early '90s and Ace of Base was popular when she was in college, although she didn't listen to them
Answer: C (1994)

commercial break

$20,000: According to U.S. federal weather data, which state holds the record for the widest range between its all-time high and low temperatures: 117° and -70°?
A - California
B - Montana
C - New York
D - South Carolina

Elizabeth eliminates
South Carolina because it has no mountains
. She decides to use her 50:50.
"50:50 results": B & C

She says that makes it easier.
Answer: B (Montana)

$30,000: Used to describe quiet and peaceful days, the word "halcyon" is derived from the Greek name for a mythical type of what creature?
A - horse
B - bird
C - deer
D - cat

Elizabeth wants to ask the audience.
Ask the Audience results:
A - 28%
B - 37%
C - 23%
D - 12%

She says
she's torn because birds can be peaceful like doves or loud like cockatoos; cats sleep a lot
Answer: B (bird)

commercial break

Elizabeth's +1 is her husband, Randall. They met on a blind date. They've been together 18 years and married for 14.

$50,000: Which of these denominations of old British money was worth the least?
A - guinea
B - farthing
C - halfpenny
D - florin

Elizabeth considers
halfpenny, then thinks of penny farthings, the large bicycles
. She decides to use her +1 because "he knows some money". He knows what three of them are but not their value. He's never heard of "florin"; she thinks they are Dutch. Elizabeth would love to see the $100,000 question. Randall says if she feels like it she should go for it. She's torn, but finally decides to walk away.
Answer: B (farthing)

commercial break

MILLIONAIRE "QUESTION OF THE DAY": According to her bio, the international icon Hello Kitty was born in the suburbs of what cosmopolitan city?
A - London
B - Paris
C - New York City
D - Tokyo
Answer: A (London)

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Re: Transcript 3/1/2019 - Elizabeth Quesnelle

#2 Post by earendel » Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:17 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Elizabeth Quesnelle
Pittsburgh, PA
cosmetic botique owner
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50,000: Which of these denominations of old British money was worth the least?
A - guinea
B - farthing
C - halfpenny
D - florin

Elizabeth considers
halfpenny, then thinks of penny farthings, the large bicycles
. She decides to use her +1 because "he knows some money". He knows what three of them are but not their value. He's never heard of "florin"; she thinks they are Dutch. Elizabeth would love to see the $100,000 question. Randall says if she feels like it she should go for it. She's torn, but finally decides to walk away.
Answer: B (farthing)
I'd use lifelines, starting with 50:50. Depending upon what two choices were left I might ask the audience (though I doubt their knowledge of old British money is any better than mine).
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